12:23:36 RRSAgent has joined #pling 12:23:36 logging to http://www.w3.org/2010/02/09-pling-irc 12:23:39 zakim, this will be pling 12:23:39 I do not see a conference matching that name scheduled within the next hour, tlr 12:23:42 zakim, this will be PLING 12:23:42 I do not see a conference matching that name scheduled within the next hour, tlr 12:24:10 zakim, space for 15 at 08:00? 12:24:11 ok, tlr; conference Team_(pling)13:00Z scheduled with code 26631 (CONF1) at 08:00 for 60 minutes until 1400Z 12:29:18 tlr has changed the topic to: PLING call at 8am ET | 1pm UTC | code CONF1 (26631) 12:39:39 renato has joined #pling 12:39:49 hi renato 12:39:57 note the different zakim code... 12:40:49 hi thomas 12:41:13 if you could edit the agenda page and correct that information, that would be great 12:41:21 yes i can.... 12:41:24 thx 12:41:36 what is the new codes (sorry not on email...) 12:41:40 26631 12:41:45 (CONF1) 12:42:23 I suppose we're now on the second Tuesday of each month... 12:42:30 The conference is scheduled for the first Tuesday. 12:43:12 ok....can we update the telconf schedule 12:43:26 yes, but not in time for this call :) 12:43:31 (i.e. it's indeed second Tuesday?) 12:44:31 yes - i think so! 12:44:45 did you also email the new code to the pling list? 12:45:29 yes 12:46:29 ok...wiki updated 12:47:17 ok, adminreq sent 12:52:23 Regrets: Rigo, Marco 12:52:26 Chair: Renato 12:52:29 Meeting: PLING monthly 12:52:33 rrsagent, make record public 12:53:39 Regrets- 12:53:42 Regrets- rigo 12:57:39 rigo has joined #pling 12:59:57 Ashok has joined #pling 13:00:42 Team_(pling)13:00Z has now started 13:00:49 +Ashok_Malhotra 13:00:49 zakim, call thomas-781 13:00:50 ok, tlr; the call is being made 13:00:50 +Thomas 13:01:01 zakim, I am thomas 13:01:01 ok, tlr, I now associate you with Thomas 13:01:02 zakim, mute me 13:01:02 Thomas should now be muted 13:01:54 +[IPcaller] 13:02:03 zakim, [IPcaller] is renato 13:02:03 +renato; got it 13:02:29 ack thomas 13:02:51 +rigo 13:03:25 zakim, unmute me 13:03:25 rigo was not muted, rigo 13:04:07 zakim, who is making noise? 13:04:19 rigo, listening for 10 seconds I heard sound from the following: Ashok_Malhotra (76%), renato (39%) 13:05:15 member:zakim, who is making noise? 13:06:09 hmmmm.... 13:06:21 can anyone hear me? 13:07:08 let me redial in (my mute is off) 13:07:15 ok 13:07:27 please start..back in 60 seconds 13:07:42 zakim, who is here? 13:07:42 On the phone I see Ashok_Malhotra, Thomas, renato, rigo 13:07:43 On IRC I see Ashok, rigo, renato, RRSAgent, Zakim, tlr 13:09:34 -renato 13:10:04 this is crazy....no getting busy tone on my phone card! 13:11:17 "all circuits are busy now" ....! 13:11:27 zakim, code? 13:11:27 the conference code is 26631 (tel:+1.617.761.6200 tel:+ tel:+44.117.370.6152), tlr 13:11:48 renato, are you on skype? 13:12:00 I can be... 13:12:06 let's try something 13:12:38 mh, no 13:12:47 that won't work 13:12:48 ack thomas 13:13:31 i will just dial direct... 13:13:43 +??P6 13:13:48 zakim, ??P6 is renato 13:13:48 +renato; got it 13:16:39 W3C Workshop on Access Control Application Scenarios - workshop report 13:16:53 http://www.w3.org/2009/policy-ws/report.html 13:31:02 PLING Charter extended to Feb 2011 13:31:38 RI: Media Annotation feedback, wiki page 13:31:50 http://www.w3.org/Policy/pling/wiki/MAWGFeedback 13:34:02 keep on agenda 13:35:46 http://www.w3.org/Policy/pling/wiki/PLINGNOTEBestPracticesForPrivacyAwareness 13:36:29 The concept a good idea? 13:37:10 Implementation experience from PrimeLife.... 13:38:17 q+ 13:38:28 ack tlr 13:38:33 ack Thomas 13:38:53 tlr: mozilla personae are only themes 13:43:59 Liaisons 13:44:05 PrimeLife 13:44:35 ...lead role in coordinating activities 13:45:01 ...in the pipe line.....privacy language.... 13:45:46 ODRL 13:46:02 XML serialization of ODRL 2.0 13:46:03 ....XML encoding released soon 13:46:30 SWXG 13:46:35 Social Web XG: Announcement for one social web from Vodafone 13:46:38 http://onesocialweb.org 13:46:51 using XMPP for everything 13:47:17 define their own access control language 13:47:22 http://onesocialweb.org/spec/1.0/xep-osw-activities.html#sect-id2774754 13:47:50 very small at the moment, subject, action, role, resource 13:48:06 1.st version, think about reusing existing language 13:48:32 have looked at XACML: comment: too complex 13:48:39 ODRL may be easier 13:49:12 interesting how well it is received, mainly with XMPP, rock solid protocol. 13:52:06 Add XACML to list 13:52:12 ... 13:52:14 Events 13:53:29 q+ to ask whether we've heard any interesting fall-out from other privacy events 13:53:36 PrivacyOS Privacy BarCamp Oxford 12-13 April 2010 13:53:48 ack Thomas 13:53:48 Thomas, you wanted to ask whether we've heard any interesting fall-out from other privacy events 13:54:15 privacyos invite: https://www.privacyos.eu/archives/98-Invitation-4th-PrivacyOS-Conference-Oxford.html 13:58:17 Dagstuhal Seminar: Distributed Usage Control (invite only!) 6-9 April 13:58:24 http://www.dagstuhl.de/en/program/calendar/semhp/?semnr=10141 14:03:39 -Thomas 14:03:42 Schedule 14:03:52 2nd Tues of the month 14:04:14 -rigo 14:04:15 -renato 14:04:16 -Ashok_Malhotra 14:04:17 Team_(pling)13:00Z has ended 14:04:19 Attendees were Ashok_Malhotra, Thomas, renato, rigo 14:42:54 rigo has joined #pling 14:43:04 rigo has left #pling 15:58:38 Zakim has left #pling