14:19:40 RRSAgent has joined #forms 14:19:40 logging to http://www.w3.org/2009/09/16-forms-irc 14:19:45 rrsagent, make logs public 14:19:52 Meeting: Forms weekly telecon 14:19:56 Chair: Charlie Wiecha 14:20:00 Regrets: John Boyer 14:20:20 Agenda: http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-forms/2009Sep/0017.html 14:41:04 Agenda+DOM3 Events 14:42:03 HTML_Forms()10:45AM has now started 14:42:09 +[IBM] 14:42:14 zakim, [IBM] is wiecha 14:42:14 +wiecha; got it 14:43:47 zakim, who is talking? 14:44:06 wiecha, listening for 10 seconds I could not identify any sounds 14:46:09 zakim, code? 14:46:18 the conference code is 36767 (tel:+1.617.761.6200 tel:+ tel:+44.117.370.6152), nick 14:46:55 +Nick_van_den_Bleeken 14:48:47 ebruchez has joined #forms 14:49:29 + +1.650.515.aaaa 14:49:55 zakim, dial steven-617 14:49:55 ok, Steven; the call is being made 14:49:57 +Steven 14:49:58 zakim, +1.650.515.aaaa is ebruchez 14:49:58 +ebruchez; got it 14:50:58 unl has joined #forms 14:51:00 klotz has joined #forms 14:51:08 can someone else take minutes? 14:52:00 will check when we get everybody on the call 14:52:02 +Leigh_Klotz 14:53:09 +unl 14:53:16 zakim, mute me 14:53:16 unl should now be muted 14:53:44 zakim, unmute me 14:53:44 unl should no longer be muted 14:54:18 Scribe: Uli 14:55:33 charlie: john is on a acm conference, talking about xfomrs and odf 14:56:05 charlie: 14:56:15 http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-forms/2009Sep/0017.html 14:58:21 -unl 14:59:05 +unl 14:59:37 wiecha: Demo Ubiquity at TPAC would be good; also SML 15:00:18 Steven: Charlie you should contact the person responsible for the agenda 15:01:23 Steven: Is using namespace handlers in his xforms extension, to let the html look like XML 15:01:41 wiecha: I will see I can get on the panel 15:01:52 zakim, mute me 15:01:52 Nick_van_den_Bleeken should now be muted 15:01:53 Scribe: Nick 15:02:01 scribenick: nick 15:02:29 zakim, mute me 15:02:29 unl should now be muted 15:02:32 wiecha: anything else we need to discuss about TPAC 15:02:43 zakim, unmute me 15:02:43 Nick_van_den_Bleeken should no longer be muted 15:03:11 ebruchez: want to confirm if we are meeting on Mo-Tu 15:03:12 ok 15:03:25 4 days 15:03:34 2 at tpac (mo tu) and 2 at Xerox 15:03:41 nick: we agreed to meet on Mo-Tu in the TP hotel, and Thu-Fri at PARC 15:04:59 TOPIC: backplane 15:05:27 wiecha: we are generating a short report so it is consumable by the AC 15:06:24 wiecha: script based extensibility platform, Ubiquity SMILE 15:06:46 wiecha: you can expect drafts at the backplane e-mail list 15:06:55 TOPIC: DOM 3 events 15:07:03 http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-forms/2009Sep/0009.html 15:07:14 http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-forms/2009Sep/0015.html 15:07:30 s/SMILE/SMIL/ 15:07:41 wiecha: we need a volunteer that does a detailed reading 15:08:13 Steven: XForms does use DOM 2 Events, and XML Events would use DOM 3 events 15:08:40 s/XML Events/XML Events 2/ 15:09:04 wiecha: they are removing the namespace aware add and remove listeners 15:09:13 Steven: are implementations using them? 15:09:28 wiecha: are they used to send namespace events 15:09:52 Steven: Yes they are removing the namespace events 15:10:07 Steven: do we have namespace events? 15:10:18 wiecha: no we don't have those 15:10:51 Steven: Oh yes, that is because we depend on DOM Events 2 which doesn't has namespaced events 15:11:39 Steven: You can't use the argument that they aren't implemented because the spec hasn't reached CR yet 15:12:09 wiecha: I didn't found any usages 'in the wild' 15:12:29 Steven: this version is issued this month the previous version was 1 year old 15:12:52 Steven: it is to early to say it is at risque before CR 15:13:14 wiecha: they shouldn't only look at browsers 15:13:42 ACTION: Steven to respond to DOM 3 events http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-forms/2009Sep/0009.html 15:13:42 Created ACTION-566 - Respond to DOM 3 events http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-forms/2009Sep/0009.html [on Steven Pemberton - due 2009-09-23]. 