16:58:23 RRSAgent has joined #RDB2RDF 16:58:23 logging to http://www.w3.org/2010/01/26-RDB2RDF-irc 16:58:25 RRSAgent, make logs world 16:58:25 Zakim has joined #RDB2RDF 16:58:27 Zakim, this will be 7322733 16:58:27 ok, trackbot; I see SW_RDB2RDF()12:00PM scheduled to start in 2 minutes 16:58:28 Meeting: RDB2RDF Working Group Teleconference 16:58:28 Date: 26 January 2010 16:58:31 SW_RDB2RDF()12:00PM has now started 16:58:38 +??P10 16:58:58 Agenda: http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-rdb2rdf-wg/2010Jan/0047.html 16:59:09 +??P15 16:59:09 Souri has joined #rdb2rdf 16:59:13 + +1.512.471.aaaa 16:59:18 Chair: Ahmed 16:59:23 scribenick: whalb 16:59:27 +whalb 16:59:30 Marcelo has joined #rdb2rdf 17:00:13 nunolopes has joined #RDB2RDF 17:00:14 +??P24 17:00:39 +mhausenblas 17:00:51 +hhalpin 17:01:05 soeren has joined #RDB2RDF 17:01:14 + +49.322.222.0.aabb 17:02:04 zakim, aabb is soeren 17:02:05 +soeren; got it 17:02:07 cygri has joined #rdb2rdf 17:02:11 Zakim, who's here? 17:02:11 On the phone I see ??P10, ??P15, +1.512.471.aaaa, whalb, ??P24, mhausenblas, hhalpin, soeren 17:02:13 On IRC I see cygri, soeren, nunolopes, Marcelo, Souri, Zakim, RRSAgent, li_ma, Ahmed, Seema, whalb, juansequeda, mhausenblas, hhalpin, MacTed, iv_an_ru, trackbot, ericP 17:02:21 cygri is with mhausenblas 17:02:34 Zakim, cygri is with mhausenblas 17:02:35 +cygri; got it 17:02:53 RRSAgent, draft minutes 17:02:53 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2010/01/26-RDB2RDF-minutes.html mhausenblas 17:03:05 +??P38 17:03:11 zakim, make logs public 17:03:11 I don't understand 'make logs public', mhausenblas 17:03:17 Zakim, ??P38 is hhalpin 17:03:17 +hhalpin; got it 17:03:23 RRSAgent, make logs public 17:03:55 + +035385271aacc 17:04:15 Zakim, aacc is nunolopes 17:04:15 +nunolopes; got it 17:04:44 +OpenLink_Software 17:05:05 Zakim, OpenLink_Software is temporarily me 17:05:05 +MacTed; got it 17:05:08 Zakim, mute me 17:05:08 MacTed should now be muted 17:05:39 regrets+ Angela 17:06:05 topic: roll call 17:06:21 regrets+ Ben 17:06:59 topic: approve minutes 17:07:14 http://www.w3.org/2010/01/19-RDB2RDF-minutes.html 17:07:17 +1 17:07:18 +1 17:07:28 ACTION-18? 17:07:28 ACTION-18 -- Harry Halpin to update web-page and schedule -- due 2010-01-19 -- OPEN 17:07:28 http://www.w3.org/2001/sw/rdb2rdf/track/actions/18 17:07:33 close ACTION-18 17:07:33 ACTION-18 Update web-page and schedule closed 17:07:40 ACTION-19? 17:07:40 ACTION-19 -- Harry Halpin to put Souri's draft into a WBS poll and notify the WG -- due 2010-01-19 -- OPEN 17:07:40 http://www.w3.org/2001/sw/rdb2rdf/track/actions/19 17:07:43 +??P5 17:08:10 will ping souri re e-mail. 17:08:21 which part of the draft in particular? 17:08:26 We have put a write-up (including an XML syntax) on the wiki 17:08:27 send me the URI 17:08:32 (looking) 17:08:42 under Working docs 17:09:26 ACTION-20? 17:09:26 ACTION-20 -- Eric Prud'hommeaux to update http://www.w3.org/2001/sw/rdb2rdf/wiki/LinkedDataAspects#Linked_Data_Principles to say 'MUST allow to..." -- due 2010-01-26 -- OPEN 17:09:26 http://www.w3.org/2001/sw/rdb2rdf/track/actions/20 17:09:36 close ACTION-20 17:09:36 ACTION-20 Update http://www.w3.org/2001/sw/rdb2rdf/wiki/LinkedDataAspects#Linked_Data_Principles to say 'MUST allow to..." closed 17:09:44 ACTION-21 17:09:50 close ACTION-21 17:09:50 ACTION-21 Update http://www.w3.org/2001/sw/rdb2rdf/wiki/LinkedDataAspects#Well-known_Entities to reflect discussion (3 cases) closed 17:09:58 ACTION-22? 17:09:58 ACTION-22 -- Eric Prud'hommeaux to add Ahmed's plan to the Wiki -- due 2010-01-26 -- OPEN 17:09:58 http://www.w3.org/2001/sw/rdb2rdf/track/actions/22 17:10:06 close ACTION-22 17:10:08 ACTION-22 Add Ahmed's plan to the Wiki closed 17:10:15 ACTION-23 17:10:17 ACTION-23? 