OWL Working Group

Minutes of 10 September 2008

Martin Dzbor Sandro Hawke Ian Horrocks Boris Motik Zhe Wu Michael Schneider Achille Fokoue Uli Sattler Bernardo Cuenca Grau Jie Bao Alan Ruttenberg Mike Smith Bijan Parsia Peter Patel-Schneider
Markus Krötzsch
Ian Horrocks
Martin Dzbor
Original and Editable Wiki Version
  1. Accepted Previous Minutes (3 September) link
  2. Issue 133 (DL-Lite Profile modified to include UNA) per Mike's email (http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-owl-wg/2008Sep/0017.html) link
  3. Issue 119 (OWL 2 Full may become inconsistent due to self restrictions) per Ian's email (http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-owl-wg/2008Sep/0033.html) link
00:00:00 <scribenick> PRESENT: Martin Dzbor, Sandro Hawke, Ian Horrocks, Boris Motik, Zhe Wu, Michael Schneider, Achille Fokoue, Uli Sattler, Bernardo Cuenca Grau, Jie Bao, Alan Ruttenberg, Mike Smith, Bijan Parsia, Peter Patel-Schneider
00:00:00 <scribenick> REGRETS: Markus Krötzsch
00:00:00 <scribenick> CHAIR: Ian Horrocks
00:00:00 <scribenick> SCRIBE: Martin Dzbor

(Scribe set to Martin Dzbor)

16:52:21 <RRSAgent> logging to http://www.w3.org/2008/09/10-owl-irc

(No events recorded for 1012 minutes)

RRSAgent IRC Bot: logging to http://www.w3.org/2008/09/10-owl-irc

16:52:34 <MartinD> RRSAgent, make records public

RRSAgent, make records public

16:56:42 <Zakim> SW_OWL()1:00PM has now started

Zakim IRC Bot: SW_OWL()1:00PM has now started

16:56:49 <Zakim> + +0190827aaaa

Zakim IRC Bot: + +0190827aaaa

16:57:01 <MartinD> zakim, aaaa is me

zakim, aaaa is me

16:57:01 <Zakim> +MartinD; got it

Zakim IRC Bot: +MartinD; got it

16:58:00 <Zakim> +Sandro

Zakim IRC Bot: +Sandro

16:58:02 <MartinD> MartinD has changed the topic to: http://www.w3.org/2007/OWL/wiki/Teleconference.2008.09.10/Agenda

MartinD has changed the topic to: http://www.w3.org/2007/OWL/wiki/Teleconference.2008.09.10/Agenda

16:58:36 <Zakim> +Ian_Horrocks

Zakim IRC Bot: +Ian_Horrocks

16:58:51 <IanH> zakim, Ian_Horrocks is IanH

Ian Horrocks: zakim, Ian_Horrocks is IanH

16:58:51 <Zakim> +IanH; got it

Zakim IRC Bot: +IanH; got it

16:58:52 <bmotik> Zakim, this will be OWL

Boris Motik: Zakim, this will be OWL

16:58:53 <Zakim> ok, bmotik, I see SW_OWL()1:00PM already started

Zakim IRC Bot: ok, bmotik, I see SW_OWL()1:00PM already started

16:59:24 <IanH> RRSAgent, make records public

Ian Horrocks: RRSAgent, make records public

16:59:28 <Zakim> +??P6

Zakim IRC Bot: +??P6

16:59:31 <bmotik> Zakim, ??P6 is me

Boris Motik: Zakim, ??P6 is me

16:59:31 <Zakim> +bmotik; got it

Zakim IRC Bot: +bmotik; got it

16:59:34 <bmotik> Zakim, mute me

Boris Motik: Zakim, mute me

16:59:34 <Zakim> bmotik should now be muted

Zakim IRC Bot: bmotik should now be muted

16:59:34 <IanH> zakim, who is here?

Ian Horrocks: zakim, who is here?

16:59:35 <Zakim> On the phone I see MartinD, Sandro, IanH, bmotik (muted)

Zakim IRC Bot: On the phone I see MartinD, Sandro, IanH, bmotik (muted)

16:59:36 <Zakim> On IRC I see bmotik, IanH, RRSAgent, Zakim, MartinD, baojie, sandro, alanr, trackbot

Zakim IRC Bot: On IRC I see bmotik, IanH, RRSAgent, Zakim, MartinD, baojie, sandro, alanr, trackbot

16:59:59 <IanH> Martin, are you all set for scribing?

Ian Horrocks: Martin, are you all set for scribing?

17:00:06 <MartinD> hope so... :-)

hope so... :-)

17:00:16 <MartinD> zakim, mute me

zakim, mute me

17:00:16 <Zakim> MartinD should now be muted

Zakim IRC Bot: MartinD should now be muted

17:00:40 <IanH> zakim, who is here?

Ian Horrocks: zakim, who is here?

17:00:40 <Zakim> On the phone I see MartinD (muted), Sandro, IanH, bmotik (muted)

Zakim IRC Bot: On the phone I see MartinD (muted), Sandro, IanH, bmotik (muted)

17:00:41 <Zakim> On IRC I see Zhe, bcuencagrau, m_schnei, bmotik, IanH, RRSAgent, Zakim, MartinD, baojie, sandro, alanr, trackbot

Zakim IRC Bot: On IRC I see Zhe, bcuencagrau, m_schnei, bmotik, IanH, RRSAgent, Zakim, MartinD, baojie, sandro, alanr, trackbot

17:01:00 <Zakim> + +1.603.897.aabb

Zakim IRC Bot: + +1.603.897.aabb

17:01:12 <Zhe> zakim, +1.603.897.aabb is me

Zhe Wu: zakim, +1.603.897.aabb is me

17:01:15 <Zakim> +??P13

Zakim IRC Bot: +??P13

17:01:19 <Zakim> +Zhe; got it

Zakim IRC Bot: +Zhe; got it

17:01:22 <m_schnei> zakim, ??P13 is me

Michael Schneider: zakim, ??P13 is me

17:01:23 <Zhe> zakim, mute me

Zhe Wu: zakim, mute me

17:01:27 <Zakim> +m_schnei; got it

Zakim IRC Bot: +m_schnei; got it

17:01:29 <Zakim> Zhe should now be muted

Zakim IRC Bot: Zhe should now be muted

17:01:32 <Zakim> +[IBM]

Zakim IRC Bot: +[IBM]

17:01:37 <Achille> Zakim, IBM is me

Achille Fokoue: Zakim, IBM is me

17:01:37 <Zakim> +Achille; got it

Zakim IRC Bot: +Achille; got it

17:01:41 <Zakim> +??P14

Zakim IRC Bot: +??P14

17:01:48 <uli> zakim, ??P14 is me

Uli Sattler: zakim, ??P14 is me

17:01:48 <Zakim> +uli; got it

Zakim IRC Bot: +uli; got it

17:01:52 <uli> zakim, mute me

Uli Sattler: zakim, mute me

17:01:52 <Zakim> uli should now be muted

Zakim IRC Bot: uli should now be muted

17:01:58 <Zakim> +??P16

Zakim IRC Bot: +??P16

17:02:00 <m_schnei> zakim, mute me

Michael Schneider: zakim, mute me

17:02:00 <Zakim> m_schnei should now be muted

Zakim IRC Bot: m_schnei should now be muted

17:02:05 <bcuencagrau> Zakim, ??P16 is me

Bernardo Cuenca Grau: Zakim, ??P16 is me

17:02:05 <Zakim> +bcuencagrau; got it

Zakim IRC Bot: +bcuencagrau; got it

17:02:11 <bcuencagrau> Zakim, mute me

Bernardo Cuenca Grau: Zakim, mute me

17:02:11 <Zakim> bcuencagrau should now be muted

Zakim IRC Bot: bcuencagrau should now be muted

17:02:14 <IanH> zakim, who is here?

Ian Horrocks: zakim, who is here?

17:02:14 <Zakim> On the phone I see MartinD (muted), Sandro, IanH, bmotik (muted), Zhe (muted), m_schnei (muted), Achille, uli (muted), bcuencagrau (muted)

Zakim IRC Bot: On the phone I see MartinD (muted), Sandro, IanH, bmotik (muted), Zhe (muted), m_schnei (muted), Achille, uli (muted), bcuencagrau (muted)

17:02:16 <Zakim> On IRC I see Achille, uli, Zhe, bcuencagrau, m_schnei, bmotik, IanH, RRSAgent, Zakim, MartinD, baojie, sandro, alanr, trackbot

Zakim IRC Bot: On IRC I see Achille, uli, Zhe, bcuencagrau, m_schnei, bmotik, IanH, RRSAgent, Zakim, MartinD, baojie, sandro, alanr, trackbot

17:02:35 <MartinD> IanH: let us start with today's agenda

Ian Horrocks: let us start with today's agenda

17:02:45 <MartinD> Topic: Admin

1. Admin

17:02:58 <Zakim> + +1.518.276.aacc

Zakim IRC Bot: + +1.518.276.aacc

17:03:00 <MartinD> IanH: any agenda amendments

Ian Horrocks: any agenda amendments

17:03:15 <baojie> Zakim, aacc is baojie

Jie Bao: Zakim, aacc is baojie

17:03:15 <Zakim> +baojie; got it

Zakim IRC Bot: +baojie; got it

17:03:29 <MartinD> IanH: Previous minutes (http://www.w3.org/2007/OWL/meeting/2008-09-03)

Ian Horrocks: Previous minutes (http://www.w3.org/2007/OWL/meeting/2008-09-03)

17:04:04 <MartinD> PROPOSED: Accept Previous Minutes (3 September)

PROPOSED: Accept Previous Minutes (3 September)

17:04:07 <IanH> +1

Ian Horrocks: +1

17:04:12 <MartinD> +1


17:04:15 <Zhe> +1

Zhe Wu: +1

17:04:22 <uli> +1 ;)

Uli Sattler: +1 ;)

17:04:34 <MartinD> RESOLVED: Accepted Previous Minutes (3 September)

RESOLVED: Accepted Previous Minutes (3 September)

17:04:47 <MartinD> Subtopic: Pending actions

1.1. Pending actions

17:05:01 <Zakim> +Alan

Zakim IRC Bot: +Alan

17:05:09 <MartinD> IanH: usual procedure, let's see how actions were completed, people may say why not completed

Ian Horrocks: usual procedure, let's see how actions were completed, people may say why not completed

17:05:21 <MartinD> IanH: if no objections, we assume actions are done...

