19:47:29 RRSAgent has joined #au 19:47:29 logging to http://www.w3.org/2008/05/12-au-irc 19:47:36 Zakim, this will be AUWG 19:47:36 ok, Jan; I see WAI_AUWG()3:00PM scheduled to start 47 minutes ago 19:47:41 Meeting: WAI AU 19:48:14 Agenda: http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/w3c-wai-au/2008AprJun/0045.html 19:48:19 Chair: Jan Richards 19:48:36 Regrets: Jutta Treviranus, Roberto Scano 19:49:00 jeanne has joined #au 19:49:38 Scribe: Jeanne 19:52:21 Hi everyone 19:55:55 WAI_AUWG()3:00PM has now started 19:56:44 AnnM has joined #au 19:59:00 zakim, agenda? 19:59:00 I see nothing on the agenda 19:59:56 agenda+ 1. Action item review 20:00:34 agenda + 2. F2F planning 20:00:34 July 28,29 in Redmond WA? 20:01:15 agenda+ WCAG 2.0 goes to CR 20:01:23 zakim, who's on the call? 20:01:23 On the phone I see no one 20:02:01 Zakim, this will be AUWG 20:02:01 ok, Jan, I see WAI_AUWG()3:00PM already started 20:02:09 zakim, who's on the phone? 20:02:09 On the phone I see no one 20:02:12 agenda+ While we wait for feedback on the drafts (due: 21 April 2008), we can 20:02:12 think about: 20:02:12 - implementation report 20:02:12 - test suites 20:02:12 - creating sample conformance claims 20:02:13 - creating a sample Web Content Accessibility "Benchmark" Document (e.g. 20:02:15 for HTML) 20:03:05 zakim, agenda? 20:03:05 I see 4 items remaining on the agenda: 20:03:06 1. 1. Action item review [from jeanne] 20:03:07 2. 2. F2F planning [from jeanne] 20:03:09 3. WCAG 2.0 goes to CR [from jeanne] 20:03:11 4. While we wait for feedback on the drafts (due: 21 April 2008), we can [from jeanne] 20:04:53 JR: URL of repository document: http://www.w3.org/WAI/AU/2008/implementation_report.html 20:05:10 zakim, take up agendum 1 20:05:10 agendum 1. "1. Action item review" taken up [from jeanne] 20:05:29 Set up repository document, URL above. 20:08:00 Action All: Send additions/revisions on ATAG2 Implementation Repository to JR/JS 20:17:40 Action Editors: Make MS's change http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/w3c-wai-au/2008AprJun/0024.html 20:18:49 JR: F2F planning. Dates July 28 & 29. Reed will host in Redmond, WA. 20:19:31 TB will join by phone. AM will look at costs for in person, but will be able to join remotely 20:19:52 RS: there will be video 20:20:01 Goal for F2F is Last Call 20:20:43 Action JR/JS: Talk to RS about Hosting 20:20:49 Action JR: Talk to RS about Hosting 20:21:24 Action RS, JR: Get RS's comments to the list 20:21:36 Action: RS, JR: Get RS's comments to the list 20:21:44 zakim, close agendum 1 20:21:44 agendum 1, 1. Action item review, closed 20:21:45 I see 3 items remaining on the agenda; the next one is 20:21:46 2. 2. F2F planning [from jeanne] 20:22:01 zakim, close agenfum 2 20:22:01 I don't understand 'close agenfum 2', jeanne 20:22:10 zakim, close agendum 2 20:22:10 agendum 2, 2. F2F planning, closed 20:22:11 I see 2 items remaining on the agenda; the next one is 20:22:13 3. WCAG 2.0 goes to CR [from jeanne] 20:22:28 zakim take up agendum 3 20:24:33 Action: JR, JS: Review places where WCAG2 and ATAG2 are synchronized for any changes in the WCAG2 CR 20:25:17 zakim, close agendum 3 20:25:17 agendum 3, WCAG 2.0 goes to CR, closed 20:25:18 I see 1 item remaining on the agenda: 20:25:19 4. While we wait for feedback on the drafts (due: 21 April 2008), we can [from jeanne] 20:25:34 zakim, take up agendum 4 20:25:34 agendum 4. "While we wait for feedback on the drafts (due: 21 April 2008), we can" taken up [from jeanne] 20:25:57 JR: TB will keep us informed on WCAG 2 Techniques. 20:27:06 JR: Next call is on US and UK holiday, reschedule for June 2. 20:27:51 JR: COmment phase is finished and no comments yet from Adobe or Microsoft. 20:28:10 ... Are there any comments working their way? 20:28:21 RS: none that I know of. 20:29:20 DS: Will get comments back by the next meeting. 20:29:49 AnnM has left #au 20:29:57 Greg joined, JR brings him up to date while meeting ends. 20:32:48 GP: has 80% chance of attending the F2F. 20:34:22 GP will follow up with Andrew and Matt for comments, but in the meantime I will take silence as agreement. 20:34:58 rssagent, make minutes 20:35:13 RRS agent, make minutes 20:35:33 RRSAgent, make minutes 20:35:33 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2008/05/12-au-minutes.html jeanne 20:35:53 rrsagent, set logs public 20:36:19 zakim, bye 20:36:19 Zakim has left #au 20:36:25 rrsagent, bye 20:36:25 I see 5 open action items saved in http://www.w3.org/2008/05/12-au-actions.rdf : 20:36:25 ACTION: All to Send additions/revisions on ATAG2 Implementation Repository to JR/JS [1] 20:36:25 recorded in http://www.w3.org/2008/05/12-au-irc#T20-08-00 20:36:25 ACTION: Editors to Make MS's change http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/w3c-wai-au/2008AprJun/0024.html [2] 20:36:25 recorded in http://www.w3.org/2008/05/12-au-irc#T20-17-40 20:36:25 ACTION: JR to Talk to RS about Hosting [3] 20:36:25 recorded in http://www.w3.org/2008/05/12-au-irc#T20-20-49 20:36:25 ACTION: RS, JR: Get RS's comments to the list [4] 20:36:25 recorded in http://www.w3.org/2008/05/12-au-irc#T20-21-36 20:36:25 ACTION: JR, JS: Review places where WCAG2 and ATAG2 are synchronized for any changes in the WCAG2 CR [5] 20:36:25 recorded in http://www.w3.org/2008/05/12-au-irc#T20-24-33