13:11:38 RRSAgent has joined #forms 13:11:38 logging to http://www.w3.org/2010/03/24-forms-irc 13:11:47 rrsagent, make log public 13:11:52 rrsagent, this will be forms 13:11:52 I'm logging. I don't understand 'this will be forms', John_Boyer. Try /msg RRSAgent help 13:11:59 zakim, this will be forms 13:11:59 ok, John_Boyer, I see Team_(forms)13:09Z already started 13:12:17 zakim, code? 13:12:17 the conference code is 26634 (tel:+1.617.761.6200 tel:+ tel:+44.117.370.6152), wiecha 13:12:57 klotz has left #forms 13:13:10 Steeeven has joined #forms 13:13:21 hi 13:13:23 klotz has joined #forms 13:13:39 hi 13:13:56 OK net up but phone not yet 13:15:05 +[IBMCambridge] 13:15:14 zakim, who is here? 13:15:14 On the phone I see John_Boyer, [IBMCambridge] 13:15:16 On IRC I see klotz, Steven, RRSAgent, Zakim, ebruchez, wiecha, John_Boyer, raman, trackbot 13:15:20 nick has joined #forms 13:15:38 zakim, [IBM has Charlie, Steven, Nick, Erik, Leigh 13:15:38 +Charlie, Steven, Nick, Erik, Leigh; got it 13:17:48 Steven_ has joined #forms 13:19:05 http://www.w3.org/MarkUp/Forms/wiki/FtF_2010_03_24_Agenda 13:19:56 Agenda: http://www.w3.org/MarkUp/Forms/wiki/FtF_2010_03_24_Agenda 13:20:02 hair: Steven, Leigh 13:20:09 Chair: Steven, Leigh 13:20:33 Topic: Agenda bashing 13:21:27 Agenda + http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-forms/2010Mar/0027.html 13:21:45 Agenda + http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-forms/2010Mar/0028.html 13:23:45 Scribe: wiecha 13:23:53 1 line summary of each agenda item 13:23:58 rechartering looks good so far 13:24:13 Steven sending request to w3m with details for final approval 13:24:21 who to invite to join the WG? 13:24:40 we should list our preferred invited experts and talk with other companies soliciting participation 13:24:57 Test Suite agenda topic: 13:25:05 were going to do "bashing" 13:25:11 John: what does this entail? 13:25:14 Steven: create some tests 13:25:36 Nick: were some tests recently that we thought would go into new version of the test suite 13:25:45 UI events: Erik 13:26:14 Erik: at last F2F we had some agreement except Uli's objections on changes 13:26:32 in my opinion, would like to get closure on general concepts 13:26:46 toward future version of the spec 13:26:50 XML Events2 13:26:53 have a draft 13:26:58 taking further 13:27:03 who owns? Mark and??? 13:27:37 shane 13:28:35 http://www.w3.org/MarkUp/Drafts/#xml-events2 13:29:07 http://www.w3.org/MarkUp/2008/ED-xml-events-20081223/ 13:29:53 depending on Mark's role I (Steven) might take this over as I was an editor of version 1 13:30:16 JSON 13:32:52 need better extensibility for submission and respose handling 13:32:55 XPath 2.0 13:33:14 discussion of how/when to move to offering xpath 2.0 support 13:33:42 Erik: last discussion was around function signatures 13:33:49 might need more work 13:34:06 one question was whether signature of xforms xpath functions should be compatible with 1.0 or native 2.0 13:34:22 e.g. date function in 2.0 can return xsd date which is not in 1.0 13:34:28 Nick: both arguments and return types 13:35:10 downside is won't be backwards compatible 13:35:33 Erik: hard to say...don't have much experience 13:35:46 if you change sigs you'll have to rewrite. but you don't have to use 2.0 13:35:51 new forms would hopefully start in 2.0 13:36:05 Steven: would declare at the top which version is being used 13:36:18 John: understood that 1.0 is required and 2.0 is recommended 13:37:08 Erik: would have to cast the strings into native types 13:37:14 Custom XPath: Erik 13:37:38 at last F2F followed up by contacting xslt wg sent to the list...we should review 13:38:21 Michael Kay also made recommendations based in Erik's questions...should review 13:38:30 can then complete draft spec already started 13:38:37 Node creation functions: Nick 13:38:46 did some work on the wiki 13:38:50 functions to create nodes from strings 13:39:24 http://www.w3.org/MarkUp/Forms/wiki/Node_%27create%27_functions 13:39:44 subtrees of XML from data 13:40:14 Components/patterns 13:41:27 could discuss some work on composite patterns such as master/detail and list to list 13:41:29 node creation functions : the discussion started when sequences were 'needed' for child content 13:41:34 is there an opportunity to simplify this 13:41:42 then package as components...which leads to the 13:41:44 XBL topic 13:41:58 Erik: not the answer for everything, solid base 13:42:13 should consider requirements for custom components 13:42:25 Steven: good approach, main approach is it's at odds with declarative nature 13:42:31 needs js 13:42:38 Erik: doesn't require JS 13:43:11 the way we use it the components are 100% XForms plus XBL, does