TC0001-UA | t=, | Syntax error, not allowed according to the ABNF. The media fragment is ignored. | passed | |
TC0002-UA | t=3,3 | Invalid semantics: start must be smaller than end. The media fragment is ignored. | passed | |
TC0003-UA | t=7,3 | Invalid semantics: the requested interval's start is beyond its end. The media fragment is ignored. | passed | |
TC0004-UA | t=0,9.97 | The media is requested from 0 to e. | passed | |
TC0005-UA | t=3,7 | The media is requested from a to b. | passed | |
TC0006-UA | t=3,15 | The media is requested from a to e. | passed | |
TC0009-UA | t=15,20 | The request lies beyond the end of the resource. If the UA knows the duration of the resource, it seeks to the end of the media resource. Otherwise, the UA will send an (out-of-range) HTTP request with an 'include-setup' in order to setup its decoding pipeline. | passed | |
TC0011-UA | t=3 | Equivalent to #t=a,e. The media is requested from a to e. | passed | |
TC0012-UA | t=3, | Invalid syntax, hence the temporal fragment is ignored. | passed | |
TC0014-UA | t=15 | The request lies beyond the end of the resource. If the UA knows the duration of the resource, it seeks to the end of the media resource. Otherwise, the UA will send an (out-of-range) HTTP request with an 'include-setup' in order to setup its decoding pipeline. | passed | |
TC0015-UA | t=,7 | Equivalent to #t=0,b. The media is requested from 0 to b. | passed | |
TC0017-UA | t=,15 | Equivalent to #t=0,e. The media is requested from 0 to e. | passed | |
TC0018-UA | t=smpte:0:00:03,0:00:07 | SMPTE time code unit | notImplemented | Implementation does not support smpte |
TC0019-UA | t=smpte:0:00:03:15.00,0:00:07 | SMPTE time code unit | notImplemented | Implementation does not support smpte |
TC0020-UA | t=smpte-25:0:00:03,0:00:07 | SMPTE time code unit | notImplemented | Implementation does not support smpte timecodes |
TC0021-UA | t=smpte-25:0:00:03,0:00:07 | A smpte temporal fragment using the wrong frame rate is ignored if the UA is aware of the frame rate. Otherwise, a (non-understandable) Range header is sent. | notImplemented | Implementation does not support smpte timecodes |
TC0022-UA | t=smpte-30:0:00:03,0:00:07 | SMPTE time code unit | notImplemented | Implementation does not support smpte timecodes |
TC0023-UA | t=smpte-30-drop:0:00:03,0:00:07 | SMPTE time code unit | notImplemented | |
TC0024-UA | t=npt:3,7 | equivalent to #t=3,7 | passed | |
TC0025-UA | t=clock:2010-10-22T07:33:56Z | Given the creation time of the media resource, find the corresponding temporal fragment | notImplemented | Implementation does not support clock |
TC0026-UA | t=clock:2010-10-22T07:33:56+00:20 | Given the creation time of the media resource, find the corresponding temporal fragment | notImplemented | Implementation does ont support clock |
TC0027-UA | t=banana | UA knows that this is an invalid media fragment, so it will play the entire media resource. | passed | |
TC0028-UA | t=3,banana | UA knows that this is an invalid media fragment, so it will play the entire media resource. | passed | |
TC0029-UA | t=banana,7 | UA knows that this is an invalid media fragment, so it will play the entire media resource. | passed | |
TC0030-UA | t='3' | UA knows that this is an invalid media fragment, so it will play the entire media resource. | passed | |
TC0031-UA | t=3-7 | UA knows that this is an invalid media fragment, so it will play the entire media resource. | passed | |
TC0032-UA | t=3:7 | UA knows that this is an invalid media fragment, so it will play the entire media resource. | passed | |
TC0033-UA | t=3,7,9 | UA knows that this is an invalid media fragment, so it will play the entire media resource. | passed | |
TC0034-UA | t%3D3 | UA does not identify this as a media fragment, so it will play the entire media resource. Note: %3D is equivalent to =. | passed | |
TC0035-UA | %74=3 | The media is requested from 3 seconds to the end. Note: %74 is equivalent to t. | passed | |
TC0036-UA | t=%33 | The media is requested from 3 seconds to the end. Note: %33 is equivalent to 3. | passed | |
TC0037-UA | t=3%2C7 | The media is requested from 3 to 7 seconds. Note: %2C is equivalent to ,. | passed | |
TC0038-UA | t=%6Ept:3 | The media is requested from 3 seconds to the end. %6E is equivalent to n. | passed | |
