15:00:21 RRSAgent has joined #BioRDF 15:00:22 logging to http://www.w3.org/2008/04/14-BioRDF-irc 15:00:27 Zakim has joined #BioRDF 15:00:35 Zakim, this will be BioRDF 15:00:35 ok, ericP, I see SW_HCLS(BioRDF)11:00AM already started 15:00:39 + +01317435aaaa 15:00:43 Zakim, please dial ericP-office 15:00:43 ok, ericP; the call is being made 15:00:44 +EricP 15:01:01 Donald_Doherty has joined #BioRDF 15:01:07 Susie has joined #biordf 15:01:27 Zakim, +01317435aaaa is Susie 15:01:27 +Susie; got it 15:02:25 +Don_Doherty 15:02:53 +mscottm 15:04:05 chair: Susie 15:04:09 scribenick: ericP 15:04:22 Topic: KB and Senselab Notes 15:04:33 Susie: champagne all around 15:04:33 mscottm has joined #biordf 15:04:58 ... what's the comment period? 15:06:22 -> http://www.w3.org/TR/2008/WD-hcls-kb-20080404/#status KB SOTD 15:06:40 matthiassamwald has joined #biordf 15:06:53 I'm here and almost ready to scribe... 15:07:02 comments to public-semweb-lifesci@w3.org by 21 April 15:07:43 +??P5 15:08:29 +[IPcaller] 15:08:35 zakim, ??P5 is matthiassamwald 15:08:35 +matthiassamwald; got it 15:08:56 Zakim, [IPcaller] is michele 15:08:56 +michele; got it 15:09:08 michel has joined #biordf 15:09:22 Zakim, michele is really michel 15:09:22 +michel; got it 15:09:45 Announcements to: 15:09:51 HCLSIG 15:10:16 SW Coordination Group 15:11:38 OpenLink 15:12:02 -mscottm 15:13:11 DERI (subject to Roman Fox's advice) 15:13:11 + +1.617.500.aabb 15:14:08 zakim, +1.617.500.aabb is mscottm 15:14:08 +mscottm; got it 15:14:26 SWIG 15:14:56 +Kei_Cheung 15:16:02 EricP: should we engage someone from the pharmaceutical/medical world as reviewers for the W3C documents? 15:16:28 Susie: Might be a good idea. 15:16:37 kei has joined #BioRDF 15:16:49 EricP: Which communities/mailing lists should we target? 15:18:00 Susie: Maybe the OBO list. 15:18:13 Protogé 15:18:26 OBO 15:18:55 susie's contact list? 15:19:52 matthiassamwald 15:20:15 matthiassamwald: perhaps people from the X PC 15:20:29 http://triple-i.tugraz.at/i_semantics/special_tracks/swlsm 15:20:46 (scroll down to see the program committee) 15:20:55 Susie: folks that who will provide feedback are likely to have joind hcls or obo 15:24:17 michel: recent call for papers at bioont 15:24:35 organizers for BioOntologies: Phillip Lord, Newcastle University 15:24:35 Susanna-Assunta Sansone, EBI 15:24:35 Nigam Shah, Stanford 15:24:35 Matt Cockerill, BioMedCentral 15:25:53 Orri 15:26:01 Orri (Erling) 15:32:12 HCLSIG (scott) 15:32:12 SW Coordination Group (susie) 15:32:12 OBO (via scott->alan or susie to phil lord) 15:32:12 SWIG (ericP) 15:32:12 Ori (ericP) 15:32:15 Phillip Lord (susie (suggenst OBO) 15:32:17 MyGrid (scott) 15:33:03 Topic: URI Note 15:34:21 Susie: feedback from jar on URI note? 15:35:18 ericP: at risk, discussed extending HCLS trough May with Ralph 15:36:01 Susie: not sure we'll ever see this note anyways 15:36:19 ericP: if we were sure it would get pub'd would you be willing to extend? 15:39:21 Susie: mized feelings, we have a gap, but extending *again* costs us 15:40:05 ... haven't seen it for 6 months 15:42:23 okay with me. my concern is that we spend too much time with the documents (we already spent a lot of time), instead of doing more practical work. 15:46:19 Zakim, who is here? 15:46:19 On the phone I see Susie, EricP, Don_Doherty, matthiassamwald, michel, mscottm, Kei_Cheung 15:46:21 On IRC I see kei, michel, matthiassamwald, mscottm, Susie, Donald_Doherty, Zakim, RRSAgent, ericP 15:47:40 PROPOSED: ericP and Susie contact Jonathan and John Willbanks respectively and decide on charter extension based on that 15:48:26 I'm comfortable with the proposal. 15:48:38 APPROVED 15:48:56 topic: DSE (postponed) 15:49:01 topic: WWW Workshop (postponed) 15:49:21 Susie: all set with personel assignments 15:49:30 ... have 41 people signed up 15:49:53 ... WWW folks won't send out workshop programs 15:50:07 ... there will not be pringing facilites at WWW 15:50:35 ... we need someone to print and transport agenda and some materials 15:53:22 http://esw.w3.org/topic/HCLS/WWW2008 15:53:33 ACTION: ericP to print and transport 60 copies of workshop agenda 15:53:42 -> http://esw.w3.org/topic/HCLS/WWW2008 workshop agenda 15:54:04 Topic: Special Issue 15:54:18 kei: orig idea was to invite all the workshop papers 15:55:04 ... now selecting a subset of papers 15:55:15 ... also considering inviting papers outside the workshop 15:55:29 ... need to give a list and abstracts by the end of the month 15:56:13 ... current plan: 5 workshop papers and 2-3 external invitees 15:56:42 Susie: want to re-review papers to select 15:56:51 ... like the idea of the HCLS KB 15:57:20 ... HCLS-type paper at the Linking Open Data workshop 15:58:13 michel: invited speakers? 15:59:02 ericP: wouldn't count on them having papers 15:59:31 kei: paper deadline maybe september 15:59:41 Susie: mark wilkinson likely to have a paper 15:59:56 kei: need abstract soon 16:01:49 kei: Mark Wilkinson + Linking Open Data + Modelling Pharma of Depression, Linked Data, ... Complete network analysis, ... neuron 16:06:28 All sounds good. I've gotta go. Ciao! 16:06:39 -mscottm 16:07:59 ACTION: Susie to ask LOD paper author to send to us for review 16:08:20 ACTION: kei to invite submissions from GregTC and MarkW 16:08:56 -EricP 16:08:58 -Susie 16:08:58 -michel 16:08:59 -Kei_Cheung 16:08:59 -Don_Doherty 16:09:01 -matthiassamwald 16:09:02 SW_HCLS(BioRDF)11:00AM has ended 16:09:06 Attendees were EricP, Susie, Don_Doherty, mscottm, matthiassamwald, michel, Kei_Cheung 16:09:19 Zakim, please draft minutes 16:09:19 I don't understand 'please draft minutes', ericP 16:09:27 RRSAgent, please draft minutes 16:09:27 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2008/04/14-BioRDF-minutes.html ericP 16:09:35 RRSAgent, please make log world-visible 16:11:29 kei has left #BioRDF 18:50:43 Zakim has left #BioRDF