See also: IRC log
<rigo> scribe: tlr
<rigo> scribenick: tlr
-> paper
DC: If you don't know where the
attributes come form, you don't know whether you can trust
... these statements come from "this party can issue this
HL: that information exists, it is outside of XACML
DC: you said the SecPAL approach wasn't feasible, and I'm disputing that.
DN: security and privacy of attributes -- is this about certifying attributes?
HL: CARML language
... look at IGF project on openliberty
... briefly, idea is instead of specifying on low level "go to
this dir, take this attribute" lets you make higher level
statements what attributes are used for
... what properties are etc
RW: What kind of comments did you get for the privacy profile?
HL: That profile is extremely
minimal -- just defines purpose attribute
... developed in 2.0 time frame
... looked at EPAL, and that looked like it was the only thing
we needed to add
... various references to core spec
PS: purpose is for access
control, not privacy
... restricting access based on purpose is access control, not
RW: depends
TR: It is access control motivated by privacy
HL: healthcare scenarios
... presentation yesterday was very similar to XSBA (?)
... healthcare profile generated based on @character
... dealing with things like emergency, etc etc
... on purpose -- often people say "not sure what people do in
the future"
... but in the case of healthcare, often using specific
... so turns out not to be an issue
PS: emergency -- different policy?
HL: yes, attribute "emergency has
been declared"
... more logging, less checking
GN: purpose is attached to
resource as resource attribute -- for which purpose can the
resource be accessed
... shouldn't this be part of the policy?
HL: think the semantic is that
it's the purpose for which the data is collected
... the logic you're talking about is in the policy
GN: there's a purpose attribute associated with the resource, and one in the request; the one in the request needs to be in the list of purposes for the resource
HL: good comment
... side remark: the work we do is public immediately
... also, public comments
... -dev list for developers
... for XACML, separate list xacml-users which is supposed to
be about issues related to design of policies
RW: interested in timing
HL: trying to close the box on
... expect selective implementation of profiles instead of
giant switch-over
FSP: how difficult is it to get a profile accepted?
HL: except for timing --
... in particular when you actually work on it
... "here's a document, I'm going to edit it" is a good way to
get things done
RW: privacy attributes, privacy profile -- how to contribute?
HL: note only the core defines a schema -- administrative stuff uses new elements, those are defined in the core
GN: profiles only come out if new version?
HL: no, XSPA is on its own
... but some of these things have dependency
... if doesn't impact other things, can move through -- more
confusion in marketplace, but deal with
FSP: what about profiles that just use extension points?
HL: no single statement
... profiles have independent conformance points
... most require conformance with core as a precondition
... could use the definitions in export control with whole new
policy language
... no one definition -- profiles can extend, narrow, ...
PS: a bit more what you're looking at for multi and hierarchical
HL: the answer would be
... a lot of the comments and the changes proposed came from
OGC work
... in addition to doing geospatial stuff, OGC were the first
to using XACML in web services environment, srsly
-> paper
-> slides
ME: what kind of standardization do you envision?
EP: looking at OASIS as
appropriate body
... not really an ontology; looking at OWL-S, WSMO
... some work done at the WSDL level to add semantics
GN: what is it you want to standardize?
EP: would like to standardize
evidence model
... how you represent evidence
NP: using PSL formulas to express
... quantify what a particular service provides and do direct
... or have standard shapes of formulas?
... how do you benefit from using PSL form?
EP: policy -> PSL through BPEL
... advantage of PSL is that in MASTER, at design time doing pi
calculus, can do formal verification
... able to verify
... PSL can be translated
NP: Do you know work by Maike Gilliot (sp?)?
EP: MASTER works together with
TAS3 and PrimeLIfe
... compliance -- glue between trust, privacy etc
<accorsi> Maike Gilliot <>
EP: ultimate purpose is to show that business is under control
<caribou> paper
<rigo> scribe: rigo
<scribe> scribenick: rigo
you will lose obligations
ML: aggregation also supresses
... combination of various attributes, we don't do, we only do
aggregation on one attribute, remains linear, check for
circular refs
DC: if refer and refer, how would you know
ML: we do a depth search first
NP: do you compare on synatx or on something?
HL: just compare decisions
ML: and send them around PDPs
ME: model you're applying, is it true that root on top takes the decision for all the subnotes?
ML: basically yes, but we can also combine and decide on a lower level
HL: you're using the known policy
evaluation mechanism
... multiple PDP discussed a while ago, wasn't taken any
further, standards people are reluctant to take complexity on
where there is no clear need..
... I don't know how you approach distribution
ML: the PIP is querying
HL: don't want to specify distribution in the policy, you want to do that separately
ML: consider different users are
querying, first operator is different for each user
... that's why we made it dynamic
HL: doing runtime resolution
ML: yes
MK: ??
