XML Community Greetings

The greeting card is closed to new entries. Greetings 100 to 81 (of 419 total) displayed below.


Greeting from Aha

As with atomic power XML can be used for good and bad: it aint a programming language stupid! XML is not to blame of course, happy birth day!

Aha arne.halvorsen@gmail.com, sent on 2008-03-07

ten years of xml

ten years of xml

rido ridomin@yahoo.com, sent on 2008-03-05

I wish x3d will be alive

The svg is wonderful!

DingZhouJun rolltech531@gmail.com, sent on 2008-03-05

Happy B'Day XML

Dear XML,

Happy Birthday

May you live

and we see your latest and updated version

Best Wishes


Zagham zagham@gmail.com, sent on 2008-03-05

Glück auf

der Steiger kommt,

und er hat sein goldenes Licht bei der Hand...

sent on 2008-03-04

<title>Happy Birthday XML</title>

<greeting value="Well Done!">

<para>Where would we be without you! You finally brought some sanity

into the mad bad world of IT!</para>


A.Zydroń azydron@xml-intl.com, sent on 2008-03-04

XML rules!

I feel a little weird wishing Happy Birthday to a technology - but I will pass on my heartfelt thanks to the brilliant and dedicated people who made

(and make) this possible.

XML is a key part of the "open" in Open Source; its best days are still ahead!

Derek, sent on 2008-03-04

Happy Anniversary XML

Best wishes XML, from your many loving children: XSL, XHTML, MathML,

XForms, CDF ...

Loving wishes XML, from your parents SGML and Text Markup.

XML, have a great time celebrating! From all your Coding family relatives.

Old ASCII and young UTF also send fond wishes.

XML, wishing you many happy decades to come - glad we could pave the way to enable you to become so popular - from your good old friends HTML and Web.

Ken McInnes kmcinnes@swin.edu.au, sent on 2008-03-04

It;s great

It is a coincidence that I have xml related post on my home page. I am blogging very less that I liked that when I went for putting xml 10 years image there.

Satya Prakash Karan satyakaran@gmail.com, sent on 2008-03-04

Thanks, XML!

Congratulations for your 10th birthday!

You are a great baby of all of us!

Thanks a lot, W3C!

David Yang prowyh@hotmail.com, sent on 2008-03-04

XML: 10 years older

XML is 10 years old and, protaganists say 'Old enough to retire...' Let us not chalk it in the loss column yet ESPECIALLY on it's 10th birthday... Expand your perspective imagine future XML!

PMPope pmpope@gmail.com, sent on 2008-03-03

A tax payers Thank You

Thank you for the wonderful gift you gave us 10 years ago. Finally a language and a tool that saves tax payer’s money every day by providing better and cheaper digital services to companies and citizens. I keep telling my public employer that I will work for free if I can have 0.1 percent of the savings I bring to the public sector with solutions build on XML-technology. He wisely says no. It is simply unprecedented that a standard has had such a huge impact. You did so well!

Mikkel Hippe Brun mhb@schemaworks.com, sent on 2008-03-03


Thank you by XML!!!

Happy Birthday!!

Renatho Rosa renatho@gmail.com, sent on 2008-03-03

<greetings />


<rdf:Description rdf:about="http://www.w3.org/XML/">

<greetings from="Romania"




Sabin Buraga busaco@infoiasi.ro, sent on 2008-03-03

Thank you

Thank you W3C!

Amos, sent on 2008-03-02

Thanks a lot !

Merci pour votre travail !

Et aussi pour tout les reste de votre site.

Bonne continuation,


yves_web@yahoo.fr, sent on 2008-03-01


Thanks for XML. This web-standart became a platform for all other cool

standarts, such as RDF,XSLT,SVG and such. Thanks again!


Alina Dian alina0584@gmail.com, sent on 2008-03-01

Parabéns XML

Parabéns XML, sem você nossa vida não seria a mesma.

Dario bundario@gmail.com, sent on 2008-03-01

denree (from belgium)

Dear XML team,

here some stories I encoutered

I discovered the fabulous and marvelous world around XML 4 years ago, I

developped several XSL to systemize my own documentation making.

I tried to sensibilize my former colleague non computer science to the benefits using an XML web pages data spine as links, which we inplemented

as a team.

In that manner we really linked old technologie ASP we were using at that time with XML, and by mixing those technologies around the world it made some aspects of data management of my company - public sector here in Belgium - website very handy and useful to distribute all around our web

our all around all pages.

We were then be able to have similar functionalities of a web site with

few datbase bindings.

As far as I know since 2004 this implmentation stayed providing us lots of projects around this thechnology. providing a DB where we had no possible

way of DB linking.

"XML serves my handy datas updated in a few cliques..."

I also used XML to have a little documentation around our use of XML for

my former colleagues designers.

loud and clear : "FOR ALL OF THAT THANK YOU to the XML Team" ;-D

Some researches allowed me also to implmement functions by using my own XML handy the sollution to a very difficult matter. crossing law field in matter of pensions an international agreement, with bizz tech : using a

pattern MVC on a ASP3/4 home made site.

Very enjoyable to execute.

Daniel akka Denree

I was happy to share those stories with you.

RAJSZAJT DANIEL daniel.rajszajt@gmail.com, sent on 2008-03-01


Happy 10th aniversary to XML, a great file format for transfering between different system.

forcer521 forcer521@163.com, sent on 2008-03-01