not require JS 13:43:23 would be good to look at some examples in Orbeon 13:43:39 Nick: didn't take me long to write some custom components based on that approach 13:43:43 Variables: Erik 13:43:54 maybe naming is the issue to discuss 13:44:01 don't think we have spec ready text 13:44:06 Leigh: doesn't include AVTs 13:44:14 John: scope and lifetime are the big topics 13:44:26 closures etc 13:44:35 External models: have text to review 13:44:45 XForms for HTML 13:44:56 Leigh: would like to get agreement on scope for this doc 13:45:04 and then quick outline 13:45:11 Live documents: Steven 13:45:34 alter the document the form is in, e.g. tying class name to dependency graph 13:45:48 Erik: options could be special control 13:45:55 Map/Reduce support 13:46:06 make our constraints work on structure of instances as well as values 13:46:20 e.g. structural binds 13:46:22 I am adding the one-liners to http://www.w3.org/MarkUp/Forms/wiki/FtF_2010_03_24_Agenda#Agenda 13:46:41 map/reduce are structural transforms 13:46:51 Leigh: what about controls for recursive or nested structures 13:47:06 e.g. trees 13:47:39 separate topic from map/reduce 13:47:43 Putting Control in Charge 13:47:55 @ref vs @nodeset vs @select 13:48:11 Erik: more general question of whether control is conceptually in charge of binding policy 13:48:21 vs. external attributes determining how control behaves 13:48:44 as implementor my impression is we can't escape control identity object which defines behavior 13:48:49 could name attributes however... 13:48:57 Errata... 13:50:25 links to two added above 13:53:59 Topic: Rechartering 13:54:09 HP and Adobe will be joining 13:54:32 Leigh: not sure about HP, has anyone talked with them? 13:55:13 John: they are doing interesting stuff with interactive docs and workflow...could be those folks 13:56:06 Steven: other candidates? 13:56:12 and for invited experts? 13:57:09 should invite Joern as expert 13:59:08 Alain Couthures 13:59:13 and Mark 13:59:45 and XRX folks 13:59:51 Kurt Cagle 14:00:06 Dan McCreary 14:00:44 EMC 14:00:46 AmpleSDK 14:01:22 Jadu 14:02:25 Atlassian 14:03:13 Nuxeo 14:03:18 Alfresco 14:10:36 raman has joined #forms 14:14:46 Charlie: does it make sense to make better connection with the XML activity? 14:15:04 John: what's the benefit of being a separate activity just for XForms? 14:15:20 Steven: we could explore joining the XML coordination call 14:15:35 but moving the WG might be hard since the staff time there is very constrained now 14:16:33 John: is the ubi-web domain a better placement for forms? 14:33:26 -John_Boyer 14:34:57 Steven to explore joining the XML coord call, Leigh to participate if ok 14:48:27 respose from XML CG: http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-forms/2010Mar/0030.html 14:48:35 s/respose/response 14:53:26 zakim, code? 14:53:26 the conference code is 26634 (tel:+1.617.761.6200 tel:+ tel:+44.117.370.6152), John_Boyer 14:53:42 +John_Boyer 14:55:14 [back] 14:56:35 klotz has joined #forms 15:02:46 raman has joined #forms 15:04:22 Topic: Errata 15:04:23 http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-forms/2010Mar/0027.html 15:04:48 The appearance attribute is not the same format as @class 15:05:08 does not take a space-separated list 15:05:18 Nick: what to do with conflicts? 15:05:22 e.g. minimal and full 15:05:33 John: right, could do that but it's really a hint 15:06:04 Erik: CSS handles conflicts with well-defined rules 15:06:12 John: right 15:06:21 CSS defines how to resolve conflicts 15:06:29 Steven: not really conflicts, just get applied in order 15:06:44 Erik: we'd have to specifiy 15:06:49 John: not really, it's a hin 15:06:52 s/hin/hint 15:07:00 Leigh: any QNames 15:07:23 John: yes 15:07:39 Leigh: thought we discussed this before and decided not to 15:08:00 Steven: changed the def to one of our and any number of others 15:08:19 Erik: not really a solution, can't say "minimal full" 15:08:46 are we happy to do that strict validation? 15:08:59 John: I'd be happy with just a space separated list...just pick the first one 15:09:02 Erik: or the last one 15:09:20 Leigh: so we could just restrict it to one of ours 15:09:58 John: now we've said you can only have one entry...what happens if you put multiple in now? 15:10:07 Nick: fails in Chiba 15:10:51 Leigh: if it's not defined it's undefined 15:11:06 Erik: doesn't this go against interop? 15:11:20 Steven: but interop is in terms of what's defined...rest is ok 15:12:09 Nick: could be confusing across multiple implementations 15:13:34 this is really a new feature, not an erratum 15:13:48 Leigh: but this shouldn't affect a conformance test 15:14:18 similar to loosening order for help, hint, alert 15:15:34 Nick: think it will be confusing 15:16:12 Erik: what are the use cases? 