17:53:40 RRSAgent has joined #owl 17:53:40 logging to http://www.w3.org/2009/01/07-owl-irc 17:54:08 Zakim, this will be owlwg 17:54:08 ok, ewallace; I see SW_OWL()1:00PM scheduled to start in 6 minutes 17:54:49 RRSAgent, make records public 17:56:37 SW_OWL()1:00PM has now started 17:56:44 +Evan_Wallace 17:57:27 pfps has joined #owl 17:57:49 +Peter_Patel-Schneider 17:57:52 -Evan_Wallace 17:57:53 +Evan_Wallace 17:58:18 zakim, who is here? 17:58:18 On the phone I see Evan_Wallace, Peter_Patel-Schneider 17:58:20 On IRC I see pfps, RRSAgent, Zakim, schneid, Rinke, alanr, IanH, sandro, ewallace, trackbot 17:58:47 bcuencagrau has joined #owl 17:59:10 Rinke has left #owl 17:59:12 MarkusK_ has joined #owl 17:59:14 +Alan_Ruttenberg 17:59:20 Rinke has joined #owl 17:59:51 bcuencag has joined #owl 17:59:54 +??P13 17:59:56 Yes, Bernardo kindly agreed to step in. 17:59:57 +??P12 18:00:07 zakim, ??P12 is me 18:00:07 +schneid; got it 18:00:11 zakim, mute me 18:00:11 schneid should now be muted 18:00:23 He may, like me, be having trouble getting past Zakim. 18:00:34 +Ian_Horrocks 18:00:38 +??P17 18:00:43 Zakim, ??P17 is me 18:00:43 +bcuencag; got it 18:00:46 + +2aaaa 18:00:47 Zakim, Ian_Horrocks is me 18:00:47 +IanH; got it 18:00:56 Zakim, mute me 18:00:56 bcuencag should now be muted 18:01:00 msmith has joined #owl 18:01:02 zakim, who is here? 18:01:02 On the phone I see Evan_Wallace, Peter_Patel-Schneider, Alan_Ruttenberg, MarkusK_, schneid (muted), IanH, bcuencag (muted), +2aaaa 18:01:05 On IRC I see msmith, bcuencag, Rinke, MarkusK_, pfps, RRSAgent, Zakim, schneid, alanr, IanH, sandro, ewallace, trackbot 18:01:10 zakim, +2aaaa is me 18:01:10 +Rinke; got it 18:01:13 zakim, mute me 18:01:14 Rinke should now be muted 18:01:27 + +1.202.408.aabb 18:01:32 Zhe has joined #owl 18:01:57 The silence is unnerving! 18:02:25 zakim, who is here? 18:02:25 On the phone I see Evan_Wallace, Peter_Patel-Schneider, Alan_Ruttenberg, MarkusK_, schneid (muted), IanH, bcuencag (muted), Rinke (muted), msmith 18:02:28 On IRC I see Zhe, msmith, bcuencag, Rinke, MarkusK_, pfps, RRSAgent, Zakim, schneid, alanr, IanH, sandro, ewallace, trackbot 18:02:31 + +1.978.692.aacc 18:02:32 ivan has joined #owl 18:02:57 zakim, +1.978.692.aacc is me 18:02:57 +Zhe; got it 18:03:00 I thought silence meant that you were about to get an arrow in the chest. 18:03:02 zakim, mute me 18:03:02 Zhe should now be muted 18:03:18 zakim, dial ivan-voip 18:03:18 ok, ivan; the call is being made 18:03:20 +Ivan 18:03:41 Christine has joined #owl 18:04:20 scribenick: bcuencag 18:04:21 yes 18:04:27 +Sandro 18:04:50 zakim, who is here? 18:04:50 On the phone I see Evan_Wallace, Peter_Patel-Schneider, Alan_Ruttenberg, MarkusK_, schneid (muted), IanH, bcuencag (muted), Rinke (muted), msmith, Zhe (muted), Ivan, Sandro 18:04:53 On IRC I see Christine, ivan, Zhe, msmith, bcuencag, Rinke, MarkusK_, pfps, RRSAgent, Zakim, schneid, alanr, IanH, sandro, ewallace, trackbot 18:05:05 q+ 18:05:10 zakim, unmute me 18:05:12 schneid should no longer be muted 18:05:12 ack schneid 18:05:17 alanr: agenda amendments? 18:05:35 zakim, mute me 18:05:35 schneid should now be muted 18:05:36 schneid: I would like to say something about the status of RDF smeantics 18:05:49 +??P8 18:05:57 the minutes looked ok to me. 18:05:57 alanr: minuets accepted? 18:05:58 The minutes look acceptable. 