20:47:07 RRSAgent has joined #au 20:47:07 logging to http://www.w3.org/2008/12/01-au-irc 20:47:12 Zakim, this will be AUWG 20:47:12 ok, JR; I see WAI_AUWG()3:00PM scheduled to start 47 minutes ago 20:47:18 Meeting: WAI AU 20:47:56 Agenda:http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/w3c-wai-au/2008OctDec/0063.html 20:49:28 Regrets: Andrew R., Roberto S., Dana S. 20:55:51 jeanne has joined #au 20:59:56 hi 21:00:02 zakim, code? 21:00:02 the conference code is 2894 (tel:+1.617.761.6200 tel:+ tel:+44.117.370.6152), jeanne 21:00:32 WAI_AUWG()3:00PM has now started 21:00:39 +Jeanne 21:00:54 +??P1 21:01:10 + +1.703.678.aaaa 21:01:31 zakim, is really Jan 21:01:31 I don't understand 'is really Jan', JR 21:01:35 zakim, ?? is JR 21:01:35 +JR; got it 21:01:46 zakim, aaaa is Greg 21:01:46 +Greg; got it 21:01:47 +Tim_Boland 21:03:07 +Treviranus 21:06:56 Greg has joined #au 21:07:02 Hello 21:07:06 +Sueann 21:07:08 Scribe: Greg 21:07:24 zakim, who's here? 21:07:24 On the phone I see Jeanne, JR, Greg, Tim_Boland, Treviranus, Sueann 21:07:25 On IRC I see Greg, jeanne, RRSAgent, Zakim, JR, trackbot 21:07:53 Chair: Jan 21:08:23 http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/w3c-wai-au/2008OctDec/0060.html 21:08:23 Finishing B.3 21:09:38 B.3.1.1 Accessible Options Prominent (Level A): If *authors* are 21:09:40 provided with multiple options for an authoring task, give equal or 21:09:41 greater *prominence* to any options that will result in content 21:09:43 conforming to *WCAG* Level A. 21:10:24 B.3.1 language has changed "If authors are provided multiple options for an authoring task, give equal or greater prominence to any options that will result in content conforming to WCAG level A" 21:10:40 http://www.w3.org/TR/2008/WD-ATAG20-20081124/#def-Prominence 21:11:21 Jan provided link to definition of Prominence 21:13:06 + 1 to the merge 21:13:29 No objections to merging language to state equal to and greater than 21:14:03 No objections to relating these to appropriate WCAG levels 21:14:27 http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/w3c-wai-au/2008OctDec/0061.html 21:15:09 Resolution: 3.1.1 accept merge of equal or greater prominence 21:15:24 New home for introductory text for "Integration of Accessibility Features" 21:15:34 Resolution: 3.1.1 accept relationship to WCAG levels. 21:16:00 action: JS to update survey with new language for next week. 21:16:00 Created ACTION-58 - Update survey with new language for next week. [on Jeanne Spellman - due 2008-12-08]. 21:16:47 +1 to moving to Intro. 21:19:06 action: JS to move text from 3.1 note to the Introduction 21:19:06 Created ACTION-59 - Move text from 3.1 note to the Introduction [on Jeanne Spellman - due 2008-12-08]. 21:19:25 Topic: Tim's action item report: 21:19:31 http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/w3c-wai-au/2008OctDec/0048.html 21:19:56 Tim Boland's comments re the conformance section against the QA specification guidelines 21:23:59 Action Jan to move levels of conformance to conformance section 21:24:00 Created ACTION-60 - Move levels of conformance to conformance section [on Jan Richards - due 2008-12-08]. 21:26:17 TB trying to determine what an authoring tool needs to do to conform at different levels of conformance 21:26:45 Action Jan to write text that clearly states the class of products that need to conform 21:26:45 Created ACTION-61 - Write text that clearly states the class of products that need to conform [on Jan Richards - due 2008-12-08]. 21:32:02 GP: This document is a desing document for an authoring tool and also as an evaluation tool 21:35:02 -Tim_Boland 21:36:06 Action GP to examine the language regarding use of conformance statements 21:36:06 Created ACTION-62 - Examine the language regarding use of conformance statements [on Greg Pisocky - due 2008-12-08]. 21:36:26 Action Jan to follow up with Tim regarding the remaining issues in his email 21:36:26 Created ACTION-63 - Follow up with Tim regarding the remaining issues in his email [on Jan Richards - due 2008-12-08]. 21:38:28 http://www.w3.org/WAI/AU/tracker/ 21:38:53 http://www.w3.org/WAI/AU/tracker/actions/open 21:39:28 Review of the open actions at http://www.w3.org/WAI/AU/tracker/actions/open 21:40:09 Number 2 Will draft a proposal for reasonable augment by 7/28 (Closed) 21:40:23 Sueann has joined #au 21:40:54 Number 8 Will close any other issues that have been settled from other users. (Jeanne to followup with Sally Caine) 21:41:52 Number 14 Come up with definition of 'editorial control' and descriptive names for notes 1 and 2 (Since changed to author permission - now Closed) 21:42:35 Number 28 Change "recognized" to tool-recognized, move Part A note into Definitions (remains open) 21:43:20 Number 29 Propose text for "Manage preference settings" to make it more authoring tool specific (Issue-168) A.3.6 (remains open) 21:44:03 Number 29 (Closed) 21:45:07 Number 31 (Closed) 21:45:28 Number 33 (remains open) 21:46:00 Number 35 (closed) 21:46:33 Number 36 (remains open) 21:46:40 Number 37 (remains open) 21:46:56 Number 39 (remains open) 21:47:16 Number 40 (completed closed and transfer to Jan) 21:48:39 Number 42 (verify if done - remains open) 21:49:05 Number 43 (remains open) 21:49:31 Number 46 (closed) 21:50:05 Number 48 (remains open) 21:50:29 Number 49 (remains open) 21:50:42 Number 51 (closed) 21:50:56 Numb er 52 (closed) 21:51:44 Number 55 (closed) 21:52:11 Remainder 57 to 63 (remain open) 21:52:26 -Sueann 21:52:28 -Treviranus 21:52:38 -Greg 21:56:37 -JR 21:56:38 -Jeanne 21:56:38 WAI_AUWG()3:00PM has ended 21:56:39 Attendees were Jeanne, +1.703.678.aaaa, JR, Greg, Tim_Boland, Treviranus, Sueann 21:57:33 RRSAgent, make minutes 21:57:33 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2008/12/01-au-minutes.html JR 21:57:39 RRSAgent, set logs public 21:57:44 Zakim, bye 21:57:44 Zakim has left #au 21:57:49 RRSAgent, bye 21:57:49 I see 2 open action items saved in http://www.w3.org/2008/12/01-au-actions.rdf : 21:57:49 ACTION: JS to update survey with new language for next week. [1] 21:57:49 recorded in http://www.w3.org/2008/12/01-au-irc#T21-16-00 21:57:49 ACTION: JS to move text from 3.1 note to the Introduction [2] 21:57:49 recorded in http://www.w3.org/2008/12/01-au-irc#T21-19-06