11:41:32 RRSAgent has joined #mw4d 11:41:32 logging to http://www.w3.org/2009/09/28-mw4d-irc 11:41:40 zakim, this will be mw4d 11:41:40 ok, steph; I see MWI_MW4D IG()8:00AM scheduled to start in 19 minutes 11:41:51 rrsagent, make log public 11:42:14 Meeting: MW4D teleconference 11:44:01 Agenda: 11:44:07 Agenda: http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-mw4d/2009Sep/0018.html 11:44:11 Chair:stephane 11:44:16 Present: stephane 11:56:47 Adesina has joined #mw4d 11:57:01 zakim, code ? 11:57:01 the conference code is 6493 (tel:+1.617.761.6200 tel:+ tel:+44.117.370.6152), steph 11:57:25 MWI_MW4D IG()8:00AM has now started 11:57:33 +steph 12:00:24 Yoshiko has joined #mw4d 12:00:39 hi yoshiko joined from GVA 12:00:48 Hi Yoshiko 12:01:29 +yoshiko 12:01:46 Present+Yoshiko 12:04:14 + +981801aaaa 12:04:20 ArunKumar has joined #mw4d 12:04:35 zakim, aaaa is Arun 12:04:35 +Arun; got it 12:04:50 Present+Arun 12:04:59 + +03162247aabb 12:05:01 mib_ev8juw has joined #mw4d 12:05:13 zakim, aabb is Nicolas 12:05:13 +Nicolas; got it 12:05:25 Present+Nicolas 12:05:43 http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-mw4d/2009Sep/0018.html 12:06:01 http://www.w3.org/2008/MW4D/wiki/roadmapv2 12:08:25 +Lauri 12:08:44 Present+Lauri 12:10:26 Adesina present on IRC only 12:11:08 http://www.digitalworldforum.eu/events/68-dwf-final-closing-event-30-sept-2009 12:11:28 Present+Adesina 12:15:01 action: stephane to update 6.3 with new wording from yoshiko 12:16:28 Adesina has joined #mw4d 12:16:48 Hello All 12:17:08 q+ 12:17:25 ack arun 12:21:20 I am fine with either option. 12:23:35 what option? 12:23:38 Resolution: executive summary to move before the introduction 12:23:55 option: moving exec summary before the inro or as an extenal document 12:25:39 yoshiko+q 12:26:09 action: stephane to move exec summary before the intro 12:26:28 Yes, exec summary first 12:26:35 yoshiko:scope helps to put the reader in the right context 12:26:36 I tend to agree with Yoshiko on scope 12:29:20 steph: i propose after objectives as section 4 12:29:32 Resolution: scope fo the document to be moved to section 4 12:29:39 Action: steph to move the scope to section 4 12:30:26 http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-mw4d/2009Sep/att-0009/MW4D_Roadmap_Document_Aug28FB_RenjishK.doc 12:32:24 resolution: Accepting renjish proposal for the audience 12:32:47 Action: steph to update the audience section along the liones 12:32:54 Action: steph to update the audience section along the lines proposed by renjish 12:32:59 rrsagent, drop action 4 12:40:21 q+ 12:43:27 Lauri has joined #mw4d 12:43:47 Sorry, only now I logged into the IRC channel 12:44:51 action: stephane to add a discoverability seciton in the voice technology section to mention difference in voicexml and non-standard voice apps 12:47:51 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Web_application_framework 12:48:05 Spoken Web framework is similar to Web Application Frameworks 12:49:07 zakim, who is making noise 12:49:07 I don't understand 'who is making noise', steph 12:49:11 zakim, who is making noise ? 12:49:22 steph, listening for 10 seconds I heard sound from the following: steph (90%), yoshiko (5%) 12:49:29 zakim, mute yoshiko 12:49:29 yoshiko should now be muted 12:49:34 zakim, unmute yoshiko 12:49:34 yoshiko should no longer be muted 12:49:38 zakim, mute yoshiko 12:49:38 yoshiko should now be muted 12:53:32 steph, i will have to leave in 5 minutes. 12:53:39 ok 12:56:49 yoshiko+q 12:57:06 zakim, unmute yoshiko 12:57:06 yoshiko should no longer be muted 12:57:52 Yes, many examples are already there. .... we can add later as addendum if and when we have them 12:57:59 Resolution: appendix with examples dropped 12:58:04 in this version 12:58:13 links ok for now 12:59:35 i must leave now. see you next week. 12:59:42 -yoshiko 13:02:06 same here, talk to you next week, Nicolas 13:02:12 thks ! 13:02:14 -Nicolas 13:03:45 action:steph to mention the difference between enriching service with interaction and ability to reuse information out of a service 13:04:12 action:steph to mention the existing option to record a call, and to mention that as a requirements to handset manufacturers 13:05:29 thanks, bye 13:05:30 -steph 13:05:32 bye 13:05:32 -Arun 13:05:33 Next call: monday october 5 13:05:39 rrsagent, make minutes 13:05:39 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2009/09/28-mw4d-minutes.html steph 13:06:49 -Lauri 13:06:50 MWI_MW4D IG()8:00AM has ended 13:06:52 Attendees were steph, yoshiko, +981801aaaa, Arun, +03162247aabb, Nicolas, Lauri 15:02:23 Zakim has left #mw4d 15:08:12 steph has left #mw4d