12:25:19 RRSAgent has joined #tsdtf 12:25:19 logging to http://www.w3.org/2008/05/27-tsdtf-irc 12:25:30 zakim, what conferences? 12:25:31 I see ARCH_Team()8:00AM, Team_(wai)11:59Z, UW_Team()8:00AM active 12:25:31 also scheduled at this time are Team_(rif)08:00Z, WAI_TSDTF()8:30AM, IA_CDFWG()8:30AM 12:25:41 Zakim, this will be WAI_TSDTF 12:25:41 ok, Christophe; I see WAI_TSDTF()8:30AM scheduled to start in 5 minutes 12:25:48 Meeting: TSD TF 12:25:55 Chairs: CarlosV, Christophe 12:26:00 Regrets: CarlosI 12:26:11 Agenda: http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-wai-ert-tsdtf/2008May/0007.html 12:26:22 Agenda+ Mapping between May 2007 WD and April 2008 CR criteria 12:26:35 Agenda+ Reviewing and moving remapped test samples into TSD TF repository 12:30:51 MichaelC has joined #tsdtf 12:31:39 WAI_TSDTF()8:30AM has now started 12:31:46 +Michael_Cooper 12:32:41 zakim, code? 12:32:41 the conference code is 8783 (tel:+1.617.761.6200 tel:+ tel:+44.117.370.6152), shadi 12:33:09 +Christophe 12:34:53 +??P4 12:34:59 zakim, is really me 12:34:59 I don't understand 'is really me', shadi 12:35:06 zakim, ??p4 is really me 12:35:06 +shadi; got it 12:39:51 CS: finished mapping, have 196 test cases for the current CR draft of WCAG 2.0 12:40:45 ...also moved them to the new naming convention 12:41:09 ...need to change the HTML view of the naming convention 12:41:29 ...but other than that, the migration is done 12:44:09 SAZ: would love to get some of this scripting of the HTML view onto the W3C server 12:45:05 ...let's try to set up a meeting with the systems folks after june 5th 12:46:22 SAZ: next step would be to take test samples through the review process 12:46:51 ...MC, CI, TB, and SAZ @ 10 each would make 40 samples 12:50:18 CS: need to upload them 12:50:41 SAZ: maybe upload a batch of 40 first, and assign action items to us 12:50:53 ...while you continue processing the rest in parallel 12:52:29 -Michael_Cooper 12:52:30 -shadi 12:52:32 -Christophe 12:52:32 WAI_TSDTF()8:30AM has ended 12:52:33 Attendees were Michael_Cooper, Christophe, shadi 13:07:01 zakim, bye 13:07:01 Zakim has left #tsdtf 13:07:06 rrsagent, make logs world 13:07:11 rrsagent, make minutes 13:07:11 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2008/05/27-tsdtf-minutes.html shadi 13:07:13 rrsagent, make logs world 13:07:13 MichaelC has left #tsdtf 13:07:17 rrsagent, bye 13:07:17 I see no action items