17:10:17 ACTION-23 -- Richard Cyganiak to update http://www.w3.org/2001/sw/rdb2rdf/wiki/LinkedDataAspects#Provenance re today's discussion -- due 2010-01-26 -- OPEN 17:10:17 http://www.w3.org/2001/sw/rdb2rdf/track/actions/23 17:10:18 Souri I will follow up with you on this 17:11:19 ahmed: main topic is how we continue forward, give an outline and set direction 17:12:02 sounds good to me 17:12:11 topic: R2RML Mapping aspects 17:12:26 RRSAgent, draft minutes 17:12:26 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2010/01/26-RDB2RDF-minutes.html mhausenblas 17:12:33 ahmed: two sub-teams, another team for linked data needed 17:12:42 well, sort of. 17:12:47 q+ 17:12:59 soeren: no further linked data group needed, included in both other sub-teams 17:13:24 ahmed: wants linked data area to be covered anyway 17:13:41 ... need more people commited to sub-teams 17:14:00 ... how are we going to proceed? 17:14:03 +1 status reports 17:14:06 This was the URL: http://www.w3.org/2001/sw/rdb2rdf/wiki/RDB-to-RDF_mapping:_A_SQL-based_Approach 17:14:18 ... are teams going to give status reports of e.g. 15mins? 17:14:25 ... how are we going to show progress? 17:14:30 ack hhalpin 17:15:46 http://neurocommons.org/page/Common_Naming_Project 17:15:54 http://www.okkam.org/ 17:16:02 http://linkeddata.org/ 17:16:27 hhalpin: suggest that each group has a member dealing with the different aspects of linked data, etc. 17:17:02 i'd also suggest that we have a session with the HCLS group 17:17:06 mhausenblas: we should focus on mapping stuff in the first phase, other members supporting both teams re. linked data 17:17:20 as they have interaction for NeuroCommons Common Naming Project 17:17:54 ... whenever there is a need from one of the groups to get some input on linked data topics the experts should chime in 17:18:12 ericP? 17:18:20 He's the staff contact for HCLS 17:18:27 hhalpin: also input from the life science domain, probalby from ericp 17:19:19 ACTION: ericP to take care of the HCLS statement 17:19:19 Sorry, couldn't find user - ericP 17:19:36 hmm 17:19:38 let me look 17:20:29 +EricP 17:20:31 soeren: two proposals: oracle created one and soeren tried to distill another one, wanted to align efforts 17:20:44 ... not yet talked to each of the other groups 17:21:08 ... suggestions for possible syntax of the mapping: 17:21:15 http://www.w3.org/2001/sw/rdb2rdf/wiki/R2RML_SQL_View_Annotation 17:21:38 ... called SQL View Annotation, intention is to add syntax for mapping language 17:22:54 ... syntax: db conn needs to be established, namespaces + prefixes 17:23:16 ... two distinguished namespaces: base namespace for creating data instance items 17:23:26 ... optional schema namespace: properties, classes 17:23:47 ... could be overwritten by custom definitions 17:24:07 ... table definition is the core, most important part 17:24:49 ... R2RMap current single syntactical element, first parameter basically a relation identifier 17:25:07 ... second element: path used to create linked data entity identifiers 17:25:20 ... additional parameters are optional 17:25:50 ... third element: reference to a class (rdfs, owl) used to make instances of this specific clas (optional parameter) 17:26:19 ... remaining parameters: definitions for each of the columns in the relation (from param1) 17:26:45 ... they are all optional 17:27:02 ... if omitted the column name is used for creating identifiers 17:27:24 ... syntax is inspired by triplify 17:27:50 q+ to note on Test Cases 17:28:19 ... additional issues: user defined output processing functions, static metadata, attribute-value tables, named graphs, 17:28:46 ... update logs, provenance (triplify approach could also be applied here) 17:29:07 ... a lot of work already done on how to tackle these issues 17:29:35 ... core is r2rmap syntax 17:29:48 ... as a staring point that can be refined later on 17:30:20 ack me 17:30:20 mhausenblas, you wanted to note on Test Cases 17:30:22 mhausenblas: start thinking about test cases: specify sample input and output 17:31:03 ... ideally a set of test cases is created/made available 17:31:39 ahmed: alignment with ashok? 