18:06:07 minutes were helpful to find back... :) 18:06:09 alanr: minutes accepted 18:06:20 alanr: action items 18:06:21 zakim, ??P8 is christine 18:06:21 +christine; got it 18:06:24 "Wow?" 18:06:35 alanr: F2F registration 18:07:16 q+ 18:07:28 ack pfps 18:07:49 Zakim, unmute me 18:07:49 bcuencag should no longer be muted 18:08:01 Action 252 18:08:01 Sorry, bad ACTION syntax 18:08:10 Zakim, unmute me 18:08:10 bcuencag was not muted, bcuencag 18:08:16 alanr: action 252 18:08:35 pfps: we should tell to people inmediately what the name could be 18:08:41 q+ 18:08:48 ack ianh 18:09:13 elisa has joined #owl 18:09:21 q+ alanr 18:09:22 the name for the date/time XML datatype has been determined 18:09:28 ianH: if the docs are approved as it is, we could have a list of changes after last call 18:09:32 ack alanr 18:09:51 alanr: we could use the wiki only for editor comments 18:10:07 alanr: so that they can be collected 18:10:16 sandro: better not use the wiki commnets 18:10:33 alanr: they are not very readable 18:11:21 ianH: we should make it clear to editors that this is the process 18:11:36 pfps: so edits have to indicate if they make any change to the docs 18:11:55 RDF-Based Semantics has a list of changes which is updated regularly, and revised at the end 18:12:16 Zakim, mute me 18:12:16 bcuencag should now be muted 18:12:24 I'll change Syntax accordingly. 18:12:44 action: pfps to implement change to syntax for datetime xml schema coordination 18:12:44 Created ACTION-261 - Implement change to syntax for datetime xml schema coordination [on Peter Patel-Schneider - due 2009-01-14]. 18:12:45 ianH: we should be a bit more prescriptive in the way docs are changed 18:13:01 + +1.650.960.aadd 18:13:03 I agree 18:13:09 ianH: at this point changes should not be made unless we discuss them first 18:13:34 sandro: even for typos? 18:13:47 ianH: no, only for more substantial changes 18:13:58 q? 18:14:06 -Rinke 18:14:31 sandro: we should be able to clearly identify the changes since last call 18:15:06 identify and http://www.w3.org/2007/OWL/wiki/Response_Protocol 18:15:06 alanr: action 255 18:15:13 zakim, ??aadd is me 18:15:13 sorry, elisa, I do not recognize a party named '??aadd' 18:15:18 action-255? 18:15:18 ACTION-255 -- Sandro Hawke to write wiki page on mailing-list behavior guidelines during last call -- due 2008-12-10 -- OPEN 18:15:18 http://www.w3.org/2007/OWL/tracker/actions/255 18:15:21 action-255 closed 18:15:21 ACTION-255 Write wiki page on mailing-list behavior guidelines during last call closed 18:15:37 alanr: action 260 18:15:39 zakim, +1.650.960.aadd is me 18:15:39 +elisa; got it 18:16:08 +??P15 18:16:20 sandro: I consider my action done 18:16:24 zakim, +??P15 is me 18:16:24 sorry, Rinke, I do not recognize a party named '+??P15' 18:16:46 zakim, ??P15 is me 18:16:46 +Rinke; got it 18:16:57 end of action status 18:17:07 zakim, mute me 18:17:07 Rinke should now be muted 18:17:13 Soliciting reviews of and/or comments on LC documents 18:17:15 q+ 18:17:25 ack ianh 18:17:59 ianH: if we haven't got comments, we should encourage people to make comments 18:18:06 ianH: should we be worried? 18:18:32 ianH: by next week, if little comes out, we should take some action 18:19:04 q+ 18:19:17 sandro: sometimes comments we do not happen because people have not read the docs 18:19:27 ianH: waht about comments within the WG? 18:19:54 sandro: I don't know 18:20:27 ianH: comments from industry members may be valuable 18:20:43 zakim, unmute me 18:20:43 schneid should no longer be muted 18:20:43 ack schneid 18:20:45 sandro: for that, we can wait until rec stage 18:21:31 mschneid: there have been some comments but not using the official route 18:22:08 q+ 18:22:28 mschneid: there were some discussions and something came out from them 18:22:44 mschneid: but these people didn't comment officially 18:22:48 ack ianh 18:22:52 q? 18:22:58 mschneid: should we rise the comments on behalf of these people? 