15:16:20 Leigh: two orthogonal things 15:16:57 John: an example in the email is minimal but also control what's shown when collapsed 15:18:44 e.g. full state/province names when pull down is open but abbreviated codes when selection is done 15:19:50 Leigh: seeing lots of straight equality tests in existing code 15:21:56 John: so I could just use a foreign-namespaced attribute for now 15:22:44 if nobody is using this feature in 1.1 I'll do that 15:24:14 http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-forms/2010Mar/0028.html 15:26:36 what are implementors currently doing for these? 15:26:46 Erik: yes, we do encode these 15:26:54 John: spec is not clear 15:27:56 http://www.w3.org/XML/2007/04/hrri/draft-walsh-tobin-hrri-00.html 15:28:24 http://www.w3.org/TR/xmlschema-2/#anyURI 15:28:29 Erik: there's also some work in HTML5 on this 15:29:02 John: I think XML schema is clear on what is valid URI 15:29:08 so we should be able to check for this 15:29:33 http://www.w3.org/TR/2001/REC-xlink-20010627/#link-locators 15:30:30 so form authors could use actual spaces and form processor would encode 15:31:01 encoding is idempotent 15:31:20 Erik: right, we don't have to reinvent 15:32:07 browsers do this today for links input by users 15:32:25 John: yes, would apply for input values that are URLs 15:32:54 Erik: we now apply this only to @src, @schema, etc submission/resource but not in data 15:34:44 John: the internationalization wg also gave this feedback as last call to 1.1 15:35:00 related to IRIs 15:36:17 will increasingly be seen in URLs for asian sites as new characters are used 15:36:45 got response from @ndw: HRRI came out as this note: http://www.w3.org/TR/2008/NOTE-leiri-20081103/ 15:37:50 John: yes, there's some work to look at future versions, but what should we say about 1.1? 15:38:06 Erik: didn't think it was expected for 1.1 15:38:11 John: I did think it was 15:38:48 Erik: as form author I would expect it, but as implementor the spec is not clear 15:39:10 would be a step toward more user-friendliness 15:39:20 John: though it was obvious 15:39:23 s/though/thought 15:39:40 we encode the parameter phase 15:41:21 Erik: want to use leiri algorithm 15:41:33 Leigh: doesn't handle & 15:43:22 http://www.w3.org/TR/2001/REC-xlink-20010627/#link-locators 15:43:55 John: we could do this in a future version, but what about 1.1? 15:43:56 "The Recommendation states that "it is impractical for processors to check that a value is a context-appropriate URI reference," thus freeing schema processors from having to validate the correctness of the URI." 15:44:19 http://books.xmlschemata.org/relaxng/ch19-77009.html 15:45:49 Nck: ...examples of difficult encodings... 15:45:52 15:46:11 15:48:10 http://www.boe.org/my?url=boe?foo 15:51:41 Erik: seems clear that some type of encoding should take place but not sure exactly what 15:51:50 we don't know enough to resolve 15:52:16 http://www.w3.org/html/wg/href/draft 15:53:58 15:56:02 http://www.faqs.org/rfcs/rfc2368.html describes encoding of mailto: 15:57:03 http://www.blackmesatech.com/2009/03/wah5/uricalc.html 15:59:00 John: we should either say we don't encode or point to a specific encoding policy we use 15:59:08 from 'Legacy extended IRIs for XML resource identification' Some productions are ambiguous. The "first-match-wins" (a.k.a. "greedy") algorithm applies. For details, see 16:02:02 Leigh: trying to encode when starting from a complete URL leads often to double encoding 16:02:14 unl has joined #forms 16:02:28 hi steven 16:02:37 Leigh: which will often be the case when starting from user-provided data 16:02:37 zakim, code? 16:02:38 the conference code is 26634 (tel:+1.617.761.6200 tel:+ tel:+44.117.370.6152), Steven 16:09:30 John: for 1.1 the xlink encoding is the only reasonable one we have 16:09:44 Leigh: are you proposing this applies to calculated data as well? or just form text 16:10:00 John: applied at moment the URL is used...would not change instance data 16:10:05 nor the source document 16:10:29 get resource or src content and apply this encoding 16:10:42 Nick: if it's in the data w/dynamic URI this would apply 16:10:44 John: yes 16:11:33 http://ab.גדהוזח.ij/kl/mn/op.html 16:11:41 So the erratum would clarify whether the content is used directly or first encoded in this specific way 16:12:33 + +1.307.544.aaaa 16:12:47 http://ab.دخح.جثت/ij/kl/mn/op.html 16:12:48 zakim, +1.307.544.aaaa is me 16:12:48 +unl; got it 16:14:07 Erik: how does xlink relate to the leiri stuff? 16:14:20 John: i18n says anyuri is intended to be compatible 16:15:24 Steven: anyuri as lexical space which is what the user would expect. 