14:58:53 RRSAgent has joined #badtf 14:58:53 logging to http://www.w3.org/2009/05/06-badtf-irc 14:59:00 Zakim has joined #badtf 14:59:08 zakim, this will be bad 14:59:08 ok, shadi, I see WAI_EOWG(BAD TF)11:00AM already started 14:59:13 zakim, this will be ba 14:59:13 ok, shadi, I see WAI_EOWG(BAD TF)11:00AM already started 14:59:17 zakim, this is bad 14:59:18 shadi, this was already WAI_EOWG(BAD TF)11:00AM 14:59:20 ok, shadi; that matches WAI_EOWG(BAD TF)11:00AM 14:59:32 meeting: BAD TF 14:59:33 Tom has joined #badtf 14:59:42 zakim, who is on the phone? 14:59:42 On the phone I see Michael 14:59:59 chair: Shadi 15:00:12 agenda+ Debrief from WAI-AGE discussion 15:00:19 + +49.173.673.aaaa 15:00:21 -Michael 15:00:22 agenda+ Status check and further work 15:00:22 +Michael 15:00:24 + +1.714.968.aabb 15:01:02 Zakim, aaaa is me 15:01:02 +eric; got it 15:01:21 + +03130239aacc 15:01:24 Zakim, aabb is Tom 15:01:26 +Tom; got it 15:01:30 - +03130239aacc 15:01:33 zakim, call shadi-617 15:01:33 ok, shadi; the call is being made 15:01:34 +Shadi 15:01:45 zakim, who is on the phone? 15:01:45 On the phone I see Michael, eric, Tom, Shadi 15:02:49 + +03130239aadd 15:02:58 regrets: Maik 15:03:33 zakim, aadd is Wilco 15:03:34 +Wilco; got it 15:03:54 scribe: Wilco 15:04:00 agenda? 15:04:24 zakim, mute me 15:04:24 Michael should now be muted 15:04:28 zakim, take up agendum 1 15:04:28 agendum 1. "Debrief from WAI-AGE discussion" taken up [from shadi] 15:04:48 shadi: thanks for the great work from WAI-AGE 15:05:02 http://www.w3.org/WAI/demos/bad/draft/2009/ 15:05:36 shadi: we need to refine a few things 15:05:53 shadi: let me summarize the discussions from wai-age 15:06:11 shadi: request to show clearly the difference between before and after version 15:07:01 shadi: some things: annotations helped 15:07:12 http://ericeggert.net/badtf-latest/index/index.html 15:08:30 shadi: people like the addition by eric 15:09:04 shadi: the toggle switch is good (for accessable / inaccessible and annotations) 15:09:59 shadi: we need a metaphor for the on and off function 15:10:26 shadi: we should have annotated pages link to other annotated pages 15:11:23 shadi: annotations and highlights should not be an exausted list 15:12:00 shadi: maybe a different color for the annotation, and different colors between the before and after pages 15:12:27 shadi: the icon of the annotation be a different color for before and after aswell 15:12:49 zakim, unmute me 15:12:49 Michael should no longer be muted 15:13:04 zakim, mute me 15:13:04 Michael should now be muted 15:13:19 wilco: all suggestions are very helpful 15:14:04 zakim, unmute me 15:14:04 Michael should no longer be muted 15:15:22 michael: there is no element to indicate switching between different states accept checkbox 15:16:43 michael: someone proposed a button, but in HTML this is not used to turn things on and off 15:17:41 shadi: maybe make it look like a button 15:18:10 wilco: I quite like what eric has done 15:20:35 tom: i think the annotations will be very visible once they are in place 15:21:42 shadi: one question was maybe having a submenu 15:22:24 eric: probably we should try a few things out, maybe something with a tick and and a cross for accessible / inaccessible 15:24:14 shadi: maybe use it as a submenu or a second navigation 15:24:31 zakim, unmute me 15:24:31 Michael was not muted, Michael 15:24:38 shadi: maybe try lighter or darker background 15:25:06 wilco: maybe make the background slightly greener or redder 15:25:46 michael: maybe 2 links with labels: show annotation on / off 15:26:55 tom: maybe have a 'show annotations' / 'hide annotations' 15:29:51 zakim, mute me 15:29:51 Michael should now be muted 15:30:37 zakim, unmute me 15:30:37 Michael should no longer be muted 15:30:40 q+ 15:32:01 michael: the message below the inaccessible / show annotations is redundant 15:32:14 sorry, that was shadi who said that 15:32:28 s/michael/shadi 15:32:33 michael: maybe some more space between the tabs, or rounded cornours 15:33:23 ack m 15:33:47 zakim, mute me 15:33:47 Michael should now be muted 15:34:02 shadi: the tab needs to have example 5 template 15:34:25 michael: do we have a template for the inaccessible version? 