14:57:27 RRSAgent has joined #bpwg 14:57:27 logging to http://www.w3.org/2008/01/29-bpwg-irc 14:57:31 Zakim, this will be BPWG 14:57:31 ok, trackbot-ng; I see MWI_BPWG(BCTF)10:00AM scheduled to start in 3 minutes 14:57:32 Meeting: Mobile Web Best Practices Working Group Teleconference 14:57:32 Date: 29 January 2008 14:58:07 Agenda: http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-bpwg-ct/2008Jan/0028.html 14:58:12 Chair: francois 14:58:35 hgerlach has joined #bpwg 14:58:38 hi 14:59:22 Regrets: jo 15:00:52 zakim, code? 15:00:52 the conference code is 2283 (tel:+1.617.761.6200 tel:+ tel:+44.117.370.6152), francois 15:01:02 MWI_BPWG(BCTF)10:00AM has now started 15:01:09 + +7.899.7.aaaa 15:01:11 + +004921aabb 15:01:23 +francois 15:01:35 - +7.899.7.aaaa 15:01:53 zakim, who's on the phone? 15:01:53 On the phone I see +004921aabb, francois 15:02:03 + +7.899.7.aacc 15:02:19 -francois 15:02:36 Zarkim, aaaa is AndrewS 15:02:46 matt has joined #bpwg 15:02:56 rob has joined #bpwg 15:03:00 Zakim, aaaa is AndrewS 15:03:00 sorry, AndrewS, I do not recognize a party named 'aaaa' 15:03:49 Zakim, 7.899.7.aaaa is AndrewS 15:03:49 sorry, AndrewS, I do not recognize a party named '7.899.7.aaaa' 15:03:58 +Bryan_Sullivan 15:04:02 Bryan has joined #bpwg 15:04:08 Autsch 15:04:13 +francois 15:04:24 zakim, who's on the call? 15:04:24 On the phone I see +004921aabb, +7.899.7.aacc, Bryan_Sullivan, francois 15:04:30 the modem hurts 15:04:54 no 15:05:20 hi Andrew! 15:05:24 zakim, aabb is probably AndrewS 15:05:24 + +7.932.0.aadd 15:05:25 +AndrewS?; got it 15:05:52 zakim, aadd is rob 15:05:52 +rob; got it 15:06:28 zakim, who's on the call? 15:06:28 On the phone I see AndrewS?, +7.899.7.aacc, Bryan_Sullivan, francois, rob 15:06:39 zakim, who's making noise? 15:06:50 francois, listening for 10 seconds I heard sound from the following: +7.899.7.aacc (10%), AndrewS? (5%), rob (46%) 15:07:09 its me 15:07:17 zakim, aacc is probably Heiko 15:07:17 +Heiko?; got it 15:07:21 SeanP has joined #bpwg 15:08:02 Magnus has joined #bpwg 15:08:05 zakim, who's making noise? 15:08:13 zakim, code? 15:08:13 the conference code is 2283 (tel:+1.617.761.6200 tel:+ tel:+44.117.370.6152), Magnus 15:08:16 francois, listening for 10 seconds I heard sound from the following: Heiko? (13%) 15:08:27 +SeanP 15:08:56 +Magnus 15:09:14 I'll do it 15:09:28 Scribe: SeanP 15:09:34 ScribeNick: SeanP 15:09:42 Topic: New draft is here 15:09:45 matt has joined #bpwg 15:10:07 Francois: Any comments on the draft? 15:10:33 Close ACTION-628 15:10:33 ACTION-628 Produce draft 1d by Friday closed 15:10:42 Topic: HTTP Cache-Control extensions 15:11:08 heiko has to redail in 15:11:12 -AndrewS? 15:11:22 Yves Lafon 15:11:37 Francois: Talked with Yves Lafon of the W3c about Cache-Control 15:11:51 ... He has been involved with HTTP 15:12:12 +??P6 15:12:30 ...He said we should not recommend extensions to HTTP that would require all servers to change 15:13:00 ...He said we should not recommend any extesions to Cache-Control header 15:13:59 ...The CP either enables content transformation or doesn't with Cache-Control: no-transform 15:14:29 ...If we decide to do extensions to Cache-Control we need to write an IETF draft 15:14:41 ...There is an example 15:14:59 -> http://www.mnot.net/drafts/draft-nottingham-http-stale-while-revalidate-00.txt Mark Nottingham example 15:15:27 matt has joined #bpwg 15:15:27 Francois: This is the kind of thing we could write to propose extensions to Cache-Control 15:15:47 ...Will talk to Mark this week and come back with details next week. 15:15:59 s/to Mark/to Yves F2F 15:17:13 Francois: I think it is a good idea to do this--if we don't the document may not be as useful 15:17:41 Topic: CT-proxy and HTTP POST (part 3.2) 15:17:42 ...The most important part of the doc is CP to proxy communication. 15:18:55 Francois: Jo mentioned that there was some discussion about HTTP POST 15:19:07 Magnus: Is beyond our scope. 15:19:35 ...An example would be a picture from the phone uploaded to the server. 