TC0039-UA | t=npt%3A3 | The media is requested from 3 seconds to the end. Note: %3A is equivalent to :. | passed | |
TC0044-UA | t=-1,3 | Invalid syntax: a '-' character is not allowed at this position according to the ABNF. The UA knows that this is an invalid media fragment, so it will play the entire media resource. | passed | |
TC0045-UA | xywh=200,100,200,200 | The full media resource is requested. Subsequently, the media is cropped within the rectangular (200,100,200,200) during playback. | notImplemented | Implementation does not support xywh |
TC0046-UA | xywh=pixel:200,100,200,200 | The full media resource is requested. Subsequently, the media is cropped within the rectangular (200,100,200,200) during playback. | notImplemented | Implementation does not support xywh |
TC0047-UA | xywh=percent:0,0,50,50 | The full media resource is requested. Subsequently, the media is cropped within the rectangular (0,0,640,360) during playback, since the video's full resolution is 1280x720px | notImplemented | Implementation does not support xywh |
TC0048-UA | xywh=200,100,0,0 | Invalid semantics: width and height of cropped region must be larger than 0. The media fragment is ignored and the full media resource is requested. | passed | |
TC0049-UA | xywh=-200,100,200,200 | Invalid syntax: the '-' character is not allowed at that position according to the ABNF. Hence, the full media resource is requested. | notImplemented | Implementation does not support xywh |
TC0050-UA | xywh=percent:0,0,150,50 | Invalid semantics: width and height percentages of a cropped region must be smaller or equal to 100. The media fragment is ignored and the full media resource is requested. | notImplemented | Implementation does not support xywh |
TC0051-UA | t=3& | After processing name-value pairs, this appears to be equivalent to #t=3. | passed | |
TC0052-UA | u=12&t=3 | After processing name-value pairs, this appears to be equivalent to #t=3. | passed | |
TC0053-UA | t=foo:7&t=npt:3 | After processing name-value pairs, this appears to be equivalent to #t=3. | passed | |
TC0054-UA | &&=&=tom&jerry=&t=3&t=meow:0# | After processing name-value pairs, this appears to be equivalent to #t=3. | passed | |
TC0055-UA | t=7&t=3 | When a fragment dimensions occurs multiple times, only the last occurrence of that dimension is interpreted. | passed | |
TC0056-UA | track=4 | The full media resource is requested, only track 4 will be played. | notImplemented | Implementation does not support track |
TC0057-UA | track=foo | The track 'foo' is a non-existent track, hence the track fragment will be ignored. The entire media resource will be played. | notImplemented | Implementation does not support track |
TC0058-UA | T=3,7 | UA does not identify this as a media fragment. The entire media resource is played. | passed | |
TC0059-UA | t=smpte:00:00:01&t=npt:3 | When a fragment dimensions occurs multiple times, only the last occurrence of that dimension is interpreted. | notImplemented | Implementation does not support smpte |
TC0060-UA | track=n%40m3%20%26%3D | The full media resource is requested. Only to track 'n@m3 &=' is played. | notImplemented | Implementation does not support track |
TC0061-UA | t= | UA knows that this is an invalid media fragment, so it will play the entire media resource. | passed | |
TC0062-UA | t=. | UA knows that this is an invalid media fragment, so it will play the entire media resource. | passed | |
TC0063-UA | t=.0 | UA knows that this is an invalid media fragment, so it will play the entire media resource. | passed | |
TC0064-UA | t=0s | UA knows that this is an invalid media fragment, so it will play the entire media resource. | passed | |
TC0065-UA | t=,0s | UA knows that this is an invalid media fragment, so it will play the entire media resource. | passed | |
TC0066-UA | t=0s,0s | UA knows that this is an invalid media fragment, so it will play the entire media resource. | passed | |
TC0067-UA | t=00:00:00s | UA knows that this is an invalid media fragment, so it will play the entire media resource. | passed | |
TC0068-UA | t=s | UA knows that this is an invalid media fragment, so it will play the entire media resource. | passed | |
