13:08:37 RRSAgent has joined #forms 13:08:37 logging to http://www.w3.org/2007/11/05-forms-irc 13:08:41 zakim, list 13:08:41 I see no active conferences 13:08:42 scheduled at this time are Team_SysWeb()8:00AM, SW_RIF(TPAC)8:00AM, WAI_UAWG(TP)8:00AM, SEC_WSCWG(TPAC)8:00AM 13:09:09 rrsagent, make log public 13:09:32 Meeting: Forms WG FtF, Cambridge, MA, USA, Day 1 13:09:35 Agenda: Agenda: http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-forms/2007Nov/0027 13:09:39 Agenda: Agenda: http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-forms/2007Nov/0027 13:09:41 Agenda: http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-forms/2007Nov/0027 13:09:48 Chair: John 13:20:47 Nick has joined #Forms 13:27:56 zakim, list 13:27:56 I see no active conferences 13:27:57 scheduled at this time are Team_SysWeb()8:00AM, SW_RIF(TPAC)8:00AM, WAI_EOWG(TPAC)8:30AM, XML_XMLCore(TPAC)8:30AM, WAI_UAWG(TP)8:00AM, SEC_WSCWG(TPAC)8:00AM 13:34:42 Charlie has joined #forms 13:37:15 zakim, room for 4? 13:37:16 ok, Steven; conference Team_(forms)13:37Z scheduled with code 26631 (CONF1) for 60 minutes until 1437Z 13:37:37 zakim, help 13:37:37 Please refer to http://www.w3.org/2001/12/zakim-irc-bot for more detailed help. 13:37:39 Some of the commands I know are: 13:37:40 xxx is yyy - establish yyy as the name of unknown party xxx 13:37:42 if yyy is 'me' or 'I', your nick is substituted 13:37:45 xxx may be yyy - establish yyy as possibly the name of unknown party xxx 13:37:47 I am xxx - establish your nick as the name of unknown party xxx 13:37:49 xxx holds yyy [, zzz ...] - establish xxx as a group name and yyy, etc. as participants within that group 13:37:51 xxx also holds yyy - add yyy to the list of participants in group xxx 13:37:53 who's here? - lists the participants on the phone 13:37:55 who's muted? - lists the participants who are muted 13:37:57 mute xxx - mutes party xxx (like pressing 61#) 13:38:00 unmute xxx - reverses the effect of "mute" and of 61# 13:38:02 is xxx here? - reports whether a party named like xxx is present 13:38:04 list conferences - reports the active conferences 13:38:05 this is xxx - associates this channel with conference xxx 13:38:06 excuse us - disconnects from the irc channel 13:38:07 I last learned something new on $Date: 2007/11/05 23:08:09 $ 13:47:05 wellsk has joined #forms 13:51:07 John_Boyer2 has joined #forms 13:52:03 rrsagent, make log public 13:52:13 zakim, who's your daddy? 13:52:13 Ralph is taking good care of me but you all are my family, Steven 13:53:33 John_Boyer has changed the topic to: Agenda: http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-forms/2007Nov/0030.html 13:53:38 Agenda: http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-forms/2007Nov/0030.html 13:55:24 zakim, code? 13:55:24 the conference code is 26631 (tel:+1.617.761.6200 tel:+ tel:+44.117.370.6152), Steven 13:56:23 raman has joined #forms 13:56:39 Morning Gang! 13:56:47 Hey Raman! 13:56:48 morning 13:56:53 At the TAG meeting, but hoping to drop in once in a while if you will let me in 13:56:58 Hey Raman! 13:57:07 certainly 13:58:01 will probably show up post-lunch 13:58:29 This afternoon will actually be working out the last few technical issues for 1.1 CR. This morning is 1.2... 13:58:42 Unless the plan changes 14:00:00 can you swap -- I'll get bored with 1.1 issues and end up playing sudoku instead ... 14:00:20 when are we meeting voice/mmi? would like to be there for "old-time's" sake 14:00:47 Later this afternoon. From 4pm to 5 14:00:58 * hi Raman! 14:01:06 Will meet again tomorrow, focused on MMI, too 14:01:29 Hi Charlie! 14:01:42 * today is everything but events...tomorrow is events with MMI 14:01:55 Let me talk to everyone about swapping things, Raman. 14:02:13 Thanks John! 14:04:27 Hi Raman, we'll talk about 1.1 now, and then 1.2 in the afternoon. Look forward to seeing you again, Raman! 14:08:48 markbirbeck has joined #forms 14:09:25 thanks John! 14:09:42 MarkB is probably shuddering now that I wont be playing sudoku when I show up. 14:18:20 Scribe: Steven 14:18:39 Topic: Issue 87/Schema problem 14:19:28 http://htmlwg.mn.aptest.com/cgi-bin/xforms-issues/Model?id=87;user=guest;statetype=1;upostype=-1;changetype=-1;restype=-1 14:19:56 John: We now say that all schema are applicable to all the instances 14:20:07 ... without saying what 'applicable' means 14:20:13 ... and that's the problem 14:20:19 ... There are two kinds of schema 14:20:40 ... 1) schema+NS+structure+datatypes 14:20:46 ... 2) type library 14:21:19 ... without any structure bits 14:21:54 ... This second kind, which Leigh says that people have been doing for years, 14:22:06 ... is a problem for the default processing for an XML Schema processor 14:22:18 ... which by default does a strict assessment 14:22:34 ... which looks for declared elements, and does a check based on that 14:22:52 ... but a type library causes it to flag an error on the root element 14:23:10 ... and then continues with lax assessment 14:23:37 ... (the schema spec says that processors MAY do this) 14:24:18 Present: Charlie, Nick, Steven, John, Keith 14:24:58 John: So this text on the screen attempts to explain what a Forms processor should do 14:25:33 Steven: And this is not a problem with bringing oin off-the-shelf processors? 