OASIS/W3C coordination meeting

22 Sep 2008

See also: IRC log


kevin, bob, carol, josema


[need to learn to what extent TWB could commit in terms of costs]

some topics: eGov4Dev, NIF, SOA

[talking about the format: workshop, symposium?]

carol: we need to talk to TWB, sometimes they fund the participation of a given person in events
... especially when it's coming from a dev country

kevin: from TWB, when I talked to Randeep
... he's looking for a draft agenda from us
... he mentioned Albania and a couple other countries
... those would be invited to the workshop
... topics: government budget exposed to citizenry
... position papers are not an easy process, but could help us
... maybe focus a day on that then invited speakers

josema: AFAIK, TWB likes the transparency topic and we at W3C, too

kevin: our TF coordinators could help with it

josema: it's very time consuming

bob: what did we have for our previous symposium?

carol: some filtering, not a whole review
... we could have a mix
... invited and position papers

kevin: need to find how much funding TWB expects to put on the table
... maybe also people in the area

carol: eg. DC Office of Transparency International
... could give a policy level speech on the topic

kevin: could try to talk to them
... I believe it's an interesting kind of speaker

carol: there's also the issue of open standards vs. OSS
... not sure who's the right speaker
... I was thinking of a 2-day event, not one paper after another
... breaking with panels, maybe 3 speakers on each
... not more than 12 speakers altogether

kevin: our charter mentions data and semantics, transparency, web guidelines
... would like to get input and papers on those

carol: very important, too
... also NIFs
... we could have a good session on that

bob: also having specific presenters are useful to foster discussion

carol: eParticipation, eVoting, but don't want to make it to broad

bob: NIF is very important, especially in EU
... do not forget the relation to developing countries
... very useful for our agenda at this time
... I think TWB would like to have us raising issues that should be addressed

kevin: in my meeting we could just explore financial aspects and eParticipation
... how they are performing, how they are putting their info available on the Web
... also use of mobile devices in developing countries
... Randeep very interested in have discussions about it
... I read The Economist a couple days ago and they mentioned W3C work on MW4D

carol: very interesting topic
... in my work in the UN I was very impressed by eg. customs clearance in the Philippines
... everything using mobile phones
... huge savings, eg: from 3 weeks to 2 days
... very interesting example
... not sure where it would fit

kevin: Web standards and mobile interfaces
... there's work needed there
... second big theme there is interop in delivering content to those devices

carol: NIFs, related to dev countries
... then Mobile

kevin: yes

bob: we have to emphasize how W3C and OASIS standards fit in

josema: could we find a co-host? would be this ok with TWB?

kevin: need to ask

carol: we need to ensure TWB can provide:
... conference room, water, sth for breaks
... anything else would be added bonus

kevin: we can take an action to draft an outline with what we got from today
... then distribute it among our works, agree on it
... then send out to TWB

bob: sounds good to me

carol: albania, ghana, vietnam, india
... some of their initiatives

josema: I'd love to see a session on NIFs but especially on discussing
... why W3C and OASIS standards are being used and how, and learn from the practical experience

josema: dates?

kevin: need to talk to TWB to find what's the ideal time for them

carol: although we were originally discussing the week starting 23 March
... I'm not able to make it that week

kevin: maybe beginning of April then

carol: could you draft something?


<trackbot> Created ACTION-7 - Draft an outline for the W3C/OASIS joint event [on Kevin Novak - due 2008-09-29].


Summary of Action Items

ACTION-7 - Draft an outline for the W3C/OASIS joint event [on Kevin Novak - due 2008-09-29].


[End of minutes]

Minutes formatted by David Booth's scribe.perl version 1.133 (CVS log)
$Date: 2008/09/22 17:00:49 $