TC0069-UA | t=npt: | UA knows that this is an invalid media fragment, so it will play the entire media resource. | passed | |
TC0070-UA | t=1e-1 | UA knows that this is an invalid media fragment, so it will play the entire media resource. | passed | |
TC0071-UA | t=00:00:01.1e-1 | UA knows that this is an invalid media fragment, so it will play the entire media resource. | passed | |
TC0072-UA | t=3. | Equivalent to #t=a,e. The media is requested from a to e. | passed | |
TC0073-UA | t=0:0:0 | UA knows that this is an invalid media fragment, so it will play the entire media resource. | passed | |
TC0074-UA | t=0:00:60 | UA knows that this is an invalid media fragment, so it will play the entire media resource. | passed | |
TC0075-UA | t=0:01:60 | UA knows that this is an invalid media fragment, so it will play the entire media resource. | passed | |
TC0076-UA | t=0:60:00 | UA knows that this is an invalid media fragment, so it will play the entire media resource. | passed | |
TC0077-UA | t=0:000:000 | UA knows that this is an invalid media fragment, so it will play the entire media resource. | passed | |
TC0078-UA | t=00:00:03,00:00:07 | The media is requested from a to b. | passed | |
TC0079-UA | t=3,00:00:07 | The media is requested from a to b. | passed | |
TC0080-UA | t=00:00. | A valid media fragment, starting at 0 seconds. Thus, the UA will play the entire media resource. | passed | |
TC0081-UA | t=0:00:00. | A valid media fragment, starting at 0 seconds. Thus, the UA will play the entire media resource. | passed | |
TC0082-UA | t=0:00:10e-1 | UA knows that this is an invalid media fragment, so it will play the entire media resource. | passed | |
TC0083-UA | t=0:00:60.000 | UA knows that this is an invalid media fragment, so it will play the entire media resource. | passed | |
TC0084-UA | t=0:60:00.000 | UA knows that this is an invalid media fragment, so it will play the entire media resource. | passed | |
TC0085-UA | t=3,7&t=foo | The media is requested from a to b. | passed | |
TC0086-UA | foo&t=3,7 | Rubbish before & is ignored. | passed | |
TC0087-UA | t=3,7&foo | Rubbish after & is ignored. | passed | |
TC0088-UA | t=3,7&& | Sprinkling & is OK. | passed | |
TC0089-UA | &t=3,7 | Sprinkling & is OK. | passed | |
TC0090-UA | &&t=3,7 | Sprinkling & is OK. | passed | |
TC0091-UA | &t=3,7& | Sprinkling & is OK. | passed | |
TC0092-UA | t%3d10 | UA knows that this is an invalid media fragment, so it will play the entire media resource. | passed | |
TC0093-UA | t=10%26 | UA knows that this is an invalid media fragment, so it will play the entire media resource. | passed | |
TC0094-UA | t=3,7, | UA knows that this is an invalid media fragment, so it will play the entire media resource. | passed | |
TC0095-UA | xywh=200,100,2000,200 | The full media resource is requested. Subsequently, the media is cropped within the rectangular (200,100,520,200) during playback (since the media's resolution is 1280x720px). | notImplemented | Implementation does not support spatial media fragments |
TC0096-UA | track=4&track=5 | The full media resource is requested. Only tracks 4 and 5 are played. | notImplemented | Implementation does not support track |
TC0097-UA | xywh=20,20,5,5 | Spatial fragments cannot be applied to audio resources and are thus ignored by the UA. | passed | |
TC0098-UA | xywh=2000,100,200,200 | The full media resource is requested. Since the spatial fragment is outside the source media (its resolution is 1280x720px), it is ignored by the UA. | notImplemented | Implementation does not support xywh |
TC0099-UA | t=smpte-30:0:00:03,0:00:07 | SMPTE encoded media resources having smpte time codes starting at non-zero. The first frame of the media resource is marked with timecode 0:00:02 in smpte-30. | notImplemented | |
TC0100-UA | t=smpte-30:0:00:00,0:00:01 | SMPTE encoded media resources having smpte time codes starting at non-zero. The first frame of the media resource is marked with timecode 0:00:02 in smpte-30. | notImplemented | |
TC0101-UA | id=Doug | The bytes corresponding to the id fragment are requested. | notImplemented | Implementation does not support id |
TC0102-UA | id=foo | The requested id fragment does not exist within the media resource. | notImplemented | Implementation does not support id |