16:15:31 John: right, e.g. an actual space character 16:15:45 so should actually work in the xforms processor 16:20:28 John: so should we issue a clarification that the anyURI encoding happens just before going over the wire? 16:20:32 Nick: nods 16:20:43 Steven: agree, would like an example of anyURI in lexical and value formats 16:20:49 Leigh: would like some test cases 16:21:14 John: yes, we have a few errata...should have a few tests for each one 16:21:49 Leigh: not clear there's even text associated with this...maybe a note 16:21:54 John: just a clarification 16:22:02 have seen implementations that don't do this encoding 16:22:09 so we ought to be saying something 16:22:18 Leigh: yes, but it's not a normative change 16:22:24 John: clarification not substantive erratum 16:22:56 Leigh: think we still need tests for double encoding problem 16:23:01 question marks etc 16:23:11 http://dir.google.com/Top/World/Chinese_Simplified/%E8%AE%A1%E7%AE%97%E6%9C%BA/" 16:23:19 to be sure implementors aren't calling the wrong encoders 16:23:26 http://dir.google.com/Top/World/Chinese_Simplified/计算机/ 16:24:12 Those two are equivalent 16:25:01 just as long as it doesn't require this to decide when to encode: http://dir.google.com/Top/World/Chinese_Simplified/%E8%AE%A1%E7%AE%97%E6%9C%BA/%E4%BA%BA%E5%B7%A5%E6%99%BA%E8%83%BD/ 16:26:15 there's a trailing space in http://dir.google.com/Top/World/Chinese_Simplified/计算机/%22 ;) 16:28:22 Leigh: I suggest we check with Larry given he's coordinating IRI work 16:28:31 John: yes, if we're going into IRI space in future versions 16:29:31 Leigh: he wrote both of these RFCs 16:31:01 Action: john_boyer to write up erratum text for encoding consistent with i18n and xlink recommendations 16:31:01 Sorry, couldn't find user - john_boyer 16:37:46 -John_Boyer 16:38:25 rrsagent, make minutes 16:38:25 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2010/03/24-forms-minutes.html John_Boyer 16:38:32 ebruchez has joined #forms 16:38:42 http://www.yelp.com/biz/indian-chili-cambridge 16:41:46 -[IBMCambridge] 16:42:09 -unl 16:42:11 Team_(forms)13:09Z has ended 16:42:13 Attendees were John_Boyer, Charlie, Steven, Nick, Erik, Leigh, unl 17:17:33 raman has joined #forms 17:17:56 dinner plans? 17:44:53 ebruchez has joined #forms 17:44:59 nick has joined #forms 17:46:58 Steven has joined #forms 17:47:29 zakim, code? 17:47:29 the conference code is 26634 (tel:+1.617.761.6200 tel:+ tel:+44.117.370.6152), John_Boyer 17:48:40 Team_(forms)13:09Z has now started 17:48:47 +John_Boyer 17:49:16 Steven, can you rejoin the teleconference when you guys start? 17:50:13 unl has joined #forms 17:54:04 -John_Boyer 17:54:05 Team_(forms)13:09Z has ended 17:54:05 Attendees were John_Boyer 17:58:38 unl has joined #forms 17:59:56 Steeeven has joined #forms 18:00:34 zakim, who is here? 18:00:34 apparently Team_(forms)13:09Z has ended, Steeeven 18:00:36 On IRC I see Steeeven, unl, Steven, nick, ebruchez, raman, RRSAgent, Zakim, John_Boyer, trackbot 18:01:23 Hi Steven, I rejoined a few minutes ago because it looked like you guys were back. But I am here and will join when you rejoin the teleconference 18:01:45 me too 18:02:01 Team_(forms)13:09Z has now started 18:02:08 +[IBMCambridge] 18:03:05 wiecha has joined #forms 18:03:07 zakim, code? 18:03:07 the conference code is 26634 (tel:+1.617.761.6200 tel:+ tel:+44.117.370.6152), John_Boyer 18:03:24 +John_Boyer 18:04:40 + +049307544aaaa 18:04:59 zakim, aaaa is Uli 18:05:00 +Uli; got it 18:05:00 zakim, +049307544aaaa is me 18:05:01 sorry, unl, I do not recognize a party named '+049307544aaaa' 18:05:17 zakim, uli is unl 18:05:17 +unl; got it 18:06:41 klotz has joined #forms 18:08:27 scribe: nick 18:08:47 TOPIC: UI Events 18:09:12 http://wiki.orbeon.com/forms/doc/developer-guide/xforms-refresh-events#TOC-Proposal 18:10:57 Erik: Currently he UI events don't work in a way a form author could use them in a reliable way 18:11:35 Erik: The current mechanism is based on a marking algorithm in the instance data 18:12:03 raman has joined #forms 18:12:11 Erik: For the form author the control shouldn't get a value-change event when the controls value doesn't change 18:13:02 For components, could we have an element to express the desire to receive certain events such as MIP or value events? 18:13:22 Steven: When the value changes from 42 to 45 to .. and back to 42 you don't get an event 18:13:28 Erik: correct 18:14:09 wiecha: it should appear as a transaction between refreshes 18:15:05 ebruchez: if the control knows the old and new value, it is the best place to send the events 18:15:36 wiecha: it doesn't make a difference if the control or the control sends the events, the model can still do it 18:16:16 ebruchez: I think this shouldn't be specified by the spec (who sends the events) 18:17:23 ebruchez: it simplifies the learning process for form authors (for value-change, read/write, relevant, required,...) 