17 Jul 2009

See also: IRC log






<scribe> scribe: Andi

For group discussion:

7016 - do we need a section on default style sheets?

7018 - determine where appropriate to expose focused and focusable states

7020 - work thru aria-activedescendant scenario

7066 - Do we need a section describing what to do if an API doesn't support something?

7100 - expose ARIA mappings when script turned off?

7101 - aria-owns recursion

7115 - properties that cause other actions to be possible

Work group (you, me, and a bottle of wine?)

7019 - section on activation

7021 - definition of activation behavior

7041 & 7060 - if we have access to documentation, seems like we could do most of this and generate a list of questions for what's not obvious

7064 - examples for text equiv. computation

7065 - flow chart for text equiv. computation

7116 - work on completing the new table for section 4.1

7117 - selected = true/false/not defined - what does this mean?

above are proposed agenda topics for f2f

CS: also Michael's note about strong vs. weak semantics
... also Chaals' note about keyboard handling
... not sure if this is ARIA, HTML, or both - but is an issue of concern - f2f may be a good time to discuss
... HTML tables and mapping - think we have enough of the tables done by next week to be able to have conversations and look for patterns
... look at as a group and discuss implemenations, gaps, etc.
... expect to have time Monday documenting Safari mappings

JS: have 135 min over the first two mornings to discuss UAI issues

Wed - 9:30 - 10:30

Thur - 10:45 - 11:30

JS: suggest overview on Wednesday - cover topics we want to discuss
... lot of breakout groups planned - may not need all for ARIA

AS: CS should take a look at the open ARIA issues to see if there are any in particular she wants to work on in breakout sessions. (Tony Ross won't be there.)

CS: 2 hours should be enough time to get through the UAI topics in Andi's list. Can we set aside some time on Friday to discuss HTML.

JS: Friday - start with ARIA test plan, then breakouts, then implementation/test plan, process to advance ARIA to CR
... could do HTML instead of breakout session after morning break


AS: 7043 - we had also indicated we want to work on this table at the meeting.

Andi ask Michael about the link to previous version when create a new editor's draft

7024 - could work on at f2f

7045 - could work on at f2f

7047 - could work on at f2f

7042 - did David say the IA2 mappings were correct? Andi to check mailing list and contact DB if necessary

section 5.2

section 6.1 - move terms to glossary

section 6.2

CS: invalid ID needs to link to definition (HTML or ARIA spec?)
... Q/A format is odd

AS: agree - maybe we should rewrite this as prose

CS: is handling of IDREFs covered in ARIA spec? need link to wherever it's covered
... maybe it's in the D

OM spec

CS: seems like we need a section on how to handle IDs, not just how to handle errors
... actually don't like special error handling section - think it should go along with the descriptions of handling the non-error cases
... having a section on validation might be a good idea

AS: seems like the only time you would report an error to AT would be when the AT tries to do something that is not valid

CS: so maybe we need a short section on error reporting to ATs

put section 6 at bottom of AS/CS working session list

AS & CS - make sure we have documentation we need for working sessions

Summary of Action Items

[End of minutes]

Minutes formatted by David Booth's scribe.perl version 1.135 (CVS log)
$Date: 2009/07/17 15:49:39 $

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        <dbooth> Present: dbooth jonathan mary
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