18:23:15 ianH; we can ask these people 18:24:01 zakim, mute me 18:24:01 schneid should now be muted 18:24:20 zakim, unmute me 18:24:20 schneid should no longer be muted 18:24:26 zakim, mute me 18:24:26 schneid should now be muted 18:24:26 alanr: we might emphasizr that comments are very important for us 18:24:52 alanr: F2F5 18:25:10 alanr:please confirm your attendance status 18:25:10 http://www.w3.org/2007/OWL/wiki/F2F5_People 18:25:20 q+ 18:25:31 q? 18:25:43 zakim, unmute me 18:25:43 schneid should no longer be muted 18:25:48 ack schneid 18:25:54 http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-owl-wg/2009Jan/0000.html 18:26:07 mschneid: there are some new US entry regulations 18:26:30 mschneid: please, be careful 18:26:31 zakim, mute me 18:26:31 schneid should now be muted 18:26:41 I filled it recently (voluntarily) and it was pretty light-weight (I got an "instant" OK response) 18:27:07 http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-owl-comments/2008Dec/0000.html 18:27:16 q+ 18:27:20 ack ianh 18:27:28 ianH: I have looked at alan's email 18:27:37 q+ 18:28:28 ianH: they would like to have complex concepts in comments in order to support sanctioning 18:28:53 ianH: I wouldn't personally want to extend the spec in this direction 18:28:58 q- 18:29:13 ianH: but we could be able to support mechanisms for at least partially support their use case 18:29:38 alanr: somebody should start drafting those mechanisms 18:30:39 ianH: one way would be to use named concepts for defining the complex concepts they want to use 18:30:46 ianH: some problems with that 18:31:06 ianH: one could add the definition of the concept as a string 18:31:25 alanr: do you want to start a page, Ian? 18:31:43 ianH: we should use the response page for last call comments 18:32:02 +1 18:32:44 alanr: could there will be problems with the mapping to RDF? 18:32:50 No problem. :-) 18:32:56 ianH; let's Peter and Boris think about it 18:33:18 pfps: there will be no problems 18:33:51 alnr: no, I meant if we actually wanted to add axioms in the target of annotations 18:33:59 pfps: that is a problem 18:34:21 ianH: well, problably they just want an unnamed individual introducing a complex concept 18:34:38 pfps: if it is a class expression, then there should not be a problem 18:34:49 alanr: what about serializing the axiom as text? 18:35:17 pfps: they would just be strings 18:36:25 pfps: we could go and change all documents, but that would be a mess 18:36:39 q? 18:36:54 ianH: I have already created a page 18:37:10 ianH: we can now start writing our responses 18:37:48 http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-owl-comments/2009Jan/att-0000/00-part 18:37:55 alanr: Ceil's comments 18:38:09 alanr: have you read it? 18:38:10 this was not really a comment 18:38:30 alanr: i agree with michael 18:38:52 +1 18:38:59 +1 18:39:12 +1, just to let her know that somebody is watching her :) 18:39:37 Action: alanr to send mail to cecil replying that we are waiting for the real comment 18:39:37 Sorry, couldn't find user - alanr 18:39:58 +1 18:40:02 q+ 18:40:03 ACTION: alan to send mail to cecil replying that we are waiting for the real comment 18:40:03 Created ACTION-262 - to send mail to cecil replying that we are waiting for the real comment [on Alan Ruttenberg - due 2009-01-14]. 