18:18:42 ebruchez: explains how you could optimize when the bindings need to be updated 18:19:06 wiecha: it is a question if we want the model or the UI to do all the work 18:19:25 ebruchez: in our product it is something between the model and the UI 18:20:04 ebruchez: it knows the bindings and the UI controls 18:22:05 klotz: do we think that the UI events are meant for the form author, and not for the implementation 18:24:00 ebruchez: so far I don't know an implementation that uses the UI events for controlling the controls 18:25:18 klotz: in custom-controls you also maybe want events to keep them up-to-date but you probably don't want the same UI events that could be cancelled by the form author. 18:27:29 klotz: we should separately consider events that are used by form authors and events used by custom form controls 18:28:04 klotz: I think we don't have enough experience with the events used by custom form controls 18:28:21 klotz: does everybody agree? 18:28:28 ebruchez: I aggree 18:28:41 i agree with leigh 18:29:11 nick: also agree 18:29:13 (looks like the rest of the group silently agrees) 18:31:07 +q 18:31:20 ack u 18:32:28 unl: I also wants to be able to have model only processor 18:33:32 So how about this "Res: For XForms 1.2, we will specify UI events designed for author use, and will test for coverage and ease of use against use cases, and will separately consider the question of events for custom controls or model-only processors." 18:33:43 ebruchez: this is another new feature, we have xxforms-value change which is similar to insert and delete events 18:34:58 klotz: do we need to check if the proposals make events in custom events hard 18:35:28 ebruchez: that will be hard, because then we have to look into custom controls 18:36:27 wiecha: if we see a red flag we should take it into account 18:36:57 Steven: does it change anything for the ordering of the events 18:37:12 ebruchez: currently we don't say anything about order 18:37:13 So how about this "Res: For XForms 1.2, we will specify UI events designed for author use, and will test for coverage and ease of use against use cases, and will separately consider the question of events for custom controls or model-only processors, but will make good-faith efforts not to impede that direction in the future." 18:37:32 s/but/and/ 18:38:24 John_Boyer: it is also about the life-cycle of controls and controls in repeats 18:38:44 So how about this "Res: For XForms 1.2, we will specify UI events designed for form author use, and will test for coverage and ease of use against use cases, and will separately consider the question of events for custom controls or model-only processors, and will make good-faith efforts not to impede that direction in the future." 18:39:22 RESOLUTION: For XForms 1.2, we will specify UI events designed for form author use, and will test for coverage and ease of use against use cases, and will separately consider the question of events for custom controls or model-only processors, and will make good-faith efforts not to impede that direction in the future. 18:40:02 rrsagent, make minutes 18:40:02 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2010/03/24-forms-minutes.html Steven_ 18:40:27 Meeting Forms WG FtF Day 1 18:40:53 Present+Charlie, Steven, Nick, Leigh, Erik, Uli 18:41:26 rrsagent, make minutes 18:41:26 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2010/03/24-forms-minutes.html Steven_ 18:41:48 ebruchez: one distinction XForms has markup that specifies a control and at runtime we have instances of the controls (it becomes clearer in repeats, multiple runtime objects for one control in markup, even no runtime objects) 18:41:55 Meeting: Forms WG FtF Day 1 18:42:00 rrsagent, make minutes 18:42:00 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2010/03/24-forms-minutes.html Steven_ 18:43:41 ebruchez: If a control is created (runtime object), its value changes, MIPS changes, and then it can disappear, after it disappears no events can be send to the control nor can the user interact with the control 18:44:33 John_Boyer: we have text in the spec that you could style non-relevant controls 18:45:22 +q 18:45:30 John_Boyer: the controls can show what they last contained (and don't get events anymore) 18:46:00 wiecha: having an extra state in the life-cycle would be helpful 18:47:54 it isn't as easy as saying that a non-relevant control is simply not bound to a data node because an xf:input may only be non-relevant by virtue of being bound to a node whose relevant mip is false 18:48:33 wiecha: it looks like binding relevance to the lifetime of a control is a bit .... 