Ian Horrocks: if no objections, we assume actions are done...

17:05:26 <alanr> 189 not done

Alan Ruttenberg: 189 not done

17:05:31 <m_schnei> he did

Michael Schneider: he did

17:05:42 <MartinD> IanH: Action 179 seems to be complete

Ian Horrocks: ACTION-179 seems to be complete

17:05:55 <IanH> q?

Ian Horrocks: q?

17:06:15 <MartinD> Ianh: Action 172 - achille suggests next Tuesday as a day to complete the action

Ian Horrocks: ACTION-172 - achille suggests next Tuesday as a day to complete the action

17:06:24 <IanH> q?

Ian Horrocks: q?

17:06:33 <MartinD> IanH: Action 189 - Alan says this is not done

Ian Horrocks: ACTION-189 - Alan says this is not done

17:06:46 <MartinD> Alanr: action 189 should be next week

Alan Ruttenberg: ACTION-189 should be next week

17:07:01 <MartinD> IanH: Action 185 - should be done, if I remember correctly

Ian Horrocks: ACTION-185 - should be done, if I remember correctly

17:07:17 <MartinD> ...yes, it is done

...yes, it is done

17:07:28 <IanH> q?

Ian Horrocks: q?

17:07:29 <MartinD> ... Action 202 - was on Alan

... ACTION-202 - was on Alan

17:07:53 <MartinD> AlanR: still pending, will provide update in the near future

Alan Ruttenberg: still pending, will provide update in the near future

17:07:53 <m_schnei> zhe also finished

Michael Schneider: zhe also finished

17:07:58 <Zhe> yes

Zhe Wu: yes

17:08:07 <MartinD> ianH: Action 181 done by Zhe

Ian Horrocks: ACTION-181 done by Zhe

17:08:09 <MartinD> ...


17:08:16 <IanH> q?

Ian Horrocks: q?

17:08:51 <Zakim> + +1.202.408.aadd

Zakim IRC Bot: + +1.202.408.aadd

17:08:56 <MartinD> Sandro: Action 207, publication plan (as created last week) - join pub by RIF and OWL groups?

Sandro Hawke: ACTION-207, publication plan (as created last week) - join pub by RIF and OWL groups?

17:08:56 <IanH> q?

Ian Horrocks: q?

17:09:15 <MartinD> ... this action should be made a bit clearer

... this action should be made a bit clearer

17:09:57 <MartinD> IanH: last week we agreed rough plan how this publication can happen and there is an action on how this should be implemented

Ian Horrocks: last week we agreed rough plan how this publication can happen and there is an action on how this should be implemented

17:10:04 <IanH> q?

Ian Horrocks: q?

17:10:07 <msmith> sandro, the context is at http://www.w3.org/2007/OWL/meeting/2008-09-03#Pending_actions

Mike Smith: sandro, the context is at http://www.w3.org/2007/OWL/meeting/2008-09-03#Pending_actions

17:10:11 <MartinD> ... probably this week's deadline was a bit optimistic

... probably this week's deadline was a bit optimistic

17:10:46 <MartinD> Sandro: apparently, a joint recommendation is a good thing, if it can be achieved

Sandro Hawke: apparently, a joint recommendation is a good thing, if it can be achieved

17:10:49 <IanH> q?

Ian Horrocks: q?

17:11:03 <MartinD> ... there need to be two resolutions to publish (from two groups)

... there need to be two resolutions to publish (from two groups)

17:11:36 <MartinD> IanH: if Sandro is the contact on both, it might be good to watch that the process is moving ahead, a kind of monitoring

Ian Horrocks: if Sandro is the contact on both, it might be good to watch that the process is moving ahead, a kind of monitoring

17:11:51 <MartinD> ... we will fix the action text later

... we will fix the action text later

17:12:01 <IanH> q?

Ian Horrocks: q?

17:12:04 <MartinD> ... Action 174 is on Bijan

... ACTION-174 is on Bijan

17:12:06 <IanH> zakim, who is here?

Ian Horrocks: zakim, who is here?

17:12:06 <Zakim> On the phone I see MartinD (muted), Sandro, IanH, bmotik (muted), Zhe (muted), m_schnei (muted), Achille, uli (muted), bcuencagrau (muted), baojie, Alan, msmith

Zakim IRC Bot: On the phone I see MartinD (muted), Sandro, IanH, bmotik (muted), Zhe (muted), m_schnei (muted), Achille, uli (muted), bcuencagrau (muted), baojie, Alan, msmith

17:12:09 <Zakim> On IRC I see msmith, Achille, uli, Zhe, bcuencagrau, m_schnei, bmotik, IanH, RRSAgent, Zakim, MartinD, baojie, sandro, alanr, trackbot

Zakim IRC Bot: On IRC I see msmith, Achille, uli, Zhe, bcuencagrau, m_schnei, bmotik, IanH, RRSAgent, Zakim, MartinD, baojie, sandro, alanr, trackbot

17:12:21 <uli> ...i will go down the corridor and knock...

Uli Sattler: ...i will go down the corridor and knock...

17:12:34 <MartinD> ... no Bijan yet, so we need to check later what is the status of this action

... no Bijan yet, so we need to check later what is the status of this action

17:12:51 <MartinD> Subtopic: Reviewing

1.2. Reviewing

17:13:08 <MartinD> IanH: thank you to all who reviewed documents and gave feedback, good job!

Ian Horrocks: thank you to all who reviewed documents and gave feedback, good job!

17:13:24 <IanH> q?

Ian Horrocks: q?

17:13:32 <MartinD> ... one exception is the Profile - not a fault of reviewers, but there is still some discussion ongoing

... one exception is the Profile - not a fault of reviewers, but there is still some discussion ongoing

17:13:40 <MartinD> ... hope to conclude this within few days

... hope to conclude this within few days

17:14:03 <MartinD> ... according to the schedule from F2F meeting, we should publish the drafts by September 15...

... according to the schedule from F2F meeting, we should publish the drafts by September 15...

17:14:04 <m_schnei> q+

Michael Schneider: q+

17:14:06 <Zakim> +Peter_Patel-Schneider

Zakim IRC Bot: +Peter_Patel-Schneider

17:14:09 <IanH> q?

Ian Horrocks: q?

17:14:13 <m_schnei> zakim, unmute me

Michael Schneider: zakim, unmute me

17:14:13 <Zakim> m_schnei should no longer be muted

Zakim IRC Bot: m_schnei should no longer be muted

17:14:20 <MartinD> ... perhaps people working on the docs may say if this is still realistic

... perhaps people working on the docs may say if this is still realistic

17:14:21 <IanH> q?

Ian Horrocks: q?

17:14:55 <bijan> I'm nowhere near done my review, but I'm comfortable publishing without it (Syntax is a big document!)

Bijan Parsia: I'm nowhere near done my review, but I'm comfortable publishing without it (Syntax is a big document!)

17:14:55 <IanH> q?

Ian Horrocks: q?

17:15:04 <m_schnei> zakim, mute me

Michael Schneider: zakim, mute me

17:15:04 <Zakim> m_schnei should now be muted

Zakim IRC Bot: m_schnei should now be muted

17:15:05 <MartinD> m_schnei: let's wait for the next stage, in my case we will finish the review by Friday... but there will be some potential points that may need further discussion

Michael Schneider: let's wait for the next stage, in my case we will finish the review by Friday... but there will be some potential points that may need further discussion

17:15:08 <IanH> q?

Ian Horrocks: q?

17:15:17 <m_schnei> q-

Michael Schneider: q-

17:15:21 <MartinD> IanH: we can wait a few days to give people time to review things properly

Ian Horrocks: we can wait a few days to give people time to review things properly

17:15:36 <MartinD> ... any objections to delaying the publication by a few days?

... any objections to delaying the publication by a few days?

17:15:44 <IanH> q?

Ian Horrocks: q?

17:15:46 <bmotik> I'll try to handle the reviews of Syntax this weekend

Boris Motik: I'll try to handle the reviews of Syntax this weekend

17:15:58 <MartinD> ... what about syntax? do we have a doc that reflects reviews by next week

... what about syntax? do we have a doc that reflects reviews by next week

17:16:00 <pfps> it's done.

Peter Patel-Schneider: it's done.

17:16:03 <bmotik> Dnoe

Boris Motik: Dnoe

17:16:10 <MartinD> ... model theoretic semantics is done

... model theoretic semantics is done

17:16:13 <IanH> q?

Ian Horrocks: q?

17:16:17 <MartinD> ... what about RDF?

