16:56:55 RRSAgent has joined #svgig 16:56:55 logging to http://www.w3.org/2009/04/06-svgig-irc 16:56:57 RRSAgent, make logs public 16:56:59 Zakim, this will be SVGIG 16:56:59 I do not see a conference matching that name scheduled within the next hour, trackbot 16:57:00 Meeting: SVG Interest Group Teleconference 16:57:00 Date: 06 April 2009 16:57:50 Rob_Russell has joined #svgig 16:58:36 dstorey_ has joined #svgig 16:58:47 Did the coference code change? 16:58:48 ok, shepazu; conference Team_(svgig)16:58Z scheduled with code 26631 (CONF1) for 60 minutes until 1758Z 16:59:02 yeah shepazu i think the conf code doesn't work 16:59:10 (due to the change) 16:59:27 gwadej: there was a mixup... this is the temporary code 16:59:35 Team_(svgig)16:58Z has now started 16:59:36 Zakim, code? 16:59:37 the conference code is 26631 (tel:+1.617.761.6200 tel:+ tel:+44.117.370.6152), shepazu 16:59:42 + +1.847.797.aaaa 17:00:00 - +1.847.797.aaaa 17:00:00 + +1.847.797.aaaa 17:00:01 +Shepazu 17:00:02 dstorey__ has joined #svgig 17:00:03 + +1.713.851.aabb 17:00:21 Zakim, who's here? 17:00:21 On the phone I see +1.847.797.aaaa, +1.713.851.aabb, Shepazu 17:00:22 On IRC I see dstorey__, dstorey_, Rob_Russell, RRSAgent, JeffSchiller, gwadej, Zakim, stelt, anthony, ed_work, shepazu, trackbot 17:00:48 Zakim, 847 is JeffSchiller 17:00:48 sorry, shepazu, I do not recognize a party named '847' 17:00:59 Zakim, aaaa is JeffSchiller 17:00:59 +JeffSchiller; got it 17:01:04 hmm getting invalid passcode errors on 78444 17:01:04 zakim, aabb is gwadej 17:01:04 +gwadej; got it 17:01:26 dstory_ please use 26631 this week 17:01:29 dstorey, that is 17:02:01 + +1.149.1.aacc 17:02:25 Zakim, code? 17:02:25 the conference code is 26631 (tel:+1.617.761.6200 tel:+ tel:+44.117.370.6152), shepazu 17:02:32 Zakim, aacc is Rob_Russell 17:02:32 +Rob_Russell; got it 17:02:49 + +47.23.69.aadd 17:03:12 zakim, aadd is dstorey 17:03:12 +dstorey; got it 17:03:57 zakim, who's here? 17:03:57 On the phone I see JeffSchiller, gwadej, Shepazu, Rob_Russell, dstorey 17:03:58 On IRC I see dstorey, Rob_Russell, RRSAgent, JeffSchiller, gwadej, Zakim, stelt, anthony, ed_work, shepazu, trackbot 17:04:09 stelt - are you able to join? 17:04:26 y 17:04:45 + +03174349aaee 17:04:53 zakim, aaee is stelt 17:04:53 +stelt; got it 17:04:56 an has joined #svgig 17:05:28 andreas, please use conf code 26631 instead of 78444 17:05:33 an, that is 17:05:41 ok 17:06:51 +Andreas_Neumann 17:08:31 topic SVG Open 17:08:43 decide on some financial plans 17:08:59 scribe: Rob_Russell 17:09:13 ScribeNick: Rob_Russell 17:09:37 Zakim, this is SVG IG 17:09:37 sorry, shepazu, I do not see a conference named 'SVG IG' in progress or scheduled at this time 17:10:02 need to know what expenses should be covered, speakers, organizers, etc 17:10:45 http://www.svgopen.org/2009/participate.shtml 17:10:47 call for papers page on the webpage, take this text, send it out this week 17:11:18 we ask for papers and workshops & productions which aren't sorted out yet 17:11:58 doug: we should be able to say that we may have workshops, if someone has an idea then submit it and we'll decide after based on what we get 17:12:49 jeff: invite people for the wednesday conference call 17:13:39 jeff: will come up with agenda of things we want to work on during the call 17:13:52 an: so we'll discuss only svg open stuff on wednesday 17:14:55 an: about keynote speakers 17:15:18 an: what about Sam Ruby? 17:15:38 maybe a designer? 17:15:40 doug: i could ask sam, he could be interested in presented, maybe in giving a keynote 17:16:14 an: the other keynote could be Brad Neuberg from google 17:16:40 doug: i think he'd be interested, giving google is appropriate given how they're helping us out 17:16:55 an: how about someone from opensource? kde or inkscape? 