19:10:22 RRSAgent has joined #ws-ra 19:10:22 logging to http://www.w3.org/2009/06/23-ws-ra-irc 19:10:24 RRSAgent, make logs public 19:10:24 Zakim has joined #ws-ra 19:10:26 Zakim, this will be WSRA 19:10:26 ok, trackbot; I see WS_WSRA()3:30PM scheduled to start in 20 minutes 19:10:27 Meeting: Web Services Resource Access Working Group Teleconference 19:10:27 Date: 23 June 2009 19:21:33 Geoff has joined #ws-ra 19:25:45 Bob has joined #ws-ra 19:27:42 test 19:28:00 WS_WSRA()3:30PM has now started 19:28:06 +??P3 19:28:06 trackbot, start telecon 19:28:08 RRSAgent, make logs public 19:28:10 Zakim, this will be WSRA 19:28:10 ok, trackbot, I see WS_WSRA()3:30PM already started 19:28:11 Meeting: Web Services Resource Access Working Group Teleconference 19:28:11 Date: 23 June 2009 19:28:31 +[Microsoft] 19:28:38 +Bob_Freund 19:28:59 asir has joined #ws-ra 19:29:08 + + 19:29:30 -??P3 19:29:35 dug has joined #ws-ra 19:29:38 Ram has joined #ws-ra 19:30:01 agenda: http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-ws-resource-access/2009Jun/ 19:30:15 +Doug_Davis 19:30:19 +??P8 19:30:31 +Gilbert 19:30:53 zakim, ??P8 is Paul 19:30:53 +Paul; got it 19:31:20 Asir2 has joined #ws-ra 19:31:20 Yves has changed the topic to: http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-ws-resource-access/2009Jun/ 19:31:26 Vikas has joined #ws-ra 19:31:47 gpilz has joined #ws-ra 19:32:01 regrets+ Ashok 19:32:09 +Vikas 19:32:12 Wu has joined #ws-ra 19:32:32 zakim, [Micro is Asir 19:32:32 +Asir; got it 19:32:43 zakim, Asir has Ram 19:32:43 +Ram; got it 19:32:52 zakim, Asir has Geoff 19:32:52 +Geoff; got it 19:32:54 +Wu_Chou 19:33:04 +Yves 19:33:15 Zakim, Wu has Li 19:33:15 +Li; got it 19:34:23 agenda: http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-ws-resource-access/2009Jun/0050.html 19:34:38 fmaciel has joined #ws-ra 19:35:19 scribe: Paul Nolan 19:35:28 scribenick: Paul 19:36:16
  • li has joined #ws-ra 19:37:06 Geoff: should we eximine vacation plans? 19:37:31 Agenda agreed 19:38:10 No objections to approving all 3 F2F minutes 19:38:26 Minutes approved 19:39:25 No objections to closing incoporated issues in snapshot 19:39:42 TOPIC: new issues 19:39:54 7013 19:40:05 http://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=7013 19:41:20 issue accepted 19:41:27 7014 19:41:30 http://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=7014 19:42:07 issue accepted 19:42:50 7015 19:42:54 http://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=7015 19:43:00 q+ 19:43:31 Sreed has joined #ws-ra 19:45:12 Geoff: associated with 6398 - wich makes identification of message ambiguous 19:46:04 ack gpi 19:47:12 + +1.408.274.aabb 19:47:12 q+ 19:47:22 zakim, aabb is fmaciel 19:47:22 +fmaciel; got it 19:47:26 Gil: Re formal objection. Does this issue address the issue? 19:47:55 q+ 19:48:41 Geoff: Objection remains if 7014 is not satisfactory 19:49:35 Bob: Objections help air issues 19:50:34 q- 19:50:50 q- 19:51:00 Gil: Feels objection was not originally raised as a technical issue 19:51:33 issue accepted 19:51:54 7039 new issue 19:51:58 http://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=7039 19:53:33 Doug: EPR identifier. Problem is ref params can be mis-used 19:53:47 .. 1) Remove 19:54:10 .. 2) Clear explanation in spec 19:54:38
