20:51:18 RRSAgent has joined #au 20:51:18 logging to http://www.w3.org/2009/02/23-au-irc 20:51:24 Zakim, this will be AUWG 20:51:24 ok, JR; I see WAI_AUWG()3:00PM scheduled to start 51 minutes ago 20:51:30 Meeting: WAI AU 20:52:20 Agenda: http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/w3c-wai-au/2009JanMar/0043.html 20:52:50 Regrets: Andrew R., Anne M., Reed S. 20:59:50 WAI_AUWG()3:00PM has now started 20:59:52 +??P3 21:00:10 zakim, ??P3 is really JR 21:00:10 +JR; got it 21:00:13 jeanne has joined #au 21:00:21 zakim, code? 21:00:21 the conference code is 2894 (tel:+1.617.761.6200 tel:+ tel:+44.117.370.6152), jeanne 21:00:42 +jeanne 21:00:44 -jeanne 21:00:44 +jeanne 21:01:26 -jeanne 21:02:14 +[IPcaller] 21:02:15 -[IPcaller] 21:02:15 +[IPcaller] 21:02:31 Chair: JR 21:02:35 +Jeanne 21:03:01 zakim, [IPcaller] is really JuttaT 21:03:01 +JuttaT; got it 21:04:28 +Tim_Boland 21:05:26 http://www.w3.org/WAI/AU/2009/ATAG20-20090112-ED/ 21:06:07 +Greg_Pisocky 21:06:42 Greg has joined #au 21:06:59 zakim, who is here? 21:06:59 On the phone I see JR, JuttaT, Jeanne, Tim_Boland, Greg_Pisocky 21:07:00 On IRC I see Greg, jeanne, RRSAgent, Zakim, JR, trackbot 21:07:19 regrets+ Ann, Reed, and Andrew 21:07:32 scribe:jeanne 21:08:16 +1 on attachment 21:08:36 http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/w3c-wai-au/2009JanMar/0037.html 21:08:59 topic: finishing the glossary 21:09:04 Topic: accessibility information 21:09:39 accessibility information 21:09:39 +SueAnnN 21:09:40 Any information that is added to Web content for the purpose of conformance with WCAG (e.g., text descriptions of images, role and state information, relationships within complex tables). 21:11:12 Tim has joined #au 21:11:34 GP: Shouldn't it be "text alternatives"? 21:11:50 accessibility information 21:11:52 Any information that is added to Web content for the purpose of conformance with WCAG (e.g., text alternatives for images, role and state information, relationships within complex tables). 21:12:04 JR: it is an e.g. so text alternatives for images is ok. 21:12:12 Sueann has joined #au 21:12:49 action: JS to update the glossary with new definition of "accessibility information" 21:12:49 Created ACTION-111 - Update the glossary with new definition of \"accessibility information\" [on Jeanne Spellman - due 2009-03-02]. 21:13:35 topic: direct accessibility features 21:15:31 Topic: Developer 21:15:34 developer 21:15:36 Any entities or individuals responsible for programming the authoring tool. This includes the programmers of any additional software components included by the Claimant in the conformance claim. In some cases, development of the authoring tool is complete before the author uses it. However in other cases (e.g., some Web-based authoring tools), the developer may continue to modify the... 21:15:38 ...authoring tool after content is published by the author such that the Web content experienced by the end user is modified. 21:16:27 Topic: direct accessibility features 21:16:29 action: JS to update the glossary with the revised definition of "developer" 21:16:29 Created ACTION-112 - Update the glossary with the revised definition of \"developer\" [on Jeanne Spellman - due 2009-03-02]. 21:16:47 direct accessibility features 21:16:49 Features in applications that are not assistive technologies that augment accessibility by people with disabilities (e.g., keyboard navigation, zoom functions, text-to-speech). 21:18:03 JR: removed the word "mainstream". 21:19:05 GP: saying that they are not assistive technologies, is confusing - a self-voicing application would not need the AT but are acting as an AT. They may not be as fully featured as an AT, but they are performing an AT function. 21:19:42 JR: the term is used in the definition of assistive technology 21:21:07 GP: features that supply accessibility without relying on external assistive technology 21:21:16 JT: @@ 21:21:44 JT: Maybe we need to relook at definition of assistive technology and drop it from there. 21:22:03 GP: I like the strategy. It is something that people can invoke. 21:22:54 GP: We see it as "Do you have to rely on external accessibility, or is it a built-in feature of the program?". it may not be the best, but it will do. 21:23:16 JR: We all know what we are talking about and just need to find the right words. 