14:25:48 John: No. And others have to solve this same problem anyway 14:26:24 ... but Erik doesn't like this because others do it in other ways 14:27:51 ... so do we define it this way, or add an attribute to control how it is done? 14:28:03 Charlie: This would be an attribute on the instance? 14:28:10 John: Yes 14:29:55 Charlie: You don't want to expose the standard author to this sort of stuff 14:30:32 ... so I favour what is proposed in the spec 14:31:14 For each namespace, a test is performed to determine whether to instruct the XML Schema processor to perform strict assesment or lax assesment for items in that namespace. If there is no schema for a namespace, or if there is and it contains no top-level xs:element or xs:attribute declarations, then lax assesment is performed for each element or at 14:31:32 tribute in that namespace, and the test is applied to any children in other namespaces. If the schema for a namespace contains at least one top-level xs:element or xs:attributedeclaration, then strict assessment is performed for all elements and attributes in that namespace. 14:31:43 This is the text from Leigh 14:32:04 s/assesment/assessment/G 14:32:05 Erik's proposal was Default of strict 14:32:52 markbirbeck has left #forms 14:32:58 John: Will the author of a type library understand the strict/lax stuff? 14:33:01 markbirbeck has joined #forms 14:33:01 markbirbeck has left #forms 14:33:16 Steven: Not necessarily; anyway, the userof such a library surely won't in general 14:37:27 Steven: Is there no way for the schema to say that it is a type library, therefore lax? 14:37:33 John: No 14:38:22 John: Leigh described a different implementation strategy 14:38:41 ... some implementations build up a master schema from all available schemas 14:38:57 ... and they somehow know when a schema is a type library 14:39:15 ... (though neither Leigh nor I know how they do that) 14:47:52 John: The problem with the solution proposed that I don't know how to create the 'super-schema' that can mark the type libraries as lax 14:49:11 markbirbeck has joined #forms 14:49:23 rrsagent, make minutes 14:49:23 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2007/11/05-forms-minutes.html Steven 14:50:34 John: We will revisit schema validation in the future for future versions 14:52:48 Steven: We could simplify the text to just say "Data type library schemas should be vlidated in lax mode" 14:52:59 ... AND LEAVE IT TO THE PROCESSOR TO DECIDE HOW 14:53:27 s/AND LEAVE IT TO THE PROCESSOR TO DECIDE HOW/and leave it to the processor to decide how/ 14:54:04 Keith: Why not delete the first and last sentences, wouldn't that be enough? 14:54:44 s/userof/user of/ 14:55:20 John: Yes, we could reword 14:57:46 If the schema for a namespace contains at least one top-level xs:element or xs:attributedeclaration, then strict assessment is performed for all elements and attributes in that namespace. If there is no schema for a namespace, or if there is and it contains no top-level xs:element or xs:attribute declarations, then lax assessment is performed for e 14:57:51 My IRC client has a weird bug...I am not getting any messages in the forms window, even though XHTML and RDFa windows work fine! 14:57:57 ach element or attribute in that namespace. 14:58:01 I type...nothing appears. :) 14:58:09 we see it 14:59:13 Steven: Can't you use "otherwise" for the second sentence to make it shorter 14:59:19 ? 14:59:42 John: Yes! Then I can paste it into irc in one go! Watch this: 15:01:21 If the schema for a namespace contains at least one top-level xs:element or xs:attributedeclaration, then strict assessment is performed for all elements and attributes in that namespace. Otherwise, lax assessment is performed for each element or attribute in that namespace. 15:02:06 Steven: "10 01If the schema for a namespace contains at least one top-level xs:element or xs:attributedeclaration, then strict assessment is performed for all elements and attributes in that namespace, otherwise, lax assessment is performed" 15:02:22 Does that mean that if I define a type for an integer being between one and a hundred, the whole document gets validated? 15:02:30 John: We may never take the XSLT 2 route to control the applicability of schema 15:03:01 Oh...no...take that back. I see. 15:06:02 John: Especially since we may use more schema types than just CML Schema 15:06:07 s/CML/XML/ 15:06:14 ... in the future 15:18:41 [Michael SperbergMcQueen, Schema Expert, enters room] 15:24:17 MSM: What you are ruynning up against is not a problem with your imports, but elsewhere 15:24:28 s/ruyn/run/ 15:24:59 MSM: The schema spec is trying to do you a favour 15:25:39 ... when a validator is invoked, the spec tries to stay out of negotiations between invoker and validator 15:26:03 ... so you can start validation in a number of ways, and 1.1 makes it clearer 15:26:18 ... you identify either an element or attribute and a schema 