19:56:11 RRSAgent has joined #au 19:56:11 logging to http://www.w3.org/2009/10/05-au-irc 19:56:18 Zakim, this will be AUWG 19:56:18 ok, Jan; I see WAI_AUWG()3:00PM scheduled to start 56 minutes ago 19:56:23 Meeting: WAI AU 19:56:48 Agenda:http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/w3c-wai-au/2009OctDec/0000.html 19:56:56 Regrets: Andrew R., Tim B. 19:57:29 jeanne has joined #au 20:00:58 zakim, code? 20:00:58 the conference code is 2894 (tel:+1.617.761.6200 tel:+ tel:+44.117.370.6152), Jan 20:01:22 WAI_AUWG()3:00PM has now started 20:01:29 +??P1 20:01:39 zakim, ??P1 is really Jan 20:01:39 +Jan; got it 20:01:59 +??P2 20:02:19 zakim, ??P2 is really Jutta 20:02:19 +Jutta; got it 20:02:32 +Jeanne 20:16:24 + +1.703.678.aaaa 20:17:11 zakim, aaaa is really GregP 20:17:11 +GregP; got it 20:21:28 Greg has joined #au 20:22:23 http://www.w3.org/WAI/AU/2009/ED-ATAG20-20091005/Overview.html 20:23:01 http://www.w3.org/WAI/AU/2009/ED-ATAG20-TECHS-20091005/Overview.html 20:26:47 -Jutta 20:28:13 +??P2 20:28:21 Dates... 20:28:51 Oct 6: JT, JR meet to finalize decision support proposal 20:29:04 Oct 6 EOD: JR send the MASTER to JS 20:29:28 Oct 7: JS puts out the questionnaire (Dec. supp. proposal is a separate item) 20:29:41 Oct 13: Answers due from group 20:29:52 Oct. 17: Target publishing date 20:30:43 Oct 30: TPAC moratorium 20:35:41 -??P2 20:35:43 -Jeanne 20:35:47 -GregP 20:35:49 -Jan 20:35:51 WAI_AUWG()3:00PM has ended 20:35:53 Attendees were Jan, Jutta, Jeanne, +1.703.678.aaaa, GregP 20:36:20 RRSAgent, make minutes 20:36:20 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2009/10/05-au-minutes.html Jan 20:36:31 RRSAgent, set logs public 20:36:37 Zakim, bye 20:36:37 Zakim has left #au 20:36:43 RRSAgent, bye 20:36:43 I see no action items