14:35:20 RRSAgent has joined #backplane 14:35:20 logging to http://www.w3.org/2009/03/31-backplane-irc 14:35:24 rrsagent, make logs public 14:35:33 Meeting: RWAB Telecon 14:35:41 Chair: Charlie Wiecha 14:35:50 Agenda: http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-xg-app-backplane/2009Mar/0018.html 14:59:55 INC_RWAB()11:00AM has now started 15:00:02 +[IBM] 15:00:06 zakim, [IBM] is wiecha 15:00:06 +wiecha; got it 15:00:36 unl has joined #backplane 15:01:42 jackjansen has joined #backplane 15:02:33 zakim, code? 15:02:34 the conference code is 7922 (tel:+1.617.761.6200 tel:+ tel:+44.117.370.6152), jackjansen 15:03:09 +unl 15:03:44 i have a yugma session going...309-009-088 15:03:45 +??P77 15:03:54 zakim, ??P77 is me 15:03:54 +jackjansen; got it 15:05:51 www.yugma.com 15:28:20 Scribe: wiecha 15:28:27 Topic: Review of SVG piechart 15:28:43 discussion of how the dynamic SVG is bundled into ubiquity 15:28:54 Jack: I think I would have packaged this quite differently 15:29:12 Jack: perhaps by creating a "piechart" tag and then binding that to the data model...and worked from there 15:29:39 Jack: this would allow also the use from within SMIL 15:29:51 Jack: animation to allow it to grow and expand 15:30:22 calling in with nother phone. 15:30:37 -jackjansen 15:31:16 +Jack_Jansen 15:31:29 zakim, jack_jansen is me 15:31:29 +jackjansen; got it 15:32:01 Jack: defined that the data model would have to have a specific shape and then attach the piechart to that 15:33:01 Charlie: treats the role attributes and their pattern (parent and child) to attach to an existing data model 15:33:18 Jack: comes at the expense of being tied to the xforms concept of repeat 15:33:30 Charlie: gets at "what is the backplane" 15:33:50 I'm arguing that the nodeset binding and repeat behavior are "backplane" not "forms" function 15:34:39 it provides bridging and data binding...the repeat is the projection of the model out to the view 15:35:35 Jack: so what xforms elements should be considered part of the core "backplane"? 15:35:53 Charlie: it's the two types of binding: single node and nodeset 15:36:01 and the event-driven update behavior 15:37:12 XForms repeats are a convenience layer to surface the nodeset binding but probably could be replaced by other types of elements that still consume nodeset binding 15:37:15 like Jack's piechart 15:37:26 Jack: +1 15:37:39 Jack: I meant the behavior not the elements themselves 15:38:31 Charlie: I think it's valid for language implementors to want to reuse xforms behavior like repeat or go off and do another element that still consumes nodeset binding if they like 15:39:03 Jack: we have single node and nodeset binding...do we need "if"? 15:39:24 Jack: e.g. a bit of XML code is present or not depending on values in the data model 15:39:29 Charlie: that sounds like relevance 15:39:31 Jack: yup 15:40:16 Charlie: maybe we should illustrate both approaches in our demo...a custom control and a custom element 15:40:35 Jack: the repeat function could be considered part of the backplane, yes 15:43:30 Topic: First page of the finance scenario application 15:43:36 Charlie: what should we include on the first page? 15:44:16 Charlie: perhaps just an overview of the current portfolio 15:44:22 Charlie: how could SMIL play there? 15:46:44 Charlie: perhaps use SMIL to control a wizard that configures the SVG charting...asks for stock symbol names and date ranges then displays the svg chart 15:48:37 Charlie: I would expect the google map would be surface similarly with a repeat over the data model 15:48:46 Jack: but if I want a map of a single location 15:49:57 Charlie: different markup, either single node binding or nodeset binding, could be used depending on the use case 15:50:02 Jack: could one markup do either? 15:50:45 Charlie: that's almost a "composite" object...with both single node binding for map center and nodeset binding for pinpoints 15:51:15 Charlie: could be done either as a ground around a single node binding element and a repeat 15:51:26 or with a custom element that has children giving both types of binding 15:52:18 Jack: could a group have role="output-proportional"? 15:52:37 Jack: meant role="output-map" 15:52:57 Jack: then inside the group have the parameters for lat/long and also the repeat over pinpoints 15:53:13 15:53:32 15:53:51 15:53:57 15:53:59 15:54:01 15:54:22 or do a custom element full stop with nodeset and ref bindings 15:54:33 Jack: advantage of these roles is that for accessibility this would be nicer 15:55:07 the fact that output-map is being shown by an actual map is an implementation detail...ARIA would just work against the coordinates 16:04:46 -unl 16:04:50 -wiecha 16:04:51 INC_RWAB()11:00AM has ended 16:04:53 Attendees were wiecha, unl, jackjansen 16:04:59 rrsagent, make minutes 16:04:59 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2009/03/31-backplane-minutes.html wiecha 16:05:18 wiecha has left #backplane 17:53:55 Zakim has left #backplane