15:26:33 ... and then validate in a number of ways 15:26:54 ... with an element declaration, with a datatype 15:27:00 ... and other ways 15:27:41 ... the spec doesn't require any one of those ways 15:27:51 ... it depends on context 15:28:33 ... what you can do is say that validation needs to start in a particular way 15:30:27 ... when you are matching lax, if you don't find a declaration, a 1.0 processor can move on without doing anything OR may fall back to lax processing 15:32:33 ... so you can skip the subtree, or to process a number of levels, or process all the way down laxly 15:35:45 MSM: So I think the validator that complains in the use of datatype libraries, is doing the "skip the subtree" step 15:37:34 [Discussion of section 5.2 in Schema spec, Assessing Schema Validity] 15:42:27 [John shows an example on the screen for MSM, showing all the schema usage possibilities in XForms] 15:45:20 MSM: What you need to say is that lax processing occurs, with recursion 15:46:09 ... because in lax mode, once you have a declaration, you get into strict mode 15:47:29 [walk through the XML Schema spec at this point] 15:47:49 rrsagent, make minutes 15:47:49 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2007/11/05-forms-minutes.html Steven 15:50:36 http://www.w3.org/TR/xmlschema-1/#validation_outcome 15:50:49 http://www.w3.org/TR/xmlschema-1/#cvc-assess-elt 15:53:10 [MSM shows that when a declaration is found the element gets processed properly] 15:57:41 John: THis is fantastic. Eric has been trying to persuade us that this was the case, and Leigh and I didn't believe it 15:57:46 s/TH/Th/ 16:00:45 MSM: So some elements will be marked as validity checked, but validity unknown 16:07:56 Steven: So we are OK, *unless* the root element is worng 16:08:11 ... and then the error won't be given 16:08:18 s/worng/wrong/ 16:09:21 ... since we start off lax 16:10:25 Zakim has left #forms 16:11:02 Zakim has joined #forms 16:11:08 zakim, list 16:11:08 I see SW_HCLS(BioRDF)11:00AM, WAI_EOWG(TPAC)8:30AM, XML_XMLCore(TPAC)8:30AM, WAI_UAWG(TP)8:00AM, IA_WAF()9:00AM active 16:11:10 also scheduled at this time are Team_(forms)13:37Z, WAI_PFWG(ARIA)10:00AM, SW_RIF(TPAC)8:00AM, SW_POWDER()11:00AM, XML_QueryWG()11:00AM, MM_MMI()10:00AM, SEC_WSCWG(TPAC)8:00AM 16:11:17 zakim, this is forms 16:11:17 Steven, I see Team_(forms)13:37Z in the schedule but not yet started. Perhaps you mean "this will be forms". 16:11:26 zakim, this will be forms 16:11:26 ok, Steven; I see Team_(forms)13:37Z scheduled to start 154 minutes ago 16:16:08 Charlie has joined #forms 16:16:41 John: Thank you so much Michael 16:16:46 [Michael leaves] 16:20:30 klotz has joined #forms 16:21:32 raman has joined #forms 16:22:00 Hi Leigh and Raman, just got to a late break... 16:25:01 klotz has joined #forms 16:25:26 restart 16:25:47 zakim, dial revere_a 16:25:47 I am sorry, Steven; I do not know a number for revere_a 16:27:17 zakim, what is the code? 16:27:17 the conference code is 26631 (tel:+1.617.761.6200 tel:+ tel:+44.117.370.6152), klotz 16:27:22 Team_(forms)13:37Z has now started 16:27:29 +Leigh_Klotz 16:27:39 zakim, dial paul_revere_a 16:27:39 ok, Steven; the call is being made 16:27:41 +Paul_revere_a 16:28:58 zakim, paul_revere_a has Steven, John, Charlie, Kieth, Nick 16:28:58 +Steven, John, Charlie, Kieth, Nick; got it 16:29:52 The schema definitions for a namespace ar applicalble to instance nodes based on initializing processing in 28<21termref20 def28="def-lax-processing28">lax mode28. Note that schema processing for nodes with matching schema declarations is governed by its content processing definition, which is strict by default. 16:32:54 raman has joined #forms 16:33:24 look for me at the lunch break -- so one of you can pick me up to join the forms meeting after lunch. 16:33:38 ok 16:36:38 [Leigh discusses aspects of new decision] 16:37:55 Leigh: There are variations of Steven's problem; validity checking doesn't kick in until you find an element with a declaration 16:41:24 John: What we actually want doesn't seem to be supported by existing Schema engines 16:41:50 Leigh: The way to do it is like XSLT 2 16:42:38 John: Yikes 16:45:00 r structuresr declares e, but does not declare badness as a childr f is not declared as top levelr 16:45:11 r r ...r r 16:46:03 John: In this example, this instance will not be found to be invalid 16:48:03 Net answer to your question: conforming processors can be written to validate any element you like. Not all processors need provide this service: buy or use processors that validate the information you need validated. By the way, the detailed rules give the processor a choice of validating the element against some particular identified element declaration, some particular identified complex type, or to use the mechanisms of strict, lax etc. to determine what to 16:48:03 validate based on what declarations happen to be available. All of this is explained at xmlschema-1. 