See also: IRC log
<Raphael> Minutes OK with me
Lauri to review tools msection of the wiki and complete it with .mobi
<scribe> [POSTPONED]
Steph to send maputo's executive summary to mw4d
<mib_sb2na2> +phil
<Raphael> Ken advertized it on Twitter ;)
<scribe> [Not DONE]
will do just after the call
not done so
Steph to put maputo executive summary discussion on the agenda for
next mw4d meeting
<scribe> [POSTPONED]
<kiwanja> Stephane collated and combined comments from members on the roadmap
<betty> The procees look OK
<Renjish> all fine
<Arun> fine with me
<Raphael> Discussion page to be created
<Raphael> attached to roadmap
<Raphael> v2
<scribe> ACTION: stephane to create a discussion page attached to the roadmap [recorded in]
poitns collected since last call:
- adding a piece about General issues/challenges the mobile solutions
can/should address (in the development context)
- respective place of challenges and technologies sections
- should we identify contexts ?
- where to put prospective/R&D directions and what's possible today
- traditionnal accessibility issues
- which technologies to put in the map
point1: adding a piece about General issues/challenges the mobile solutions
<kiwanja> I can add a few things to that section - have a couple of blog posts which deal with that
<Renjish> i think introduction section is appropriate for that
<Adesina> I am back in. I had problem with my connection
<Raphael> Background section sounds good
<Adesina> I am trying to call in but I am using my mobile to connect to the internet, bcos my wifi network failed
<kiwanja> phillip suggests a separate section for challenges
<betty> OK with the background.
<Raphael> Ken: we could add info there on what mistakes to avoid
ken: we should talk about pitfalls
renjish: more directionnal than informational
<Raphael> We could make a bullet point list of what to include in Background?
<Raphael> at first
<Raphael> For the discussion page!
<Raphael> no, sorry main one
<scribe> ACTION: stephane add a section background draft some bullet points [recorded in]
<kiwanja> might be worth thinking of speaking with Mike Best at Georgia Tech here - very interested in 'computing at the margins' and may be some synergy
ken: was at a conference "computing at the margins"
georgiatech is placing itself to how to solve these challenges
<Adesina> I am lost!
<Adesina> Can't audio connect now
<Adesina> still tryin to
<scribe> ACTION: ken to link with people at georgia tech and present wha t we are doing and see if they are interested to join [recorded in]
<mib_sb2na2> ++Phil
point2: respective place of challenges and technologies sections
<mib_sb2na2> Do we also need a lessons learned section?
good question
<Adesina> under challenges, I feel there should specific mention of technology limitations and problmes in respect to developing countries
raphael: we should say pro/cons of each technology
<Adesina> yes, pros and cons of the technologies generally and also in respect to availability, users' perspective and economic issues
<Raphael> Renjish: discussion over the need to repeat information which is available elswhere
<Adesina> Any response to my comments?
<Raphael> Hi, Adesina we're caught into a vocal discussion
<Raphael> Renjish: there's a need to limit the roadmap to technologies which address identified challenges
<Arun> I agree with Renjish. We can be exhaustive with Challenges and the Technologies available today can be shown to address some of those. Limitations and technology direction may also show what might be possible in near-term or long term future. So, technologies can remain after challenges.
<Raphael> +1
<Raphael> It makes sense to avoid a too long technoloy list
<Raphael> and focus on solutions, although we should keep the term "technology"
<mib_sb2na2> I agree with Renjish but we need to decide what technologies are important (phil)
+1 to phil
<mib_sb2na2> There are also other technologies such as Cell broadcast that has huge potential for developing nations but is hardly used by operators (phil)
<Arun> Technologies (their state today and projection going forward) should be in the context of the Challenges we identify as important ones
raphael: make sense to link challenges
with technology
<Adesina> I agree with Arun and Rapheal. Focussing on solutions will also bring about issues of technologies and other factors like economic, social and environmental ones that limits the benefits of the solutions
<Adesina> Cell broadcast sounds great, but the issue is lack of commercial scalability, which has implications for long-trem sustainability, but it is a good solution to develop
<Adesina> Problems identified today is an opportunity for solutions tomorrow, so the this approach is good
<mib_sb2na2> I agree but this is definitely a technology that we should be mentioning to highlight the challenges
<Arun> Phil's point is important too and it fits in what we are discussing. We can mention technologies that are not yet established as a solution for a particular challenge but have the potential.
<Adesina> Hello there!
adesina, sorry, this is not an irc meeting, but a teleconference and discussions are happening in the teleconference
<Arun> So, Steph's proposal is that solutions go along with the challenges
<Adesina> ok
so it is hard to integrate people just on irc
we are trying but it is hard
<Adesina> I had problem with my wifi, somusing mobile to connedt to the intrenet therefore my inability to join in. I am off base now
<mib_sb2na2> There is a discussion on how we structured the technology, challenges and solutions sections
<Adesina> ok I understand
<mib_sb2na2> Can I be added to the speaker queue (phil)
phil sure
1s raphael finishing
<Raphael> There are non-technological solutions to the listed challenges. Then we could have a small section dedicated for this, before the "Mobile technology solutions" section
phil ?
<betty> Certain challenge may need tech & non tech solution. Could we have: challenges, info on tech, solution (tech & non tech)?
<Adesina> Nice idea betty
renjish: requirements + challenges
<mib_sb2na2> That will add value to the document (Phil)
<Renjish> that will be better to separate the challenges from solution
<Renjish> or the heading should reflect "challenges and solutions"
<kiwanjareturns> +q
<Raphael> some cross references should be done?
steph: should we have a solution per challenge or a solution section out of challenges
<Arun> Yes, a separate solution section is fine as long as the context of the Challenge is identified.
<Renjish> :)
raphael: let's start with solution in challenges
<Adesina> Rather, challenges to solutions available now and those for the future
<betty> Good idea Raphael
let's fill the document first
<kiwanjareturns> Maybe a section which defines the broader challenges, but then another section which then has headings and then solutions listed
raphael: we need to see if we get too much seciton
<Renjish> we can start with that approach.... I agree
<Raphael> ok
<betty> Ok
<Renjish> ok
<scribe> ACTION: steph to draft illiteracy section [recorded in]
<Arun> Ok
<Raphael> the sooner the better
<Renjish> next week is fine with me
<Arun> both fine with me
next call : next week june 15
<Raphael> thank you!
<kiwanjareturns> thanks steph, all :)
<betty> 15 June is OK. Thanks a lot. Bye.