13:43:53 RRSAgent has joined #sweo 13:43:53 logging to http://www.w3.org/2008/03/26-sweo-irc 13:43:59 rrsagent, set log public 13:44:11 meeting: SWEO Weekly Telco 13:44:13 chair: Susie 13:47:24 bengee has joined #sweo 13:58:16 SW_SWEO()10:00AM has now started 13:58:23 + +1.781.662.aaaa 13:59:03 zakim, aaaa is Susie 13:59:03 +Susie; got it 14:00:05 +Danny 14:00:07 -Susie 14:00:09 +Susie 14:00:14 zakim, Danny is Ivan 14:00:14 +Ivan; got it 14:02:39 + +49.631.205.7.aabb 14:02:49 leobard has joined #sweo 14:02:53 hi 14:03:44 + +0476783aacc 14:03:56 Zakim, is aacc 14:03:56 I don't understand 'is aacc', kjetil 14:04:03 zakim, aabb is leo 14:04:03 +leo; got it 14:04:03 Zakim, aacc is me 14:04:04 +kjetil; got it 14:04:18 + + 14:04:30 zalim, aadd is me 14:04:37 zakim, aadd is me 14:04:37 +bengee; got it 14:04:42 Zakim, mute me 14:04:42 kjetil should now be muted 14:05:51 scribenick leobard 14:05:58 scribenick: leobard 14:06:15 Business presentation, Jeff 14:06:36 We have the actual slides, Susie asked in email to incorporate notes on document in speakers slides 14:06:45 Action: susie to ping Jeff about the slides 14:06:55 +Kingsley_Idehen 14:07:20 Susie refers to email by Leo if it is possible to use the slides. Answer: this is the intended usage, under the W3C license 14:08:13 Ivan on slides and business presentation. Once I got them, I convert to W3C formats and public space and send around URI of slides. will be openoffice, pdf, powerpoint, html 14:08:15 Ivan: use cases, case studies 14:08:49 there are some pending ones from topquadrant, unilever, one from Talis/Danny, 14:09:10 Ivan: no answer from Nova Spivak / Twine by now 14:09:46 Mails by Lee and Melli on "facet" (scribe didn't get this) 14:10:00 Benjee: how are things with 14:10:10 Benjee: Knowee 14:10:32 Benjee: you can create a profile, have a dashboard, still continuing to work on the editor 14:10:47 We could announce that as-is. 14:11:09 Action: Bengee to write announcement on Knowee and send to Susie and SWEO to further publish. 14:11:32 Intended publishing: personal blogs by Ivan, Susie referring to Benjamin Nowacks blog 14:12:13 q+ 14:12:19 q+ 14:12:19 q- 14:12:32 ack ivan 14:12:48 ivan: about blogging about the end of sweo "when everything is published" 14:13:28 Ivan hopes to be able to publish cooluris on monday, or tuesday, so we should not depend on this for blogging 14:13:53 ivan: transfer of the LOD list from simile to W3C 14:14:18 background: simile is not sure if it can maintain the mailinglist 14:14:22 +Melli_Annamalai 14:14:44 Melli has joined #sweo 14:15:14 Susie plans bloggin on Knowee on friday/saturday 14:15:33 Agenda: next point, cool-uris. Leo integrated feedback by TAG last friday 14:15:49 open call for last public draft ends this friday 14:16:44 +LeeF 14:17:52 World Wide Veb 14:18:02 :-) 14:18:03 I hope you fixed it to Vorld Vide Veb 14:18:05 :) 14:18:20 :-) 14:18:46 status of document is: leo incorporates feedback now when it comes, so the document is in the state to be published any time. 14:19:06 Susie: document should be finished saturday 14:19:33 Action: finish cooluri note on saturday and send to ivan for publishing 14:20:28 Ivan reports that the work last time was about 30 minutes, this time it may not be much more. But I may have problems accessing the net during monday when I am travelling 14:20:51 Agenda: Information Gathering task, uploading form 14:21:27 Kingsley reports its more a logistic than a technical problem 14:21:56 Susie: the time invested is very worthy already, and it would be nice to be able to finish it by friday so that I can test it and blog it by friday 14:22:38 Agenda: Lee and Melli called in 14:23:05 csma/cd 14:23:36 We are working on it and will ping you back 14:24:37 Melli and Lee have been working on updating the Exhibit facets for the rendering of the list of use cases / case studies 14:25:06 Zakim, unmute me 14:25:06 kjetil should no longer be muted 14:25:24 thanks to all, especially Susie and Ivan 14:25:31 Susie: so this is the end of sweo and it was great to work with you, thank you all for the contributions! 14:25:33 Susie++ 14:26:04 Thanks everyone - it's been really great. :-) 14:26:05 Ivan: (there is a time after sweo) ... W3C has contacted a PR agency to professionalise the PR... part of this PR will be Semantic Web... 14:26:54 Ivan: the mailinglist will be changed, until now it is reserved for the members of the interest group, it will be opened to the public now. It will be for education and outreach where the community will continue this discussion 14:27:07 Ivan: stay on the list, bash us when you can :-) 14:28:14 Ivan: we had the sweo IRC channel we used... it is needed anymore? transfer it to freenode, as #swig? 14:28:49 susie suggests to keep the channel in W3C because there may be sweo2 and because of multi-server issues 14:31:09 leo suggests to rahter use freenode as so many people are on #swig 24/7 14:32:25 People on #swig can point discussions specifically about education/outreach to #sweo 14:32:37 Lee (did I hear that right) suggests to keep #sweo on w3c and see how it works out 14:32:50 leobard, it was me 14:32:51 susie, leo: ok 14:32:51 wasn't me but i'm happy with that :) 14:33:18 wrap - up 14:33:28 -Melli_Annamalai 14:33:29 -LeeF 14:33:29 -kjetil 14:33:30 -Ivan 14:33:32 -Kingsley_Idehen 14:33:32 -Susie 14:33:33 -bengee 14:33:33 -leo 14:33:35 SW_SWEO()10:00AM has ended 14:33:37 Attendees were +1.781.662.aaaa, Susie, Ivan, +49.631.205.7.aabb, +0476783aacc, leo, kjetil, +, bengee, Kingsley_Idehen, Melli_Annamalai, LeeF 14:36:38 zakim, bye 14:36:38 Zakim has left #sweo 14:36:39 RRSAgent, please draft minutes 14:36:39 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2008/03/26-sweo-minutes.html leobard 14:36:48 rrsagent, draft minutes 14:36:48 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2008/03/26-sweo-minutes.html ivan 14:36:52 RRSAgent, make logs world-access 14:58:22 uldis has joined #sweo 15:04:52 daylight saving... that's how i missed the telco :( 15:05:02 see you next time 15:05:49 uldis, there is no next time... 15:05:53 this was the last 15:05:56 oh, i see 15:06:00 so it's finished? 15:06:05 but we resolved to keep the channel open and hang out here 15:06:06 yup 15:06:21 ok, cool. see you all in here then :) 15:06:26 kjetil: thanks 15:06:56 what's the "life after SWEO"? is there going to be a continuation / new SWEO? 15:07:24 [15:26] Ivan: (there is a time after sweo) ... W3C has contacted a PR agency to professionalise the PR... part of this PR will be Semantic Web... 15:08:43 uldis: the mailing list will also be converted to become a public list for sw eo purposes... 15:11:33 sounds good 15:12:10 professional PR is good, but much of what SWEO was doing or needed to do requires more involvement from the SemWeb community 15:12:20 which is where mailing list (and IRC) is good