15:59:40 RRSAgent has joined #swd 15:59:40 logging to http://www.w3.org/2007/12/04-swd-irc 15:59:44 Zakim has joined #swd 16:00:02 Simone has joined #swd 16:00:42 edsu has joined #swd 16:01:58 zakim, this is swd 16:01:58 ok, Ralph; that matches SW_SWD()11:00AM 16:02:05 zakim, who's on the call? 16:02:05 On the phone I see Elisa_Kendall, [LC] 16:02:28 +Rodrigo 16:02:34 Ralph: you on the phone? 16:02:36 + +43.123.6aaaa 16:02:37 +Ralph 16:02:43 Zakim, Rodrigo is me 16:02:43 sorry, berrueta, I do not recognize a party named 'Rodrigo' 16:02:53 Clay has joined #swd 16:02:54 zakim, [lc] is Ed 16:02:54 +Ed; got it 16:02:56 cgi-irc has joined #swd 16:03:01 +Antoine_Isaac 16:03:10 Meeting: SemWeb Deployment WG 16:03:17 JonP has joined #swd 16:03:21 zakim, aaaa is Guus 16:03:21 +Guus; got it 16:03:22 Zakim, Rodrigo is me 16:03:22 sorry, berrueta, I do not recognize a party named 'Rodrigo' 16:03:24 +[LC] 16:03:28 aliman has joined #swd 16:03:28 zakim, LC is Clay 16:03:28 +Clay; got it 16:03:35 +??P25 16:03:55 zakim, ??p25 is Alistair 16:03:55 +Alistair; got it 16:03:56 + +012242aabb 16:04:10 zakim, aabb is Quentin 16:04:10 +Quentin; got it 16:04:23 zakim, ctic is Diego 16:04:23 +Diego; got it 16:04:43 -Guus 16:04:54 +Jon_Phipps 16:04:58 Agenda: http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-swd-wg/2007Dec/0003.html 16:05:13 -> http://www.w3.org/2007/11/27-swd-minutes.html previous 2007-11-27 16:05:37 zakim, Jon_Phipps is me 16:05:37 +JonP; got it 16:05:39 Chair: Guus 16:05:48 Scribe: Elisa 16:06:03 scribenick: Elisa 16:06:03 +??P31 16:06:10 benadida has joined #swd 16:06:16 zakim, ??p31 is Daniel 16:06:16 +Daniel; got it 16:06:19 dlrubin has joined #swd 16:06:32 + +1.617.395.aacc 16:06:38 zakim, I am aacc 16:06:40 +benadida; got it 16:06:46 +Guus 16:07:18 zakim, who's on the phone? 16:07:18 On the phone I see Elisa_Kendall, Ed, Diego, Ralph, Antoine_Isaac, Clay, Alistair, Quentin, JonP, Daniel, benadida, +43.123.6aadd 16:07:24 Zakim, passcode? 16:07:24 the conference code is 79394 (tel:+1.617.761.6200 tel:+ tel:+44.117.370.6152), Simone 16:08:07 zakim, aadd is probably Simone 16:08:07 +Simone?; got it 16:08:46 zakim, Simone is really Guus 16:08:46 +Guus; got it 16:08:52 agenda+ Admin 16:09:27 Regrets: Vit, Justin, Sean 16:09:48 +??P36 16:09:55 Zakim, ??P36 is me 16:09:55 +Simone; got it 16:10:09 PROPOSED: Accept minutes of the November 27th telecon (http://www.w3.org/2007/11/27-swd-minutes.html) 16:10:25 TomB has joined #swd 16:10:42 RESOLVED: Minutes accepted 16:10:43 zakim, mute simone 16:10:43 Simone should now be muted 16:11:00 Next telecon: 4 December 1600 UTC 16:11:04 agenda+ SKOS 16:11:14 +??P38 16:11:26 zakim, ??P38 is TomB 16:11:26 +TomB; got it 16:12:36 Review of Editor's draft - continued 16:12:44 Review of primer - continued 16:12:49 Issue 39 discussion 16:12:57 http://www.w3.org/2006/07/SWD/wiki/SkosDesign/ConceptualMapping/ProposalTwo 16:13:47 issue of mapping links, using existing relationships in SKOS to create mapping links was original approach 16:14:20 this new proposal is much more conservative 16:14:56 takes text from existing mapping vocabulary, and introduces two new concepts: related match and overlapping match 16:15:13 deprecates major and minor match elements from current mapping vocabulary 16:15:37 proposal is to delegate status of these elements to "concept coordination" 16:16:03 rrsagent, please make record public 16:16:39 SKOS mapping coordination constructs: and, or, not 16:16:59 the proposal attempts to establish some formal semantics for these constructs 16:17:16 including domain, range 16:17:38 semantics are to be discussed, e.g., exact match is transitive 16:18:27 section 3 covers other issues, includes example of animal ontologies, attempts to match them 16:18:52 concludes with relation rules, intended semantics, issues leading to decisions in the proposal 16:19:10 q+ 16:19:12 for example replacing major, minor match with overlapping match 16:19:46 raises issue on building mapping links between collections that are not SKOS vocabularies explicitly 16:20:17 Guus: so, would like to have discussion on a few points in the proposal 16:20:35 why to we need exact match, and why can't we use OWL same as 16:21:00 Antoine: the