15:19:54 ...The proxy could transform the photo if it was weird format. 15:20:39 Francois: Is there any case where CT proxy should not do anything with a post? 15:20:51 q+ 15:21:01 ack bryan 15:21:01 Magnus: We could come up with examples but they are too esoteric. 15:21:36 Bryan: This represents value added services that are beyond what we should say something about. 15:22:15 Francois: Jo removed that part about POST from the draft. 15:22:19 Topic: Detection of non-browser environment 15:23:23 Bryan: Have comments on this. The user agent should be the primary way to detect non-browser unless there is secondary info. 15:23:57 zakim, mute SeanP 15:23:57 SeanP should now be muted 15:23:57 ... Jo said something about using heuristics, etc. for detecting non-browser environment. 15:24:56 Heiko: That comment was quite useful. 15:25:03 Jo proposed "the proxy SHOULD make "reasonable efforts" to determine whether a user agent is a browser, using heuristics applied to an a priori knowledge base" 15:25:25 ...We are not able to always understand the UA from the UA string because there is no standardization 15:25:58 Bryan: AT&T has been able to get useful information from UA. 15:26:16 ..We do see just "Mozilla" sometime however. 15:27:24 ACTION: bryan to propose some recommendation on user-agent detection from a proxy and browser's (format) point of view 15:27:24 Created ACTION-632 - Propose some recommendation on user-agent detection from a proxy and browser's (format) point of view [on Bryan Sullivan - due 2008-02-05]. 15:27:55 Close ACTION-626 15:27:55 ACTION-626 Contribute text on detection of non-browser user agent closed 15:28:08 Topic: Summary of proposed features (part 3.7) 15:28:30 Francois: This was added by Jo in the current draft. 15:28:53 ...Summarize the extensions for Cache-control and other extensions 15:29:12 zakim, who's making noise? 15:29:23 francois, listening for 10 seconds I heard sound from the following: ??P6 (14%), rob (23%) 15:29:42 zakim, mute rob 15:29:42 rob should now be muted 15:30:26 Francois: Want to talk about https rewrite. 15:31:19 Bryan: I said that rewrite of https URLs doesn't work. 15:31:37 ...Rewriting all links on an HTTPS page may have some uses. 15:32:14 Francois: Could be dangerous to rewrite HTTPS URLs. 15:33:24 Bryan: Example: CT Proxy could recreate the "WAP GAP" 15:33:37 q+ 15:33:58 ...Connection between Browser and proxy is secure. 15:34:34 Andrew: We should put in the guidelines that if the proxy intercepts HTTPS, the user should be notified and prompted. 15:34:37 ack AndrewS 15:35:17 Bryan: Needs to be clarified that if the user refuses to allow proxy to intercept HTTPS, it may not work. 15:36:06 Andrew: User should be given the option, and then it should work end-to-end; i.e., not through proxy. 15:36:22 Bryan: In this case the page is not formatted for the phone. 15:36:35 Andrew: Correct, but user should have the option. 15:36:49 Francois: Is this feasable for users? 15:37:03 q+ 15:37:33 ack bryan 15:37:34 Andrew: Most users don't know much about this, but it is good to give option. It is what VF UK is doing. 15:38:10 Bryan: Make sure this is very clear in "terms and conditions." Don't make the user answer too many questions. 15:38:35 ...Could make these kinds of decisions available through a desktop browser link. 15:39:28 Francois: Summary: Should make it clear in the document that proxy should ask the user about HTTPS. 15:39:59 Andrew: If not proxy could create man-in-the-middle attack. 15:40:10 Bryan: This preference should be remembered. 15:40:58 ACTION: Andrew to write a clear draft on @@allow-https-rewrite and the need for the end-user to be aware of the situation 15:40:58 Created ACTION-633 - Write a clear draft on @@allow-https-rewrite and the need for the end-user to be aware of the situation [on Andrew Swainston - due 2008-02-05]. 15:41:37 Topic: CT-proxy-aware 15:41:55 Francois: How could the browser say it was CT-proxy-aware? 