19:45:43 RRSAgent has joined #au 19:45:43 logging to http://www.w3.org/2009/05/18-au-irc 19:45:50 Zakim, this will be AUWG 19:45:51 ok, Jan; I see WAI_AUWG()3:00PM scheduled to start 45 minutes ago 19:45:56 Meeting: WAI AU 19:46:12 Agenda: http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/w3c-wai-au/2009AprJun/0036.html 19:46:33 Regrets: Tim B., Ann M. 19:56:39 jeanne has joined #au 19:58:31 Andrew has joined #au 19:59:55 zakim, code? 19:59:55 the conference code is 2894 (tel:+1.617.761.6200 tel:+ tel:+44.117.370.6152), Jan 20:00:11 WAI_AUWG()3:00PM has now started 20:00:18 +Jeanne 20:00:41 +[IPcaller] 20:01:02 zakim, [IPcaller] is really Jan 20:01:02 +Jan; got it 20:02:19 +??P7 20:02:41 zakim, ??P7 is really Andrew 20:02:41 +Andrew; got it 20:03:04 +??P8 20:03:17 zakim, ??P8 is really JuttaT 20:03:17 +JuttaT; got it 20:03:53 Greg has joined #au 20:03:59 +Greg_Pisocky 20:05:28 Chair: Jutta 20:07:51 Chair: Jan 20:08:18 Scribe: Greg 20:08:44 jtrevir has joined #au 20:09:00 Topic: Determine whether to publish the new Editor's Draft as a Public WD 20:09:29 Call out sections that are new or changed 20:09:46 http://www.w3.org/WAI/AU/2009/ED-ATAG20-20090512/ 20:10:01 Options are accept, change prior to release as public working draft 20:10:19 + +1.561.582.aaaa 20:10:36 zakim, aaaa is really SueAnn 20:10:36 +SueAnn; got it 20:12:14 Sueann has joined #au 20:12:14 Authoring tools are just one aspect of Web accessibility.... 20:12:21 First changes to introduction. 3rd note under first paragraph. 20:12:27 http://www.w3.org/WAI/AU/2009/ED-ATAG20-20090512/ 20:12:33 +1 accept 20:12:50 No objections accepted. 20:12:54 Note 3 in Introduction "Authoring tools are just one aspect of accessibility... ACCEPTED 20:13:05 All: Accept new org. of componetnst of accessibility. 20:13:50 2nd: Change to notes in definition, range of tools ATAG replies to. In response to Greg's comments. 20:13:58 Topic: 1.ATAG 2.0 applies to a wide variety of Web content generating applications... 20:14:00 -JuttaT 20:14:04 Change to notes in Definition "ATAG 2.0 applies to a wide variety..." 20:14:27 +??P8 20:14:30 GP: Meets my concerns 20:14:57 zakim, ??P8 is really JuttaT 20:14:57 +JuttaT; got it 20:15:43 +1 acce[t 20:15:45 All: Accept wording of range of authoring tools 20:15:54 Topic: ATAG 2.0 Layers of Guidance 20:16:23 3rd: layers of guidance, adapted from WCAG. 20:16:33 ATAG 2.0 Layers of Guidance Replaces Organization of the Document 20:18:52 All: Accept "layers of guidance" 20:19:13 Editor's note can be removed 20:19:29 Topic: Relationship to the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0 20:21:00 Reference to WCAG 1.0 removed. 20:24:01 First bullet revised. 20:24:06 GP: Wonder about third bullet... 20:25:00 GP: evidence of conformance requiring content is a concern 20:26:09 Should this section be normative or informative? 20:26:49 GP: May not be possible to provide content in a conformance claim 20:27:03 JR: is the 3rd bullet required? 20:27:38 Jeanne: It should be removed, as it is inconsistent. 20:27:42 Action jeanne: Remove •ATAG 2.0 Conformance Claims are to be supported by examples of Web content produced by the authoring tool (e.g., samples of automatically-generated content) that conform to WCAG 2.0. 20:27:42 Created ACTION-145 - Remove •ATAG 2.0 Conformance Claims are to be supported by examples of Web content produced by the authoring tool (e.g., samples of automatically-generated content) that conform to WCAG 2.0. [on Jeanne Spellman - due 2009-05-25]. 20:28:25 JR: any other objection? 20:28:37 All: No other objections to rewording of "Relationship to the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0" 20:28:59 All: section is normative. 