17:17:16 doug: in terms of impact, someone from inkscape would be better 17:17:43 doug: kde doesn't reach as many people as inkscape in terms of spreding inkscape 17:17:59 an: is it possible to get somebody from webkit? it seems hard to get people 17:18:30 doug: people from apple are hard to get but other webkit developers should be reachable 17:18:44 jeff: what's the appropriate number of keynots 17:19:00 an: opening kn, another 2 or 3 in the first day, and a closing 17:19:05 doug: one every day? 17:19:26 an: that's an option, also depends on how many rooms and if there is only one track per room 17:19:46 an: if we can combine it with a panel or some other track... 17:19:57 apart from opening/closing we had 4 last year 17:20:49 i guess we can get an Inkscaper likely 17:20:59 jeff: what about somebody else on the svg wg? 17:21:39 doug: there's cameron mccormack but the svg wg will already be doing the panel 17:21:51 doug: i prefer to get people other than the wg 17:22:11 doug: i may be able to get a recorded video from TBL for just after lunch or after a keynote 17:22:28 Tim BL always gives big promotion 17:23:47 an: another open issue is if we could get some kind of bankruptcy protection... 17:24:12 doug: we can talk about that on wednesday 17:25:02 llc? 17:25:07 doug: we should do something permanent, why not form an organization to keep track of that 17:25:14 Limited Liability Corporation 17:26:03 rob: we could form an llc, some drupalcamps do that 17:26:39 doug: there could be an issue of exchange rate holding it in an llc in the US 17:26:57 i'll see if i can get Barend to join on wednesday. he did most of official paperwork back then 17:27:06 doug: it could be worth doing, setting up an llc is very simple, we can talk about it wednesday 17:28:21 doug: we need someone interesting for the closing keynote, sam could be good for that 17:28:26 ask Jon Cruz for someone int. from Inks. commu.? 17:29:26 = Chris Lilley 17:31:00 new topic: planetsvg 17:31:33 "BSVG/B" still in editor view 17:32:07 rob: started a call with Doug, Jeff & Rob, got Doug set up with SVN local copy 17:32:13 rob: updated to Drupal 6.10 and the modules 17:32:19 rob: jeff fixed one minor issue with the News view 17:32:34 rob: also moved subversion repo around a bit, if you have it check out, please update 17:32:52 i can wget svg.org for when it goes down forever. good idea? 17:32:54 rob: jeff has started debugging BSVG/B issue in some news feeds 17:32:59 rob: we talked about how to organize the front page 17:33:21 rob: i want to set up a test subdomain so we can preview changes 17:34:28 jeff: big things we'll be doing in the next call will be debugging the feed, rearranging the front page. we're going to have another working call thursday evening 17:34:31 Wget 17:35:20 doug: there are two issues with getting the domain for svg.org, there's one person that owns the domain and he points it to the servers for someone else 17:35:45 dout: he said he could put up a permanent redirect (301) to planetsvg.com 17:36:21 doug: i did download a dump of all the stuff from svg.org, it's in a weird format, i could send it to rob & see if that could be converted to drupal 17:36:33 cms=scoop 17:36:35 rob: send it over, i can at least have a look 17:37:37 doug: one part of it uses mediawiki, there should be a conversion script. I'm not sure that's the way we want to go. I don't know if the wiki format is what we need. Often it wasn't laid out in a way that people found helpful. 17:38:02 doug: and a lot of the old links are probably dead. I know stelt went through and deleted a lot of old links. 17:38:53 planetsvg should not be only for supergeeks in other words 17:38:59 doug: I think we really need to look at the structure of planetsvg and see how we're going to make that an easy follow-you-nose way to find your way learning svg. 17:39:13 doug: how to do a circle... 