ML: Secpal has no negative negations,
MK: datalog?
ML: we are purely based on XACML, negation solved by grant/deny
MK: what do you use for verification for privacy?
ML: as difficult as for the standard
<dsr> (secpal has open world assumption)
HL: question is if you always end up with the concrete model or whether you get abstraction
MK: in many cases there are abstractions
ME: example policy, how can the formal system find out the weaknesses without knowing the security goals
MK: you should know the spec of
your systems
... many more complicated sytems. In more complex systems, you
still are complex, but you can get some abstraction. At some
point you can export from this to XACML
AM: it is possible to model XACML, problem is to find out how to prevent attack. if there is no relation between paper and eve. Now if charly comes on, if eve has already relation to paper p, deny. Can model this with XACML.
DC: issue, if you write a policy and you don't yet about the issue, you can't say
MK: there are other steps they
don't know and the formal model helps to discover
... may be only considered one way, there more
RA: finding ways for violation, so no policy specification
MK: can verify in the verification language
HL: properties: nobody can review
their own paper...
... state the properties you are stating
DC: if you haven
... t tought about the attack, you won't get to it
HL: someone ran a model against our model, has that hole because of that property and I said, you just assume it has that property
NP: tool has own language?
MK: yes
ML: what is the key diff between datalog or secpal
MK: we don't use secpal or datalog, because doesn't work with our model
ML: advantage of X-Policy
MK: policy is expressive in web
scenarios, in verification part, we check it with a model
... cannot implement with standard model checkers
LB: what doesn't work with Secpal
MK: some tokens are permitted or denied, we change state dynamically, secpal is stateless
ML: you make evaluation at each request?
MK: each request changes the state of the system, looking for credential in different states
ML: requested subreviewing is a state?
LB: with Secpal you can specifiy duty, verification of properties is out of scope
DC: we have stateful PDP, records state. It is possible to build it
HL: does it scale
DC: well.....
HL: general problem with duties and large scale systems
HL: standardization is not a goal
in itself, if there
... define extension in the schema but profile the
... bottom up place, charter constraint is on access control,
as long as it is consistent with work
... I have concerns about attributes, that's where people are
blocked, instead of all people around solving only for
... so much done in the past, we should explore that
... specs are built with extension points, so that company,
some industry branches can use them
... how many people do implement? Only if it is sufficiently
broad, should go to TC, but we are not gatekeepers
... OGC is done in OGC is good example
TCB: different policy languages for spec.. All of these languages
DC: this is where I want XACML to losen up. Wire Protocol is key. allows you to do many things. One standard request response context, we can merge many of that
HL: yesterday provision of dynamic policies, generalization would be easy
DC: extension would be
... just element-any as a choice
HL: imagine people could agree on
that as it is such low impact
... so many customers don't do schema-checking, too much
... if you could make that suggestion to comment list
AM: wire prot. good, in OGC, when
you pass in auth decision request, it contains many position
descriptions, big number of points. You're blowing up the
... people were asking to put this in policy instead and
instruct PDP to go get the data over there
HL: don't get confused with
packaging/implementation and model. Any implementation will
have the possibility to go fetching, but it is not
... I have lots of environments that need high performance, so
remote PDP wouldn't work
... so just come into TC and push for your solution
... things happen because there are champions
... for 3.0 you can have policies about policies. creating
dynamic policies, evaluated only in the context of that
... when we define the schema, has to be XACML policy, DC wants
any policy
AM: want where the attribute can be fetched
HL: question is where you want to attach it, outside the policy
AM: outside the PDP, only selctor
and designator, if in the request context we would have
... PDP would go and get..
HL: if selector and fetch group attribute, in discover that you need to get that from elsewhere, than go get it, but not in the policy
AM: how to fetch is in the request context
DC: PIP lift context. We have a paper on it.
HL: References instead of values
RW: this is what the SW is about
AM: different context
HL: URI is a supported data type
AM: you have to define what it means
DC: environment attribute, then pass on URI
AM: you need to know what it is,
so you have to specify in the request
... has 3.0 covered everything?
DC: we coverd in a way that it is conformant, but there is no standard way of doing
<scribe> ...done that in OGF
UNKNOWN_SPEAKER: GFD 157 GFD 159 as specifications from OGF
HL: most common argument I hear that XACML is too complicated, now I hear not complex enough?