20:29:30 Resolved: Add "This section is normative." to Relationship to the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0" section 20:30:34 To be explicitly noted with section. 20:31:03 Resolved: "Integration of Accessibility Features " and "ATAG 2.0 Layers of Guidance" remain infromative 20:31:32 -JuttaT 20:31:57 +??P8 20:33:17 GP: B .1.3.1 Priority level not noted. 20:33:22 Action jeanne: B.3.1.1 add Level 20:33:22 Created ACTION-146 - B.3.1.1 add Level [on Jeanne Spellman - due 2009-05-25]. 20:33:46 GP: There are two B.2.4.4s 20:33:47 Action jeanne: B.2.4.4 to B.2.4.5 20:33:47 Created ACTION-147 - B.2.4.4 to B.2.4.5 [on Jeanne Spellman - due 2009-05-25]. 20:34:48 GP: Have created analysis of success criteria for editors draft. 20:36:16 GP: with a breakdown of priority levels. Created as indicator of effort required for task of compliance. 20:36:45 GP: will send it along to working group. 20:37:34 Topic: Guideline B.1.1 Support Web content technologies that enable the creation of content that is accessible 20:38:13 JR: Was broken down into 3 levels of compliance. 20:38:26 http://www.w3.org/TR/WCAG20/#new-terms 20:38:38 Referencing WCAG 2.0 20:41:05 WCAG does not break the definition of accessible technologies into levels. 20:41:42 GP: Automatically selected for what? 20:43:48 Action jeanne: Label B.1.1 for F2F discussion 20:43:48 Created ACTION-148 - Label B.1.1 for F2F discussion [on Jeanne Spellman - due 2009-05-25]. 20:43:56 B.1.1.1 for further discussion at face to face 20:44:38 Topic: Level of Conformance 20:45:03 ↑In order to ensure that the process of using ATAG 2.0 and WCAG 2.0 together in the development of authoring tools is as simple as possible 20:45:05 ... 20:48:00 -??P8 20:48:19 +??P8 20:49:51 JR: this is informative, suggest it be moved to an appendix. 20:50:09 editorial changes and grammar edits required. 20:50:48 JR: cannot make content accessible↑ => cannot make the authoring tool user interface accessible 20:51:44 JR: 4th bullet: Success Criteria => Success Criterion 20:54:38 Jeanne: Should this be in the introduction? Do not want it in an appendix, it will be ignored. 20:54:46 -Andrew 20:55:04 Andrew, Greg and Jutta: should stay in. 20:55:15 My Skype just dropped out but i would agree with Jeanne 20:55:25 JR: Suggested title: Understanding ATAG Conformance Levels 20:55:45 JR: Move to last section of Introduction as informative section. 20:55:55 Action jeanne: Move the section on setting Conformance Levels to the a new last sub-scetion in the Introduction 20:55:55 Created ACTION-149 - Move the section on setting Conformance Levels to the a new last sub-scetion in the Introduction [on Jeanne Spellman - due 2009-05-25]. 20:56:58 First para: ↑In order to ensure that the process 20:57:07 ....might place on developers) 20:57:19 DELETE: ↑Conformance Levels in Conformance Claims 20:57:46 +??P7 20:58:21 Topic: Publish Public WD? 20:58:29 Andrew: Yes 20:58:40 Greg: Yes 20:59:04 Jeanne: Yes 20:59:12 SueAnn: Yes 20:59:18 Jutta: Yes 20:59:22 Jan: Yes 20:59:36 JR: will clean up draft and publish late this week. 20:59:55 Next Week memorial day 21:00:01 Will meet in 2 weeks time. 21:00:11 10 days from face to face 21:01:03 2 meetings in June before F2F 21:01:30 SEnd any concerns before Last Call draft. 21:02:04 -Greg_Pisocky 21:02:46 -SueAnn 21:02:47 -Jan 21:02:49 -??P8 21:02:51 -??P7 21:03:16 jtrevir has left #au 21:03:30 zakim, who's on the phone? 21:03:30 On the phone I see Jeanne 21:04:01 -Jeanne 21:04:02 WAI_AUWG()3:00PM has ended 21:04:04 Attendees were Jeanne, Jan, Andrew, JuttaT, Greg_Pisocky, +1.561.582.aaaa, SueAnn 21:04:10 RRSAgent, make minutes 21:04:10 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2009/05/18-au-minutes.html Jan 21:04:15 RRSAgent, set logs public 23:26:12 Zakim has left #au