... what about RDF?

17:16:24 <pfps> essentially done, needs a little bit more work

Peter Patel-Schneider: essentially done, needs a little bit more work

17:16:38 <pfps> yes, I expect to be done later today

Peter Patel-Schneider: yes, I expect to be done later today

17:16:42 <MartinD> ... is it realistic to publish it next week?

... is it realistic to publish it next week?

17:16:42 <IanH> q?

Ian Horrocks: q?

17:17:00 <pfps> q+

Peter Patel-Schneider: q+

17:17:05 <IanH> q?

Ian Horrocks: q?

17:17:09 <IanH> ack pfps

Ian Horrocks: ack pfps

17:17:09 <MartinD> Sandro: is there some proposal in there on importing?

Sandro Hawke: is there some proposal in there on importing?

17:17:34 <sandro> that wasn't me, MartinD

Sandro Hawke: that wasn't me, MartinD

17:17:42 <Zakim> -Alan

Zakim IRC Bot: -Alan

17:17:47 <IanH> q?

Ian Horrocks: q?

17:18:02 <MartinD> IanH: we still have some open issues, there will be editorial comments that would clarify parts that can change

Ian Horrocks: we still have some open issues, there will be editorial comments that would clarify parts that can change

17:18:06 <bmotik> I think it's done

Boris Motik: I think it's done

17:18:09 <MartinD> ... xml serialization?

... xml serialization?

17:18:09 <pfps> done

Peter Patel-Schneider: done

17:18:18 <MartinD> ... review of this doc is done

... review of this doc is done

17:18:32 <pfps> q+

Peter Patel-Schneider: q+

17:18:36 <IanH> q?

Ian Horrocks: q?

17:18:38 <MartinD> ... we're in good shape, so we should be in position to vote on publication of these docs next week

... we're in good shape, so we should be in position to vote on publication of these docs next week

17:18:41 <IanH> ack pfps

Ian Horrocks: ack pfps

17:19:02 <MartinD> pfps: those people who did reviews should perhaps check that their comments are adequately reslved/addressed

Peter Patel-Schneider: those people who did reviews should perhaps check that their comments are adequately reslved/addressed

17:19:18 <IanH> q?

Ian Horrocks: q?

17:19:35 <Zakim> +Alan

Zakim IRC Bot: +Alan

17:19:39 <MartinD> IanH: typically, these reaction are happening, but reviewers should perhaps check that this is really happening

Ian Horrocks: typically, these reaction are happening, but reviewers should perhaps check that this is really happening

17:19:40 <IanH> q?

Ian Horrocks: q?

17:19:51 <IanH> q?

Ian Horrocks: q?

17:20:37 <IanH> q?

Ian Horrocks: q?

17:20:49 <MartinD> ... when editors finish updates according to the reviews, we should send a msg to WG mailing list to alert people who want to re-check...

... when editors finish updates according to the reviews, we should send a msg to WG mailing list to alert people who want to re-check...

17:20:59 <MartinD> ... so that we can hold the vote next week

... so that we can hold the vote next week

17:21:07 <IanH> q?

Ian Horrocks: q?

17:21:19 <MartinD> ... editors should let Ian know about the status

... editors should let Ian know about the status

17:21:22 <uli> yes

Uli Sattler: yes

17:21:29 <MartinD> ... all happy with doc publication

... all happy with doc publication

17:21:41 <MartinD> Subtopic: SKOS last call draft

1.3. SKOS last call draft

17:21:43 <pfps> q+

Peter Patel-Schneider: q+

17:21:48 <IanH> q?

Ian Horrocks: q?

17:21:53 <IanH> ack pfps

Ian Horrocks: ack pfps

17:21:55 <MartinD> IanH: no volunteers last week to review it, so still on agenda

Ian Horrocks: no volunteers last week to review it, so still on agenda

17:22:02 <MartinD> pfps: there is a review by me...

Peter Patel-Schneider: there is a review by me...

17:22:22 <MartinD> ... not quite sure what to do with my review, but it might act as a basis for WG review

... not quite sure what to do with my review, but it might act as a basis for WG review

17:22:25 <sandro> q+ RIF Review for  OWL 2

Sandro Hawke: q+ RIF Review for OWL 2

17:22:25 <alanr> goal would be to see what can/can't be represented in owl2

Alan Ruttenberg: goal would be to see what can/can't be represented in owl2

17:22:28 <IanH> q?

Ian Horrocks: q?

17:22:31 <sandro> q+ to ask about RIF Review for  OWL 2

Sandro Hawke: q+ to ask about RIF Review for OWL 2

17:22:32 <MartinD> ... there are more than one document

... there are more than one document

17:22:38 <IanH> q?

Ian Horrocks: q?

17:22:38 <m_schnei> AFAIK, only the SKOS reference is in Last Call

Michael Schneider: AFAIK, only the SKOS reference is in Last Call

17:22:38 <MartinD> IanH: any volunteers?

Ian Horrocks: any volunteers?

17:22:53 <IanH> q?

Ian Horrocks: q?

17:23:01 <IanH> ack sandro

Ian Horrocks: ack sandro

17:23:01 <Zakim> sandro, you wanted to ask about RIF Review for  OWL 2

Zakim IRC Bot: sandro, you wanted to ask about RIF Review for OWL 2

17:23:05 <IanH> q?

Ian Horrocks: q?

17:23:11 <m_schnei> I'm working on my own review (work in progress)

Michael Schneider: I'm working on my own review (work in progress)

17:23:30 <m_schnei> zakim, unmute me

Michael Schneider: zakim, unmute me

17:23:30 <Zakim> m_schnei should no longer be muted

Zakim IRC Bot: m_schnei should no longer be muted

17:23:30 <IanH> q?

Ian Horrocks: q?

17:23:37 <MartinD> ... can Jie perhaps check if someone from there wouldn't do it

... can Jie perhaps check if someone from there wouldn't do it

17:23:38 <IanH> q?

Ian Horrocks: q?

17:23:58 <MartinD> m_schnei: working on a review, but not sure if there should be an "OWL WG" official

Michael Schneider: working on a review, but not sure if there should be an "OWL WG" official

17:24:14 <alanr> q+

Alan Ruttenberg: q+

17:24:17 <IanH> q?

Ian Horrocks: q?

17:24:21 <IanH> ack alanr

Ian Horrocks: ack alanr

17:24:23 <MartinD> IanH: if Peter and Michael finish their reviews, we may consider them both and discuss (if needed)

Ian Horrocks: if Peter and Michael finish their reviews, we may consider them both and discuss (if needed)

17:24:48 <MartinD> Alan: what aspects are you focusing on? e.g. to what extent SKOS relates to OWL profile(s)

Alan Ruttenberg: what aspects are you focusing on? e.g. to what extent SKOS relates to OWL profile(s)

17:25:00 <MartinD> pfps: this has been partly done, details to follow later

Peter Patel-Schneider: this has been partly done, details to follow later

17:25:18 <MartinD> m_schnei: i'm interrested in RDF semantics and those factors

Michael Schneider: i'm interrested in RDF semantics and those factors

17:25:30 <IanH> q?

Ian Horrocks: q?

17:25:47 <m_schnei> zakim, mute me

Michael Schneider: zakim, mute me

17:25:47 <Zakim> m_schnei should now be muted

Zakim IRC Bot: m_schnei should now be muted

17:25:49 <MartinD> Alan: if you are willing to contribute your reviews, we can see if we agree on a common statement/review

Alan Ruttenberg: if you are willing to contribute your reviews, we can see if we agree on a common statement/review

17:26:03 <MartinD> IanH: let's see what comes from Peter and Michael

Ian Horrocks: let's see what comes from Peter and Michael

17:26:10 <MartinD> Subtopic: F2F meeting

1.4. F2F meeting

17:26:23 <MartinD> IanH: indicate your status on the page on the wiki

Ian Horrocks: indicate your status on the page on the wiki

17:26:37 <IanH> q?

Ian Horrocks: q?

17:26:40 <MartinD> ... http://www.w3.org/2007/OWL/wiki/F2F4

... http://www.w3.org/2007/OWL/wiki/F2F4

17:26:54 <MartinD> Sandro: suggestion for agenda amendment

Sandro Hawke: suggestion for agenda amendment

17:27:16 <pfps> actually, I helped write it, so I"m not sure that I *reviewed* it

Peter Patel-Schneider: actually, I helped write it, so I"m not sure that I *reviewed* it

17:27:38 <MartinD> ... RIF doc review was done mostly with OWL 1 focus, maybe there can be a check on whether OWL WG is still happy with it

... RIF doc review was done mostly with OWL 1 focus, maybe there can be a check on whether OWL WG is still happy with it

17:27:41 <IanH> q?

Ian Horrocks: q?

17:27:49 <pfps> at first blush, I can't think of any changes required (but don't let me bias the review)  :-)

Peter Patel-Schneider: at first blush, I can't think of any changes required (but don't let me bias the review) :-)

17:27:50 <MartinD> ... someone other than Peter who helped writing it

... someone other than Peter who helped writing it

17:28:09 <sandro> http://www.w3.org/TR/rif-rdf-owl/

Sandro Hawke: http://www.w3.org/TR/rif-rdf-owl/

17:28:14 <IanH> q?

Ian Horrocks: q?

17:28:29 <MartinD> are there timelines?

are there timelines?

17:28:46 <IanH> q?

Ian Horrocks: q?

