See also: IRC log
<trackbot> Date: 10 March 2010
<MacTed> bah. missed the hour delay note.
<MacTed> trackbot, end meeting
<trackbot> Meeting: Social Web Incubator Group Teleconference
<trackbot> Date: 10 March 2010
zakim +??P12 is me
zakim ?P12 is me
zakim ??P12 is me
<Marcos> mischat === harry ?
ok DKA
i can scribe
<DKA> Scribe: mischat
<DKA> ScribeNick: mischat
<cperey> hi
<DKA> PROPOSED: to approve SWXG WG Weekly -- 3 March 2010 as a true record ( )
<cperey> +1
<DKA> +1
this call is limited to an hour
<DKA> PROPOSED: to meet again Wed. March 17th.
the focus of today's meeting will be on the widgets talk
<danbri> some historical notes in ... not sure how timely they still are
DKA give regrets for next weeks call
any administrative topics, worth mentioning, please do so now
<danbri> DKA: I'm a widgetarian and proud of it
Widgets is one of those words which has lots of connotations dependant on context
in the W3C context DKA, Marcos, and darobin have been working on the W3C Widgets
<Marcos> A widget is defined by the [Widgets-Landscape] as "an end-user's conceptualization of an interactive single purpose application for displaying and/or updating local data or data on the Web, packaged in a way to allow a single download and installation on a user's machine, mobile phone, or Internet-enabled device".
widgets have taken on a new another meaning in social space, that is of functionality in a social container
<danbri> (in a previous life, I worked with Robin and Libby Miller on widgets for TV stuff)
3 invited speakers Marcos, darobin, and Scott from apache
ah scott
thanks darobin
Scott to start taking about the Apache project and what they are doing with Widgets
Scott, uses widgets, gadgets, and apps interchangeably
Wookie ?
url someone please
<darobin> yes Wookie
Apache Incubator project called Wookie, implements the W3C Widget API
thanks darobin
Wookie team wanted to support collaborative, multi-user widgets
the W3C API is neutral to the number of users who are said to work with a given widget
so Wookie implemented the Google Wave API to add collaborative functionality to the W3C Widget API
there are integration points between the Wookie widgets and shindig widgets
where Shindig apps are Open Social Widgets
<darobin> [ShinDig is an OpenSocial implementation]
thanks again
danbri is asking about Open Social, and how they use OAuth and authentication APIs
<darobin> on authentication methods, see Powerbox
Wookie does the same thing as Open Social, they exchange tokens to create trust between widgets and APIs
<danbri> eg.
both Shindig and Wookie server widgets as iframe in webpages, which ends up going through trusted proxys
<darobin> WARP is
DKA, is breaking up
DKA, what type of feedback have you had from the community (outside of the standards body) re: W3C widgets
most people downloading wookie, seem to be people outside the standards body, which elgg
which include elgg, an open decentralised social network
most people interested in collaboration tend to use shindig
<Zakim> danbri, you wanted to ask about top 3 things w3c-and-friends might do to reduce pain for developers learning these techs
<danbri> shindig uses terrifying amounts of js
danbri, from a developer point of view how could you reduce the barrier to entry by uniting the two different APIs (shindig & wookie)
<danbri> re packaging, i quite like Mozilla Jetpack's non-packaging approach (raw .js urls)
<darobin> danbri, that doesn't make it easy to carry things across systems though
the two specs seem to have clearer APIs now, which should make it easier for developers to create widgets
<bblfish> are those APIs or dataformats ( re: "people api, album api, …")
Wookie has implemented most of the W3C API already
<danbri> (who joined? you are noisy)
<bblfish> yes, I hear the noise too
the google wave API has a collection of collaborative API calls, which work nicely with the People centric API calls from other APIs
<Zakim> darobin, you wanted to mention Powerbox
darobin: do you have feedback on what we just heard, from an implementation point of view
<Marcos> danbri: jetpack dumped that model
<Marcos> danbri: it was borked
<danbri> marcos, got an url?