15:14:05 wiecha: I can have a deeper look at it, and we can discuss it during FtF 15:14:37 ACTION Charlie to have a closer look at DOM Level 3 events, and the impact on XForms 15:14:37 Sorry, couldn't find user - Charlie 15:18:28 -Steven 15:20:04 zakim, dial steven-617 15:20:04 ok, Steven; the call is being made 15:20:06 +Steven 15:20:49 TOPIC: JSON in XForms 15:20:52 http://www.w3.org/2009/06/25-forms-minutes.html 15:21:15 wiecha: posts link to JSON in submission (see link above) 15:21:19 http://www.w3.org/2009/06/25-forms-minutes.html#item02 15:23:06 wiecha: Kenneth has an implementation of it? 15:23:07 http://www.picoforms.com/ 15:23:36 Steven: yes, and they gone public with it 15:24:26 wiecha: it is JSON on the wire, and unwrapping JSON to XML and wrapping the XML to JSON on submission 15:24:41 Steven: the use content type 15:25:33 wiecha: why is this sufficient, it only works for 100% XForms app, no app code is in Javascript in a component 15:26:42 klotz: isn't enough to access the instance data as JSON from within your Javascript component 15:27:02 wiecha: that's what we do, it's virtual XML 15:27:16 klotz: It is just the way you want to access it 15:27:54 wiecha: we have currently only the corners covered 15:28:56 wiecha: it would be cool if dojo can use XForms in the middle that allows an XML component to work together with a DOJO component 15:29:56 wiecha: you could see a JQuery expression language in XForms 15:30:51 wiecha: Leigh do you think it matters if they can use javascript or XPath in their binds 15:31:59 klotz: I think it would be enough that they could extract JSON from us and convert it back to XML and submit it back to us 15:33:13 klotz: a copy is easier then a live JSON view on XML 15:34:11 wiecha: before we felt the conversion from JSON to XML is quite easy but the way around is more difficult 15:34:31 klotz: this is because there is no standard model 15:34:43 klotz: it will be hard for mixed content 15:36:18 klotz: but that doesn't need to be in 1.0 15:36:57 wiecha: Is it an interesting topic for the WG, what's the priority 15:39:59 wiecha: is there interest in accessing XForms instance data using JSON 15:40:31 klotz: yes there is, but I don't see the need for JavaScript expressions in calculates, refs, binds,... 15:41:35 Steven: XForms shouldn't change, the instances should like XML to the form, the instance can be populated from JSON but it should be viewed as XML 15:43:08 klotz: mixing JSON and XML is only interesting if you mix Script and XForms 15:43:59 Steven: I think you shouldn't care in mash-ups you should only care about modifying data 15:46:13 klotz: it is a separate problem to have binds in DOJO 15:46:52 wiecha: It is interesting to catch up about this with Kenneth 15:47:58 ACTION Charlie to prepare a discussion about JSON in XForms for the FtF 15:47:58 Sorry, couldn't find user - Charlie 15:49:24 TOPIC: Model Enhancements 15:49:31 http://www.w3.org/MarkUp/Forms/wiki/ModelEnhancementRequirements 15:50:42 wiecha: Encapsulation is about reusing the model in multiple forms 15:51:56 wiecha: what are the issues with Encapsulation, what are the difficulties from a spec point of view? 15:52:11 wiecha: it are different DOMs are there any other problems 15:52:33 wiecha: what are the problems with having different DOMs? 15:53:50 wiecha: one of the arguments was code reuse, then you don't have the duplicate id problem 15:54:28 klotz: what happens when you import it twice 15:54:57 wiecha: don't go there it is covered lower on page (multiple inclusions) 15:55:51 wiecha: The next enhancement was Narrowing-Only Inheritance / Specialization 15:56:21 wiecha: (goes over the bullets on the wiki) 15:56:42 wiecha: it is about extending the original model 15:57:11 wiecha: I don't understand Fragment Inclusion completly 15:57:53 Steven: isn't it like css, including fragments opposed to including everything 15:58:30 wiecha: I see it is sub-setting a model 15:58:43 wiecha: It looks dangerous 15:59:35 wiecha: the original other of the model should prepare the model for it 16:00:06 wiecha: Adaptations / Composition -> re-used multiple times in the same form 16:00:44 s/re-used/re-use/ 16:02:46 bye 16:02:46 zakim, unmute me 16:02:46 Nick_van_den_Bleeken was not muted, nick 16:02:49 -wiecha 16:02:51 -Steven 16:03:42 rssagent, make minutes 16:03:47 -unl 16:03:50 -Nick_van_den_Bleeken 16:03:52 -Leigh_Klotz 16:03:54 its "rrs", not "rss" ;) 16:04:05 rrsagent, make minutes 16:04:05 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2009/09/16-forms-minutes.html wiecha 16:04:09 rrsagent, make minutes 16:04:09 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2009/09/16-forms-minutes.html nick 16:04:46 rrsagent, bye 16:04:46 I see 1 open action item saved in http://www.w3.org/2009/09/16-forms-actions.rdf : 16:04:46 ACTION: Steven to respond to DOM 3 events http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-forms/2009Sep/0009.html [1] 16:04:46 recorded in http://www.w3.org/2009/09/16-forms-irc#T15-13-42