19:59:02 RRSAgent has joined #au 19:59:02 logging to http://www.w3.org/2009/03/30-au-irc 19:59:08 Zakim, this will be AUWG 19:59:08 ok, JR; I see WAI_AUWG()3:00PM scheduled to start 59 minutes ago 19:59:13 Meeting: WAI AU 19:59:15 zakim, code? 19:59:15 the conference code is 2894 (tel:+1.617.761.6200 tel:+ tel:+44.117.370.6152), jeanne 19:59:23 WAI_AUWG()3:00PM has now started 19:59:29 Agenda:http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/w3c-wai-au/2009JanMar/0068.html 19:59:29 +Jeanne 19:59:41 Chair: Jutta Treviranus 20:00:38 +??P11 20:01:12 +??P13 20:01:29 zakim, ??P11 is really JuttaT 20:01:29 +JuttaT; got it 20:01:39 zakim, ??P13 is really JR 20:01:39 +JR; got it 20:02:01 AnnM has joined #au 20:02:17 + +044208123aaaa 20:03:21 +Greg_Pisocky 20:03:30 zakim,+044208123aaaa is really AnnM 20:03:31 +AnnM; got it 20:05:39 Greg has joined #au 20:05:46 Scribe: AnnM 20:08:38 Topic: Finish (hopefully) the glossary review: 20:09:12 http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/w3c-wai-au/2009JanMar/att-0063/ATAG2_Glossary_Review__Rev12_.doc 20:09:19 http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/w3c-wai-au/2009JanMar/0064.html 20:10:32 Topic: Prominence 20:15:12 prominence 20:15:13 A heuristic measure of how likely users are to notice items (E.G. single 20:15:15 controls, groups of controls, text messages) in a user interface that 20:15:16 they are operating. Prominence is affected by numerous factors, 20:15:18 including: the number of navigation steps required, the reading order 20:15:19 position, visual properties (e.g., size, spacing, color), and even the 20:15:21 modality of use (e.g., mouse vs. keyboard use). For purposes of 20:15:23 conformance to ATAG 2.0, item A is considered to be *at least as 20:15:25 prominent* as item B if: 20:15:26 * (a) both items occur in the same item container (e.g., menu for menu 20:15:28 items, list for list items, dialog box for text boxes) 20:15:29 * (b) item A is highlighted if item B is highlighted. 20:15:31 * (c) item A occurs higher in the reading order or immediately follows 20:15:32 item B. 20:20:59 +Tim_Boland 20:21:27 * (b) if item B is emphasized then item A is also emphasized 20:21:39 http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/w3c-wai-au/2009JanMar/0064.html 20:28:19 TB, GP: Prefer item A, item B 20:29:50 (2a) Rewording B.1.1.2, B.1.1.4, B.1.1.6 for clarity: 20:29:52 UNCHANGED FROM EARLIER PROPOSAL 20:29:54 B.1.1.2 Author Choice of Technologies (Level A): If the authoring tool 20:29:56 provides authors with Web content technology options, THEN ANY 20:29:58 *ACCESSIBLE technology* (WCAG Level A) options THAT ARE SUITABLE FOR THE 20:29:59 TASK ARE *AT LEAST AS PROMINENT* AS ANY OTHER TECHNOLOGY OPTIONS. (Level A) 20:35:18 Action JR: Update "Technology" with "*accessible technology*" phrase 20:35:18 Created ACTION-130 - Update \"Technology\" with \"*accessible technology*\" phrase [on Jan Richards - due 2009-04-06]. 20:35:25 action: js to update glossary with finalized definition of Prominence from the updated glossary document 20:35:25 Created ACTION-131 - Update glossary with finalized definition of Prominence from the updated glossary document [on Jeanne Spellman - due 2009-04-06]. 20:35:39 (3) Rewording B.2.1.1, B.2.1.2, B.2.1.3: 20:35:42 REWORDED TO TAKE INTO ACCOUNT WIZARD-STYLE PROMPTING ETC. - REMOVED 20:35:43 "PROMINENCE" CLAUSE 20:35:43 B.2.1.1 Guide Accessible (Level A): If THE AUTHORING TOOL AUTOMATICALLY 20:35:45 PROMPTS AUTHORS FOR any information as content is being added or updated 20:35:47 (e.g., by an image modification dialog), then AUTOMATIC PROMPTS ARE ALSO 20:35:48 INCLUDED for any accessibility information required for that content to 20:35:50 meet WCAG Level A (Level A). 20:37:39 --- 20:37:44 Action: jeanne to incorporate proposal into document 20:37:44 Created ACTION-132 - Incorporate proposal into document [on Jeanne Spellman - due 2009-04-06]. 20:37:50 No objections 20:37:53 (4) Rewording B.2.5.3: 20:37:55 UNCHANGED FROM EARLIER PROPOSAL 20:37:57 B.2.5.3 Template Selection Mechanism: If authors are provided with a 20:37:57 action: JS to update B.2.1.1 - 3 as from the minutes of 20090330 20:37:57 Created ACTION-133 - Update B.2.1.1 - 3 as from the minutes of 20090330 [on Jeanne Spellman - due 2009-04-06]. 