17:29:02 <MartinD> Sandro: it's about next few days, so it may be a bit tough to do it within deadlines

Sandro Hawke: it's about next few days, so it may be a bit tough to do it within deadlines

17:29:24 <MartinD> IanH: not many people volunteering, perhaps we need an email to reach to other people

Ian Horrocks: not many people volunteering, perhaps we need an email to reach to other people

17:29:45 <MartinD> ... admin concluded

... admin concluded

17:29:49 <MartinD> Topic: Issues

2. Issues

17:29:58 <MartinD> IanH: two resolution proposals

Ian Horrocks: two resolution proposals

17:30:01 <IanH> q?

Ian Horrocks: q?

17:30:09 <msmith> q+

Mike Smith: q+

17:30:12 <MartinD> ... issue 133 on DL-Lite profile

... ISSUE-133 on DL-Lite profile

17:30:25 <IanH> zakim, who is on the call?

Ian Horrocks: zakim, who is on the call?

17:30:25 <Zakim> On the phone I see MartinD (muted), Sandro, IanH, bmotik (muted), Zhe (muted), m_schnei (muted), Achille, uli (muted), bcuencagrau (muted), baojie, msmith, Peter_Patel-Schneider,

Zakim IRC Bot: On the phone I see MartinD (muted), Sandro, IanH, bmotik (muted), Zhe (muted), m_schnei (muted), Achille, uli (muted), bcuencagrau (muted), baojie, msmith, Peter_Patel-Schneider,

17:30:28 <Zakim> ... Alan

Zakim IRC Bot: ... Alan

17:30:39 <IanH> q?

Ian Horrocks: q?

17:30:43 <IanH> ack msmith

Ian Horrocks: ack msmith

17:30:46 <MartinD> msmith: the proposal is to move functional property and ... axioms  from the profile...

Mike Smith: the proposal is to move functional property and ... axioms from the profile...

17:31:09 <MartinD> ... there should be a core DL-Lite that does not have all those extensions

... there should be a core DL-Lite that does not have all those extensions

17:31:15 <bcuencagrau> +q

Bernardo Cuenca Grau: +q

17:31:31 <MartinD> IanH: there might be some text in the profile doc mentioning about these exceptions?

Ian Horrocks: there might be some text in the profile doc mentioning about these exceptions?

17:31:34 <IanH> q?

Ian Horrocks: q?

17:31:44 <bcuencagrau> Zakim, unmute me

Bernardo Cuenca Grau: Zakim, unmute me

17:31:44 <Zakim> bcuencagrau should no longer be muted

Zakim IRC Bot: bcuencagrau should no longer be muted

17:31:47 <MartinD> msmith: yes, this should happen and diego was also happy

Mike Smith: yes, this should happen and diego was also happy

17:31:51 <IanH> ack bcuencagrau

Ian Horrocks: ack bcuencagrau

17:32:00 <MartinD> bcuencagrau: unclear what was proposed...

Bernardo Cuenca Grau: unclear what was proposed...

17:32:23 <IanH> q?

Ian Horrocks: q?

17:32:27 <MartinD> ... do we have DL-Lite and then concerning assertions will we still have sameAs and differentFrom?

... do we have DL-Lite and then concerning assertions will we still have sameAs and differentFrom?

17:32:51 <MartinD> msmith: differentFrom is acceptable, sameAs probably not

Mike Smith: differentFrom is acceptable, sameAs probably not

17:33:02 <IanH> q?

Ian Horrocks: q?

17:33:21 <MartinD> bcuencagrau: we have basic features in the profile

Bernardo Cuenca Grau: we have basic features in the profile

17:33:29 <uli> "the intersection" of the choices is how i see it

Uli Sattler: "the intersection" of the choices is how i see it

17:33:34 <IanH> q?

Ian Horrocks: q?

17:33:52 <MartinD> ... there are only axioms, no unique axioms?

... there are only axioms, no unique axioms?

17:34:14 <bcuencagrau> Zakim, mute me

Bernardo Cuenca Grau: Zakim, mute me

17:34:14 <Zakim> bcuencagrau should now be muted

Zakim IRC Bot: bcuencagrau should now be muted

17:34:17 <IanH> q?

Ian Horrocks: q?

17:34:18 <MartinD> ... what we have in the doc has been proposed a fe months ago

... what we have in the doc has been proposed a fe months ago

17:34:28 <uli> looks good to me

Uli Sattler: looks good to me

17:34:42 <bcuencagrau> I am fine with it too

Bernardo Cuenca Grau: I am fine with it too

17:34:48 <MartinD> IanH: given there were no objetions in email, we propose to resolve it

Ian Horrocks: given there were no objetions in email, we propose to resolve it

17:35:01 <MartinD> PROPOSED: Resolve Issue 133 (DL-Lite Profile modified to include UNA) per Mike's email

PROPOSED: Resolve ISSUE-133 (DL-Lite Profile modified to include UNA) per Mike's email

17:35:04 <pfps> +1

Peter Patel-Schneider: +1

17:35:07 <bcuencagrau> +1

Bernardo Cuenca Grau: +1

17:35:07 <msmith> +1

Mike Smith: +1

17:35:08 <IanH> +1

Ian Horrocks: +1

17:35:10 <bmotik> +1

Boris Motik: +1

17:35:13 <MartinD> +1


17:35:14 <Zhe> +1

Zhe Wu: +1

17:35:17 <m_schnei> +1

Michael Schneider: +1

17:35:22 <IanH> Mike's email = http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-owl-wg/2008Sep/0017.html

Ian Horrocks: Mike's email = http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-owl-wg/2008Sep/0017.html

17:35:35 <uli> +1

Uli Sattler: +1

17:35:46 <MartinD> RESOLVED:  Issue 133 (DL-Lite Profile modified to include UNA) per Mike's email (http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-owl-wg/2008Sep/0017.html)

RESOLVED: ISSUE-133 (DL-Lite Profile modified to include UNA) per Mike's email (http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-owl-wg/2008Sep/0017.html)

17:36:03 <MartinD> Subtopic: Issue 119 (OWL 2 Full may become inconsistent due to self restrictions)

2.1. ISSUE-119 (OWL 2 Full may become inconsistent due to self restrictions)

17:36:04 <bcuencagrau> Zakim, mute me

Bernardo Cuenca Grau: Zakim, mute me

17:36:04 <Zakim> bcuencagrau was already muted, bcuencagrau

Zakim IRC Bot: bcuencagrau was already muted, bcuencagrau

17:36:11 <IanH> q?

Ian Horrocks: q?

17:36:17 <MartinD> IanH: this seems to be resolved by RDF semantics

Ian Horrocks: this seems to be resolved by RDF semantics

17:36:34 <MartinD> ... due to self-restriction this could have been a problem, but it was resolved by Mike

... due to self-restriction this could have been a problem, but it was resolved by Mike

17:36:39 <MartinD> ... not really controversial

... not really controversial

17:36:42 <IanH> q?

Ian Horrocks: q?

17:36:58 <MartinD> PROPOSED: Resolve  Issue 119 (OWL 2 Full may become inconsistent due to self restrictions) per Ian's email

PROPOSED: Resolve ISSUE-119 (OWL 2 Full may become inconsistent due to self restrictions) per Ian's email

17:37:03 <m_schnei> +1

Michael Schneider: +1

17:37:06 <IanH> +1

Ian Horrocks: +1

17:37:09 <bcuencagrau> +1

Bernardo Cuenca Grau: +1

17:37:09 <uli> +1

Uli Sattler: +1

17:37:10 <msmith> +1

Mike Smith: +1

17:37:12 <Achille> +1

Achille Fokoue: +1

17:37:14 <MartinD> Ian's email = http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-owl-wg/2008Sep/0033.html

Ian's email = http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-owl-wg/2008Sep/0033.html

17:37:17 <MartinD> +1


17:37:18 <pfps> +1

Peter Patel-Schneider: +1

17:37:25 <bmotik> +1

Boris Motik: +1

17:37:29 <baojie> +1

Jie Bao: +1

17:37:36 <Zhe> +1

Zhe Wu: +1

17:37:45 <MartinD> RESOLVED: Issue 119 (OWL 2 Full may become inconsistent due to self restrictions) per Ian's email (http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-owl-wg/2008Sep/0033.html)

RESOLVED: ISSUE-119 (OWL 2 Full may become inconsistent due to self restrictions) per Ian's email (http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-owl-wg/2008Sep/0033.html)

17:38:18 <MartinD> Subtopic: Issue 130 (Conformance, warnings, errors)

2.2. ISSUE-130 (Conformance, warnings, errors)

17:38:31 <MartinD> IanH: this has been discussed last week, a few emails...

Ian Horrocks: this has been discussed last week, a few emails...

17:38:35 <sandro> q+

Sandro Hawke: q+

17:38:36 <IanH> q?

Ian Horrocks: q?

17:38:43 <IanH> ack sandro

Ian Horrocks: ack sandro

17:38:43 <MartinD> ... spend a few minutes to get a resolution?

... spend a few minutes to get a resolution?

17:38:54 <MartinD> Sandro: we exchanged some emails and mostly we're happy

Sandro Hawke: we exchanged some emails and mostly we're happy

17:39:09 <IanH> q?

Ian Horrocks: q?

17:39:10 <MartinD> ... there was a proposal to amend some text, I liked it

... there was a proposal to amend some text, I liked it

17:39:29 <MartinD> IanH: shall be make a change agreed in the email?

Ian Horrocks: shall be make a change agreed in the email?