18:49:50 unl: you want to keep state if a control becomes non-relevant 18:51:40 nick: you want not to keep state for non-relevant controls, so you don't have to keep all the non-relevant controls in memory 18:51:56 wiecha: same holds for non-selected cases in a switch 18:52:34 ebruchez: gives example of a huge form with a repeat 18:55:34 ebruchez: we only have one relevance (can be triggered in multiple ways), and when not-relevant controls don't 'exist' 18:57:58 nick: a control should not keep state in my opinion 18:58:14 unl: I think that we should limit this 19:00:11 @nick: i didn't say something like that... 19:02:30 ebruchez: what state do we now have, MIPS comes from model, value too, repeat index, switch case and dialog state are the three that need to be serialized 19:02:32 my main point was that there's a difference between relevance and existence of a control 19:04:14 ebruchez: there is a need for a switch that remembers state for non-relevant cases 19:04:21 As an example of state, if you have a group that contains a switch on case #3, and the group becomes non-relevant, the contained switch will not maintain the state of being on case #3 19:04:45 repeat index is another example of state 19:05:01 klotz: did we ever tried model based repeat 19:05:03 the value being shown by the non-relevant control is another possible piece of state 19:06:36 ebruchez: there 'could' be two types of relevant, hard (when not pointing to a node), soft (when the node is not relevant) 19:06:58 There is language in current spec (could change) which says that a form author *could* style non-relevant controls as visible but disabled 19:07:22 klotz: what do you think of a minimized version of controls (and maybe have a model based version) 19:07:23 At which point, one might reasonably expect correct values will be shown even if xforms-value-changed is not dispatched 19:07:43 another example on relevance vs. existence: a repeat over a non-homogenous collection 19:10:50 John_Boyer: explains that when a control is not relevant the UI events could not be send to a control, nevertheless the control can update its value that is shown 19:12:43 Steven has changed the topic to: Forms WG FtF 19:12:53 wiecha: why can a non-relevant control track its value changes, when the model isn't calling the refresh anymore 19:16:05 ebruchez: I arguing for a non-relevant control not keeping state 19:16:18 s/I /I'm/ 19:18:06 wiecha: Isn't there an outside agent that informs the control that it needs to be created and when it becomes non-relevant 19:18:50 wiecha: is the transition from relevant to non-relevant internally or externally driven? 19:19:21 ebruchez: That doesn't need to be specified 19:19:36 ebruchez: it is up to implementers 19:21:27 ebruchez: Concrete controls are created at the following times: 19:21:27 * During processing of the default action for xforms-model-construct-done event, if they meet the conditions for relevance 19:21:27 * When a new repeat iteration is inserted into a repeat container, if they meet the conditions for relevance 19:21:27 o either during xforms:insert processing 19:21:28 o or during refresh 19:21:31 * During refresh, when the condition for relevance goes from non-relevant to relevant 19:23:41 ebruchez: ... 19:24:30 John_Boyer: for repeat index there is an implicit instance that holds the index, an index() makes a dependency to the node 19:24:47 ebruchez: we don't have UI dependencies defined 19:26:07 John_Boyer: bcz. of the wording in the spec this will work now 19:29:11 John_Boyer: we have to do the same work for switch 19:29:56 ebruchez: the case() is only dependent on data in the data bound switch 19:30:21 ebruchez: so it is only as complicated as repeat in the data bound switch case 19:30:35 raman has joined #forms 19:31:04 John_Boyer: I'm currently working on the data driven switch 19:33:24 ebruchez: do we have consensus on controls don't keep state when not relevant 19:34:06 Steven: There are places where you see the non-relevant controls so you now you don't have fill it in 19:34:39 John_Boyer: what does it do with non-relevant groups, switches, repeats 19:35:09 ebruchez: you want to style it as disabled 19:35:54 John_Boyer: what happens to the switch when it is non-relevant 19:36:48 John_Boyer: If we don't keep state, it's appearance will be so strange, so we should be throw it out 19:36:58 Steven: gives use case again 19:37:21 John_Boyer: I agree, but then it should display accurate values. 