WCAG planning
04 Apr 2008

See also: IRC log


Christophe_Strobbe, Loretta_Guarino_Reid, Michael_Cooper, Shadi_Abou-Zahra, Carlos_Valasco, Ben_Caldwell
Gregg_Vanderheiden, Carlos_Valasquez


saz: EC funded BenToWeb to work on benchmarking tools

they have been working with us on test samples

Status update from Christophe

Repository of tests

TSDTF process

spent time developing tests following these procedures

Also worked on metadata for tests

e.g., whether the test a passing or failing condition etc.

Test Samples Metadata

Wiki repository of test samples

have explored other options for the test harness

also looked at Mobile Web test harness

One issue has been that since WCAG was changing, hard to keep up

We have a repository of unreviewed test samples

and WCAG seems to be stabalizing

Do we want to keep structure of task force or look at other options for doing this work?

Note BenToWeb project has ended, so reduced participation from that area

Also, since BenToWeb people submitted tests, didn't think appropriate for them to review them

cs: There are ~200 test samples, mostly mapped to May 2007 WD

and some mapped to April 2006 WD

There are also ~400 waiting to be uploaded

also mapped to May 2007 WD

so total of 609 in various states

bc: relationship of those test samples to the techniques?

cs: there is a mapping from test case to techniques

don't have test cases for all techniques

239 test cases don't map to any techniques

some of these were created before techniques were created

many of them of failure techniques

lgr: these test cases may be what we need for Accessibility Support evidence

Message about SC without failure techniques

bc: might be able to use test cases as well as other things for the data gathering

mc: test cases that state they should pass can be run through UAs to see if they do in fact

cs: more than half of the test cases are for failure conditions

don't know about relationship to accessibility support - some of this was developed when we had the baseline concept

lgr: this might be only a starting point, then, but a huge start

we're still trying to figure out to gather, record, and report on data about accessibility support

saz: there's a lot of metadata availalbe to help

lgr: need info about combinations of browsers and AT

wouldn't necessarily capture with test file, but would be part of overall db

cs: metadata has section for technologies used in test sample

even specific features

lgr: very helpful

mc: so we've got a lot of resources

still more to add

and need to review/approve it all

can use for accessibility support evidnece

lgr: need to get them in W3C space

and worry about persistence of resource

saz: can post easily

but what do we do with it from there

would like a harness that's easier than a wiki

that's a short-term project

validating the test samples would be an ongoing project

especially since we want people to submit test cases

cs: (noted earlier most of the test cases are in English)

lgr: would like test cases in other languages

cs: some of the unsubmitted test cases still under review for certain structural things

mc: ask about level of particpation in TSDTF given BenToWeb closed

saz: now have only 3 regular contributors

TSDTF Work Statement

Carlos Iglesias, Christophe Strobbe, Tim Boland are the main contributors

Carlos Velasco, Shadi Abou-Zahra, Michael Cooper are peripheral contributors

We're hoping as WCAG stabailizes that some WCAG resources can come into this work

mc: Is it better to get people from WCAG WG into TF, or move TF into WCAG WG?

saz: would be ok to dissolve TF and move to WCAG WG

but also ok to work separately

lgr: This is a big chunk, and there are other big chunks

so the WG will be busy

What is procedure if WG reviews test cases and rejects some?

saz: The review process is spelled out in the process document

though it doesn't prescribe what WCAG WG would do

substantial fixes would mean test case sent back to submitter, asked to edit and resubmit

lgr: who are the submitters?

saz: BenToWeb tests submitted in bulk, but also anticipate individual submissions in the future

The BenToWeb tests all go to an email address, there will be someone at the other end

mc: Exploring structure - TSDTF working separately has allowed focus, but low on radar of WCAG WG; within WCAG WG would be higher radar but harder to organize priorities

bc: always a resource issue

lgr: there has been some exploration of resources but unsure of tieline

mc: would review of tests be doable during CR phase?

lgr: hopefully; issues about availability of WG members to work on this

saz: Joint with ERTWG means we have a different skillset available

structural reviews can be done outside WCAG WG, just need a content review

bc: ways to tie test samples to existing techniques?

saz: would be useful to share example code etc.

mc: should be able to automate references from techniques to applicable tests

bc: issues around tests in various places that aren't clearly tied to techniques

also there are tests that were published but not approved by WG, but URI persistence an issue

cs: task force following a rule that every test sample must map to a technique

Mapping to techniques and failures

bc: concern about unapproved tests

mc: TSDTF requires WCAG WG approval

lgr: need a plan for WCAG review

saz: need to get through the structural review stages as well

working within WCAG WG would simplify procedure by a step

staying in Task Force, we need to collect resources

lgr: we need to do something about accessibility supported, undrafted sufficient techniques, reviewing implementations, respoinding to comments on implementations

these are competing priorities

what happens after WG approval?

saz: we're not even really that far yet

mc: Let's check in in two weeks

MC and SAZ to float things around meanwhile

Continue this discusison in the 25 April meeting (regrets: LGR)

Summary of Action Items

[End of minutes]

Minutes formatted by David Booth's scribe.perl version 1.133 (CVS log)
$Date: 2008/04/04 19:40:06 $