  • q+ 19:54:50 ack li 19:56:19 li: with no identifier how is sub-mgr able to identify message? 19:57:07 issue accepted 19:58:18 Geoff: Mode proposal has been circulated 19:58:41 http://www.w3.org/2002/ws/ra/wiki/Use_Cases_for_6401-6661 19:59:18 Gil: 6401 use cases complete 20:00:21
  • q+ 20:00:50 acl li 20:00:50 Bob: next step on 6401 is to develop requirements 20:02:13 ack li 20:03:19 Gil: would prefer to produce some proposals 20:03:28 q+ 20:03:41 q+ 20:03:57 ack wu 20:04:42 Wu: Agrees with Bob - we should gather more requirements 20:05:13 Wu: will try to develop requirements 20:06:04 Action: Wu and Team 6401, develop detailed requirements extracted from usecases ref 6401 20:06:04 Created ACTION-77 - And Team 6401, develop detailed requirements extracted from usecases ref 6401 [on wu chou - due 2009-06-30]. 20:06:24 ack dug 20:07:31 Doug: Could proposal owners explain how arrived at their proposals 20:07:45 ... in the wiki 20:07:53 q+ 20:08:03 TOPIC: issue-6925 20:08:05 ack geoff 20:08:23 q+ 20:08:28 q+ 20:09:27 -Asir 20:09:36 Geoff: Have examined how a literal resource can be defined. 20:09:38 s/6925/6975/ 20:09:39 sorry we got cut off 20:09:48 we are dialing back in 20:09:51 resolution: All agreed 20:10:14 all agreed with geoff! 20:10:29 +[Microsoft] 20:11:33 Geoff: Can definition simply say that the service defines resource 20:11:44 q? 20:11:49 ack gp 20:13:03 darn - gil is taking my comment :-) 20:13:29 ack dug 20:14:40 Gil: "literal" must be defined in a broader way than service 20:14:57 q+ 20:15:05 ack geo 20:15:40 q+ 20:16:40 ack dug 20:16:42 Doug: could schema be used 20:17:48 they are sever-specific, similar to HTTP 20:18:03 s/sever-specific/service-specific/ 20:18:16 Geoff: With schema how can client and service have different understanding of the resource definitions? 20:18:56 q+ 20:19:33 Doug: need a way for service to advertise what is valid XML for a create request 20:19:45 ack gpi 20:20:24 well ... 20:20:26 Gil: issue described by Doug sounds like 6401 20:20:53 it is upto resource owners to advertise resource descriptions 20:21:03 this is orthogonal to transfer 20:21:29 q+ 20:21:39 ack dug 20:22:25 Doug: "server knows" approach. How does the client know? 20:22:41 what issue are we discussing? 20:22:50 3975 20:22:55 6975 20:22:57 q+ 20:23:11 Transfer is a generic protocol 20:23:25 q+ 20:23:28 "there no interop here" ? 20:23:40 s/there/there's/ 20:23:48 s/interop/interop issue/ 20:23:58 no I quoted him :-) 20:24:06 correctly 20:24:09 that is what i heard 20:24:11 aggreed 20:24:20 Geoff: server defines and advertises its resource definitions 20:24:30 ack gpi 20:25:35 q+ 20:25:59 Gil: Sees the use case where client and service are tightly coupled. However there are services that are not data aware 20:26:56 ack dug 20:27:11 Gil: We could remove reference to literal resource rather than define it 20:28:14 Doug: Removing literal resource definition means all data becomes opaque 20:29:20 Doug: How does the client know definition of instructions available 20:29:41 ack geo 20:30:31 Asir2 has joined #ws-ra 20:31:09 q+ 20:31:48 Geoff: already feels that Transfer client needs additional information to function. A link between client and service must be defined. 20:31:51 ack dug 20:32:41 - + 20:33:05 + + 20:33:15 Doug: feels there are cases when a client may be able to either send an instruction or some literal data. Client needs to know the difference. 