18:40:22 q+ 18:40:27 ack pfps 18:40:45 alanr: the next comment is from Mike Smith 18:40:59 pfps: Mike has noticed an error in the reverse mapping 18:41:08 pfps: we need to fix it 18:41:24 pfps: i have written an email with the proposed resolution 18:41:52 q? 18:41:57 ack msmith 18:42:20 msmith: boris suggested to make it a public comment 18:42:30 q+ 18:42:36 msmith: I dind't mean this to me a LC comment, but just a WH issue 18:42:44 ack pfps 18:42:56 pfps: it is good to have it as LC comment 18:42:56 +1 18:43:12 pfps: it will be easier to track 18:43:17 that's ok by me too. 18:43:25 pfps: we could distinguish them between internal or external 18:43:51 q+ 18:43:57 alanr: next comment 18:43:58 ack ivan 18:44:22 ivan: this looks like a potential formal objection 18:44:46 bmotik has joined #owl 18:45:11 +??P4 18:45:13 ivan: there could be problems with RDF and SPARQL implementations 18:45:16 Zakim, ??P4 is me 18:45:16 +bmotik; got it 18:45:29 ivan: boris should look at it 18:45:30 boris, we are discussing http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-owl-comments/2009Jan/0001.html 18:45:33 Zakim, mute me 18:45:33 bmotik should now be muted 18:45:38 Andy's comments seems substantial to me, although I did not yet follow it further 18:46:06 alnr: how do we handle this LC comment? 18:46:16 ivan: we should agree on some sort of an answer 18:46:38 alanr: we could use the rdf mailing list 18:46:49 sandro: in order to look for an agreement 18:47:52 I'm sorry, I don't know yet where we are 18:48:12 alanr: we could probably postpone this 18:48:26 sandro: I am on that list 18:49:48 alanr: the next one is a comment by Jim 18:50:05 alanr: mike had a discussion with him 18:50:09 zakim, unmute me 18:50:09 schneid should no longer be muted 18:50:13 q+ 18:50:18 ack schneid 18:50:29 q+ 18:50:33 schneid: the discussion was on the semantics of keys 18:51:15 schneid: a better explanation was requested in order to avoid confusion with the semantics of keys 18:51:22 schneid: jim was confused 18:51:34 schneid: some clarification is in order 18:52:01 +q 18:52:01 zakim, mute me 18:52:02 schneid should now be muted 18:52:04 ack ianh 18:52:26 ianH: jim was happy about the structure of the language 18:52:42 q+ 18:52:46 ianH: we should send him an email to forward his email to the public record 18:52:55 ack Christine 18:53:04 ianH: there should be a LC comment of that form 18:53:31 Christine: I can add a sentence to the requirements doc 18:53:40 q? 18:53:45 ack ivan 18:54:01 indeed, Jim did so 18:54:44 ivan: that is already done 18:55:18 alanr: perhaps Boris could take a look at the examples on keys 18:55:22 yes 18:55:30 -> http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-owl-wg/2008Dec/0055.html "So I hereby raise this as a LC Document issue" 18:55:32 alanr: Bijan should also be aware for the primer 18:55:40 Bijan and I will do so. 18:55:50 Someone -- probably Michael -- should send a summary email to the public comments list? 18:56:15 http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-owl-dev/2009JanMar/0003.html 18:56:32 q+ 18:56:36 alanr: the next comment is more like a question 18:56:38 ack pfps 18:56:46 what Jim said in : "So I hereby raise this as a LC Document issue (I believe the right 18:56:48 terminology) -- i.e. the design is okay, but the documentation should 18:56:49 better reflect it" 18:57:17 http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-owl-dev/2009JanMar/0003.html 18:57:19 ianH: this is not a LC comment 18:57:19 "[This is not a formal comment, just seeking understanding.]" http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-owl-dev/2009JanMar/0003.html 18:58:02 q? 18:59:22 sandro: I am going to reply to him privately 18:59:37 alanr: end of LC section 19:00:08 alanr: Proposal to approve tests 19:00:33 alanr: we should probably approve the tests that all implementations pass 19:00:48 q+ 19:00:53 ack msmith 19:01:12 msmith: the first set of comments are all DL 19:01:33 msmith: there are others that are Full and I haven't run any tool on them 19:02:17 msmith: some tests are also datatype-related 19:02:25 q+ 19:02:32 ack ianh 19:02:36 msmith: reasoners treat datatypes differently 19:03:06 ianH: if in the end some systems do not implement all the datatypes, we may want to keep the tests but explain why some fail 19:03:24 q+ 19:03:47 ack msmith 19:04:46 msmith: I am ok with accepting the tests that three or more reasoners pass 19:05:45 alanr: should we have a formal vote on these tests? 