21:23:48 GP: I don't want to see the concept of "direct accessibility" disappear. 21:24:04 Action: JR, GP: Rework Assistive Technology and Direct Accessibility to remove the big negative in Direct Access 21:24:04 Sorry, couldn't find user - JR, 21:24:46 Topic: Element 21:24:50 element 21:24:52 A pair of markup tags and their content or an “empty tag” (one that requires no closing tag or content). 21:24:59 action: JR to JR and GP to rework Assistive Technology and Direct Accessibility to remove the big negative in Direct Access 21:24:59 Created ACTION-113 - JR and GP to rework Assistive Technology and Direct Accessibility to remove the big negative in Direct Access [on Jan Richards - due 2009-03-02]. 21:25:24 markup language 21:25:26 A system of text annotations (e.g., elements in HTML) and processing rules that may be used to specify the structure, presentation or semantics of content. Examples of markup languages include HTML and SVG. The markup of some content is the set of annotations that appear in the content. 21:27:40 TB: Are we defining element as if it were an XHTML element? 21:28:16 GP: It's not always a pair of tags. Many don't require end tags. 21:28:28 JR: That is covered by "empty tag" 21:28:44 GP: It is content that is the element, not the pair itself. 21:28:54 JR: The semantics? 21:29:42 ...philosophical differences. Does it interfere with the understanding of the document? 21:30:15 ... practical usage, not semantic usage. 21:30:25 element 21:30:27 A pair of markup tags and its content or an “empty tag” (one that requires no closing tag or content). 21:30:31 GP: A pair and its content is correct usage. 21:31:11 Action: JS to use the new version of "element" and "markup language" 21:31:11 Created ACTION-114 - Use the new version of \"element\" and \"markup language\" [on Jeanne Spellman - due 2009-03-02]. 21:31:27 Topic: user agent 21:32:08 user agent [adapted from WCAG 2.0] 21:32:10 Any software that retrieves, renders and facilitates end user interaction with Web content. Examples include Web browsers, browser plug-ins, and media players. 21:33:01 this removes "assistive technology" and brings it in line with the UAAG revision of the definition. 21:33:21 Action: JS to use the new version of "user agent" 21:33:21 Created ACTION-115 - Use the new version of \"user agent\" [on Jeanne Spellman - due 2009-03-02]. 21:34:02 Guideline A.3.3 [For the authoring tool user interface] Help authors avoid flashing that could cause seizures.[Techniques] 21:34:04 Rationale: Flashing can cause seizures in people with photosensitive epilepsy. 21:34:06 A.3.3.1 Static View: If an editing view renders content (e.g., WYSIWYG) then the author has the global option of a static view in which time-based content appears in a fixed state. (Level A) 21:34:13 Topic: Removing flash and helper terms 21:36:08 Action: JS to remove "flash","general flash and red flash thresholds", "relative luminance" 21:36:09 Created ACTION-116 - Remove \"flash\",\"general flash and red flash thresholds\", \"relative luminance\" [on Jeanne Spellman - due 2009-03-02]. 21:36:31 Topic: collection of software components 21:36:46 collection of software components 21:36:48 Any software programs that are used either together (e.g., base tool and plug-in) or separately (e.g., markup editor, image editor, and validation tool), regardless of whether there has been any formal collaboration between the developers of the programs. 21:37:37 no concerns. Keep as is. 21:37:48 Topic: Label 21:37:51 label [adapted from WCAG 2.0] 21:37:53 Text or other component with a text alternative that is presented to users to identify a component. A label is presented to all authors whereas the name may be hidden and only exposed by assistive technology. In many (but not all) cases the name and the label are the same. 21:38:03 -Tim_Boland 21:39:41 JS: Makes more sense with users instead of authors. 21:39:47 Action: JS to use new "label" 21:39:47 Created ACTION-117 - Use new \"label\" [on Jeanne Spellman - due 2009-03-02]. 