17:39:32 <Zhe> q+

Zhe Wu: q+

17:39:33 <pfps> make change and produce a proposal

Peter Patel-Schneider: make change and produce a proposal

17:39:39 <IanH> q?

Ian Horrocks: q?

17:39:41 <Zhe> zakim, unmute me

Zhe Wu: zakim, unmute me

17:39:41 <Zakim> Zhe should no longer be muted

Zakim IRC Bot: Zhe should no longer be muted

17:39:43 <MartinD> ... ok, let's assume we go for the change

... ok, let's assume we go for the change

17:39:52 <IanH> ack Zhe

Ian Horrocks: ack Zhe

17:39:54 <alanr> pointer

Alan Ruttenberg: pointer

17:40:10 <alanr> q+

Alan Ruttenberg: q+

17:40:19 <sandro> http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-owl-wg/2008Sep/0029.html

Sandro Hawke: http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-owl-wg/2008Sep/0029.html

17:40:22 <IanH> q?

Ian Horrocks: q?

17:40:31 <sandro> the text starting "An OWL 2 RL...."

Sandro Hawke: the text starting "An OWL 2 RL...."

17:40:33 <MartinD> IanH: I will update the conformance document with the modified text and I will send an email how was this implemented, so that people can comment

Ian Horrocks: I will update the conformance document with the modified text and I will send an email how was this implemented, so that people can comment

17:40:56 <IanH> q?

Ian Horrocks: q?

17:40:59 <IanH> ack alanr

Ian Horrocks: ack alanr

17:41:02 <IanH> q?

Ian Horrocks: q?

17:41:05 <MartinD> ... proposals from the author re words like could, should,... will be made into the text too

... proposals from the author re words like could, should,... will be made into the text too

17:41:19 <sandro>        Unknown, Reason=

Sandro Hawke: Unknown, Reason=

17:41:19 <sandro>        - Resource Limits Reached

Sandro Hawke: - Resource Limits Reached

17:41:19 <sandro>        - Finished Incomplete Algorithm

Sandro Hawke: - Finished Incomplete Algorithm

17:41:19 <sandro>        - Unexpected Error

Sandro Hawke: - Unexpected Error

17:41:26 <MartinD> Alan: yesterday we discussed with Sandro - there are two meanings of "unknown"

Alan Ruttenberg: yesterday we discussed with Sandro - there are two meanings of "unknown"

17:41:37 <MartinD> ... unable to complete, e.g. due to resource limitations

... unable to complete, e.g. due to resource limitations

17:41:50 <IanH> q?

Ian Horrocks: q?

17:41:58 <MartinD> ... another is due to finished but not guaranteed entailment alg.

... another is due to finished but not guaranteed entailment alg.

17:42:22 <IanH> q?

Ian Horrocks: q?

17:42:27 <MartinD> ... then, if the answer doesn't make sense... we may not have a terminating message

... then, if the answer doesn't make sense... we may not have a terminating message

17:42:36 <sandro> q+ is this a test case question or an API question?

Sandro Hawke: q+ is this a test case question or an API question?

17:42:40 <IanH> q?

Ian Horrocks: q?

17:42:45 <sandro> q+ to ask is this a test case question or an API question?

Sandro Hawke: q+ to ask is this a test case question or an API question?

17:42:56 <MartinD> ... a proposal for something that would make clear that alg. ran out of resources vs. not knowing the answer

... a proposal for something that would make clear that alg. ran out of resources vs. not knowing the answer

17:43:09 <m_schnei> "Out of Resource" sounds pretty technical for a formal spec

Michael Schneider: "Out of Resource" sounds pretty technical for a formal spec

17:43:16 <IanH> q?

Ian Horrocks: q?

17:43:21 <IanH> ack sandro

Ian Horrocks: ack sandro

17:43:21 <Zakim> sandro, you wanted to ask is this a test case question or an API question?

Zakim IRC Bot: sandro, you wanted to ask is this a test case question or an API question?

17:43:23 <MartinD> ... even if these messages are present in OWL 1, there is no reason why to keep previous language

... even if these messages are present in OWL 1, there is no reason why to keep previous language

17:43:37 <MartinD> Sandro: I pasted the three meanings of "unknown" above

Sandro Hawke: I pasted the three meanings of "unknown" above

17:44:05 <MartinD> ... not sure how useful this is; it can help in test cases, but not sure how valuable this would be in API

... not sure how useful this is; it can help in test cases, but not sure how valuable this would be in API

17:44:05 <m_schnei> {True, False, Unknown} is better than {True,False} in Prolog

Michael Schneider: {True, False, Unknown} is better than {True,False} in Prolog

17:44:27 <sandro> I DONT think it helps in the test cases.

Sandro Hawke: I DONT think it helps in the test cases.

17:44:29 <IanH> q?

Ian Horrocks: q?

17:44:38 <alanr> q+

Alan Ruttenberg: q+

17:44:39 <MartinD> IanH: one can perhaps distinguish even more cases to complement values of true and false

Ian Horrocks: one can perhaps distinguish even more cases to complement values of true and false

17:44:41 <IanH> q?

Ian Horrocks: q?

17:44:46 <IanH> ack alanr

Ian Horrocks: ack alanr

17:44:50 <MartinD> ... any opinions from implementers

... any opinions from implementers

17:45:30 <IanH> q?

Ian Horrocks: q?

17:45:35 <MartinD> ... one case where it makes sense is when the check hasn't been done, so it maybe undesirable to return unknow

... one case where it makes sense is when the check hasn't been done, so it maybe undesirable to return unknow

17:45:49 <sandro> "Completed-Unknown"

Sandro Hawke: "Completed-Unknown"

17:45:54 <IanH> q?

Ian Horrocks: q?

17:46:21 <IanH> q?

Ian Horrocks: q?

17:46:22 <m_schnei> q+

Michael Schneider: q+

17:46:25 <sandro> Ian: {True, False, UnexpectedError, CompletedComputationButNoAnswer }

Ian Horrocks: {True, False, UnexpectedError, CompletedComputationButNoAnswer } [ Scribe Assist by Sandro Hawke ]

17:46:26 <m_schnei> zakim, unmute me

Michael Schneider: zakim, unmute me

17:46:26 <Zakim> m_schnei should no longer be muted

Zakim IRC Bot: m_schnei should no longer be muted

17:46:27 <IanH> q?

Ian Horrocks: q?

17:46:28 <pfps> =0

Peter Patel-Schneider: =0

17:46:32 <sandro> +1 four cases for OWL RL

Sandro Hawke: +1 four cases for OWL RL

17:46:36 <pfps> +0

Peter Patel-Schneider: +0

17:47:03 <MartinD> m_schnei: one can put comments re conformance, e.g. for OWL Full it cannot be avoided that "unknown" will come out

Michael Schneider: one can put comments re conformance, e.g. for OWL Full it cannot be avoided that "unknown" will come out

17:47:11 <IanH> q?

Ian Horrocks: q?

17:47:21 <m_schnei> zakim, mute me

Michael Schneider: zakim, mute me

17:47:21 <Zakim> m_schnei should now be muted

Zakim IRC Bot: m_schnei should now be muted

17:47:33 <uli> perhaps we can see the different alternatives in writing?

Uli Sattler: perhaps we can see the different alternatives in writing?

17:47:39 <Zhe> +1 to Ian

Zhe Wu: +1 to Ian

17:47:44 <IanH> ack m_schnei

Ian Horrocks: ack m_schnei

17:47:47 <MartinD> IanH: I will have another pass on the doc and see if people like it

Ian Horrocks: I will have another pass on the doc and see if people like it

17:47:49 <IanH> q?

Ian Horrocks: q?

17:48:22 <MartinD> Sandro: we should say that in general, one should not be returning "unknown", which may pose a conflict with an OWL test case?

Sandro Hawke: we should say that in general, one should not be returning "unknown", which may pose a conflict with an OWL test case?

17:48:35 <MartinD> ... what about query answering issues?

... what about query answering issues?

17:49:10 <IanH> q?

Ian Horrocks: q?

17:49:25 <MartinD> IanH: we can mention something like XML query answering and show how these entailment checks would impact on QA... rather than having a complete new sections on QA

Ian Horrocks: we can mention something like XML query answering and show how these entailment checks would impact on QA... rather than having a complete new sections on QA

17:49:40 <MartinD> Subtopic: Issue 144 (Missing base triple in serialization of axioms with annotations)

2.3. ISSUE-144 (Missing base triple in serialization of axioms with annotations)

17:49:41 <IanH> q?

Ian Horrocks: q?

17:49:48 <Zhe> q+

Zhe Wu: q+

17:49:53 <sandro>  SCRIBE-CORRECTION: No, what I said was that there is nothing wrong with returning "unknown" in OWL RL.

Sandro Hawke: SCRIBE-CORRECTION: No, what I said was that there is nothing wrong with returning "unknown" in OWL RL.

17:49:55 <IanH> q?

Ian Horrocks: q?

17:49:58 <IanH> ack Zhe

Ian Horrocks: ack Zhe

17:50:05 <alanr> also note: http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-owl-comments/2008Jul/0002.html

Alan Ruttenberg: also note: http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-owl-comments/2008Jul/0002.html

17:50:12 <MartinD> Zhe: we discussed this in the WG before...

Zhe Wu: we discussed this in the WG before...

17:50:32 <MartinD> ... if we don't include the base triple we may put unnecessary burden on implementations

... if we don't include the base triple we may put unnecessary burden on implementations

17:50:33 <IanH> q?