problem is when you use OWL same as, you essentially merge the two schemes 16:21:13 which the original author may not want to do 16:21:34 Guus: the point is to have this rationale in the proposal for documentation purposes 16:21:57 you could also point to why you can't use OWL different class 16:22:03 both points can be made here 16:22:09 Antoine: ok 16:22:37 Guus: is it also possible to summarize the main point of the follow-up email discussion 16:23:55 Antoine: issues raised - considered that there was a clear distinction between skos mapping relations 16:24:44 between different concept schemes can still use standard concept relations between concept schemes 16:24:50 but this would not be for mapping 16:25:20 Guus: is it inconsistent to use one of the mapping relationships in the same scheme 16:25:41 Antoine: no 16:26:02 Guus: this is a borderline case, we should cover how someone might want to use the mapping concepts 16:26:20 to do this -- the main point would be to make a statement about this 16:26:29 this should hold for all of the mapping relations 16:26:38 Antoine: fine 16:26:56 Guus: what is the typical example of ... I don't really understand the overlapping match 16:27:17 Antoine: the overlapping match more or less replaces the major and minor match 16:27:41 this describes relations that are in a mapping - relationships that are common to two mappings 16:28:14 you have relations with significant semantic load; if concepts are related in this way there are other concepts that a user should 16:28:16 q+ to represent Javier's point about related vs. overlapping 16:28:30 consider 16:29:33 it isn't 100% clear where you might use these - Emma McCulloch will provide additional examples 16:29:46 Guus: do you think there are convincing use cases 16:30:01 Alistair: I haven't seen use cases 16:30:10 Guus: this seems rather arbitrary 16:30:23 -Daniel 16:30:39 The point came from Javier ... the general point was that the types of inexact or overlapping 16:31:00 relations you might find are different in nature from associative relationships between thesauri 16:31:31 so there might be for example overlaps between two thesauri that cover a common time period 16:31:52 there is no precedent for this in the thesaurus community, and this seems to be 16:31:57 limited to time and place 16:32:18 q- 16:32:28 Guus: this seems a rather specific solution, not sufficient evidence to warrant includes 16:32:41 perhaps we could keep it as a separate option 16:32:45 +1 on guus position regarding "overlapping" property 16:33:01 if we go for a separate proposal for mapping terminology 16:33:24 Antoine: we could keep this separate - I can be ok with that 16:33:45 Guus: do you think, given the comments, this is sufficient to move this forward for next time 16:34:03 Antoine: yes, but feedback under the specific semantics/axioms would be useful 16:34:24 if people think there are useful axioms to have there, that would be good feedback 16:34:55 Guus: so we can leave this action, and move it forward for next week 16:35:27 -- ISSUE 39 Conceptual mapping links 16:35:27 http://www.w3.org/2006/07/SWD/track/issues/39 16:35:52 ACTION: Antoine to come up with a revised proposal based on the comments received 16:36:21 SKOS Extension Module - no action 16:36:30 Concept schemes - continued 16:36:41 q+ on SKOS-XL 16:36:53 no progress on isDefinedBy (continued) 16:37:06 Statement on issue 44 from Alistair ... 16:37:47 Alistair: Antoine raises concern about what might happen if we say nothing about the transitivity of SKOS broader 16:38:16 if we allow people to make either choice, people will make conflicting decisions, which is a valid concern 16:39:28 he proposes the notion of a locally transitive relationship, also see Alan Rector's comment in the SWBP note in simple part whole 16:39:45 this is a serious concern that needs to be addressed 16:40:05 Guus: ok with respect to producing a reference, when can we expect something? 