16:48:12 from http://www.schemavalid.com/faq/xml-schema.html#d4 16:49:48 Leigh: We need to adress these questions. The validation only occurs at submission time 16:50:59 ... if there is no schema definition then we don't validate, and if there is, we go strict 16:52:11 John: You have to write a schema if you want schema validation 16:52:51 Leigh: I'm ok with aqll this. If we want more stuff, let's do it in 1.2 16:52:57 s/aql//all/ 16:53:14 s/alll/all/ 16:53:41 John: Proposed wording is above 16:54:03 Nick: But there is a bit in schema that is a MAY and it should be a MUST for us 16:54:25 Leigh: Use the wording from XSLT 2 16:54:40 ... that makes it required 16:55:33 http://www.w3.org/TR/xslt20/#validating-using-validation-attribute 16:56:11 Leigh: Yes, that 16:56:19 In the case of an element, a top-level element declaration is identified whose local name and namespace (if any) match the name of the element, and schema-validity assessment is carried out according to the rules defined in [XML Schema Part 1] (section 3.3.4 "Element Declaration Validation Rules", validation rule "Schema-Validity Assessment (Element)", clauses 1.1 and 2, using the top-level element declaration as the "declaration stipulated by the processor", whi 16:56:19 y to contained elements and attributes to the extent required by the schema definition. 16:57:07 When the parent element lacks a declaration, the XML Schema specification defines the recursive checking of children and attributes as optional. For this specification, this recursive checking is required. 16:57:10 "Note: 16:57:10 16:57:10 When the parent element lacks a declaration, the XML Schema specification defines the recursive checking of children and attributes as optional. For this specification, this recursive checking is required." 16:58:39 John: Is that normative? 16:58:47 Steven: I think it explains the text above 16:58:56 John: OK. SO we make that text normative in our spec 16:59:03 s/SO/So/ 17:00:53 John: Like this: 17:02:01 The schema definitions for a namespace are applicable to instance nodes based on initializing processing in 28<21termref20 def28="def-lax-processing28">lax mode28. When an element lacks a schema declaration, the XML Schema specification defines the recursive checking of children and attributes as optional. For this specification, this recursive chec 17:02:18 king is required. 17:02:39 Also, a note immediately following to clarify the following: 17:02:40 Note that schema processing for nodes with matching schema declarations is governed by its content processing definition, which is strict by default. 17:03:19 Finally, a note in revalidate event to say that "applicable" schema definitions is as defined in the above content (which is in the description of the model element) 17:03:31 [Lunch] 17:04:10 rrsagent, make minutes 17:04:10 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2007/11/05-forms-minutes.html Steven 17:04:25 -Leigh_Klotz 17:05:02 s/aqll/all/ 17:12:54 TAG still tagging along -- not sure when we break for lunch 17:30:18 raman has left #forms 18:18:05 returning now 18:18:20 rrsagent, make minutes 18:18:20 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2007/11/05-forms-minutes.html John_Boyer 18:19:45 scribe: wellsk 18:20:40 John: 1st question -- go with last XML schema discussion change? 18:20:53 Charlie has joined #forms 18:21:41 Steven: will we have unavoidable behaviors? 18:21:44 Proposed Resolution: Validation starts lax; schema applicability defined as above. Note in revalidate event referencing schema applicability statements 18:22:34 Steven: do we have enough members to make decision? 18:22:46 John: yes -- thanks to Michael 18:22:50 zakim, who us here? 18:22:50 I don't understand your question, Steven. 18:22:57 zakim, who is here? 18:22:57 On the phone I see Paul_revere_a 18:22:58 Paul_revere_a has Steven, John, Charlie, Kieth, Nick 18:23:00 On IRC I see Charlie, klotz, Zakim, John_Boyer, wellsk, Nick, RRSAgent, Steven, trackbot-ng 18:23:13 Also Leigh agreed before break, and this is what Erik proposed originally 18:23:25 zakim, kieth has left paul_revere_a 18:23:25 -Kieth; got it 18:23:38 zakim, pault_revere_a also has Keith 18:23:38 sorry, Steven, I do not recognize a party named 'pault_revere_a' 18:23:43 John: Is everyone ok with statement. 18:23:49 everyone: yes 18:23:57 zakim, paul_revere_a also has Keith 18:23:57 +Keith; got it 18:24:40 RESOLUTION: Validation starts lax; schema applicability defined as above. Note in revalidate event referencing schema applicability statements 18:25:12 Action: John_Boyer to amend spec to resolve issue 87 18:25:12 Sorry, couldn't find user - John_Boyer 18:25:31 trackbot-ng, list users 18:25:49 trackbot, list users 18:26:01 trackbot-ng, help 18:26:01 See http://www.w3.org/2005/06/tracker/ for help (use the IRC bot link) 18:26:14 John: next topic: tweak insert action 18:26:41 John: recent changes to insert damaged last call issue (Eric) 18:26:47 trackbot-ng, status 18:27:27 Action: jboyer to amend spec to resolve issue 87 18:27:27 Created ACTION-430 - Amend spec to resolve issue 87 [on John Boyer - due 2007-11-12]. 