15:55:00 RRSAgent has joined #hcls 15:55:01 logging to http://www.w3.org/2009/11/09-hcls-irc 15:55:08 Zakim, this will be BioRDF 15:55:08 ok, kei; I see SW_HCLS(BioRDF)11:00AM scheduled to start in 5 minutes 15:55:35 agenda+ introduction [Kei] 15:55:44 agenda+ BioRDF breakout update [Kei] 15:55:57 agenda+ Follow-up [All] 15:56:06 Zakim, take up next agendum 15:56:06 agendum 1. "introduction" taken up [from Kei] 15:59:26 Joshua has joined #hcls 15:59:59 SW_HCLS(BioRDF)11:00AM has now started 16:00:06 +Kei_Cheung 16:00:09 + +1.410.720.aaaa 16:01:43 matthias_samwald has joined #hcls 16:02:02 +??P6 16:02:28 zakim, ??P6 is matthias_samwald 16:02:30 +matthias_samwald; got it 16:03:10 oshani has joined #hcls 16:03:38 +andy 16:04:10 + +1.617.324.aabb 16:04:45 Zakim, +1.617.324.aabb is me 16:04:45 +oshani; got it 16:04:58 mscottm has joined #hcls 16:05:17 Zakim, who is here? 16:05:17 On the phone I see Kei_Cheung, +1.410.720.aaaa, matthias_samwald, andy, oshani (muted) 16:05:19 On IRC I see mscottm, oshani, matthias_samwald, Joshua, RRSAgent, Zakim, kei, jerven, Cloud, ericP 16:05:56 Zakim, +1.410.720.aaaa is Joshua 16:05:56 +Joshua; got it 16:06:52 Zakim, who is here? 16:06:52 On the phone I see Kei_Cheung, Joshua, matthias_samwald, andy, oshani (muted) 16:06:54 On IRC I see mscottm, oshani, matthias_samwald, Joshua, RRSAgent, Zakim, kei, jerven, Cloud, ericP 16:07:47 scribenick Matthias 16:07:51 +??P10 16:08:00 scribenick matthias_samwald 16:08:03 LenaDeus has joined #hcls 16:09:59 http://esw.w3.org/topic/HCLSIG_BioRDF_Subgroup/QueryFederation2?action=AttachFile&do=get&target=BioRDF+Breakout+Update.pdf 16:10:21 kei: The presentation is available as a PDF 16:11:05 Joshua: my name is joshua philips. work at semantic bits. worked for caBIG (infrastructure etc.) 16:11:20 ... Currently I am trainig that community in Semantic Web technology 16:12:02 There are 2 of us: Oshani and Rachel, and we are working on this project: http://code.google.com/p/querymed 16:12:14 oshani: hi, i am Oshani Seneviratne. 16:12:44 ... we are involved in a small project (sparql queries, user interface for physicians). 16:13:03 kei: thanks for your introductions. 16:14:24 ... at the BioRDF breakout last week in Santa Clara we had 20 participants. 16:14:43 ... we had two main parts. first presentations, then discussions. 16:15:36 ... presentation by me (kei) about microarray work 16:15:48 ... work on expanding query federation demo with microarray dat 16:17:39 ... MIAME standard -- what is the minimum information to practically annotate microarray data. 16:18:09 ... MAGE-TAB is a new standard for capturing such data, Michael Miller gave a presentation. 16:19:24 -matthias_samwald 16:19:32 matthias_samwald has joined #hcls 16:19:35 oops 16:19:40 ... Matthias Samwald gave a presentation on aTags 16:21:19 +??P0 16:21:33 +Prateek 16:21:57 Zakim, who is here? 16:21:57 On the phone I see Kei_Cheung, Joshua, andy, oshani (muted), ??P10, ??P0, Prateek 16:21:59 On IRC I see matthias_samwald, LenaDeus, mscottm, oshani, Joshua, RRSAgent, Zakim, kei, jerven, Cloud, ericP 16:22:50 matthias_samwald has joined #hcls 16:22:52 Kei: slide number 3: we talked about possible RDF structures for representing microarray data 16:23:10 ... we also invited the SPARQL group to discuss extensions to SPARQL 16:24:23 ... other points of discussion: tools and visualization (how to integrate heterogeneous tools) 16:24:34 +EricP 16:26:24 ... integration of databases and literature 16:27:17 ... microarray data needs to be integrated with pathway data etc 16:28:50 ... we have started an interaction with the NCBO 16:28:59 ... they helped us use some of their tools 16:31:00 -oshani 16:31:06 bye! 16:31:41 kei: we have huge amounts of raw data in native format that can be read by certain types of tools for processing 16:32:26 ... we discussed how much of it needs to be converted to RDF. we agreed that not everything needs to be converted to RDF, because it would be too huge 16:33:44 ... gene lists (e.g. which genes are affected in a certain experiment) usually consist of several hundreds of genes of interest. 16:34:20 ... what genes are upregulated in a certain neurological condition? and other questions. these data should be comparable between experiments. 