20:35:27 Geoff: a policy mechanism to help service sounds useful. However it should only be a hint not strict definition 20:36:08 TOPIC: issue-6413 20:36:17 http://www.w3.org/2002/ws/ra/9/03/Issue-6413-2009-03-25.html 20:36:24 q+ 20:37:29 ack geo 20:37:38 Geoff: can we take a higher level look at the issue 20:37:58 .. what are the real goals? 20:38:50 q+ 20:38:56 ack dug 20:39:06 Geoff: is it to force WS-MAN ti implement frag support? 20:39:30 Doug: is it not about WS-MAN 20:40:38 Doug mentioned - clear direction to the industry (that includes WS-Man 20:41:15 .. it is for interop and industry direction 20:41:47 q+ 20:42:01 ack geoff 20:42:23 q+ 20:42:32 I wonder if the WG should work on a single spec instead of five, to avoid "proliferation" 20:42:45 yves +1 20:43:03 would help guarantee people make sure they all work together 20:43:04 Bob: mentions that DaveS feels this issue may lead to multiple frag specs being developed 20:44:02 q+ 20:44:11 Geoff: If we define a good frag spec then it will be used and become adopted 20:45:11 Geoff: we should not fore people to use a frag spec they do not want 20:45:25 ack bob 20:45:48 Bob: how does WS-RT relate to frag support in WS-MAN? 20:46:11 Doug: very simplar 20:46:24 q+ 20:46:50 Doug: new proposal is different from WS-RT 20:47:41 Doug: header / body main diff. 20:48:19 Bob: if frag support were in WS-T what would be left in RT? 20:48:32 ack asir 20:48:47 q+ 20:48:50 Doug: other things do remain 20:49:08 ack dug 20:50:05 Doug: aspect 1) framework for frag support. 2) definition of dialects which are open for new definitions. 20:50:36 ack Yv 20:51:45 Yves: do not need to support frags for WS-T, or vice versa. 20:51:52 agree with Yves 20:51:54 ack asir 20:52:16 + 20:52:18 q+ 20:53:06 ack geo 20:53:18 Asir: there are many differences between proposal and WS-MAN 20:53:21 for the minutes, to get frags adopter you need a good spec and good implementations, more than sticking it in any other spec 20:53:28 s/adopter/adopted 20:53:36 +1 to Yves 20:54:00 a good W3C spec that describes frag only is a clear direction to the industry (including WS-Man 20:54:16 q+ 20:54:54 would we ever say that? 20:55:13 s/good W3C/W3C/ 20:55:16 Geoff: composability is important. This is is made worse by proposal 20:55:29 q+ 20:57:01 Bob: is it felt a good independant frag spec would encourage adoption? 20:57:44 ack bob 20:58:28 Doug: a lot of spes build extensible support into main spec. 20:58:42 ack geo 21:00:46 Bob: is frag independant or part of WS-T? 21:00:50 -Vikas 21:00:54 -fmaciel 21:00:55 -Wu_Chou 21:00:57 - + 21:00:57 fmaciel has left #ws-ra 21:00:58 -Yves 21:00:58 -asir 21:01:00 -Doug_Davis 21:01:00 -Bob_Freund 21:01:04 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2009/06/23-ws-ra-minutes.html Yves 21:01:07 -Paul 21:01:21 -Gilbert 21:01:23 WS_WSRA()3:30PM has ended 21:01:24 Attendees were [Microsoft], Bob_Freund, +, Doug_Davis, Gilbert, Paul, Vikas, Ram, Geoff, Yves, Li, +1.408.274.aabb, fmaciel, + 21:01:29 gpilz has left #ws-ra 21:36:05 dug has joined #ws-ra 21:36:27 yves - what's the URL to the transcript for today's call? 21:36:43 rssagent, where are we? 21:36:58 rssagent where am i ? 23:03:34 Zakim has left #ws-ra