14:59:16 RRSAgent has joined #badtf 14:59:16 logging to http://www.w3.org/2009/09/09-badtf-irc 14:59:23 Zakim has joined #badtf 14:59:30 zakim, this will be bad 14:59:30 ok, shadi; I see WAI_EOWG(BAD TF)11:00AM scheduled to start in 1 minute 15:00:18 Tom_ has joined #badtf 15:00:37 WAI_EOWG(BAD TF)11:00AM has now started 15:00:44 + +31.30.239.aaaa 15:01:04 zakim, call shadi-617 15:01:04 ok, shadi; the call is being made 15:01:05 +Shadi 15:01:19 zakim, aaaa is Wilco 15:01:21 +Wilco; got it 15:01:22 + +1.714.968.aabb 15:01:30 agenda: http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-wai-eo-badtf/2009Sep/0009.html 15:01:39 zakim, aabb is Tom 15:01:39 +Tom; got it 15:01:51 agenda+ Reporting Table 15:01:54 Michael has joined #badtf 15:02:00 agenda+ Review Comments 15:02:07 agenda+ Next meetings 15:02:22 chair: Shadi 15:02:28 regrets: none 15:03:02 eric has joined #badtf 15:03:29 + +49.173.673.aacc 15:03:49 Zakim, aacc is me 15:03:49 +eric; got it 15:04:41 +Michael 15:05:37 zakim, pick a victim 15:05:37 Not knowing who is chairing or who scribed recently, I propose Wilco 15:05:49 zakim, mute me 15:05:49 Michael should now be muted 15:05:51 zakim, pick a victim 15:05:51 Not knowing who is chairing or who scribed recently, I propose eric 15:06:12 scribe: Eric 15:06:18 zakim, take up agendum 1 15:06:18 agendum 1. "Reporting Table" taken up [from shadi] 15:06:48 http://fiers.name/badtf/report/report.htm 15:08:24 http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-wai-eo-badtf/2009Sep/0007.html 15:08:30 Wilco: I’m currently working on implementing some of the new suggestion we got in the emails. We should just go through the comments. 15:08:54 zakim, unmute me 15:08:54 Michael should no longer be muted 15:11:36 Discussion on the collapse/uncollapse toggles. The group discusses plus and minus toggles, Wilco will incorporate them. 15:11:55 Shadi: In the latest stages we will bring it into EO as well. 15:12:12 http://www.w3.org/WAI/demos/bad/draft/2009/report 15:18:15 Discussion about the sections and emphasizing the indentation with horizontal lines which should probably start in the third column. 15:18:53 Tom: Expand all/Collaps all would be very cool. 15:20:55 q+ 15:21:14 ack m 15:21:39 Shadi: We should play around with the line thickness and appearance. 15:22:57 Michael: We don’t need to collapse the principles, it should be enough to have the success criterions visible. 15:23:28 Wilco: I’d like to keep the possibility to collapse them, but we should make them open by default. 15:25:42 Michael: Removing the green and red border from the result column, leave them out is looking cleaner. 15:27:34 Wilco: I’d like to leave it in. 15:28:52 Michael: It looks quite weird. Probably a border on the left and right would be ok. 15:29:08 Wilco will try this out. 15:30:34 The group decides to align the terms column left. 15:33:13 The group decides that it is useful to have the third level collapsable. 15:34:34 Collapse all should collaps all nodes not only the top level. 15:37:13 Discussion about the N/A icon… 15:37:39 Wilco: Adding N/A to the image? 15:38:35 Tom: Just use N/A as letters, there is no icon for not applicable. 15:39:10 The group decides to use letters N/A for "not applicable" 15:39:32 Shadi: When do we use icons? when text? 15:40:30 Wilco: We use the icons with the success criterions, and we have smaller icons on deeper levels. 15:43:13 Michael: We should change the mouse cursor when we come close to the icon. It is not apparent that you can click the entire row. 15:44:53 Wilco: I can change the cursor on the table cell around the icon. 15:47:04 http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-wai-eo-badtf/2009Sep/0008.html 15:47:55 The group decides to have term and description text size the same with sufficient techniques. 15:51:05 Group discusses about the term "Term" and we’ll try it with "Title" for that column. 15:51:41 zakim, take up next 15:51:41 agendum 2. "Review Comments" taken up [from shadi] 15:51:47 http://www.w3.org/WAI/demos/bad/draft/2009/comments 15:52:44 http://www.w3.org/2009/08/05-badtf-minutes.html 15:53:44 http://www.w3.org/2009/09/02-badtf-minutes.html 15:55:36 Comment #28: accept and fix 15:56:15 Comment #29: pending, will sort itself out 15:57:16 http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-wai-eo-badtf/2009Aug/0029.html 15:58:50 Comment #30: reject 16:00:43 Comment 31: Add text "required if not otherwise noted" 16:01:20 Comment #32: fix 16:02:19 Comment #33: pending, have another look 16:03:48 Comment #34: agree and fix 16:08:10 Comment #35: accept and check for wording 16:09:56 Comment #36: explain in the annotations 16:11:52 Comment #37: explain in the annotations 16:12:07 Comment #38: accept, check for appropriate summary text 16:12:19 Comment #39: pending, check it 16:12:44 zakim, take up next 16:12:44 agendum 3. "Next meetings" taken up [from shadi] 16:13:32 -eric 16:13:45 -Michael 16:13:46 next meeting: September 16th 16:13:52 next meeting: 16 September 16:13:57 -Shadi 16:14:22 -Tom 16:15:33 Wilco has left #badtf 16:19:22 disconnecting the lone participant, Wilco, in WAI_EOWG(BAD TF)11:00AM 16:19:25 WAI_EOWG(BAD TF)11:00AM has ended 16:19:26 Attendees were +31.30.239.aaaa, Shadi, Wilco, +1.714.968.aabb, Tom, +49.173.673.aacc, eric, Michael 16:20:08 rrsagent, make logs world 16:20:18 rrsagent, make minutes 16:20:18 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2009/09/09-badtf-minutes.html shadi 16:20:22 rrsagent, make logs world 16:20:27 zakim, bye 16:20:27 Zakim has left #badtf 16:20:32 rrsagent, bye 16:20:32 I see no action items