13:24:18 RRSAgent has joined #er 13:24:18 logging to http://www.w3.org/2009/12/09-er-irc 13:24:20 RRSAgent, make logs public 13:24:20 Zakim has joined #er 13:24:22 Zakim, this will be 3794 13:24:22 ok, trackbot; I see WAI_ERTWG()8:30AM scheduled to start in 6 minutes 13:24:23 Meeting: Evaluation and Repair Tools Working Group Teleconference 13:24:23 Date: 09 December 2009 13:25:30 agenda+ EARL Software Version 13:25:47 agenda+ Last Call Review Period 13:26:03 agenda+ CR Implementations 13:26:14 agenda+ Upcoming Schedule 13:26:22 zakim, call shadi-617 13:26:22 ok, shadi; the call is being made 13:26:24 WAI_ERTWG()8:30AM has now started 13:26:25 +Shadi 13:30:45 JohannesK has joined #er 13:31:23 +JohannesK 13:32:20 +JohannesK.a 13:35:26 carlos has joined #er 13:36:09 +martin_spain 13:36:32 agenda? 13:37:08 scribe: Johannes 13:37:13 scribenick: JohannesK 13:37:15 carlosI has joined #er 13:37:22 zakim, take up agendum 1 13:37:22 agendum 1. "EARL Software Version" taken up [from shadi] 13:38:05 http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-wai-ert/2009Nov/0011 13:41:16 http://usefulinc.com/ns/doap# 13:42:11 http://xmlns.com/wordnet/1.6/Project 13:42:29 DOAP Project class is a subclass of this other one 13:42:44 CI: I don't like DOAP, dependency on not existing Wordnet schema 13:42:47 and there is nothing at that uri 13:43:00 CI: DOAP not mature enough 13:44:27 JK: also FOAF uses the Wodnet 1.6 vocabulary 13:44:36 s/Wodnet/Wordnet/ 13:45:49 CV: Wordnet seems to be still alive 13:46:03 JK: Wordnet 2.0: 13:47:06 CV: Iprefer to use the whole of DOAP 13:47:32 CV: link to a DOAP description 13:48:28 SAZ: you can add DOAP anyway 13:50:04 JK: 13:53:45 JK: doap properties may not fit (because of their domains/ranges) 13:56:09 SAZ: let's create an earl:version (Literal) 13:56:46 SAZ: domain: earl:Software 13:56:59 SAZ: range: Literal 13:58:15 JK: should we specify a domain? earl:version could be useful somewhere else 13:58:44 CV: domain: earl:Assertor 14:03:04 SAZ: proposal: domain: rdf:Resource; range: rdfs:Literal; meaning: version number 14:04:00 RESOLUTION: create earl:version with domain rdf:Resource and range Literal, and a broad description such as "version number" 14:06:11 JK: we should contact danbri for the wordnet/1.6 issue? 14:06:25 action: shadi contact Danbri and Libby about wordnet issue in FOAF 14:06:25 Created ACTION-111 - Contact Danbri and Libby about wordnet issue in FOAF [on Shadi Abou-Zahra - due 2009-12-16]. 14:06:53 zakim, take up next 14:06:53 agendum 2. "Last Call Review Period" taken up [from shadi] 14:07:51 SAZ: some more people want to review EARL 14:08:07 SAZ: implicitly extended review period 14:10:42 SAZ: hope to get some more comments 14:11:10 zakim, take up next 14:11:10 agendum 3. "CR Implementations" taken up [from shadi] 14:17:16 action: cvelasco prepare rough timeline estimates for CR implementation for the next call 14:17:16 Created ACTION-112 - Prepare rough timeline estimates for CR implementation for the next call [on Carlos A. Velasco - due 2009-12-16]. 14:17:22 action: ciglesia prepare rough timeline estimates for CR implementation for the next call 14:17:22 Created ACTION-113 - Prepare rough timeline estimates for CR implementation for the next call [on Carlos Iglesias - due 2009-12-16]. 14:18:00 zakim, take up next 14:18:00 agendum 4. "Upcoming Schedule" taken up [from shadi] 14:20:08 SAZ: also think about EARL:processors 14:21:56 SAZ: next phone meeting 2010-01-13 14:22:28 SAZ: send topics in advance 14:22:47 SAZ: or information/thoughts/issues 14:23:16 -JohannesK 14:23:19 -Shadi 14:23:20 -martin_spain 14:23:24 trackbot, end meeting 14:23:24 Zakim, list attendees 14:23:24 As of this point the attendees have been Shadi, JohannesK, martin_spain 14:23:25 RRSAgent, please draft minutes 14:23:25 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2009/12/09-er-minutes.html trackbot 14:23:26 RRSAgent, bye 14:23:26 I see 3 open action items saved in http://www.w3.org/2009/12/09-er-actions.rdf : 14:23:26 ACTION: shadi contact Danbri and Libby about wordnet issue in FOAF [1] 14:23:26 recorded in http://www.w3.org/2009/12/09-er-irc#T14-06-25 14:23:26 ACTION: cvelasco prepare rough timeline estimates for CR implementation for the next call [2] 14:23:26 recorded in http://www.w3.org/2009/12/09-er-irc#T14-17-16 14:23:26 ACTION: ciglesia prepare rough timeline estimates for CR implementation for the next call [3] 14:23:26 recorded in http://www.w3.org/2009/12/09-er-irc#T14-17-22 14:23:31 -JohannesK.a 14:23:32 WAI_ERTWG()8:30AM has ended 14:23:33 Attendees were Shadi, JohannesK, martin_spain