15:42:18 q+ 15:42:32 Heiko: Most browsers that need CT-proxy are old browsers that are not CT-aware. 15:43:28 Francois: Say we did have a browser that CT-aware. How would we tell the proxy this? 15:43:44 In the absence any of the previous directives elaborating the no-transform directive, the client should indicate that it understands the conventions of this document by including a [@@ct-proxy-aware directive]. 15:43:59 Heiko: Why? Should only do transformation for low-end browsers. 15:45:27 Francois: The document currently talks about CT-aware browsers. 15:45:43 ack bryan 15:46:05 Bryan: The most common case right now is legacy browsers. 15:46:38 ...If we have control commands for CT, then the browser needs to know that the browser is CT-aware. 15:46:52 ...Could use DDR to know if a browser is CT-aware. 15:47:14 ...Need an attribute in DDR that specifies CT-aware. 15:47:56 Value of CT-awareness: Browser can control CT without user interaction. 15:48:29 Heiko: We are talking about a config string sent from browser to proxy 15:49:09 Bryan: Think that DDR would be best for handling CT-aware to reduce network overhead of sending a header each time. 15:50:14 Francois: Lots of content in the document that talks about interaction between CT proxy and browser. 15:50:41 Heiko: Don't think we need this. 90% of value of CT proxy is for legacy browsers. 15:51:40 Francois: Question: Will any CT-aware browsers ever be implemented? 15:52:06 ...Is this something browser makers are even interested in doing? 15:52:15 q+ 15:52:20 ack bryan 15:52:49 Bryan: As browsers become more capable, the need for CT services will diminish. 15:53:31 ...Less transformation will be done on the network and more on the device. 15:53:52 ...Don't see that CT-awareness will be high priority for browser makers. 15:55:21 q+ 15:55:33 Heiko: Low tier browsers are not high priority for phone makers. 15:56:20 ack bryan 15:56:21 Heiko: For the future, optimation and acceleration will be the main use of CT proxies 15:57:29 Bryan: The are hundreds of millions of devices out there and the turnover is such that CT proxies could be needed for 5 years or so. 15:58:18 Topic: reload-untransformed directive 15:58:40 Francois: Jo mentioned that there could be some problems. 15:59:36 ...Directive is between CT-aware browser and proxy. 16:00:09 ...Not sure what the priority is. 16:00:54 SeanPatterson has joined #bpwg 16:01:46 scribe: SeanPatterson 16:01:55 scribenick: SeanPatterson 16:02:35 q+ 16:02:41 ack andre 16:03:25 Andrew: Expect to see legacy devices used for several years. 16:03:31 just a short questio: how to register for the speaker queue??? 16:03:32 @@@ 16:04:00 ACTION: daoust to write a note to say something about Cache-Control: no-transform and WAP gateways 16:04:00 Created ACTION-634 - Write a note to say something about Cache-Control: no-transform and WAP gateways [on François Daoust - due 2008-02-05]. 16:04:16 great, thanks! 16:04:29 -??P6 16:04:30 -Magnus 16:04:32 -Bryan_Sullivan 16:04:34 -francois 16:04:35 -rob 16:04:38 -SeanP 16:04:41 zakim, list attendees 16:04:41 As of this point the attendees have been +7.899.7.aaaa, +004921aabb, francois, +7.899.7.aacc, Bryan_Sullivan, +7.932.0.aadd, AndrewS?, rob, Heiko?, SeanP, Magnus 16:05:16 -Heiko? 16:05:19 MWI_BPWG(BCTF)10:00AM has ended 16:05:21 Attendees were +7.899.7.aaaa, +004921aabb, francois, +7.899.7.aacc, Bryan_Sullivan, +7.932.0.aadd, AndrewS?, rob, Heiko?, SeanP, Magnus 16:07:01 s/@@@/francois: One last thing about the impossible conciliation of the Cache-Control: no-transform directive and the WAP gateways. Should we drop a note stating that these guidelines won't work in that case? 16:07:33 i/ACTION: daoust/Andrew: yes, I think that's a good idea 16:07:45 RRSAgent, draft minutes 16:07:45 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2008/01/29-bpwg-minutes.html francois 16:08:06 rob has left #bpwg 16:12:03 jo has left #bpwg 18:24:21 Zakim has left #bpwg 18:30:29 matt has joined #bpwg