18:28:08 John: Appendix B.2 parent of new element 18:28:35 John: insert attribute, or child element, need to use (Eric) nodeset attribute 18:28:56 ..not using nodeset attribute, need to use context for that 18:29:22 if nodeset empty, context is used to insert parent context node 18:30:05 .. identify parent to identify attribbute from item 18:30:27 ..insert attribute before/after element 18:30:43 last node identified by nodeset 18:31:16 ...eliminated homogenous nodeset problem 18:31:34 ... disputing note for using the context attribute 18:31:46 ...to not be using nodeset 18:32:07 example is incorrect due to processing model for insert 18:32:40 ...looking at insert processing 18:33:08 ...what nodes copying, what nodes cloned -- they are from origin 18:33:28 ... here is where you put the newly cloned data 18:33:45 .. struck (e) lines in spec 18:34:18 other last call comments -- don't impose attribute order 18:34:29 Present+Raman 18:34:39 raman joins us 18:34:53 zakim, paul_revere_a also has Raman 18:34:53 +Raman; got it 18:35:52 On insertion, removed para, but added (a), (b) about when cloned node is an attribute 18:36:12 zakim, what is the code? 18:36:12 the conference code is 26631 (tel:+1.617.761.6200 tel:+ tel:+44.117.370.6152), klotz 18:36:19 +Leigh_Klotz 18:36:49 eric suggests remove (a), rely on part (8) target location due to node type conflict 18:37:09 if type conflict, noop anyway 18:37:23 consistent view of context attribute for insert 18:37:48 to identify element whose content space is used to insert something 18:38:01 nodeset is used to determine before and after for insertion 18:38:28 if special case (a) is removed 18:39:09 insert with nodeset and origin -- will perform no operation because it is attempting to insert before or after of content 18:39:26 correct way for example is to use context 18:39:53 Nick: should there be a testcase 18:40:05 John: several areas for step 8 to look at 18:40:32 Nick: implementations may have done this, so test case needed to catch 18:40:53 John: so we have to decide on this example 18:41:23 Charlie: not sure 18:41:41 John: we do something like this in other places 18:42:01 Raman: look at it more as data structure rather than XML 18:42:12 raman: changes perspective 18:42:46 Raman: data structures more interesting than XML structure 18:43:11 John: data model is built on data model 18:43:26 Charlie: a runtime error instead of noop 18:43:37 John: not an exception 18:43:42 John: we could 18:43:48 John: is binding exception 18:44:21 Nick: future feature, exploit 2.0 dispatches in runtime error 18:44:32 Charlie: why I was skeptical 18:44:43 Nick: remove nodeset 18:44:51 John: change nodeset to context 18:45:10 John: have to specify context, because no nodeset is a noop 18:45:22 Nick: write context dot 18:45:32 context=dot(.) 18:45:36 Charlie: ship it 18:45:50 John: reword 18:46:37 Resolve to eliminate special case target location processing for attributes and fix Example B.4 18:46:54 Nick: different versions of the spec 18:47:01 Nick: b becomes a 18:47:16 John: not had to make a separate version yet 18:47:58 Proposed Resolution: Resolve to eliminate special case target location processing for attributes and fix Example B.4 18:48:33 Action: JBoyer to do eliminate special case target location processing for attributes and fix Example B.4 18:48:33 Created ACTION-431 - Do eliminate special case target location processing for attributes and fix Example B.4 [on John Boyer - due 2007-11-12]. 18:49:05 RESOLUTION: Resolve to eliminate special case target location processing for attributes and fix Example B.4 18:49:17 rrsagent, make minutes 18:49:17 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2007/11/05-forms-minutes.html Steven 18:49:34 John: issue related to input mode with Martin 18:49:46 John: what to do to go to CR for this issue 18:49:56 John: waiting for update to list 18:50:11 John: go to CR and modify list later 18:50:42 John: go to CR and then modify afterwards to modify the input mode issue 18:51:01 Steven: yes 18:53:46 John: other than input modes issue all last call isues dealt with 18:53:54 John: 1000 diffs 18:54:10 446 diffs 18:54:20 from last call document 18:54:38 approaching 100 diffs 18:54:59 John: process issues tomorrow 18:55:07 John: resolve to exit last call 18:55:20 Raman: do it done 18:55:45 Steven: not appropriate until we have the spec 18:55:53 not informative 18:56:19 Raman: make it an informative appendix 18:56:52 Proposed Resolution: make input modes an informative appendix 18:57:32 Action: make input modes an informative appendix 18:57:32 Sorry, couldn't find user - make 18:57:45 Action: JBoyer to make input modes an informative appendix 18:57:45 Created ACTION-432 - Make input modes an informative appendix [on John Boyer - due 2007-11-12]. 