16:40:17 [http://www.w3.org/2001/sw/BestPractices/OEP/SimplePartWhole/ Simple part-whole relations in OWL Ontologies] 16:40:22 Alistair: it depends on how far we want to get before putting out a first draft 16:40:52 if we want something to be reviewed before Christmas, publishing something as an editor's draft before Christmas 16:41:15 Guus: assuming that Antoine moves his proposal forward, it doesn't seem far fetched 16:41:40 Alistair: we could, and then throw stones at it ... it certainly needs to go in there 16:42:00 Guus: that would mean that we produce a new draft before Christmas, and use the Christmas period for review 16:42:10 Alistair: work on what we've got more or less right now 16:42:22 Guus: yes, and go forward with that 16:42:49 Alistair: we talked about a rules of thumb appendix, to show examples of how to do something sensible, 16:42:56 requires some of Sean's time, who is traveling 16:43:03 agenda+ RDFa 16:43:50 Ben: the central issue is related on exactly how we do chaining and how we deal with instance of 16:43:56 q+ what's chaining? 16:44:09 we have agreement in the group that this is the last major issue to deal with 16:44:24 assuming we don't hit any snags, and fix the use cases for the new proposal on chaining 16:44:37 zakim, who is here? 16:44:37 On the phone I see Elisa_Kendall, Ed, Diego, Ralph, Antoine_Isaac, Clay, Alistair, Quentin, JonP, benadida, Guus, Simone (muted), TomB (muted) 16:44:39 On IRC I see TomB, dlrubin, benadida, aliman, JonP, cgi-irc, Clay, edsu, Simone, Zakim, RRSAgent, Ralph, Antoine, berrueta, Elisa, Guus 16:44:55 I've update the schedule, we're pushing hard to get the syntax with this new proposal in over the next 10 days 16:45:17 it would be good to get people on the call to review the new syntax before Christmas 16:45:27 Guus: didn't we have reviewers for the first working draft 16:45:48 Ben: yes, we're just tweaking it for the latest changes, hoping this will go to last call 16:46:23 Guus: we should use the same reviewers 16:46:30 Antoine did the primer 16:46:39 Diego: I did a review, the other one was Ed 16:46:59 Ben: are you willing to review again, and if so, what would the schedule be 16:47:04 Diego: yes 16:47:12 Ed: yes I'd be willing to do this again 16:47:37 Ben: in two weeks -- would you still have time to review this before the holidays 16:47:50 Ed: yes if it hasn't changed substantially 16:48:02 Ben: there is one notable change which we will explain 16:48:09 Ed: yes this would be fine 16:48:15 Diego: yes, ok 16:48:24 Ben: then I will hand it over to you the 18th 16:48:34 Guus: will this be a working draft 16:49:01 Ben: this would be a working draft leading to last call ... how does this work? you publish a working draft and then say it is going to last call? 16:49:16 Guus: we agreed that the decision for last call would be taken by both groups 16:49:25 we could make a decision on the first call in January 16:49:46 we should check with Stephen if they can take a decision by the first call in Januar 16:50:33 you need to send a proposal to the WG to promote the doc to last call (to both groups, pointing to responses to comments ...document precisely what has happened with the comments) 16:50:50 then you have to set a last call period 16:51:02 normally the comment period is between 4 and 6 weeks 16:51:15 Ben: the commenting period starts after the WG is published, correct? 16:52:07 it would be good to prepare a list that you want to send the last call to, also potentially track comments 16:52:15 issue tracker would be fine 16:52:36 Ralph -- what would your proposal be for tracking comments? 16:52:48 Ralph: absolutely, the issue tracker 16:53:07 Ben: ok, you'll most likely hear from me as I work through the process 16:53:17 Guus: are there any potential sources of delay? 16:53:47 Ben: the one potential issue is the one we're working on ... if we find things in the test process, then there are possibilities there 16:54:02 we have 4-5 implementations that will signal an issue quickly at this point 16:54:22 Guus: then you should prepare an implementation report during the last call period 16:54:34 Ben: we are definitely prepared to do so 16:54:45 Guus: agenda+ Recipes 16:55:00 agenda+ Recipies 16:55:17 -> http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-swd-wg/2007Dec/0006.html Revised Recipes posted [Jon 3-Dec] 16:55:19 Guus: I think I saw progress on the recipies as well 16:55:46 dlrubin has left #swd 16:55:53 Topic: Recipes 16:56:02 Jon: we've put up a new editor's draft - I think it covers all of the issues except that it's broken under certain circumstances 16:56:18 -> http://www.w3.org/2006/07/SWD/recipes/draft-20071203 Recipes Editor's Draft of 2007-12-03 16:56:41 which has to do with Apache redirect (1st action under recipes, which is continued) 16:56:54 Ralph: I think my action still needs to be addressed ... 