21:40:03 Topic: name 21:40:07 name [adapted from WCAG 2.0] 21:40:08 Text by which software can identify a component to the user. The name may be hidden and only exposed by assistive technology, whereas a label is presented to all users. In many (but not all) cases, the label and the name are the same. 21:40:09 present+ Tim_Boland, Sueann_Nichols 21:40:21 rrsagent, make logs public 21:40:26 rrsagent, make minutes 21:40:26 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2009/02/23-au-minutes.html jeanne 21:40:52 no concerns 21:41:00 keep as is 21:41:14 present+ Jan, Jutta, Jeanne, Greg 21:41:20 Topic: Non-text content 21:41:26 non-text content [adapted from WCAG 2.0] 21:41:28 Any content that is not a sequence of characters that can be recognized or where the sequence is not expressing something in human language. This includes ASCII Art (which is a pattern of characters), emoticons, leetspeak (which is character substitution), and images representing text. 21:41:37 rrsagent, make minutes 21:41:37 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2009/02/23-au-minutes.html jeanne 21:44:38 non-text content [adapted from WCAG 2.0] 21:44:40 Any content that is not a sequence of characters that can be recognized or where the sequence is not expressing something in human language. This includes ASCII Art (which is a pattern of characters), emoticons, and images representing text. 21:44:55 Action: JS to use new "non-text content" 21:44:55 Created ACTION-118 - Use new \"non-text content\" [on Jeanne Spellman - due 2009-03-02]. 21:45:00 JS: SOme group recently debated whether leetspeak belonged in the definition. Some discussion on what leetspeak is. 21:45:09 Topic: Normative 21:45:12 normative [adapted from WCAG 2.0] 21:45:14 Required for conformance. One may conform in a variety of well-defined ways to this document. Content identified as "informative" or "non-normative" is never required for conformance. 21:45:43 no concerns, leave as is 21:46:02 Topic: Presentation 21:46:10 presentation [WCAG 2.0] 21:46:12 Rendering of the content in a form to be perceived by authors. 21:46:30 no concerns, leave as is 21:46:42 Topic: prominence 21:46:53 prominence 21:46:55 A heuristic measure of the degree to which authors are likely to notice components in the authoring tool user interface when operating the authoring tool. In this document, prominence refers to visual as well as keyboard-driven navigation. Some of the factors that contribute to the prominence of a component include: 21:46:57 1. component size (large items or items surrounded by extra white space may appear to be conferred higher importance), 21:46:59 2. components order (items that occur early in the "localized" reading order (e.g., left to right and top to bottom; right to left and top to bottom) are conferred higher importance), 21:47:01 3. components grouping (grouping items together can change the reading order and the related judgments of importance), 21:47:03 4. advanced options (when the properties are explicitly or implicitly grouped into sets of basic and advanced properties, the basic properties may gain apparent importance), and 21:47:04 5. highlighting (items may be distinguished from others using icons, color, styling). 21:50:15 6. navigation (items that appear in nested menus are prominent when they appear at at top level) 21:52:12 action: JS to draft an additional item to prominence and put it on the survey for next week. 21:52:12 Created ACTION-119 - Draft an additional item to prominence and put it on the survey for next week. [on Jeanne Spellman - due 2009-03-02]. 21:52:22 Topic: prompt 21:52:28 prompt 21:52:30 Any authoring tool initiated request for a decision or piece of information from authors. Well designed prompting will urge, suggest, and encourage authors. 21:53:02 No concerns, leave as is 21:53:15 Topic: Publishing 21:53:18 publishing 21:53:20 The point at which the authors or the authoring tool make content available to end users (e.g., uploading a Web page, committing a change in a wiki). 21:53:38 No concerns, leave as is 21:53:56 Topic: Relationships 21:54:01 relationships [adapted from WCAG 2.0] 21:54:02 Meaningful associations between distinct pieces of content. 