19:05:55 this is the direct version link http://www.w3.org/2007/OWL/wiki/index.php?title=Test_Queue&oldid=17103 19:06:08 +1 to Alan's proposal 19:06:52 PROPOSED: tests listed on http://www.w3.org/2007/OWL/wiki/index.php?title=Test_Queue&oldid=17103 that all three reasoners pass are approved 19:07:24 msmith: what about the tests that we still haven't run? 19:07:33 alanr: they go to a different page 19:07:38 q+ 19:07:42 ack ianh 19:08:04 ianH; for the OWL Full ones we should have a different process 19:08:36 q+ 19:08:36 q+ 19:08:48 ack schneid 19:08:52 alanr: are we sure that all tests marked as OWL Full are indeed full? 19:08:53 ack msmith 19:08:55 q+ schneid 19:09:13 Zakim, unmute me 19:09:13 bcuencag should no longer be muted 19:09:20 zamin, mute schneid 19:09:28 Zakim, mute schneid 19:09:28 schneid should now be muted 19:09:30 Zakim, mute me 19:09:30 bcuencag should now be muted 19:09:47 report format http://www.w3.org/2007/OWL/wiki/Test_Result_Format#Results_Ontology 19:09:56 msmith: OWL Full implementors are welcome to run the tests 19:09:59 q- because cannot talk at the moment 19:10:06 no 19:10:37 q+ 19:10:38 sandro: i wrote an OWL Full reasoner, but it is not currently working well 19:10:43 I had a mail on the Full problem today 19:10:46 ack ianh 19:10:53 q- 19:10:54 q- schneid 19:11:06 ianH: we should vote on approving these tests that have three OKs 19:11:29 I agree with Ian, we should minimally approve the 3 success tests 19:11:29 PROPOSED: tests listed on http://www.w3.org/2007/OWL/wiki/index.php?title=Test_Queue&oldid=17103 that all three reasoners pass are approved 19:11:31 -Rinke 19:11:49 q+ 19:11:52 +1 19:11:53 +1 19:11:54 +1 19:11:55 +1 19:11:56 +1 19:11:57 +1 19:12:01 zakim, unmute me 19:12:01 schneid should no longer be muted 19:12:01 +1 19:12:14 +1 19:12:55 +1 19:13:03 RESOLVED: tests listed on http://www.w3.org/2007/OWL/wiki/index.php?title=Test_Queue&oldid=17103 that all three reasoners pass are approved 19:13:27 schneid: mschneid: some OWL Full tests can be slightly transformed and be made easy 19:13:31 +1 (sorry for the late vote) 19:13:32 action smithmi to update status on approved tests 19:13:32 Sorry, couldn't find user - smithmi 19:13:47 action msmith to update status on approved tests 19:13:47 Sorry, couldn't find user - msmith 19:14:15 alanr: are you taking an action to review the Full tests? 19:14:18 action masmith to update status on approved tests 19:14:18 Sorry, couldn't find user - masmith 19:14:29 mschneid: i need 10 days to finish other work on OWl Full 19:14:38 action: msmith to update status on approved tests 19:14:38 Sorry, couldn't find user - msmith 19:14:42 s/OWl/OWL/ 19:15:47 q? 19:15:53 ack schneid 19:17:06 alanr: please, give details in an email, michael 19:17:31 alanr: discussion about Manchester Syntax 19:17:47 alanr: whether it should be rec track 19:17:53 q+ 19:17:58 ack sandro 19:18:20 The transformation needed for DL/Full entailment tests: . Start reading at "There is another important point". 19:18:26 sandro: I think it should not be rec track. it would make it a Fist Class syntax 19:18:34 sandro: this was not in the charter 19:19:26 alanr: should we amke a decision without Uli and Bijan? 19:19:55 q+ 19:20:00 ack ianh 19:20:00 I haven't discussed this with them recently. 