13:58:07 RRSAgent has joined #aapi 13:58:07 logging to http://www.w3.org/2009/10/13-aapi-irc 13:58:08 davidb_ has joined #aapi 13:58:19 Zakim has joined #aapi 13:58:31 zakim, this will be aapi 13:58:31 ok, Andi; I see WAI_PFWG(AAPI)10:00AM scheduled to start in 2 minutes 13:58:41 rrsagent, make logs public 13:58:55 Scribe: Anid 13:58:59 Scribe: Andi 13:59:12 Meeting: AAPI 13:59:41 WAI_PFWG(AAPI)10:00AM has now started 13:59:49 +Andi_Snow_Weaver 14:01:11 + +1.617.588.aaaa - is perhaps harry 14:01:44 janina has joined #aapi 14:01:54 zakim, call janina 14:02:09 ok, janina; the call is being made 14:02:11 +Janina 14:02:52 +[Mozilla] 14:03:03 Zakim, Mozilla is David_Bolter 14:03:03 +David_Bolter; got it 14:03:04 -Janina 14:03:11 zakim, call janina 14:03:11 ok, janina; the call is being made 14:03:12 +Cynthia_Shelly 14:03:12 +Janina 14:04:04 Tim has joined #aapi 14:04:22 -Janina 14:06:46 zakim, passcode? 14:06:46 the conference code is 2274 (tel:+1.617.761.6200 tel:+ tel:+44.117.370.6152), janina 14:07:16 +Janina_Sajka 14:07:27 MichaelC has joined #aapi 14:08:45 topic: 3.4 Role Mapping 14:10:03 DB: alertdialog - had problems with JAWS exposing as alert - so FF exposes as dialog 14:10:21 DB: is there a concept of alertdialog on desktop 14:10:25 CS: think so 14:11:28 DB: screen readers were not expecting alert for any kind of dialog 14:14:02 https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=472311 14:14:04 bug - Cynthia - what is the expected behavior for alertdialog? 14:16:46 article - "readonly" should be STATE_SYSTEM_READONLY (see "list" rolw) 14:16:57 s/role/rolw/ 14:17:16 CS: why not also map "article" to "text"? 14:17:54 SF: hint to screen readers to switch to document reading mode 14:18:29 -harry 14:19:35 banner - BSTR - exposing as string as MSAA role 14:19:49 CS: shouldn't put in normative spec a mapping that is considered an error in MSAA 14:20:02 CS: could put in description - that's where people usually put random strings 14:20:49 CS: UIA has ARIA role - can put anything in it 14:21:41 CS: UA uses AriaRole property 14:22:02 DB: need note for IA2 and ATK like the one for UIA at the bottom of the table 14:22:19 CS: in table for UIA "string to AriaRole" 14:22:56 CS: in MSAA, the convention is to put it in the Description field but not sure if we should put that in the spec 14:23:13 AS: let's put it in the draft and see what kind of comments we get 14:24:03 DB: putting it in MSAA Description is redundant with the other methods. Scares me a bit. 14:24:15 CS: if Chrome decides to implement MSAA, what should they do? 14:24:23 DB: they are implementing MSAA 14:25:34 DB: maybe we should start a thread in XTECH 14:25:45 bug - David - start the thread 14:26:35 IA2 - map string to object attribute 14:26:58 Move Masahiko note to text before the table - need equivalents for ATK and IA2 14:27:59 object attribute for unmappable role xxx is "role=xxx" 14:29:19 button - move oject attribute from MSAA to IA2 column 14:29:31 +Tim_Boland 14:32:15 columnheader - add AccessibleTable interface to IA2 column 14:33:23 change != to "is not" 14:34:25 CS: default role is editable text readonly 14:34:56 complementary, contentinfo, and definition - should all map to the convention for passing strings 14:36:41 DB: AT is relying on FF passing string as MSAA role even though it's not to spec 14:36:55 DB: can't change without phasing it out somehow in cooperation with AT vendors 14:37:16 DB: started before IAccessible2 and UIA were created 14:37:49 CS: MS is not revisiting MSAA - want people to move to UIA 14:38:40 document - add readonly 14:39:12 to MSAA and ATK columns 14:40:05 Stevef has joined #aapi 14:41:58 MichaelC_ has joined #aapi 14:42:35 for atk readonly we make sure not to expose ATK_STATE_EDITABLE 14:42:58 list - ATK "don't expose ATK_EXTENDED_STATE_EDITABLE" - add this to all ATK columns where there is a "readonly" for MSAA 14:44:25 listbox is exposed as menu if has a parent or is owned by combobox 14:44:44 CS: HTML 5 commands work kind of like this - we want ARIA and HTML 5 to be similar 14:45:44 DB: log - role that is a handy way to get a live region 14:46:20 DB: like a table that is kind of an online chat - rows get added dynamically 14:46:42 DB: experience is degraded unless use underlying markup 14:47:16 DB: browser should expose what it would expose if role="log" was not there and add aria-live attribute 14:49:18 -Tim_Boland 14:50:09 CS: maybe this is a strong/native semantic thing - log should not override table 14:50:46 CS: but if put it on a div, then it should change the role 14:51:11 DB: use of log should be for making something live, not changing the role semantic 14:52:18 CS: need a note - comments column - or footnote - if log is placed on something that has its own mapping, should not change 14:52:40 regrets for dropping off the call 14:52:45 CS: if it's placed on something that doesn't have its own mapping, like div, maybe it does have a mapping, still open for discussion 14:52:56 CS: in all cases, it makes it a live region 14:53:40 CS: question is why does this even exist? 14:54:14 DB: expose as live attribute - polite but not in the DOM 14:54:20 CS: might make sense to add to DOM 14:54:40 CS: why do we even need log? can just add aria-live attribute 14:55:23 JS: TPAC agenda - Monday - noon until break. Is that enough time? 14:55:43 CS: not sure we have a quorum. Thinking it's better to use time for HTML mappings 14:56:16 CS: if there's something else that needs to be talked about, that's a better use of the time 14:56:31 CS: unless there's something the ARIA TF needs to talk to UAI TF 14:57:42 bug - David - talk to ARIA TF about why we even need log 14:57:54 DB: note that there is a similar HTML 5 element 14:59:12 -David_Bolter 14:59:13 -Andi_Snow_Weaver 14:59:14 -Cynthia_Shelly 14:59:16 zakim, bye 14:59:16 leaving. As of this point the attendees were Andi_Snow_Weaver, +1.617.588.aaaa, Janina, David_Bolter, Cynthia_Shelly, Janina_Sajka, Tim_Boland 14:59:16 Zakim has left #aapi 14:59:21 rrsagent, make minutes 14:59:21 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2009/10/13-aapi-minutes.html Andi 15:01:07 davidb has joined #aapi 16:27:13 Andi has joined #aapi 17:57:26 davidb_ has joined #aapi 18:09:55 Andi has left #aapi 20:12:27 davidb has joined #aapi