14:38:35 RRSAgent has joined #backplane 14:38:35 logging to http://www.w3.org/2009/06/30-backplane-irc 14:38:42 rrsagent, make logs public 14:38:56 Meeting: RWAB Telecon 14:38:59 Chair: wiecha 14:39:26 Agenda: http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-xg-app-backplane/2009Jun/0014.html 15:00:53 INC_RWAB()11:00AM has now started 15:01:00 +[IBM] 15:01:02 zakim, [IBM] is wiecha 15:01:02 +wiecha; got it 15:02:07 John_Boyer has joined #backplane 15:02:19 +John_Boyer 15:10:06 http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-xg-app-backplane/2009May/0005.html 15:10:54 scribe: John 15:11:12 Charlie: {Discusses expense report sample} 15:11:34 scribenick: John_Boyer 15:12:10 Charlie: sample gives people idea of relevance of recognizing ODF markup directly in the web browser 15:12:45 ... rules language in ODF that generates something like table of contents based on markup in body of document 15:13:05 ... conditional rules for content like only show expenses if you have them 15:14:34 ... as prototype, would like to put xf:group in the text content to do relevance on the ODF content. 15:15:18 ... Presumably you'd want something to only show in table of contents if it was relevant 15:15:44 ... So, would show second order ODF language constructs consuming relevance information applied to other parts of document 15:21:42 ... Explains that some of the content like "Actual Expenses" will have draw:control elements to expose actual results like "You claimed $200" and possibly even date ranges over which the claimed expenses were made 15:24:24 ... An ODF-level calculation could make "clip-level" calculations, but not sure if it should go at the view level or if it would sink down into the XForms application level. 15:25:08 John: Think that it would likely be either a constraint or an attenuating calculate to express difference between "expense you had" versus "expense reimbursable according to policy" 15:27:42 Charlie: Is there some other calculations that could reasonably be done at the ODF presentation layer? 15:28:03 John: There are lots of calculated results that are for presentation only but aren't really needed by the back-end system. 15:28:40 ... the expense report total is for the user and the client-side total calculation would not be needed or even necessarily trusted by the server side app 15:28:55 Charlie: whole document goes back to the server side 15:29:18 John: yes, but document is archived, and data is extracted to drive back end transaction. Data needs only the inputs, not the calculated totals 15:29:58 Charlie: This app including svg, smil, odf shows an emerging set of vocabularies that could be dealt with on the web using a ubiquity approach 15:32:33 rrsagent, make minutes 15:32:33 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2009/06/30-backplane-minutes.html John_Boyer 15:32:43 -wiecha 15:32:44 INC_RWAB()11:00AM has ended 15:32:44 Attendees were wiecha, John_Boyer 15:32:56 John_Boyer has left #backplane 17:03:13 Zakim has left #backplane