17:39:41 doug: svg in 30 days, we could decide on a structure and each take a page 17:40:06 doug: you could easily devote a page or 3 to the path element 17:40:07 looking over the shoulder, using video too 17:41:13 the first dozen annoying things people keep running into, sort of 17:41:21 doug: i wonder if there's something out there that's equivalent that we want to emulate, maybe something for flash or something else 17:41:46 doug: w3schools is all right, having pages laid out so google can index them is helpful 17:41:56 try-it editor is nice 17:42:20 jeff: yeah, there are 2 things, one is the structure, the other is the content 17:42:24 webIRC too 17:42:30 jeff: there are things on svg.org that we want to keep 17:42:39 doug: we could host the old wiki on planetsvg 17:42:52 doug: but have it as a static research 17:43:31 doug++ 17:43:44 doug: recreate it as a mediawiki install but make it static with a header that says it's for reference only 17:44:04 rob: i'm hesitant to put it up as a mediawiki install (maintenance) 17:44:44 rob: will have to see how much content there is, does it make more sense to port it over to drupal? 17:45:01 jeff: i think it's a great way to bootstrap our content, but worried about multiple logins (so it should be static) 17:45:10 doug: put a disclaimer at the top of each page? 17:45:11 have Wiki's HTML, not db 17:46:33 spell out 301 specifics for svg.org guy 17:47:24 rob: if 301 maps to URLs on our site, we can map out the top (say) 50% of the articles 17:49:22 so it depends which is easier, the static version of the wiki or integrating into drupal 17:49:23 doug: before this thrusday i'll upload the data dump & send you a url 17:50:50 jeff: we can discuss this on thursday and if anyone else wants to join in they can 17:50:59 an: what about using the html output 17:51:31 scoop runs http://www.kuro5hin.org/ 17:52:18 rob: yeah, i might be able to make a script to pull it in from the html if that turns out to be easier 17:52:39 doug: do people think it's useful to bring in the old diaries? 17:52:45 jeff: probably not 17:53:22 doug: there might be people who are frustrated their content disappeared from svg.org, maybe we could give them the option to download 17:53:46 rob: depends on what shape it's in 17:54:33 not only do you then save some content, but also some contributors 17:55:23 just dave ++ 17:59:21 -dstorey 17:59:22 -JeffSchiller 17:59:23 -Andreas_Neumann 17:59:24 -Rob_Russell 17:59:24 -gwadej 17:59:32 -Shepazu 17:59:34 1900 Amsterdam time that is 17:59:58 gwadej has left #svgig 18:00:03 an has left #svgig 18:00:22 shepazu - do we need to do anything special to capture these as minutes 18:03:27 :) 18:04:33 disconnecting the lone participant, stelt, in Team_(svgig)16:58Z 18:04:34 Team_(svgig)16:58Z has ended 18:04:36 Attendees were +1.847.797.aaaa, Shepazu, +1.713.851.aabb, JeffSchiller, gwadej, +1.149.1.aacc, Rob_Russell, +47.23.69.aadd, dstorey, +03174349aaee, stelt, Andreas_Neumann 18:06:02 JeffSchiller: I'll do the minutes 18:06:11 trackbot, make minutes 18:06:11 Sorry, shepazu, I don't understand 'trackbot, make minutes'. Please refer to http://www.w3.org/2005/06/tracker/irc for help 18:06:13 thank you sir 18:06:32 Zakim, stop telcon 18:06:32 I don't understand 'stop telcon', shepazu 18:06:40 Zakim, end telcon 18:06:40 I don't understand 'end telcon', shepazu 18:06:44 ok 18:06:49 sigh 18:06:52 :( 18:07:00 I'll do it manurally 18:07:09 haha, never heard that one before 18:07:29 trackbot, stop telcon 18:07:29 Sorry, JeffSchiller, I don't understand 'trackbot, stop telcon'. Please refer to http://www.w3.org/2005/06/tracker/irc for help 18:07:32 bah 18:08:06 it was a happy typo, actually 18:08:57 Rob_Russell has left #svgig 18:09:01 trackbot, make minutes 18:09:01 Sorry, shepazu, I don't understand 'trackbot, make minutes'. Please refer to http://www.w3.org/2005/06/tracker/irc for help 18:09:18 RRSAgent, make minutes 18:09:18 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2009/04/06-svgig-minutes.html shepazu 18:09:23 ahhhhh! 18:09:59 cool deal 18:10:02 i'll send out the notice 18:15:51 thanks 20:11:35 Zakim has left #svgig 21:11:51 stelt has joined #svgig