16:34:31 ssahoo2 has joined #HCLS 16:34:39 ... annotation should also capture which algorithm was used 16:35:09 ... based on the algorithm, users can decide whether two datasets are comparable or not 16:35:23 NIFSTD 16:35:55 ... the NIFSTD is a terminology/OWL ontology developed for the neuroscience information framework (NIF). 16:36:03 ... it is available in BioPortal. 16:37:46 Experimental Factors = EFO = Experimental Factors Ontology 16:38:59 ... when data is expressed in linked data format, metadata / provenance need to be represented as well. vOID is interesting in this regard. 16:39:24 ... aTags is an interesting approach for representing both structured and unstructured/text data in a single format. 16:40:06 ... query federation: we used the hierarchical query feature to get all brain regions located within a larger brain region, enabling query expansion 16:40:22 ... aggregate functions could be useful for statistical analysis of data. 16:41:52 ... provenance and workflowas are important. projects include taverna and biomoby. 16:42:19 ... data analysis projects: bioconductor (based on R), matlab 16:42:49 jodi has joined #HCLS 16:43:29 ... how could we get software vendors interested in use-case? 16:43:55 ... how can grid and cloud computing be incorporated in use-case? 16:44:34 eric: we need to find out how we interact with caBIG. 16:45:06 kei: looking at slide 6... the Genepattern application has been used by caBIG, i think 16:45:24 joshua: Genepattern has been exposed as a service 16:46:02 ... there is some opportunity to express these data with OWL / NCI Thesaurus 16:47:03 https://cabig-kc.nci.nih.gov/Molecular/KC/index.php/GenePattern_caGrid 16:47:25 kei: database-literature integration: gene lists could be a low-hanging fruit 16:47:52 ... we need to confirm whether MAGE-TAB contains gene lists or not 16:48:05 ... we could look into adding that 16:48:50 ... aTags could be used to represent gene lists found in literature etc. 16:50:06 ... for numeric data, maybe aTags is not designed for that, need to look into generic linked data representation 16:50:36 ... we started collaboration with EBI 16:51:28 ... during breakout Nigam showed us the NCBO annotator 16:53:45 (eric takes over scribing) 16:53:58 oshani has joined #hcls 16:54:09 ... scientific discourse / hypothesis represntation should also be integrated 16:54:12 scribenic: ericP 16:54:34 oshani has left #hcls 16:54:44 [slide 10] 16:55:14 kei: ADNI is disease-related MRI data 16:55:21 ... could connect disease and data 16:55:44 ... drug and model data (systems biology) 16:55:45 -??P0 16:55:59 ... LoDD has a rich collection of drug data 16:56:18 [slide 11: Translational use case] 16:56:48 kei: would be interesting to integrate microarray data with phenotype data 16:56:58 [slide 12: acks] 16:58:07 topic: follow up 16:58:56 mscottm: re: struturing RDF, if we can do it with a use case in hand, we have a better chance of understaing CaBIG tools and models 16:59:20 ... we'll know what we need to model, and maybe we can even get some of that model from CaBIG 16:59:39 ... can see if there's redundancy between CaBIG and e.g. CFO 16:59:51 s/EFO/CFO/ 16:59:51 structure of rdf -- how to relate cabig 17:00:02 Experimental Factors Ontology 17:00:20 Joshua: could start by (before next call) sending out a set of models which are important in this space 17:00:36 ... lots of models 17:00:37 action item: joshua can give use cases on catissue, caarray, etc 17:00:50 ... molecular workspace within CaBIG has lots of use cases 17:00:58 -Joshua 17:01:04 Joshua has left #hcls 17:01:17 mscottm: should see what we can use from TMO 17:01:21 TMO -- what components can be reused 17:01:36 ... or what requirements we can bring to them 17:01:51 ... do they have hooks to experiments or tissues? 17:03:16 http://www.w3.org/2009/Talks/1103-hclsalign-egp/#%2813%29 17:04:18 kei: genes can link TMO, SWAN, etc. 17:05:08 -andy 17:05:22 Hmm. That was mscottm actually. 17:05:22 -EricP 17:05:23 -Prateek 17:05:25 -??P10 17:05:28 -Kei_Cheung 17:05:30 SW_HCLS(BioRDF)11:00AM has ended 17:05:31 Attendees were Kei_Cheung, matthias_samwald, andy, oshani, Joshua, Prateek, EricP 17:05:37 RRSAgent, please draft minutes 17:05:37 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2009/11/09-hcls-minutes.html ericP 17:05:46 RRSAgent, please make log world-visible 17:13:01 matthias_samwald has joined #hcls 17:13:11 matthias_samwald has left #hcls 17:17:44 egonw has joined #hcls 18:05:12 mscottm has joined #hcls 18:49:28 egonw has joined #hcls