Ian Horrocks: q?

17:50:33 <bmotik> q+

Boris Motik: q+

17:50:35 <m_schnei> q+

Michael Schneider: q+

17:50:39 <pfps> q+

Peter Patel-Schneider: q+

17:50:42 <bmotik> Zakim, unmute me

Boris Motik: Zakim, unmute me

17:50:42 <Zakim> bmotik should no longer be muted

Zakim IRC Bot: bmotik should no longer be muted

17:50:48 <MartinD> ... we are suggesting to simply including it, which makes life easier

... we are suggesting to simply including it, which makes life easier

17:50:50 <IanH> q?

Ian Horrocks: q?

17:50:54 <IanH> ack bmotik

Ian Horrocks: ack bmotik

17:50:55 <alanr> q+

Alan Ruttenberg: q+

17:51:20 <MartinD> Boris: seems like reasonable thing to do but the problem is that an axiom is not represented as one thing vs. two things

Boris Motik: seems like reasonable thing to do but the problem is that an axiom is not represented as one thing vs. two things

17:51:39 <MartinD> ... what if you find both - base axiom and the reified one... then what?

... what if you find both - base axiom and the reified one... then what?

17:52:00 <MartinD> ... we may decide e.g. on forgeting the base one if reified axiom is found

... we may decide e.g. on forgeting the base one if reified axiom is found

17:52:06 <IanH> q?

Ian Horrocks: q?

17:52:08 <MartinD> ... this may cause some mapping issues

... this may cause some mapping issues

17:52:35 <MartinD> ... then there is another issue = including the triple does not tell you what to do with it or if it is not find

... then there is another issue = including the triple does not tell you what to do with it or if it is not find

17:53:00 <MartinD> ... something along lines "from reified triple define the original"

... something along lines "from reified triple define the original"

17:53:05 <IanH> q?

Ian Horrocks: q?

17:53:11 <m_schnei> zakim, unmute me

Michael Schneider: zakim, unmute me

17:53:11 <Zakim> m_schnei was not muted, m_schnei

Zakim IRC Bot: m_schnei was not muted, m_schnei

17:53:23 <MartinD> ... should we start adding original triples if we find a reified one

... should we start adding original triples if we find a reified one

17:53:39 <bcuencagrau> Zakim, mute me

Bernardo Cuenca Grau: Zakim, mute me

17:53:39 <Zakim> bcuencagrau was already muted, bcuencagrau

Zakim IRC Bot: bcuencagrau was already muted, bcuencagrau

17:53:48 <MartinD> ... finally, I don't think this will occur often enough, so that it can cause problems with efficiency

... finally, I don't think this will occur often enough, so that it can cause problems with efficiency

17:53:54 <IanH> q?

Ian Horrocks: q?

17:54:09 <IanH> ack m_schnei

Ian Horrocks: ack m_schnei

17:54:25 <MartinD> m_schnei: without the triples it seems more stable?

Michael Schneider: without the triples it seems more stable?

17:54:39 <pfps> Boris has made my points

Peter Patel-Schneider: Boris has made my points

17:54:41 <pfps> q-

Peter Patel-Schneider: q-

17:54:52 <MartinD> ... would current RDF serializations...

... would current RDF serializations...

17:55:31 <MartinD> ... if it is not always avoidable to have triple in (if you want to annotate the triple without having access to the orig. ontology), would you define new ontology?

... if it is not always avoidable to have triple in (if you want to annotate the triple without having access to the orig. ontology), would you define new ontology?

17:55:33 <IanH> q?

Ian Horrocks: q?

17:55:47 <MartinD> ... there might arise problems with axiom closure

... there might arise problems with axiom closure

17:55:58 <MartinD> ... I would not be in favour, not necessary IMHO

... I would not be in favour, not necessary IMHO

17:56:07 <IanH> q?

Ian Horrocks: q?

17:56:17 <m_schnei> zakim, unmute me

Michael Schneider: zakim, unmute me

17:56:17 <Zakim> m_schnei was not muted, m_schnei

Zakim IRC Bot: m_schnei was not muted, m_schnei

17:56:22 <bmotik> q+

Boris Motik: q+

17:56:39 <MartinD> Alan: what about missing base triple -- there is a syntax for it, so no major issue

Alan Ruttenberg: what about missing base triple -- there is a syntax for it, so no major issue

17:57:08 <IanH> q?

Ian Horrocks: q?

17:57:12 <pfps> q+

Peter Patel-Schneider: q+

17:57:13 <MartinD> ... regarding michael's comment, not sure this would be a really problem, perhaps only in some profiles?

... regarding michael's comment, not sure this would be a really problem, perhaps only in some profiles?

17:57:18 <IanH> ack alanr

Ian Horrocks: ack alanr

17:57:18 <m_schnei> of course, you can have two ontology files, one having the spo, the other having the reification, and then having the second import the first

Michael Schneider: of course, you can have two ontology files, one having the spo, the other having the reification, and then having the second import the first

17:57:20 <Zhe> q+

Zhe Wu: q+

17:57:23 <pfps> q+ to ask why Alan's example is monotonic

Peter Patel-Schneider: q+ to ask why Alan's example is monotonic

17:57:31 <pfps> s/monotonic/nonmonotonic/

Peter Patel-Schneider: s/monotonic/nonmonotonic/

17:57:33 <MartinD> ... issues are not really with performance, more about monotonicity...

... issues are not really with performance, more about monotonicity...

17:57:41 <IanH> ack bmotik

Ian Horrocks: ack bmotik

17:58:00 <msmith> q+

Mike Smith: q+

17:58:27 <alanr> last statement re OWL RL seems wrong. OWL RL has specific syntax.

Alan Ruttenberg: last statement re OWL RL seems wrong. OWL RL has specific syntax.

17:58:31 <MartinD> Boris: if triple is not there, one can reverse-parse it... but what would OWL-RL parser do with this... if you have RDF graph without this triple, you are missing on some inferences

Boris Motik: if triple is not there, one can reverse-parse it... but what would OWL-RL parser do with this... if you have RDF graph without this triple, you are missing on some inferences

17:58:43 <alanr> conformance allows OWL RL entailment checked to take and RDF

Alan Ruttenberg: conformance allows OWL RL entailment checked to take and RDF

17:58:49 <alanr> s/checked/checker/

Alan Ruttenberg: s/checked/checker/

17:58:49 <MartinD> ... there is no guarantee the triple will be included (as it should...

... there is no guarantee the triple will be included (as it should...

17:58:53 <IanH> q?

Ian Horrocks: q?

17:59:18 <m_schnei> yes, OWL Full infers the spo

Michael Schneider: yes, OWL Full infers the spo

17:59:28 <IanH> q?

Ian Horrocks: q?

17:59:33 <MartinD> ... then about monotonicity, we already have in OWL Full semantics, there is a possibility to get to non-reified version by means of reasoning...

... then about monotonicity, we already have in OWL Full semantics, there is a possibility to get to non-reified version by means of reasoning...

17:59:34 <alanr> where is there that reification implies base triple?

Alan Ruttenberg: where is there that reification implies base triple?

17:59:36 <alanr> wasn't in RDF

Alan Ruttenberg: wasn't in RDF

17:59:57 <MartinD> pfps: don't think Alan's example is non-mononotonic

Peter Patel-Schneider: don't think Alan's example is non-mononotonic

18:00:00 <IanH> q?

Ian Horrocks: q?

18:00:03 <IanH> ack pfps

Ian Horrocks: ack pfps

18:00:03 <Zakim> pfps, you wanted to ask why Alan's example is monotonic

Zakim IRC Bot: pfps, you wanted to ask why Alan's example is monotonic

18:00:06 <bmotik> q+

Boris Motik: q+

18:00:08 <IanH> ack Zhe

Ian Horrocks: ack Zhe

18:00:09 <MartinD> Zhe: still want to stress the performance issue

Zhe Wu: still want to stress the performance issue

18:00:11 <IanH> q?

Ian Horrocks: q?

18:00:23 <MartinD> ... if an application wants to use this type of annotation

... if an application wants to use this type of annotation

18:00:49 <MartinD> ... you can imagine this is an additional burden to keep checking on info on every single triple

... you can imagine this is an additional burden to keep checking on info on every single triple

18:00:51 <pfps> q+ to do a back-of-the-envelope calculation of the relative costs

Peter Patel-Schneider: q+ to do a back-of-the-envelope calculation of the relative costs

18:01:19 <MartinD> ... if base triple is out, it's possible, it's not efficient... if there is a mix of annotated and non-annotated axioms, what should we do?

... if base triple is out, it's possible, it's not efficient... if there is a mix of annotated and non-annotated axioms, what should we do?

18:01:20 <uli> Zhe, perhaps this can be overcome by some clever data structures?

Uli Sattler: Zhe, perhaps this can be overcome by some clever data structures?

18:01:26 <IanH> q?

Ian Horrocks: q?

18:01:37 <MartinD> ... should we accept axiom with annotation and forget the ones without annotation?

... should we accept axiom with annotation and forget the ones without annotation?

18:01:50 <IanH> q?

Ian Horrocks: q?

18:01:57 <IanH> ack msmith

Ian Horrocks: ack msmith

18:02:05 <MartinD> msmith: axiom with and without annotation are structurally different

Mike Smith: axiom with and without annotation are structurally different

18:02:12 <bmotik> +1 to msmith

Boris Motik: +1 to msmith

18:02:18 <IanH> q?

Ian Horrocks: q?

