16:02:00 RRSAgent has joined #hcls 16:02:00 logging to http://www.w3.org/2007/12/06-hcls-irc 16:02:15 rrsagent, set log world-visible 16:04:00 jar, sorry, lost signal 16:04:08 Zakim, please dial ericP-415 16:04:08 sorry, ericP, I don't know what conference this is 16:04:16 Zakim, this is hcls 16:04:16 ok, ericP; that matches SW_HCLS()11:00AM 16:04:19 Zakim, please dial ericP-415 16:04:19 ok, ericP; the call is being made 16:04:21 +EricP 16:04:39 Zakim, who is here? 16:04:39 On the phone I see Don_Doherty, Susie, Eric_Neumann, Jonathan_Rees, EricP 16:04:42 On IRC I see RRSAgent, Zakim, eneumann, Susie, Don, jar, ericP 16:05:20 scribe: Susie 16:05:51 +Tanya_Hongsermeier 16:06:32 Tonya has joined #hcls 16:07:36 http://www.jenitennison.com/blog/node/66 16:07:48 Susie: Sad news about Chime. 16:07:48 above is the link to make donations 16:08:18 Susie: His daughters died in a fire. 16:08:52 Tonya: They are setting up 2 funds. 16:09:11 http://thekingdomkids.org/ 16:09:27 Tonya: One is for his family, and the other is to help protect other children from similar disasters. 16:10:41 Eric: Still trying to work out how best to respond. 16:10:57 EricP: We have sent flowers on behalf of HCLS. 16:11:39 EricN: This is the last call for HCLS this year and for this charter. 16:12:55 EricP: Interested to know if people would be happy to resume calls on Thursdays at 11am ET, starting 1st week of Jan. 16:13:10 EricP: This would work for Tonya & Susie. 16:13:31 EricP: Given current events it may make sense to re-charter this HCLS for another month. 16:13:47 EricP: Will ask the activity lead if this is possible. 16:14:16 EricP: Publishing deadline for this year is approx. Dec. 20. 16:14:39 + +20416aaaa 16:14:58 Tonya: Next agenda item is to review status of the notes. 16:15:39 Jonathan: URI note will require a few more iterations. 16:15:44 mscottm has joined #hcls 16:15:52 Jonathan: Am aiming for the end of the year. 16:16:09 Jonathan: Haven't received much feedback from HCLS. 16:16:20 Jonathan: Could just clean up what we have. 16:16:37 Jonathan: Then there wouldn't be more feedback from HCLS. 16:17:27 Jonathan: 2 choices. 1 proceed as we get and get an editors draft on the site in Jan or Feb. Option 2 - I person acts as a gatekeeper for everything. 16:18:07 Susie: Won't we need to go through a editors draft and a working group step? 16:18:23 EricP: Not necessary for IGs. 16:18:39 EricP: There isn't anything that stands in our way. 16:20:17 Susie: SWEO is putting the Cool URI doc through the WG process. Should we do the same for the HCLS URI note? 16:20:27 -EricP 16:20:38 Zakim, please dial ericP-415 16:20:38 ok, ericP; the call is being made 16:20:40 +EricP 16:21:01 EricN: The SWEO doc is promoting URIs. The HCLS note is different. 16:21:32 EricN: Jonathan identify straightforward situations for minting URIs? 16:22:08 Jonathan: Thought a huge issue was thinking about working with non-information resources. 16:22:36 EricN: What extra stuff do they get from Jonathan;s document over SWEO's doc. 16:22:48 Joanthan: Primarily whether they are meaningful and persist. 16:23:12 Jonathan: Doesn't think the big divide is between information resources anf non-information resources. 16:24:28 Jonathan: Maybe we don't want to publish by the end of the year. 16:27:01 EricP: Wasn't aware IGs could follow the WG process. 16:27:15 EricP: Will find out about it. 16:27:23 +George 16:27:30 EricP: Would like to push on us to finish the doc as soon as possible. 16:27:46 EricP: Why don't we have more HCLS calls this year? 16:27:58 Tonya: Lots of people on vacation, etc. 16:28:15 EricP: Maybe a small group could keep going to discuss notes. 16:28:34 sudha has joined #hcls 16:28:49 Susie: BioRDF could cover publication of docs? 16:29:09 EricP: Delay URI until Jan., and BioRDF to lead on other docs for this year? 16:29:15 Tonya: OK 16:29:20 EricN: OK 16:30:14 Jonathan: Would like comments on doc. 16:30:41 Susie: Then makes sense to delay URI doc until Jan, and get other less controversal docs out this year. 16:30:45 Tonya: Agree. 16:31:20 Scott: The URI doc is an application of the Cool URI doc. 16:32:06 Susie: Cool URI doc mirrors TAGS thinking. HCLS URI doc could challenge the TAG. 16:33:12 Jonathan: Fine with Scott's comment, but not sure what it implies. 16:33:45 Scott: How to make statement about something in a tar ball in a database. 16:34:08 Scott: Answering questions like that distinguishes the HCLS URI note from the Cool URI note. 16:34:32 Scott: This helps to ground URI concepts in a use case. 16:35:16 Susie: Scott is taking the lead on the HCLS KB note. 16:35:25 Scott: I'll give an upate on Monday. 16:35:41 Scott: I'd like input as to what questions people would like answered. 16:36:09 Scott: Problem description, how people could go about duplicating the effort. 16:36:19 -Eric_Neumann 16:37:15 ericN? 16:37:17 +Eric_Neumann 16:38:03 Susie: Matthias is taking the lead on the senselab conversion 16:38:22 EricN: No update on the DSE note, as no feedback from others. 16:38:30 EricN: It is ready to publish. 16:38:39 Tonya has joined #hcls 16:39:57 http://www.w3.org/2001/sw/hcls/Note_DSE_20071108.html 16:41:43 Next HCLS call on Jan. 10 at 11am ET. 16:41:55 Regrets: Vipul 16:43:11 Tonya: Blessed holiday season and a happy new year. 16:43:29 -George 16:43:31 -Jonathan_Rees 16:43:32 -Don_Doherty 16:43:33 -Susie 16:43:34 -Tanya_Hongsermeier 16:43:36 - +20416aaaa 16:43:37 -Eric_Neumann 16:43:52 zakim, draft minutes 16:43:52 I don't understand 'draft minutes', eneumann 16:44:20 rrsagent, draft minutes 16:44:20 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2007/12/06-hcls-minutes.html eneumann 16:44:21 rrsagent, draft minutes 16:44:21 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2007/12/06-hcls-minutes.html Susie 16:44:38 rrsagent, bye 16:44:38 I see no action items