19:38:03 ebruchez: We use the concept of read-only for it 19:39:03 nick: there is the use case where you don't want to submit the data, but want to show it disabled to the user 19:40:02 klotz: Is this a new MIP? Or just presentation 19:41:07 John_Boyer: If we allow custom MIPS we are done 19:41:41 Steven: There is conceptual difference between relevant and read-only 19:43:03 John_Boyer: some people don't want to see the form geometry to change when data becomes non-relevant 19:45:22 ebruchez: if we have a new MIP disabled, that is similar as relevant that would be fine 19:45:41 John_Boyer: we already can style it using the current MIPs and CSS 19:47:39 ebruchez: An implementation could style a control as disabled and displaying the latest value 19:48:31 John_Boyer: the control needs to know is position on the screen and how it affects the layour 19:48:44 s/layour/layout/ 19:50:59 ebruchez: you could take a snapshot, and forget everything, the only downside is when the switch becomes relevant again it 'forgets' the selected case 19:52:23 John_Boyer: we could introduce a new attribute that drives if we want to keep state if they become non-relevant 19:53:09 ebruchez: if you can put it on any control, and use inheritance 19:55:28 ebruchez: we have such an attribute to say if non-selected cases be still there, and get all the events 19:57:01 ebruchez: what do we do for input, and the input doesn't binds to a node (you have to remember the type, value,...) 19:57:29 s/and the input doesn/if the input doesn/ 19:57:58 ebruchez: I see two ways 19:58:35 1) keep state: It will keep it state around when a control becomes non-relevant 19:59:33 2) keeps updating: It will keep it state around when a control becomes non-relevant, and update it's value -> but what if it's looses his binding 19:59:59 John_Boyer: in option 2, I think the value should be the empty string 20:01:02 ebruchez: in the switch case, you don't want to show the non selected cases, but you want the events to keep happening 20:05:03 [time for a break] 20:06:09 wiecha: We could say that is the control can choose how it behaves when non-relevant 20:09:25 wiecha: we need to define the control life cycle 20:11:40 John_Boyer: why don't the events enabled and disabled be sufficient? 20:12:42 ebruchez: but then a control needs to be still alive in some cases when the control becomes disabled 20:20:02 -unl 20:20:11 as said in meeting, it's not "adding" complexity to maintain the feature in which non-relevant controls are capable of remembering their state in case they are styled as visible but disabled 20:20:59 more (but necessary) complexity is being added to support the feature of UI controls *not* remembering state because this allows significant optimization (and may even become the default) 20:22:09 But the ability to remember state is needed to continue to support a feature we already have that is in use, and an XForms processor would still need to support that in case the author explicitly requests version="1.1" processing 20:30:34 unl has joined #forms 20:34:09 [back] 20:37:41 scribe: Steven 20:37:53 +unl 20:38:03 Steven: Can we wrap this? 20:39:28 John: Are we trying to remove features we already have? 20:39:56 Erik: They are useful, so we should retain the functionality 20:40:32 ... the main use case that has questioned the proposed lifestyle, is visible but disabled 20:40:59 John: and b) Even if visible showing what is going on 20:41:19 ... in 1.1 that is what happens 20:41:43 ... we detach the event handlers, but don't block the updating 20:42:11 ... now we are considering more optimised behaviours 20:42:27 Erik: The visible behaviour is not *required* by the spec 20:42:37 ... we don't specify it fully 20:42:45 John: Yes we do 20:43:06 Erik: It is not as clear as some other features 20:43:20 John: It's a classic misunderstanding 20:43:29 Erik: I wouldn't have inferred that 20:44:23 John: In repeats nodes are responsive to the node they are bound to 20:44:34 ... even if in a non-relevant group 20:44:45 ... all we do is unhook events 20:45:05 ... there are interesting side-effects 20:45:29 ... if a group becomes non-relevant, the events become unhooked and the controls are unavailable 20:45:58 ... but if a binding becomes empty, that has a bigger effect 20:46:28 Erik: It doesn't follow if you have variables, or if you use XPath 2 20:46:49 John: It is either inheritance or the root element node of the instance 20:47:29 ... if you have more interesting way of getting context, there would be less egregious consequences if a group became non-relevant because of an empty nodeset 20:49:45 ... but if it becomes non-relevant because of a relevance mip, then it still provides context 20:49:54 Erik: Something is missing 20:50:16 ... when can a control be destroyed? 