17:32:06 soeren: contacted ashok/oracle, waiting for responses 17:32:53 ... discussion will take 2-3 more weeks 17:33:19 RRSAgent, draft minutes 17:33:19 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2010/01/26-RDB2RDF-minutes.html mhausenblas 17:33:21 Soren, not sure if you got our email from Friday -- we wanted to find out times that would be convenient to you 17:33:26 ahmed: two teams working together, is there a need for a leader of the sub-teams? 17:33:39 ... responsible for communication, coordination, not a technical leader 17:34:13 mhausenblas: person in charge should also have reporting responsibility 17:35:01 ahmed: any volunteers or suggestions? 17:35:49 orri: we should do something that substantially relies on sql 17:36:49 ... fine with something that's compatible to sql views as long as it works out in the end 17:37:51 Did anyone get a chance to review the XML syntax we had posted last week? (special case simplification with auto-mapping is always possible) 17:38:47 q+ 17:39:21 Zakim, who's making noise? 17:39:31 hhalpin, listening for 10 seconds I heard sound from the following: ??P15 (9%), soeren (14%) 17:39:48 For soundness and completeness, I would defer to Marcelo or at least have him go over the draft :) 17:40:50 sure, I can do it :-) 17:43:03 ericP: I think it's left stuff to specify mapping SPARQL to SQL 17:43:13 scribenick: hhalpin 17:43:19 soeren: but SPARQL constructs are very limited in expressivity 17:43:36 soeren: assigning results of a computation to a new variable 17:43:44 soeren: build a string by concating 2 others 17:43:56 soeren: i.e. firstname+lastname concat for a URI 17:44:01 hhalpin, its richard 17:44:01 ericP: can't do that. 17:44:14 s/soeren/cygri 17:44:25 cygri: And we are not sure about SPARQL 1.1 17:44:50 ... we will have use-cases outside of SPARQL construct 17:44:58 ... this will require a bit of work 17:45:04 ... if it is possible 17:45:08 ericP: understood 17:45:31 orri: it would seem to me 17:45:44 ... that we need to things in sql 17:45:48 <[1]whalb> [1]whalb has joined #RDB2RDF 17:45:53 ... but we should take sparql 1.1 as a given 17:46:09 ericP: but the point remains 17:46:10 <[1]whalb> * sorry, got disconnected 17:46:12 ... that a bit of sql 17:46:23 ... the commonality is still more expressive than even sparql 1.1 17:46:35 ... what do we save about this use-cases? 17:46:50 Ahmed: the main issue with SQL view 17:46:59 ... is you have to "touch" the database 17:47:03 soeren: disagrees 17:47:14 ... no need to touch the database 17:47:17 I disagree 17:47:29 cygri: several database problems with horrible performance 17:48:01 agree with Soren 17:48:10 soeren: customised mapping approach still could be done, optimised subqueries will be faster 17:48:19 orri: sql dbs will be fine 17:48:48 ... query gets unusual when mapping sparql to sql 17:48:54 ... in prinicple should be fine 17:49:35 scribenick: whalb 17:49:51 cygri: sparql to sql translation is hard for the user to optimise 17:51:03 ?: manipulation can be done on internal representations 17:51:29 cygri: you can use base tables if that is all you need 17:51:38 yes 17:51:40 Zakim, who's making noise? 17:51:47 s/?:/Dan: 17:51:51 MacTed, listening for 10 seconds I heard sound from the following: mhausenblas (100%), soeren (43%) 17:52:07 ... need to rely on optimiser in database if complex query 17:52:27 ... not same effort as doing optimisation on other side 17:52:48 ahmed: subqueries not a problem 17:53:07 ... problem is at the end you get sql datatypes 17:53:25 cygri: not a problem, soeren's syntax proposal covers that basically 17:53:54 ... can be easily done outside db 17:54:17 ahmed: why classify this approach as sql view 17:54:34 ... translating sql data outside the db 17:54:51 soeren: there is need for a mapping engine finally 17:55:03 ... sql (view) annotation approach 17:55:17 ... sql engine already does mapping from sql data to data 17:55:35 ahmed: disagrees, you get back sql datatypes if mapping is done outside 17:55:45 ... why call this approach sql view mapping 17:56:25 cygri: sql output is turned into rdf triples 17:56:38 ... transforming to sql view is done inside db 17:57:00 -> http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-rdb2rdf-wg/2010Jan/att-0050/RDB2RDFTest.scala SPARQL queries tranlated to SQL 17:57:07 The SQLdefString is the one that is employed directly against the host db (i.e., the data source) 17:57:11 ... transformation from three col sql result is simple work done outside 17:57:19 ... mapping is inside the db 17:57:49 ahmed: view is defined term in sql world 17:58:09 ... would not call that approach sql view, misuse of terminology 17:58:18 We can call it something else I imagine... 17:59:01 orri: column is the predicate on the row, multi-col views ok 17:59:41 ahmed: sql view means that data is updated automatically 17:59:53 sdas2 has joined #rdb2rdf 18:00:02 -??P5 18:00:36 ... the last mentioned approach does not need any special optimisation 18:00:38 sdas2 has joined #rdb2rdf 18:01:11 cygri: still a problem for specific db systems, e.g. mysql 18:01:35 ... simple looking queries can perform poorly 18:01:46 we need to wrap up soon, we're on the top of the hour 18:02:05 ahmed: which subqueries do not perfom well? 18:02:28 ... mysql usually only has drawbacks in transactions, updates, ... 18:02:36 ... difference if change in db is needed or not 18:02:41 ... we need to support both cases 18:03:17 Oracle presentation covers both "db" and "no db" cases 18:03:18 hmmm... 18:03:40 Souri has joined #rdb2rdf 18:03:49 ... interested to get to know difficult subqueries for mysql 18:04:19 soeren: question seems not to be important 18:04:27 ... there are some issues with every db 18:04:40 http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-rdb2rdf-wg/2010Jan/att-0050/RDB2RDFTest.scala 18:04:43 ... but there has been spent a lot of time on db development 18:05:12 ericp: interested if those sql queries could make troubles 18:05:29 i think we can continue for a bit till discussion ends 18:05:39 ahmed: subquery is no issue at any level 18:05:55 ... problem is the optimiser for specific types of queries 18:05:55 I'd love to see a write-up of today's discussion :) 18:08:06 ahmed: create a list of typical queries generated from sparql to sql to figure out the difficult ones 18:08:12 Michael: I like today's discussion - eventually we start to disagree 18:09:55 ... start collecting cases on the wiki 18:10:24 ericp: sql generated from rdb2rdf translations, sql that is a "show stopper" 18:11:00 ahmed: would like to see an approach that does not touch the db 18:11:01 GeneratedSQL and PotentialSQLIssues 18:11:04 thanks to ericP for kicking-off the Wiki stuff 18:11:32 RRSAgent, draft minutes 18:11:32 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2010/01/26-RDB2RDF-minutes.html mhausenblas 18:11:37 souri: oracle presentation mentioned that in the case db is not touched 18:12:01 Zakim, list attendees 18:12:01 As of this point the attendees have been +1.512.471.aaaa, whalb, mhausenblas, hhalpin, +49.322.222.0.aabb, soeren, cygri, +035385271aacc, nunolopes, MacTed, EricP 18:12:04 -soeren 18:12:04 -??P10 18:12:05 -EricP 18:12:05 -hhalpin 18:12:07 -whalb 18:12:07 -MacTed 18:12:08 -??P15 18:12:09 -??P24 18:12:27 -hhalpin.a 18:12:28 Bye. 18:12:29 -mhausenblas 18:12:31 bye 18:12:31 - +1.512.471.aaaa 18:12:35 adjourned 18:12:42 RRSAgent, draft minutes 18:12:42 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2010/01/26-RDB2RDF-minutes.html mhausenblas 18:12:59 -nunolopes 18:13:01 SW_RDB2RDF()12:00PM has ended 18:13:02 Attendees were +1.512.471.aaaa, whalb, mhausenblas, hhalpin, +49.322.222.0.aabb, soeren, cygri, +035385271aacc, nunolopes, MacTed, EricP 18:19:41 cygri has left #rdb2rdf 18:23:33 cygri has joined #rdb2rdf 18:42:48 cygri has joined #rdb2rdf 18:49:36 nunolopes has joined #RDB2RDF 19:39:30 cygri_ has joined #rdb2rdf 19:58:08 juansequeda has joined #RDB2RDF 20:21:41 Zakim has left #RDB2RDF