18:02:22 <MartinD> ... this is already in the spect

... this is already in the spect

18:02:26 <IanH> ack bmotik

Ian Horrocks: ack bmotik

18:02:51 <MartinD> Boris: we can address the concerns with performance without altering the core

Boris Motik: we can address the concerns with performance without altering the core

18:03:27 <MartinD> ... people can produce RDF graphs... it is safer to assume that one gets RDF graph that needs checking if things are in it

... people can produce RDF graphs... it is safer to assume that one gets RDF graph that needs checking if things are in it

18:03:40 <MartinD> ... we can think about ways to handle certain common cases

... we can think about ways to handle certain common cases

18:03:42 <IanH> q?

Ian Horrocks: q?

18:04:05 <alanr>  Q: How does RDF semantics 4.18 avoid asserting positive triple for negative property assertion?

Alan Ruttenberg: Q: How does RDF semantics 4.18 avoid asserting positive triple for negative property assertion?

18:04:07 <MartinD> ... the biggest problem with reification is their occurrence in different part of file = problem for parsers that need to trace this

... the biggest problem with reification is their occurrence in different part of file = problem for parsers that need to trace this

18:04:10 <IanH> q?

Ian Horrocks: q?

18:04:31 <MartinD> ... suggestion: implementation should put reified triples together, one after another...

... suggestion: implementation should put reified triples together, one after another...

18:04:40 <alanr> we don't have control of this in the rdf world

Alan Ruttenberg: we don't have control of this in the rdf world

18:04:45 <IanH> q?

Ian Horrocks: q?

18:04:46 <MartinD> ... this would allow more efficient handling

... this would allow more efficient handling

18:05:27 <alanr> rdf pipes, etc

Alan Ruttenberg: rdf pipes, etc

18:05:31 <MartinD> ... of course, we don't have any control over this... but OWL things are written in files, so we may recommend it?

... of course, we don't have any control over this... but OWL things are written in files, so we may recommend it?

18:05:41 <IanH> q?

Ian Horrocks: q?

18:05:46 <IanH> ack pfps

Ian Horrocks: ack pfps

18:05:46 <Zakim> pfps, you wanted to do a back-of-the-envelope calculation of the relative costs

Zakim IRC Bot: pfps, you wanted to do a back-of-the-envelope calculation of the relative costs

18:05:50 <IanH> q?

Ian Horrocks: q?

18:05:57 <MartinD> Peter: there was a point about performance issue,

Peter Patel-Schneider: there was a point about performance issue,

18:06:09 <MartinD> ... reading a triple is expensive, even compared to running rules

... reading a triple is expensive, even compared to running rules

18:06:19 <IanH> q?

Ian Horrocks: q?

18:06:21 <alanr> a whole lot? 1/3 of # axioms that are annotated

Alan Ruttenberg: a whole lot? 1/3 of # axioms that are annotated

18:06:23 <alanr> http://pipes.deri.org/

Alan Ruttenberg: http://pipes.deri.org/

18:06:29 <bmotik> q+

Boris Motik: q+

18:06:40 <MartinD> ... if we had more triples, we are likely to increase the amount of I/O required

... if we had more triples, we are likely to increase the amount of I/O required

18:06:41 <IanH> q?

Ian Horrocks: q?

18:06:49 <MartinD> Zhe: maybe by 20-30%

Zhe Wu: maybe by 20-30%

18:07:15 <IanH> q?

Ian Horrocks: q?

18:07:21 <MartinD> Peter: yes, but that's quite substantial... unless we do an actual analysis, I am not prepared to support that we would save actual resources

Peter Patel-Schneider: yes, but that's quite substantial... unless we do an actual analysis, I am not prepared to support that we would save actual resources

18:08:03 <alanr> joins more expensive than io

Alan Ruttenberg: joins more expensive than io

18:08:05 <MartinD> Zhe: if annotation axioms does not include the base triple, we need to do additional joins in the tables...

Zhe Wu: if annotation axioms does not include the base triple, we need to do additional joins in the tables...

18:08:09 <m_schnei> q+

Michael Schneider: q+

18:08:38 <pfps> I'm not prepared to admit that in a decent implementation that rule processing is more exensive than adding triples

Peter Patel-Schneider: I'm not prepared to admit that in a decent implementation that rule processing is more exensive than adding triples

18:08:43 <IanH> q?

Ian Horrocks: q?

18:08:47 <MartinD> IanH: hard to establish what takes more time - loading triples into table or doing joins....

Ian Horrocks: hard to establish what takes more time - loading triples into table or doing joins....

18:09:18 <MartinD> Boris: briefly about RDF pipes... unlikely that you cannot ship related triples

Boris Motik: briefly about RDF pipes... unlikely that you cannot ship related triples

18:09:24 <IanH> q?

Ian Horrocks: q?

18:09:29 <IanH> ack bmotik

Ian Horrocks: ack bmotik

18:09:37 <alanr>  pipes: not if they go through some hash table as part of their processing

Alan Ruttenberg: pipes: not if they go through some hash table as part of their processing

18:09:46 <alanr> which is likely

Alan Ruttenberg: which is likely

18:10:17 <alanr> anyways, implementation has to handle worse case

Alan Ruttenberg: anyways, implementation has to handle worse case

18:10:22 <MartinD> ... if we are processing arbitrary RDF graph, if we have guarantees that in reasonable cases the triples would be close, one can implement a thing that would basically read X triples and replace them with the base triple (if that's needed)

... if we are processing arbitrary RDF graph, if we have guarantees that in reasonable cases the triples would be close, one can implement a thing that would basically read X triples and replace them with the base triple (if that's needed)

18:10:38 <IanH> q?

Ian Horrocks: q?

18:10:39 <Zakim> -Alan

Zakim IRC Bot: -Alan

18:10:44 <IanH> q?

Ian Horrocks: q?

18:10:56 <MartinD> .... if we make sure the triples are close to each, we can leave the spec as it is, and you have control over your implementation

.... if we make sure the triples are close to each, we can leave the spec as it is, and you have control over your implementation

18:11:22 <IanH> q?

Ian Horrocks: q?

18:11:29 <MartinD> IanH: what about doing the thing in tables, in a similar way as you said, filling table once?

Ian Horrocks: what about doing the thing in tables, in a similar way as you said, filling table once?

18:11:35 <Zakim> +Alan

Zakim IRC Bot: +Alan

18:11:55 <MartinD> Boris: true but one may actually save on filling and re-filling the table because the axiom comes later?

Boris Motik: true but one may actually save on filling and re-filling the table because the axiom comes later?

18:11:59 <IanH> q?

Ian Horrocks: q?

18:12:02 <m_schnei> zakim, unmute me

Michael Schneider: zakim, unmute me

18:12:02 <Zakim> m_schnei was not muted, m_schnei

Zakim IRC Bot: m_schnei was not muted, m_schnei

18:12:26 <MartinD> IanH: sounds interesting... appropriate to take discussion offline for the interested parties, so that they come up with a proposal to resolve this...

Ian Horrocks: sounds interesting... appropriate to take discussion offline for the interested parties, so that they come up with a proposal to resolve this...

18:12:35 <IanH> q?

Ian Horrocks: q?

18:12:37 <MartinD> ... ideally by not having to have base triples?

... ideally by not having to have base triples?

18:12:42 <IanH> ack m_schnei

Ian Horrocks: ack m_schnei

18:12:50 <MartinD> m_schnei: I/O is perhaps not interesting

Michael Schneider: I/O is perhaps not interesting

18:13:11 <IanH> q?

Ian Horrocks: q?

18:13:20 <MartinD> ... if we find the version of the triple but not the original triple... what is *wrong* with this (disregarding I/O performance)

... if we find the version of the triple but not the original triple... what is *wrong* with this (disregarding I/O performance)

18:13:37 <MartinD> IanH: there is no reverse mapping for OWL Full though

Ian Horrocks: there is no reverse mapping for OWL Full though

18:13:44 <IanH> q?

Ian Horrocks: q?

18:13:48 <MartinD> m_schnei: I mean OWL DL

Michael Schneider: I mean OWL DL

18:13:53 <IanH> q?

Ian Horrocks: q?

18:14:00 <m_schnei> q-

Michael Schneider: q-

18:14:04 <m_schnei> zakim, mute me

Michael Schneider: zakim, mute me

18:14:04 <Zakim> m_schnei should now be muted

Zakim IRC Bot: m_schnei should now be muted

18:14:14 <MartinD> IanH: but the discussion is now about OWL RL, so ... let's take this offline and see if things are resolved this way

Ian Horrocks: but the discussion is now about OWL RL, so ... let's take this offline and see if things are resolved this way

18:14:21 <MartinD> Subtopic: Issue 109 (Namespace for elements and attributes in the XML serialization)

2.4. ISSUE-109 (Namespace for elements and attributes in the XML serialization)

18:14:34 <IanH> q?

Ian Horrocks: q?

18:14:37 <MartinD> IanH: last time we were close to resolving namespaces in this issue?

Ian Horrocks: last time we were close to resolving namespaces in this issue?

18:14:49 <IanH> q?

Ian Horrocks: q?

18:14:49 <MartinD> ... no conclusions yet

... no conclusions yet

18:15:24 <alanr> :)

Alan Ruttenberg: :)

18:15:31 <MartinD> Sandro: we are waiting for getting some objective... we need to find technical differences to rule one way or another

Sandro Hawke: we are waiting for getting some objective... we need to find technical differences to rule one way or another

18:16:11 <MartinD> IanH: so at the end of discussion we will somehow need to flip the coin, unless there is an agreement between protagonists

Ian Horrocks: so at the end of discussion we will somehow need to flip the coin, unless there is an agreement between protagonists

18:16:19 <MartinD> Sandro: do we have pros and cons?