15:34:28 shadi: yes 15:35:19 http://www.w3.org/WAI/EO/2005/Demo/ 15:36:25 shadi: the tempates are part of the demo too so they should be in the navigation 15:36:45 shadi: what about the colors for red / green 15:37:05 wilco: maybe make the red a bit brighter 15:37:18 tom: maybe, watch the contrast though 15:38:00 shadi: remove the bold from that line 15:38:50 tom: we don't need a seperate icon if we come up with a good system for it 15:40:48 zakim, take up next 15:40:48 agendum 2. "Status check and further work" taken up [from shadi] 15:41:08 http://www.w3.org/WAI/demos/bad/draft/2009/ 15:41:49 shadi: the overview document should not need any changes 15:41:52 http://www.w3.org/WAI/demos/bad/draft/2009/barriers 15:42:44 http://www.w3.org/WAI/demos/bad/draft/2009/report 15:42:46 shadi: can we make this page link with the annotations, so that they are related? 15:43:18 http://www.w3.org/WAI/demos/bad/draft/2009/after/home/ 15:43:19 shadi: i'll do most of this work 15:43:37 http://www.w3.org/WAI/demos/bad/draft/2009/after/home/annotations 15:44:22 eric: the close switch has been implemented 15:46:05 wilco: there is a problem with the second annotation, the example can be seen in my e-mail 15:46:55 shadi: looks like the script is done 15:47:02 zakim, unmute me 15:47:02 Michael should no longer be muted 15:47:13 shadi: maybe make the annotation icons a pale yellow 15:48:39 michael: maybe try different colors for accessibile / inaccessible for background or outline 15:49:06 zakim, mute me 15:49:06 Michael should now be muted 15:49:13 wilco: I'll try a few different things with colors 15:49:39 shadi: keep the icons consistant, but maybe change the borders or the color of the text 15:50:30 shadi: change the quick menu maybe to external pages 15:51:35 shadi: the inaccessible version is wider then the accessible 15:51:57 shadi: the date seems to be bigger in the inaccessible 15:52:23 shadi: it looks like verything on the wai-age list had been implemented 15:53:02 shadi: tom, we should start working on the report 15:54:00 tom: the more is done before the report the better 15:54:36 shadi: lets start evaluation the inaccessible page and list every place a technique was not met 15:54:47 tom: what we need is the success criteria 15:55:34 shadi: so we have a list with all the criteria, beneath it a technique and a line number of the error 15:56:05 shadi: then we'll look at the accessible version, and then make a selection for the annotations 15:56:25 shadi: tom and i will coordinate on this 15:57:09 -Michael 15:57:23 tom: the form page is crucial 15:58:07 shadi: next week to discuss the survey page 15:58:54 shadi: we meet next week 15:59:12 -eric 15:59:15 -Tom 15:59:18 -Shadi 15:59:39 -Wilco 15:59:40 WAI_EOWG(BAD TF)11:00AM has ended 15:59:41 Attendees were Michael, +49.173.673.aaaa, +1.714.968.aabb, eric, +03130239aacc, Tom, Shadi, +03130239aadd, Wilco 15:59:54 rssagent, make logs world 15:59:57 Michael has left #badtf 15:59:58 Wilco has left #badtf 16:00:02 rrsagent, make logs world 16:00:07 rrsagent, make minutes 16:00:07 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2009/05/06-badtf-minutes.html shadi 16:00:09 rrsagent, make logs world 16:00:12 rrsagent, bye 16:00:12 I see no action items