RW: fetch attributes
AM: put references where to fetch
HL: whether you sent request or information in the request
AM: mobile client, mobile client
needs to get context, that would explode mobile device,
... ref would allow you to discover that you're still in same
request context, could be localhost
... attribute ref, URI, than PDP does it
HL: server has PDP and PIP and PIP is fetching
TCB: the URI should not be localhost
RW: how to connect SW
HL: PDP type information
ML: only thing you want to have is a comparison thing
<carrasco> Something taking into account
ML: otherwise you only want to have a name attribute value pair
HL: function go over to this guy
who understands... hasn't been explored so far
... XACML doesn't know anything about it, it's about strings as
long as
Anna: XML doesn't allow to
express relationships
... if the subject would be expressed in RDF, the relations
could also be protected
DSR: relationship is just a resource
HL: could treat as resource, you have actions on it
GN: Relation in a social network is different from RDF relations
HL: you can model that as actions on resources, change persitent state on resources
<caribou> scribe: carine
<caribou> scribenick: caribou
-> paper
RW: is propagation of AC part of your scope?
DC: OAuth?
PS: we will discuss this
<dsr> Perhaps it would be better for the policy to separate the condition e.g. age > 18 from the accepted means to prove that
<carrasco> Photos
<dsr> this would allow the user agent to determine which means would minimize disclosure of personal data
<rigo> PS: fancy negotiation doesn't work, need user interaction and reasoning and abstractions
HL: your 4 goals are independent from each other?
PS: abstractions and recursive reasoning are very much related to each other
RW: if you use ontologies you can use SPARQL for reasoning
PS: it's time to have a way to communicate the policy to the user
RW: there's a // activity at MIT called PAW (Policy-Aware Web)
PS: either you request the client
to present everything, or you ask only if you don't find
... closed-world assumption is if you don't have my age you
deny access
... you should have to way to ask
DC: just present a bunch of
referrals instead of attributes
... you have to trust the system not to pick too much
PS: a user proxy, e.g. wallet full of certificates?
DC: no, just present available referrals
PS: then you need to tell a proxy all the referrals, and associated policies
DC: all my attributes are
asserted by 3rd parties
... I only give the list of third parties you can get the
attributes from
PS: I should not even be disclosing that I have attributes
DSR: the user wants to know why
the service is asking the information
... if I give a list of what I could provide, it's much more
than needed
GN: reasons for not storing at
the server
... you have to go back to the user
DC: pull-model is an alternative
<rigo> PS: but the issue here is support for the server not to reveal everything to the user
<rigo> ...need dialog for this
DC: in the pull-model, the conditions are not revealed to the user
[debate over privacy of the user vs. privacy of the server]
-> paper
DC: [describing what's missing in XACML]
-> slides
HL: I would like to see a list of
... the PDP does not agree, it's just doing predefined
... we don't have a model for the subject in the AC model
ML: the PDP is not doing semantic
specific things
... just checking
... 5 types of relations between obligations = unrelated,
conflict, contradiction, inclusion, subordinated
RW: sorry for repeating. in P3P,
caching, ordered statements
... even if it was simple to read, the ordered thing confused
ML: in the policy itself you have
... obligations are ordered in execution order?
RW: it does not have obligations
ML: we specify relations because
we can't specify order
... but we can easily describe the relations (thx to a unique
[HL showing a slide "obligation families"]
RW: work on obligations in
... Feed that to the XACML TC
HL: XACML TC has a history of submitted material
HL will send a pointer to this, Rigo to relay to PRIMCluster
=== coffee break ===
<dsr> see
<dsr> obligation family draft
<dsr> we resume after the break
<dsr> scribe: dsr
GN steps up to the podium to give the first of 2 talks
<caribou> Scribe: dsr
GN: we want to move away from disclosing your identity to proving selected attributes as needed for the task in hand
HL: XACML has been that way from the start
GN: a concert ticket can be considered as a kind of credential
HL: there is a large literature on this that refers to that as a capability
DC: you probably mean trusted LDAP rather than LDAP since there is no trust model for data retrieved from a vanilla LDAP server
GN: yes
... one question for different solutiions is whether attributes
are dynamic or static, and can they be authenticated
(see slide 9)
GN: reference to an attribute as {id, issuer} may not be sufficient, you also want to know the credential type involved
DC: you could cover this in an ontology that defines abstract types
HL: you can define an attribute type as {id, issue, credential} if you want
GN: sometimes it is critical that several attributes are from the same credential, e.g. credit card and expiry date
DC: better example first name and last name
GN: say you want to establish that your name is the same on two credentials but not to disclose your name
GN shows example policy (slide 11)
GN proposes use of SAML to carry conditions on attributes and provisional actions
This is to convey this information to a user agent (a client)
HL: any kind of credential has to be bound to the issuer, and a request/session
One of the issue features is called "holder of key"
HL and GN to take the details offline
GN: SAML needs extension to support any kind of proof token and not be restricted to XML signature
(DSR agrees with GN that authetication shouldn't be part of the access control directly, and should be instead associated metadata)
TCB: What is the difference from X.509?