16:57:17 Jon: I think we've dealt with that but of course we have a new one for you, which is action 24, the next one 16:57:49 ACTION: Dan to ask apache about conditional redirects [recorded in [recorded in http://www.w3.org/2007/11/20-swd-minutes.html#action18] CONTINUES 16:58:00 -> http://www.w3.org/2006/07/SWD/track/products/5 Open Issues on Recipes 16:58:01 ACTION: Diego to recast Recipe 6 [recorded in [recorded in http://www.w3.org/2007/11/20-swd-minutes.html#action19] 16:58:09 COMPLETED 16:58:21 ACTION: Jon to add words that acknowledge the existence of RDFa as [recorded in http://www.w3.org/2007/11/20-swd-minutes.html#action21] 16:58:28 COMPLETED 16:59:29 DROPPED ACTION: Jon to make changes as proposed [with regard to Issue-23] [recorded in http://www.w3.org/2007/11/20-swd-minutes.html#action22] 17:00:30 ACTION 23 is being Dropped 17:00:39 Action 24 continues 17:00:55 s/DROPPED ACTION: Jon/DONE ACTION: Jon/ 17:00:58 Action 25 continues 17:01:23 COMPLETED ACTION: TF leaders to prepare a version of Recipes for review in [recorded in http://www.w3.org/2007/11/20-swd-minutes.html#action26] 17:01:38 COMPLETEDACTION: diego to update deliverables page w/r/t recipes document [recorded in http://www.w3.org/2007/11/27-swd-minutes.html#action20] 17:02:16 Guus: still need to solicit reviews for this -- when would reviewers be needed 17:02:45 Jon: any time, I guess -- we're just missing that one piece, which I guess is fairly critical 17:03:02 Guus: we should solicit reviews at this point, though 17:03:18 Ralph: I'll certainly review it 17:04:36 Guus: adjourn 17:04:39 -Quentin 17:04:41 -Alistair 17:04:43 -Ed 17:04:44 -Ralph 17:04:46 -JonP 17:04:50 -Diego 17:04:52 -Guus 17:04:56 -benadida 17:04:58 -Clay 17:05:00 -TomB 17:05:02 Antoine: were we going to chat about primer? 17:05:04 -Simone 17:05:37 zakim, list participants 17:05:37 As of this point the attendees have been Elisa_Kendall, Rodrigo, +43.123.6aaaa, Ralph, Ed, Antoine_Isaac, Guus, Clay, Alistair, +012242aabb, Quentin, Diego, JonP, Daniel, 17:05:41 ... +1.617.395.aacc, benadida, Simone?, Simone, TomB 17:05:50 rrsagent, please draft minutes 17:05:50 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2007/12/04-swd-minutes.html Ralph 17:06:20 i'll call back, one sec 17:07:24 rats it says "conference restricted at this time" 17:07:42 i can call you direct 17:08:14 what number are you at? 17:08:17 got it 17:09:54 seeya 17:10:21 -Antoine_Isaac 17:11:07 edsu has left #swd 17:11:40 Antoine has left #swd 17:15:21 disconnecting the lone participant, Elisa_Kendall, in SW_SWD()11:00AM 17:15:25 -Elisa_Kendall 17:15:50 SW_SWD()11:00AM has ended 17:15:52 Attendees were Elisa_Kendall, Rodrigo, +43.123.6aaaa, Ralph, Ed, Antoine_Isaac, Guus, Clay, Alistair, +012242aabb, Quentin, Diego, JonP, Daniel, +1.617.395.aacc, benadida, Simone?, 17:15:54 ... Simone, TomB 17:16:35 ok -- will do, thanks 17:17:06 zakim, bye\ 17:17:06 I don't understand 'bye\', Ralph 17:17:12 rrsagent, bye 17:17:12 I see 4 open action items saved in http://www.w3.org/2007/12/04-swd-actions.rdf : 17:17:12 ACTION: Antoine to come up with a revised proposal based on the comments received [1] 17:17:12 recorded in http://www.w3.org/2007/12/04-swd-irc#T16-35-52 17:17:12 ACTION: Dan to ask apache about conditional redirects [recorded in [recorded in http://www.w3.org/2007/11/20-swd-minutes.html#action18] CONTINUES [2] 17:17:12 recorded in http://www.w3.org/2007/12/04-swd-irc#T16-57-49 17:17:12 ACTION: Diego to recast Recipe 6 [recorded in [recorded in http://www.w3.org/2007/11/20-swd-minutes.html#action19] [3] 17:17:12 recorded in http://www.w3.org/2007/12/04-swd-irc#T16-58-01 17:17:12 ACTION: Jon to add words that acknowledge the existence of RDFa as [recorded in http://www.w3.org/2007/11/20-swd-minutes.html#action21] [4] 17:17:12 recorded in http://www.w3.org/2007/12/04-swd-irc#T16-58-21