20:50:28 .... disappearing repeat iterattions 20:50:47 ... but non-relevance is not enoug 20:50:56 s/tt/t/ 20:51:05 Erik: So we need new events 20:51:12 s/..../.../ 20:51:24 Erik: We are adding new concepts here 20:51:48 John: To support the case of knowing when the objects are created and destroyed for optimization purposes 20:52:18 Steven: Isn't that an implementation detail? 20:52:30 Erik: It is not purely for relevance 20:52:37 s/relevance/optimization 20:53:14 ... you can't do the optimisation if the controls are required to do things 20:53:39 ... you can do it in implementations that only do disply:none for non-relevance 20:53:59 s/disply/display/ 20:54:59 John: In a group of controls where a payment method has been selected, they make a choice, a change event happens, and a toggle switches on details for thatt method 20:55:43 ... but then they go and do something they didn't mean, and so the payment details become non-relevant 20:55:57 ... and they switch it back, undoing the msitake 20:56:11 ... the controls become relevant again 20:56:36 Steven: You don't destroy the instance values 20:56:58 John: Yes, but switch has selected case 2, you want to keep that 20:57:14 Leigh: In forms 1.2 we can use select @ref 20:57:25 Erik: We agree that there are valiid use cases 20:57:30 s/ii/i/ 20:57:42 Erik for both ways 20:57:54 ... some push towards controls not keeping state 20:58:01 John: Even that being default 20:58:07 Erik: ANd for the opposite 20:58:19 s/AN/An/ 20:58:34 Erik: So what's the next step 20:59:23 Steven: We're designing XForms 1.2, so let's use model-ased switching# 20:59:28 s/#// 20:59:38 s/-ased/-based 21:00:09 John: Another use case, data-processing, heads-down data entry, where you don;t want the layout to change 21:00:19 s/;/'/ 21:00:47 John: so do value changes need to be tracked? 21:00:57 ... some expect it, and would file bug reports 21:01:13 Leigh: Yes 21:01:21 ... that was my point earlier 21:02:27 John: We have three responses to non-relevance 1 display: none, 2. display: hidden 3. Disabbled 21:02:33 s/bb/b/ 21:03:08 Leigh: How is disabled different from read-only 21:03:13 s/y/y?/ 21:03:47 John: Events 21:07:00 klotz: maybe we need prune, instead of relevance and disabled 21:07:41 John_Boyer: we have a use case, and solved it by styling non-relevant, maybe we need to throw it out 21:08:17 klotz: maybe we need both MIPS prune and read-only 21:08:48 John_Boyer: we could throw out styling on non-relevant 21:11:31 John_Boyer: we don't need prune at the data layer, we already have relevance at the data layer 21:12:07 John_Boyer: if a control can say that relevance applies to the control 21:13:02 ebruchez: if you do that how you are going to style it if the control binds to non-relevant data 21:13:49 John_Boyer: we're back to keep-state, bcz. we want the control some kind of alive 21:14:43 John_Boyer: the default could be not there when non-relevant, another level could still there but disabled 21:14:46 ... 21:16:04 ebruchez: in that case should the control dispatch xforms-disabled when it doesn't consumes the relevance property 21:16:53 ebruchez: otherwise we need another event 21:19:57 ebruchez: we could add an extra MIP 21:20:27 John_Boyer: I don't like us adding an extra MIP that does almost the same as relevant 21:20:58 ebruchez: in some cases you want the read-only data to be pruned in other cases you wan't 21:21:45 ebruchez: we are picking real specific cases, and no general cases 21:22:37 John_Boyer: if you want to style non-relevant controls you need to keep state 21:23:24 wiecha: if we ditch the feature it simplifies the life-cycle of the control 21:24:31 ebruchez: how do we prune read-only nodes (if required) OR how do we style non-relevant nodes 21:25:42 John_Boyer: if we drop the functionality, do we drop important use cases? 21:27:36 ebruchez: I think giving multiple meanings to relevance makes it complex 21:28:40 Steven: the true thing is your saying that it is non-relevant 21:30:17 ebruchez: relevance is a tool for hiding stuff, and disabling event-handlers 21:31:15 -unl 21:31:30 Steven: If you say that relevance is misused for presentation issues then we need to look into that 21:33:30 rrsagent, make minutes 21:33:30 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2010/03/24-forms-minutes.html John_Boyer 21:33:51 ebruchez has joined #forms 21:33:59 rrsagent, bye 21:33:59 I see 1 open action item saved in http://www.w3.org/2010/03/24-forms-actions.rdf : 21:33:59 ACTION: john_boyer to write up erratum text for encoding consistent with i18n and xlink recommendations [1] 21:33:59 recorded in http://www.w3.org/2010/03/24-forms-irc#T16-31-01 21:34:03 -John_Boyer