18:58:20 John Scanning diffs 1.0 and 1.1 18:59:01 downside marking feature at risk -- opens comments 18:59:21 John: saying no featrures at risk, could end up with last call 19:00:08 RESOLUTION: make input modes an informative appendix 19:01:38 Steven: issue from Madrid local-date-time() vs now() 19:01:54 Steven: we didn't make a good decision 19:02:15 ... not obvious for authors 19:02:44 John: not new information 19:03:08 Steven: several people approached Steven on now() 19:03:33 John: end-of-day had to pick a way 19:04:04 John: recorded a (Resolution) on that 19:04:43 UTC version of now() 19:05:30 clarifying now, examples for locat-date-time, adjusting to time zone 19:06:13 John: talk about process issues tomorrow for 1.1 19:06:32 zakim, who is here? 19:06:32 On the phone I see Paul_revere_a, Leigh_Klotz 19:06:33 Paul_revere_a has Steven, John, Charlie, Nick, Keith, Raman 19:06:34 On IRC I see Charlie, klotz, Zakim, John_Boyer, wellsk, Nick, RRSAgent, Steven, trackbot-ng 19:07:04 John, go to next agenda -- xforms 1.2 19:07:40 John: 1.2 to be author simplification 19:08:53 Are we under a requirement for a 1.2? 19:09:09 Raman: better handle on what we need 19:09:17 for lazy authoring 19:09:28 ... xhtml 5 has xforms, clean bridge for lazy authoring 19:09:55 ... how to integrate into xhtml 5 spec 19:10:17 Charlie: what does it do to write guidelines? what is example? 19:10:53 Nick: charter agreement differences on guidelines 19:11:20 Nick: Mark says simplification is important 19:11:36 ... guidelines to enable transition from xhtml to xforms 19:12:02 Raman: continue to have traction for xfrorms 19:12:11 s/xfrorms/xforms 19:13:42 Nick: experimenting with expression language 19:15:06 Nick/Raman: xpath expressions, implementing xpath 19:15:38 John: where would JavaScript live? 19:16:03 Raman: expression to expression, conformance 19:16:21 ... xpath processer 19:16:32 s/processer/processor/ 19:17:38 John: SMIL -- referencing engine pluggable module 19:17:49 Raman: keep xpath as expression language 19:18:08 Nick: to support xpath 2.0 19:18:26 Nick: no harm to use JS in XForms document 19:19:04 John: what is syntactic expression in JS vs xpath 19:19:16 Charlie: guidelines to xhtml forms 19:19:28 Need to get the same content to work, which isn't easy with a "pluggable modules" architecture 19:19:39 Nick: model in html forms 19:19:54 Nick: web forms having a model 19:20:05 If content A contains XPaths and content B contains JS expressions, then implementations need to have both modules available 19:21:15 Nick: have model and check datatypes, 19:21:26 Raman: ends up looking like xforms data model 19:22:20 Nck: is it another impl issue? 19:22:48 Raman: seeing model, independent model is enough 19:23:09 Nick: if date is assigned to node -- is it auto a date control? 19:23:46 Charlie: hope to not intriduce an explicit model 19:24:08 s/intriduce/introduce/ 19:24:58 John: start with syntax, all design is one glass, more control over submission, so xforms submission shows up, and then declare data instead of implicit 19:25:24 John: describe data model 19:25:41 John: doing it by plugging in what you want to use 19:26:03 John: we have data model 19:26:48 raman: bind in a data structure not just xml data 19:27:06 John: isn't that what Charlie said a minute ago? 19:27:25 Charlie: worried about overlapping soln 19:28:00 John: point to our charter pointing out what we are supposed to do. 19:28:30 Charlie: alternate instance formats, not lazy authoring, opposite of ;lazy authoring, plug n' play 19:28:48 Raman: authors likely to not notice difference 19:29:19 Charlie: 1.2 autoring, 2.0 -- modularity 19:29:36 s/autoring/authoring/ 19:29:57 John: pluggable engine: xpath 1.0/xpath 2.0 19:30:22 Charlie: XForms 2.0 take on xpath 2.0 features 19:31:22 Charlie: componentization -- cleaned up stack for developers/architectural value 19:32:15 Charlie: dealing with stuff we need to add, but need to get to other issues like comonentization 19:32:51 Nick: why not specify readonly on UI level 19:33:07 ... why not specify datatype on UI? 19:33:17 not to much work for 1.2 19:33:37 ... scope of 1.2 vs 2.0 19:34:08 John: not achoieve charter unless we do both 1.2 and 2.0 in parallel 19:34:25 s/achoieve/achieve/ 19:36:10 Parallel XForms vs sequential for 1.2 and 2.0 19:36:32 Nick: Is it limitation for 1 editor? 19:36:59 John: 1500 diffs since 2003 19:37:08 Raman: much more solid 19:37:24 John: we have to go parallel if we are to meet our charter 19:37:35 Raman: we have to keep technology moving 19:38:00 John: having more editors on parallel work would make Editor be easier. 19:38:35 Raman: perhaps editing smaller specs is easier than larger specs 19:39:00 John: good guidelines for what goes on in these specs. 19:40:06 John: merge recalculate/revalidate 19:40:26 has been discussed for 2.0 but it's not modularization 19:40:33 it may need to be 3.0 19:40:33 Raman: getting 2.0 early would hurt xforms 1.2 and 1.1 19:41:55 John: 1.1 has text submission 19:42:15 ... other text support 19:42:48 Leigh: backplane work by Charlie, floundered on W3C 19:42:59 ... parallel specs 19:44:13 Leigh: implementors think hard about how to take part in this 19:44:35 ... where to get visibility, work like Mark has done 19:44:51 Raman: important to communicate 19:45:08 Leigh: happy with what raman/charlie/john have said 19:45:47 raman: worked because it was subdivided out -- divide editoring job 19:46:10 John: structure/submission chapters split 19:46:48 John: reorganizing, everyone might see everything is in right buckets 19:47:12 ... instance module with defined interface paying attention to that 19:47:29 John: modularization -- XF 2.0 19:47:57 Raman: modularization is one thing must be done, but don't put it in a specific version. 