Details on Product RDFa Core, Lite, and XHTML+RDFa CR comments

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There are 5 issues listed in the system.

ID State Title Raised on Product Open Actions
ISSUE-133 (edit)
about, typeof, and property
CLOSED Processing step missing when @property, @typeof, and @about are on the same element 2012-03-08 RDFa Core, Lite, and XHTML+RDFa CR comments 0
ISSUE-134 (edit)
processing step clarification
CLOSED Section 7.5, Step 11 Ambiguity in RDFa Core 1.1 2012-04-23 RDFa Core, Lite, and XHTML+RDFa CR comments 0
ISSUE-136 (edit)
RDFa Lite conformance
CLOSED RDFa Lite 1.1 Conformance Section - host language attributes 2012-04-24 RDFa Core, Lite, and XHTML+RDFa CR comments 0
ISSUE-138 (edit)
CURIE Regexp
CLOSED Fix regexp in the xsd:simpleType definition of CURIE (it's too lax, matching e.g. "pfx://abc") 2012-04-26 RDFa Core, Lite, and XHTML+RDFa CR comments 0
ISSUE-142 (edit)
Last Editorial Changes to docs
CLOSED Minor editorial fixes to CR document before transitioning to PR 2012-05-03 RDFa Core, Lite, and XHTML+RDFa CR comments 0

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Tracker: documentation, (configuration for this group), originally developed by Dean Jackson, is developed and maintained by the Systems Team <>.
$Id: all.html,v 1.1 2015/03/27 14:12:40 vivien Exp $