20:37:59 template selection mechanism, then (Level A): 20:38:00 (a) the selection mechanism indicates the accessibility status of 20:38:02 templates (if known), AND 20:38:03 (b) any accessible template options ARE *AT LEAST AS PROMINENT* AS other 20:38:05 TEMPLATE options. 20:38:41 (5) Rewording B.2.5.7: 20:38:43 UNCHANGED FROM EARLIER PROPOSAL 20:38:44 B.2.5.7 Pre-Authored Content Selection Mechanism: If authors are 20:38:46 provided with a selection mechanism for pre-authored content other than 20:38:47 no objections to proposal for B.2.5.3 20:38:47 templates (e.g., clip art gallery, widget repository, design themes), 20:38:49 then (Level AA): 20:38:51 (a) the selection mechanism indicates the accessibility status of the 20:38:52 pre-authored content (if known), AND 20:38:54 (b) any accessible options ARE *AT LEAST AS PROMINENT* AS other 20:38:55 PRE-AUTHORED CONTENT options. 20:39:30 no objections to proposal for B.2.5.7 20:39:30 (6) Rewording the rationale of B.3.1: 20:39:31 "IS" added 20:39:33 Guideline B.3.1 Rationale: When authors are learning a new authoring 20:39:34 tool, they may find and learn to use the first authoring action they 20:39:36 encounter that achieves their intended outcome. Since they may be 20:39:37 unaware of the issue of accessibility, it IS preferable that accessible 20:39:39 content be an additional unintended outcome, rather than inaccessible 20:39:41 content. 20:40:16 (7) Rewording B.3.1.1: 20:40:17 no objections to proposal for B.3.1 20:40:18 UNCHANGED FROM EARLIER PROPOSAL 20:40:20 B.3.1.1 Accessible Options Prominent: If authors are provided with 20:40:21 multiple options for an authoring task, options that will result in 20:40:23 content conforming to *WCAG* Level A ARE *AT LEAST AS PROMINENT* AS 20:40:25 OPTIONS THAT WILL NOT. (Level A) 20:40:31 -JR 20:40:36 darn 20:40:39 calling bacxk in' 20:40:55 +??P1 20:41:32 --- 20:41:33 no objections to proposal for B.3.1.1 20:41:34 (8) Minor edit to B.3.3.4: 20:41:35 UNCHANGED FROM EARLIER PROPOSAL 20:41:37 B.3.3.4 At Least as Prominent: Accessible content support features are 20:41:38 *at least as prominent* [DEL] as comparable features related to other 20:41:40 types of Web content problems (e.g., invalid markup, syntax errors, 20:41:41 spelling and grammar errors). (Level AA) 20:42:20 no objections to proposal for B.3.3.4 20:43:13 -Tim_Boland 20:43:28 no objections to new prominence defn with "emphasized" rewording 20:45:04 Action All: Be prepared to discuss Anna's comments (incl. making proposals) 20:45:04 Sorry, couldn't find user - All 20:46:08 Topic: ARIA review 20:47:17 Reminder that we want to collect ARIA comment ideas on the next call (April 6) 20:48:27 GP: Tentative offer of Adobe's Washington DC location 20:49:19 -??P1 20:49:21 -Greg_Pisocky 20:49:49 rrsagent, create minutes 20:49:49 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2009/03/30-au-minutes.html AnnM 20:50:02 -JuttaT 20:50:47 thanks! 20:50:53 RRSAgent, set logs public 20:51:03 Zakim, bye 20:51:03 leaving. As of this point the attendees were Jeanne, JuttaT, JR, Greg_Pisocky, AnnM, Tim_Boland 20:51:03 Zakim has left #au 20:51:09 RRSAgent, bye 20:51:09 I see 5 open action items saved in http://www.w3.org/2009/03/30-au-actions.rdf : 20:51:09 ACTION: JR to Update "Technology" with "*accessible technology*" phrase [1] 20:51:09 recorded in http://www.w3.org/2009/03/30-au-irc#T20-35-18 20:51:09 ACTION: js to update glossary with finalized definition of Prominence from the updated glossary document [2] 20:51:09 recorded in http://www.w3.org/2009/03/30-au-irc#T20-35-25 20:51:09 ACTION: jeanne to incorporate proposal into document [3] 20:51:09 recorded in http://www.w3.org/2009/03/30-au-irc#T20-37-44 20:51:09 ACTION: JS to update B.2.1.1 - 3 as from the minutes of 20090330 [4] 20:51:09 recorded in http://www.w3.org/2009/03/30-au-irc#T20-37-57-1 20:51:09 ACTION: All to Be prepared to discuss Anna's comments (incl. making proposals) [5] 20:51:09 recorded in http://www.w3.org/2009/03/30-au-irc#T20-45-04