19:20:19 ianh: I think they wouldn't lie on the road 19:20:27 ianH: but we could put it off 19:21:07 sandro: I will be off next week 19:21:36 schneid: in owl 1 full it was true that all dl entailments were full entailments. In OWL 2, this is not perfectly true anymore. So using feeding one of the old dl/full entailment tests into a OWL 2 Full reasoner may fail. However, there is a general transformation on dl entailments to make them into OWL 2 Full entailments. See pointer above. 19:21:57 straw poll: 1 = want manchester syntax as rec. 2 = want it as note 3= don't care 19:22:06 baojie has joined #owl 19:22:06 2 19:22:10 2 19:22:13 2 19:22:15 1 (prefer) 19:22:15 2 19:22:20 1 (prefer) 19:22:24 3 19:22:25 3 19:22:26 1 19:22:29 2 19:22:30 3 19:22:54 q+ 19:22:58 Zakim, unmute me 19:22:58 bmotik should no longer be muted 19:23:04 ack bmotik 19:23:07 sandro: those who want to have it as a rec, could you give a reason? 19:23:16 +1 to boris 19:23:17 q+ 19:23:19 Zakim, mute me 19:23:19 bmotik should now be muted 19:23:20 bmotik: we need a readable syntax for OWL 19:23:39 q+ 19:23:43 ack msmith 19:23:45 msmith: having it as a rec does not elevate it to the same status as RDF/XML 19:23:48 ack alanr 19:24:01 q+ 19:24:14 ack ivan 19:24:51 q+ 19:24:56 q? 19:25:05 ivan:the conformance doc should have guidelines on how the syntaxes relate 19:25:12 ivan: we could need a new LC 19:25:14 this bit about conformance isn't true for OWL XML syntax, is it? 19:25:31 +1 to Peter's statement about conformance 19:25:46 +1 to peter 19:25:50 pfps: conformance doe the right thing: it doesn't name other syntaxes other than RDF/XML 19:25:51 +1 to peter and msmith 19:26:16 q+ 19:26:19 q+ 19:26:24 q? 19:26:27 q- 19:26:34 ack msmith 19:27:11 msmith: please clarify what `first class' means 19:27:47 sandro: people in the WG have not participated in the design 19:27:59 I resonate with Sandro's concerns. 19:28:06 thank you, that is compelling 19:28:06 sandro: the features have not been discussed 19:28:17 ack ivan 19:28:18 In particular, I don't think that Manchester should slow down the WG. 19:28:22 Sandro: If the WG really feels that Manchester is as mature as the XML syntax, and should be another "first class" document, and we've really thought about it, and really like it, ... then yeah, I'm okay with it being a REC. 19:28:47 zakim, mute me 19:28:47 schneid should now be muted 19:29:05 ivan: if it becomes a rec, it will have to go over all stages, such as requirement to have multiple implementations 19:29:21 ivan: we may be approving something that will slow us down 19:29:23 I'm resonating even more with Sandro and Ivan. 19:30:05 q+ 19:30:18 hm, people outside the WG may have strong opinions on the Manchester document, because the syntax is in reasonably wide use, I guess... 19:30:56 ianH: in OWL 1 the func. syntax was rec track but it was ignored by implementations 19:31:07 OWL 1 abstract syntax wasn't supposed to be used (according to some WG members). 19:31:09 sandro: it had a special status 19:31:23 Zakim, unmute me 19:31:23 bcuencag should no longer be muted 19:31:29 bye 19:31:33 bye 19:31:33 -bmotik 19:31:35 -msmith 19:31:36 ivan has left #owl 19:31:36 -Evan_Wallace 19:31:36 bye 19:31:38 -MarkusK_ 19:31:38 -elisa 19:31:39 bye 19:31:45 by 19:31:46 -Peter_Patel-Schneider 19:31:47 -Zhe 19:31:48 ok, no RDF-Based Semantics today... 19:31:49 -bcuencag 19:31:50 -IanH 19:31:50 -Sandro 19:31:51 -Alan_Ruttenberg 19:31:51 -christine 19:32:04 -schneid 19:32:17 quit 19:34:02 -Ivan 19:34:03 SW_OWL()1:00PM has ended 19:34:04 Attendees were Evan_Wallace, Peter_Patel-Schneider, Alan_Ruttenberg, MarkusK_, schneid, bcuencag, IanH, Rinke, +1.202.408.aabb, msmith, Zhe, Ivan, Sandro, christine, elisa, bmotik 19:39:07 msmith has left #owl 20:32:46 IanH has joined #owl 20:35:16 IanH_ has joined #owl 21:51:35 Zakim has left #owl 22:38:02 IanH has joined #owl