<Marcos> yep, one sec
darobin: is going to mention powerbox, this is about plugin which allows for ways to install new APIs into a browser, which allows a website to access data from a different server. This is to do with the OAuth question earlier
<Marcos> danbri: see
<Marcos> he explains it in the vid
the impact for this working group, it that powebox may give users an easy method to connect data from one website to another in a safe manner ?
in the powerbox approach, the user selects which service they wish to integrate data from
widgets developers wants functionality such as "give me contacts module"
for a given api
Powerbox is said to make it easier to the end user to select which APIs they wish to interact with
bblfish is coming from the linked data, foaf, distributed world. Henry asks how do widgets fit into this model of a distributed social network
widgets should be oblivious to the platform in which they are being embedded into
henry, asks what is meant by an API, he asks whether the API is a data-model focused API?
they tend to be JS APIs which define the data returned by a given API call
examples include getViewer() -> which gets info about the viewer of the current page, the data would include avatar, an ID, and a name
other examples include getViewersFriends() -> which returns info regarding the viewer's friends
both shindig and wookie require a unique identifier, they ask for hashes, i.e. URI's which have no external meaning
henry is talking about the pros of having a URI which is resolvable, which does have external meaning, so that everytime a widget gets given a URI, this would allow the widget to go out and get info about the URI used
<DKA> thanks darobin!
Marcos, wanted to talk about opera unite which uses widgets to make a client act as a services, to allow for peer-2-peer communication on the web
<danbri> bye robin!
allowing for servers to built on the client side, opera unite has been dealing with how they could do with using the http: protocol
DKA, how is wookie using OAuth?
Wookie's main use case for OAuth, is for when a widget wants to get data from an OAuth endpoint
in opera unite, OAuth is used to leverage data found in external services too
OAuth allows for server => server communication
<Marcos> CORS
the W3C widget spec is going to consider OAuth as a mechanism to get data from a different container
<danbri> (oh, i missed that? thought it was re Wookie)
sorry, i thought he said in the W3C
danbri asked if anyone is looking at OAuthwrap
people are waiting to see what happens to the OAuth spec, waiting for things to settling down
sorry, i missed all of that
thank you
marcos described the widget spec, details of which can be found ^^
the widget spec will be blocked by html5, as there are dependencies there
nope danbri
the W3C widget community have been aware of the Wookie work for a long time
scott has been implementing everything before everyone else
there is a need for API, and for specifying how data will flow between widgets
widget's are supposed to be a simple container format, social interactions would be fantastic, but are not necessary
W3C Media Annotations
<Marcos> +q
danbri is talking about how we need an extensibility model before work can be unified
the widgets specification is based on XML, i.e. extensibility via namespaces, and the work is said to be extensible. The platform is designed to be very extensible
in wookie, you can APIs at runtime, i.e. functionality from the google wave gadget API can be added
in as need be
looking at widgets created, most people are looking for their widgets to go viral, how would the W3C spec supports this
the wookie work shows that widgets are easy to deploy onto a server environment
widgets are supposed to be easy to grab off of the web, so that they can be run elsewhere
this supports archival, by allowing people to recreate widgets
<danbri> ( is somehow relevant but i can't articulate details)
<bblfish> very cool.
you ripp things off of a server and host it on whatever device you wish
<danbri> eg ->
A good next step would be too look at the various APIs available on the web, mapping it dap
mapping it to dap
thanks for interesting talks!
<bblfish> thanks, learned a lot :-)
and sorry for my rubbish scribing, lots of new things being talked about today
bye all
thank you
<danbri> thanks folks!
<Marcos> trackbot, make minutes
<trackbot> Sorry, Marcos, I don't understand 'trackbot, make minutes'. Please refer to for help
<DKA> thanks!
<Marcos> hmm... nope :)
<DKA> trackbot, make minutes please
<trackbot> Sorry, DKA, I don't understand 'trackbot, make minutes please'. Please refer to for help
<melvster> hmm
<melvster> i think i could have just asked trackbot to end meeting
<DKA> trackbot, end meeting
This is scribe.perl Revision: 1.135 of Date: 2009/03/02 03:52:20 Check for newer version at Guessing input format: RRSAgent_Text_Format (score 1.00) Succeeded: s/and/any/ Succeeded: s/???/Scott/ Found Scribe: mischat Found ScribeNick: mischat WARNING: No "Topic:" lines found. WARNING: Replacing list of attendees. Old list: MacTed New list: cperey Default Present: DKA, Marcos, +0161238aaaa, mischat, darobin, MacTed, cperey, danbri, bblfish, AnitaD, melvster Present: DKA Marcos +0161238aaaa mischat darobin MacTed cperey danbri bblfish AnitaD melvster Agenda: WARNING: No meeting chair found! You should specify the meeting chair like this: <dbooth> Chair: dbooth Found Date: 10 Mar 2010 Guessing minutes URL: People with action items: WARNING: Input appears to use implicit continuation lines. You may need the "-implicitContinuations" option. WARNING: No "Topic: ..." lines found! Resulting HTML may have an empty (invalid) <ol>...</ol>. Explanation: "Topic: ..." lines are used to indicate the start of new discussion topics or agenda items, such as: <dbooth> Topic: Review of Amy's report[End of scribe.perl diagnostic output]