21:54:26 No concerns, leave as is 21:54:44 Topic: Repairing 21:54:47 repairing (accessibility) [harmonized with EARL 1.0] 21:54:49 The process by which Web content accessibility problems that have been identified within content are resolved. ATAG 2.0 identifies three types of repairing, based on increasing levels of automation: 21:54:51 1. manual: where the repairs are carried out by authors. This includes the case where the authors are aided by instructions or guidance provided by the authoring tool, but where authors carry out the actual repair procedure; 21:54:52 2. semi-automated: where the repairs are partially carried out by the authoring tool, but where authors' input or judgment is still required to complete the repair; and 21:54:54 3. automated: where the repairs are carried out automatically by the authoring tool without any intervention by the authors. 21:55:53 No concerns, leave as is 21:56:02 Topic: reversible actions 21:56:09 reversible actions 21:56:11 Authoring actions that, by their nature, can be completely undone so that the system returns to the state it was in before the action. Actions that are not reversible may include certain save and delete actions as well as actions made in a collaborative environment that another author has begun to work with. 21:56:37 No concerns, leave as is 21:56:48 Topic: Role 21:56:52 role [adapted from WCAG 2.0] 21:56:54 Text or a number by which software can identify the function of a component within Web content (e.g., a number that indicates whether an image functions as a hyperlink, command button, or check box). 21:57:17 No concerns, leave as is 21:57:58 role [adapted from WCAG 2.0] Text or a number by which software can identify the function of a component within Web content (e.g., a string that indicates whether an image functions as a hyperlink, command button, or check box). 21:58:12 Action JS: Use new "Role" 21:58:12 Created ACTION-120 - Use new \"Role\" [on Jeanne Spellman - due 2009-03-02]. 21:58:32 Topic: structured element set 21:58:43 structured element set 21:58:45 Content that consists of organized elements (e.g., lists, maps, hierarchies, graphs). 21:59:13 No concerns, leave as is 21:59:56 -Greg_Pisocky 21:59:57 -SueAnnN 22:00:15 -JR 22:00:17 -JuttaT 22:00:26 -Jeanne 22:00:28 WAI_AUWG()3:00PM has ended 22:00:29 Attendees were JR, jeanne, JuttaT, Tim_Boland, Greg_Pisocky, SueAnnN 22:01:37 RRSAgent, make minutes 22:01:37 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2009/02/23-au-minutes.html JR 22:01:43 RRSAgent, set logs public 22:01:49 Zakim, bye 22:01:49 Zakim has left #au 22:01:57 RRSAgent, bye 22:01:57 I see 11 open action items saved in http://www.w3.org/2009/02/23-au-actions.rdf : 22:01:57 ACTION: JS to update the glossary with new definition of "accessibility information" [1] 22:01:57 recorded in http://www.w3.org/2009/02/23-au-irc#T21-12-49 22:01:57 ACTION: JS to update the glossary with the revised definition of "developer" [2] 22:01:57 recorded in http://www.w3.org/2009/02/23-au-irc#T21-16-29 22:01:57 ACTION: JR, GP: Rework Assistive Technology and Direct Accessibility to remove the big negative in Direct Access [3] 22:01:57 recorded in http://www.w3.org/2009/02/23-au-irc#T21-24-04 22:01:57 ACTION: JR to JR and GP to rework Assistive Technology and Direct Accessibility to remove the big negative in Direct Access [4] 22:01:57 recorded in http://www.w3.org/2009/02/23-au-irc#T21-24-59 22:01:57 ACTION: JS to use the new version of "element" and "markup language" [5] 22:01:57 recorded in http://www.w3.org/2009/02/23-au-irc#T21-31-11 22:01:57 ACTION: JS to use the new version of "user agent" [6] 22:01:57 recorded in http://www.w3.org/2009/02/23-au-irc#T21-33-21 22:01:57 ACTION: JS to remove "flash","general flash and red flash thresholds", "relative luminance" [7] 22:01:57 recorded in http://www.w3.org/2009/02/23-au-irc#T21-36-08 22:01:57 ACTION: JS to use new "label" [8] 22:01:57 recorded in http://www.w3.org/2009/02/23-au-irc#T21-39-47 22:01:57 ACTION: JS to use new "non-text content" [9] 22:01:57 recorded in http://www.w3.org/2009/02/23-au-irc#T21-44-55 22:01:57 ACTION: JS to draft an additional item to prominence and put it on the survey for next week. [10] 22:01:57 recorded in http://www.w3.org/2009/02/23-au-irc#T21-52-12 22:01:57 ACTION: JS to Use new "Role" [11] 22:01:57 recorded in http://www.w3.org/2009/02/23-au-irc#T21-58-12