Sandro Hawke: do we have pros and cons?

18:16:28 <Zakim> +??P5

Zakim IRC Bot: +??P5

18:16:31 <IanH> q?

Ian Horrocks: q?

18:16:38 <MartinD> IanH: we looked at it from different angles and the point is in different opinions

Ian Horrocks: we looked at it from different angles and the point is in different opinions

18:17:04 <MartinD> Alan: is this an architectural issue?

Alan Ruttenberg: is this an architectural issue?

18:17:16 <bijan> I won't accept TAG arbitration

Bijan Parsia: I won't accept TAG arbitration

18:17:22 <MartinD> ... if this is on stake, why not bringing some else in?

... if this is on stake, why not bringing some else in?

18:17:25 <bijan> zakim, who is here

Bijan Parsia: zakim, who is here

18:17:25 <Zakim> bijan, you need to end that query with '?'

Zakim IRC Bot: bijan, you need to end that query with '?'

18:17:35 <bijan> zakim, who is here?

Bijan Parsia: zakim, who is here?

18:17:35 <Zakim> On the phone I see MartinD (muted), Sandro, IanH, bmotik, Zhe, m_schnei (muted), Achille, uli (muted), bcuencagrau (muted), baojie, msmith, Peter_Patel-Schneider, Alan, ??P5

Zakim IRC Bot: On the phone I see MartinD (muted), Sandro, IanH, bmotik, Zhe, m_schnei (muted), Achille, uli (muted), bcuencagrau (muted), baojie, msmith, Peter_Patel-Schneider, Alan, ??P5

18:17:38 <Zakim> On IRC I see bijan, pfps, ewallace, msmith, Achille, uli, Zhe, bcuencagrau, m_schnei, bmotik, IanH, RRSAgent, Zakim, MartinD, baojie, sandro, alanr, trackbot

Zakim IRC Bot: On IRC I see bijan, pfps, ewallace, msmith, Achille, uli, Zhe, bcuencagrau, m_schnei, bmotik, IanH, RRSAgent, Zakim, MartinD, baojie, sandro, alanr, trackbot

18:17:44 <bijan> zakim, ??p5 is me

Bijan Parsia: zakim, ??p5 is me

18:17:44 <Zakim> +bijan; got it

Zakim IRC Bot: +bijan; got it

18:17:46 <bijan> q+

Bijan Parsia: q+

18:17:51 <IanH> q?

Ian Horrocks: q?

18:18:12 <MartinD> ... is there a suggestion where we can ask for ideas? e.g. XML WG

... is there a suggestion where we can ask for ideas? e.g. XML WG

18:18:35 <IanH> I would listen to TAG opinion

Ian Horrocks: I would listen to TAG opinion

18:18:38 <MartinD> Alan: do we need more time to this? next week?

Alan Ruttenberg: do we need more time to this? next week?

18:18:54 <alanr> yes

Alan Ruttenberg: yes

18:18:58 <IanH> q?

Ian Horrocks: q?

18:19:02 <IanH> ack bijan

Ian Horrocks: ack bijan

18:19:37 <MartinD> Bijan: curious about these situations, there should be some evidence which we don't have at the moment... mere judgments are not really making much difference here

Bijan Parsia: curious about these situations, there should be some evidence which we don't have at the moment... mere judgments are not really making much difference here

18:19:53 <MartinD> IanH: in the end there will have to be a vote on this in WG

Ian Horrocks: in the end there will have to be a vote on this in WG

18:20:52 <MartinD> ... so it's really about other members of WG to make up their minds and in voting go one way or another... so far it's mainly W3C and Manchester objecting (with most being indifferent)

... so it's really about other members of WG to make up their minds and in voting go one way or another... so far it's mainly W3C and Manchester objecting (with most being indifferent)

18:20:54 <alanr> I object to that

Alan Ruttenberg: I object to that

18:21:02 <IanH> q?

Ian Horrocks: q?

18:21:07 <MartinD> ... so what about that coin idea = if no decision reached

... so what about that coin idea = if no decision reached

18:21:51 <MartinD> ... when do we expect to make this decision

... when do we expect to make this decision

18:22:04 <MartinD> Alan: why don't we see what happens next week?

Alan Ruttenberg: why don't we see what happens next week?

18:22:29 <MartinD> Bijan: the issue is that one can hardly expect to get new information to change mind

Bijan Parsia: the issue is that one can hardly expect to get new information to change mind

18:22:41 <IanH> q?

Ian Horrocks: q?

18:22:58 <MartinD> Alan: it's not about changing minds but about other people getting information to understand what's going on

Alan Ruttenberg: it's not about changing minds but about other people getting information to understand what's going on

18:23:26 <MartinD> IanH: let's wait until the next week if additional information appears, if not, just call for a vote

Ian Horrocks: let's wait until the next week if additional information appears, if not, just call for a vote

18:23:38 <IanH> q?

Ian Horrocks: q?

18:23:43 <alanr> +1

Alan Ruttenberg: +1

18:23:44 <pfps> q+

Peter Patel-Schneider: q+

18:23:46 <MartinD> Subtopic: Issue 138 (Name of dateTime datatype)

2.5. ISSUE-138 (Name of dateTime datatype)

18:23:48 <bijan> +1 to owl:datetime

Bijan Parsia: +1 to owl:datetime

18:23:51 <bmotik> Zakim, mute me

Boris Motik: Zakim, mute me

18:23:51 <Zakim> bmotik should now be muted

Zakim IRC Bot: bmotik should now be muted

18:24:15 <pfps> q?

Peter Patel-Schneider: q?

18:24:19 <IanH> q?

Ian Horrocks: q?

18:24:20 <MartinD> We are waiting for the response to Peter's email

We are waiting for the response to Peter's email

18:24:22 <IanH> ack pfps

Ian Horrocks: ack pfps

18:24:33 <MartinD> Peter: perhaps we should put this in some documents

Peter Patel-Schneider: perhaps we should put this in some documents

18:24:52 <bmotik> Yes

Boris Motik: Yes

18:24:58 <MartinD> ... not as a resolved but just to make sure it's not forgotten

... not as a resolved but just to make sure it's not forgotten

18:24:58 <IanH> q?

Ian Horrocks: q?

18:25:01 <bmotik> There is an editor's note

Boris Motik: There is an editor's note

18:25:08 <m_schnei> PFPS: owl:dateTime would be the save choice

Peter Patel-Schneider: owl:dateTime would be the save choice [ Scribe Assist by Michael Schneider ]

18:25:16 <pfps> s/save/safe/

Peter Patel-Schneider: s/save/safe/

18:25:19 <MartinD> ... this would be in syntax, Boris says it would there

... this would be in syntax, Boris says it would there

18:25:55 <MartinD> Alan: (?) what is the definition of punning at the moment?

Alan Ruttenberg: (?) what is the definition of punning at the moment?

18:25:58 <IanH> q?

Ian Horrocks: q?

18:26:10 <bijan> I think it's what peter says it was

Bijan Parsia: I think it's what peter says it was

18:26:11 <m_schnei> shouldn't there be an email discussion in the past about the "which punning" question?

Michael Schneider: shouldn't there be an email discussion in the past about the "which punning" question?

18:26:28 <MartinD> ... there are a few definitions going, so which is the one we subscribe to? to explain it to people

... there are a few definitions going, so which is the one we subscribe to? to explain it to people

18:26:40 <MartinD> IanH: other issues are probably longer to discuss

Ian Horrocks: other issues are probably longer to discuss

18:26:42 <MartinD> Topic: AOB

3. AOB

18:26:53 <MartinD> IanH: no additional items, so let's conclude

Ian Horrocks: no additional items, so let's conclude

18:26:54 <Zakim> -msmith

Zakim IRC Bot: -msmith

18:26:55 <m_schnei> bye

Michael Schneider: bye

18:26:56 <Zakim> -bmotik

Zakim IRC Bot: -bmotik

18:26:56 <uli> bye bye

Uli Sattler: bye bye

18:27:01 <Zakim> -uli

Zakim IRC Bot: -uli

18:27:01 <IanH> bye

Ian Horrocks: bye

18:27:02 <Zakim> -baojie

Zakim IRC Bot: -baojie

18:27:02 <Zakim> -Peter_Patel-Schneider

Zakim IRC Bot: -Peter_Patel-Schneider

18:27:04 <Zakim> -bijan

Zakim IRC Bot: -bijan

18:27:04 <Zakim> -Sandro

Zakim IRC Bot: -Sandro

18:27:05 <Zakim> -Achille

Zakim IRC Bot: -Achille

18:27:07 <sandro> thank, Ian  :-)

Sandro Hawke: thank, Ian :-)

18:27:08 <Zakim> -IanH

Zakim IRC Bot: -IanH

18:27:09 <Zakim> -Alan

Zakim IRC Bot: -Alan

18:27:10 <Zakim> -m_schnei

Zakim IRC Bot: -m_schnei

18:27:13 <Zakim> -bcuencagrau

Zakim IRC Bot: -bcuencagrau

18:27:25 <IanH> And thanks to you too :-)

Ian Horrocks: And thanks to you too :-)

This revision (#1) generated 2008-09-10 21:10:45 UTC by 'ihorrock2', comments: None