19:48:06 Leigh: support JSON 19:48:14 Raman: data model on JSON 19:49:03 Leigh: Google made announcement, who is doing xforms for platform 19:49:33 Raman: entire platform is open source 19:50:33 John: have to do modularization to do the things we want to do with XF 1.2 19:51:03 Raman: what are we specifying 19:51:29 s/XF 1.2/XF 2.0 19:51:30 ... and what are interoperable pointsw 19:53:42 Steven: XSMiles combines the two bits together well 19:54:03 s/XSMiles/XSmiles 19:55:00 Steven: demo from SYMM group tomorrow 19:56:36 Charlie: looking for xforms technology into other areas, SMIL, etc 19:57:38 Raman: do spec as series of blogs and investigations 19:59:08 Charlie: what is difference for work for backplane XG vs XForms 2.0? 19:59:34 Raman: Just Xforms selling data model to everybody else. 19:59:48 s/Just/Looks like/ 19:59:50 s/Xforms/ XForms WG/ 20:00:27 Raman: look at google mashup editor 20:01:40 break time 20:02:00 Agenda: http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-forms/2007Nov/0032.html 20:02:10 John_Boyer has changed the topic to: Agenda: http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-forms/2007Nov/0032.html 20:02:59 Break, then discuss "Read Access from WAF" 20:04:44 markbirbeck has joined #forms 20:05:02 John: for 1.2, for 2.0 have list of items for people to have to do 20:07:25 Nick: for XForms 1.2 allow properties oon UI level 20:07:33 s/oon/on/ 20:13:03 -Leigh_Klotz 20:13:37 Leigh, will you be back to discuss Read Access? 20:21:53 Topic -- read access from WAF http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-forms/2007Oct/0002.html 20:22:10 Restart 20:22:19 the link: http://www.w3.org/TR/access-control/ 20:23:24 John: associate access control of resources 20:23:47 ... resource on server, can't trust client 20:23:57 Nick: client says what is done with it? 20:24:08 .. different domains, this is trying to solve this 20:24:22 ... changing domains 20:24:31 like firefox does when domain changes 20:24:54 Nick: trusted domains, so can info from the access control 20:25:11 .. domain added to trusted list 20:26:01 John reading: When a user agent performs a request to which the access control mechanism applies it performs an access request. 20:26:30 John: what are they defining for user to access reosurce? 20:27:07 Nick: multiple frames, multiple documents, in Javascript -- not allowed. this is trying to solve problem. Trust other domains 20:27:17 .. they can receive data for me ... 20:28:08 John reading: When a user agents has to make an access check for a particular resource it must then associate the following with that resource: 20:29:12 Nick reading: in introduction, To prevent information leakage, user agents, such as Web browsers, implement a same origin policy that allows a document (e.g. some JavaScript) to read, process, or otherwise interrogate the contents of another resource if, and only if, the other resource resides in the same domain. 20:30:26 John: an httpRequest 20:30:35 not necessarily from JS 20:32:07 Nick: two different resources, browsers allow listeners to allow communicate, this spec is trying to solve this problem. 20:32:23 Charllie: other foreign resources can react 20:32:40 Nick: javascript or another lang that has access to the DOM 20:32:52 ... to change frame, that is not the problem 20:34:03 http://www.w3.org/TR/2007/WD-access-control-20071001/ 20:34:16 John reading: When a user agent performs a request to which the access control mechanism applies it performs an access request. The exact details of an access request such as how to deal with network errors, redirects, et cetera are out of scope this specification and must be defined by specifications using the access control mechanism 20:34:45 John Reading: Namely, requests using a non-GET HTTP method must be preceded by a request using the GET HTTP method. 20:36:27 Nick: web page consists of multiple resources, how to get with other means than a get? 20:36:34 zakim, what is the code? 20:36:34 the conference code is 26631 (tel:+1.617.761.6200 tel:+ tel:+44.117.370.6152), klotz 20:36:42 +Leigh_Klotz 20:37:29 John: have to be able to post to servlet, you filled out that form correctly, now fill in the next form 20:37:47 client doesn't know details of this 20:38:00 ...web service calls to other domains 20:39:24 Raman: JSON authors are not doing this correctly 20:39:55 John: Leigh give us understanding 20:40:11 of what is expected of us 20:40:12 Leigh: if we can give them feedback less tied to html 20:40:27 take on xforms submission 20:40:42 ... to make that comment to WAF 20:41:02 John: do we provide more formal format? 