GN: we add a treatment of
... we are proposing a generalization of existing technologies
for use in access control
... X.509 is a special case of credential
GN introduces scenario of data subject communicating with data controller (slide 2)
Slide 3 introduces role of XACML for policies and SAML for conveying info
Sticky policy is a agreement on what data controller may do and must do in relation to data subject's personal data
Slide 8 summarises authorizations and access control. Note role of downstream access control
<caribou> "aliens landing on earth" ?
an example of predefined trigger...
AM: XACML is a good standard, but there is an open hook for obligations, we need to reach interoperable standards for these
HL: that is a separate work item
from XACML
... trying to standardize all possibilities would be a never
ending task
AM: in OGC we're thinking of a registry binding URIs to meanings
HL: the most we could do in OASIS is a core set, but no interest in managing a registry
RW: social process to agree on terms
HL: there will always be things you forgot to specify, some wiggle room is needed
TCB: standards are about nailing things down, options work against interoperability
ML: binding language extensions to specs
RW: obligation element provides an extension point. Experience from PrimeLife shows that matching is important to a binding agreement
We should allow this world to be open and not closed (i.e. extensible)
At some point in time the various parties need to reach agreement to achieve interoparability
e.g. "must understand" conditions
AM: such agreements can use references to the shared semantics
RW: how can we bridge communities to support re-use of Semantic Web definitions?
AM: we need an attribute which references shared semantics, or which is left out for proprietary semantics
HL: currently XACML spec doesn't require the attribute to be de-reference-able
RW: no need to change the schema, we just need to redefine the meaning of id
AM: differentiate between identifier and concept
(i.e. between a name for a concept and the concept itself)
AM: asking for a possibility for an attribute for a URI that could be dereferencable.
HL: why not just use a XACML refererence (a URN)
TCB: it should be a URI
HL: It is defined as a URI
RW: what AM means is that OGC can define a URI for a set of meanings
HL: you wouldn't need to do that very often
RW: you wouldn't need to dereference the URI on every use
(caching/expiry metadata)
ML: wrt XACML triigers would be defined as elements within obligations?
GN: yes (showing example on slide 10)
AM: are there any WS-* standards that could help?
RW: WS-Policy?
HL: no
GN: slide 9 defines semantics for formal matching
HL: not just matching, rather partial ordering
GN: yes
HL: anyone want to make closing remarks on what should be included in workshop report?
AM raises issue of shared semantics for terms like delivery which can be used by both parties
GN: we use URIs to point to P3P vocabulary
RW: we could introduce a formal ontology for a richer vocabulary
HL thanks everyone for participating and contributing to the workshop.
FSP: approached HAL to see how much work would be involved in getting OASIS XACML TC to accept a profile including the PrimeLife ideas.
HL: does this extend the PrimeLife schema?
FSP: yes, slightly
HL: we're trying to close of XACML 3.0, so the mindset off the TC is likely to unwelcoming to changes
<carrasco> Example (mutatis mutandis)
HL: you would get more attention after our next face to face
AM: as long as the core isn't change, it isn't a real problem, right?
HL: yes
end of workshop
This is scribe.perl Revision: 1.135 of Date: 2009/03/02 03:52:20 Check for newer version at Guessing input format: RRSAgent_Text_Format (score 1.00) Succeeded: s/??/FSP/ Succeeded: s/XSBA/XSPA/ Succeeded: s/topic// Succeeded: s/??/Nick/ Succeeded: s/Nick/NP/ Succeeded: s/Michael Gillieaux/Maike Gilliot/ Succeeded: s/Contro/Control/ Succeeded: s/dept/depth/ Succeeded: s/localhost as default and other info in that place/the URI should not be localhost/ Succeeded: s/Elena/Anna/ Succeeded: s/referral/referrals/ Succeeded: s/??/TCB/ Succeeded: s/of/on/ Succeeded: s/share/shared/ Succeeded: s/OTC/OGC/ Succeeded: s/of/off/ Found Scribe: tlr Found ScribeNick: tlr Found Scribe: rigo Inferring ScribeNick: rigo Found ScribeNick: rigo Found Scribe: carine Found ScribeNick: caribou Found Scribe: dsr Inferring ScribeNick: dsr Found Scribe: dsr Inferring ScribeNick: dsr Scribes: tlr, rigo, carine, dsr ScribeNicks: tlr, rigo, caribou, dsr WARNING: No "Present: ... " found! Possibly Present: AM Anna DC DN EP FSP GN HL LB ME MK ML NP PS RA RW TCB TR accorsi caribou carrasco dsr elenat mari1 mario mib_l3n81s mib_rk6xfm renato rigo scribenick slides tlr You can indicate people for the Present list like this: <dbooth> Present: dbooth jonathan mary <dbooth> Present+ amy Agenda: Got date from IRC log name: 18 Nov 2009 Guessing minutes URL: People with action items:[End of scribe.perl diagnostic output]