20:41:18 Leigh: negotiate who does work to make their thing work 20:41:34 ..shared goal, a way of doing it, hacked together 20:41:48 ..if they do like privacy people did 20:42:07 ... applicable to XForms 20:42:45 John: account for XForms 1.1 submission, do we account for ways to submit data? 20:43:16 John: nonget resource from trying to 'get" resource. If can't use get, have no business trying to get 20:43:40 Leigh: response header with particular type of request, take XForms into account 20:43:46 ... like privacy work 20:44:07 John: what is next step? 20:44:14 Leigh: direct a message 20:44:27 Leigh: please put xforms in 20:44:42 ... works well with other specs that are out 20:45:12 Action: Klotz to write something for the group 20:45:12 Sorry, couldn't find user - Klotz 20:45:22 Action: klotz to write something for the group 20:45:22 Sorry, couldn't find user - klotz 20:45:37 don't worry about not finding user klotz 20:45:44 Nick can find it 20:46:49 John: when Nick read spec -- access by arbitrary Javascript commands 20:47:15 ... is it something more than a network request 20:47:53 John: Leigh to write up, get with Nick and Raman and discuss, then get back to group with comments 20:48:05 -Leigh_Klotz 20:55:00 Steven-mobile has joined #forms 22:03:38 Action: charlie to circulate XG draft charter to VBWG and Forms WG 22:03:38 Sorry, couldn't find user - charlie 22:04:04 Trackbot-ng, status 22:04:20 trackbot-ng, status 22:12:38 John_Boyer has joined #forms 22:14:56 * ping 22:15:36 SMIL feedback 22:16:00 http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-forms/2007Oct/0108.html 22:17:47 Scribe: Charlie 22:18:48 Topic: SMIL 3.0 feedback 22:19:07 Issue 8, how would authors receive notification if nodes are deleted? 22:19:28 John: given no full XForms data model, nodes can be deleted without any notification 22:19:45 John: but nodes when inserted generate events, not clear why not parallel function for delete case 22:19:47 -Paul_revere_a 22:20:18 John: they have decided to add delete action, but not corresponding event 22:20:35 John: so, for example, why have events on inserting? they're either important/useful or not 22:21:03 John: furthermore, index management in repeat module is now in terms of listening for insert/delete events 22:21:15 John: both would be required...this module could be used independently if we factor it out 22:21:35 John: not sure they have equivalent constructs, but for us we need both to properly manage anything operating over the data model 22:21:48 Issue 4: good 22:22:03 Issue 5, will add new attribute to specify position of new element 22:22:23 Issue 13: have picked up target attribute from submission 22:23:05 Steven has joined #forms 22:23:07 Charlie: can this be done coherently without the rest of the data model? 22:23:29 John: yes, parts of the model can be taken independently, perhaps with restricted (default) function...target seems to be one 22:24:56 Issue 3: are attributes supported 22:25:47 rrsagent, make minutes 22:25:47 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2007/11/05-forms-minutes.html Steven 22:27:33 Issue 7: no bubble but do they have a capture phase? is this some level of DOM eventing or another processing model? 22:28:25 Issue 9: multiple contentControlChange events 22:28:44 John: why fire both? which comes first? 22:29:09 John: we've had similar problems where as you're firing events want to fire two that are related to the same activity 22:29:28 John: what happens if you dispatch first one, its action handler makes 2nd event stale...no longer relevant? 22:29:41 John: maybe doesn't apply in SMIL??? 22:30:50 Issue 15: submission is synchronous 22:31:26 John: doesn't SMIL have particular need for async? 22:32:23 Charlie: seems like the fork/join case handles this 22:33:46 John: would pre and post processing of submission be possible? 22:34:12 John: is there a need for control over submission serialization or is this future requirement? 22:34:21 John: perhaps by adopting more of xforms submission in the future 22:42:06 Zakim has left #forms 23:07:16 wellsk has left #forms 23:07:29 rrsagent, make minutes 23:07:29 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2007/11/05-forms-minutes.html John_Boyer 23:07:34 rrsagent, bye 23:07:34 I see 8 open action items saved in http://www.w3.org/2007/11/05-forms-actions.rdf : 23:07:34 ACTION: John_Boyer to amend spec to resolve issue 87 [1] 23:07:34 recorded in http://www.w3.org/2007/11/05-forms-irc#T18-25-12 23:07:34 ACTION: jboyer to amend spec to resolve issue 87 [2] 23:07:34 recorded in http://www.w3.org/2007/11/05-forms-irc#T18-27-27 23:07:34 ACTION: JBoyer to do eliminate special case target location processing for attributes and fix Example B.4 [3] 23:07:34 recorded in http://www.w3.org/2007/11/05-forms-irc#T18-48-33 23:07:34 ACTION: make input modes an informative appendix [4] 23:07:34 recorded in http://www.w3.org/2007/11/05-forms-irc#T18-57-32 23:07:34 ACTION: JBoyer to make input modes an informative appendix [5] 23:07:34 recorded in http://www.w3.org/2007/11/05-forms-irc#T18-57-45 23:07:34 ACTION: Klotz to write something for the group [6] 23:07:34 recorded in http://www.w3.org/2007/11/05-forms-irc#T20-45-12 23:07:34 ACTION: klotz to write something for the group [7] 23:07:34 recorded in http://www.w3.org/2007/11/05-forms-irc#T20-45-22 23:07:34 ACTION: charlie to circulate XG draft charter to VBWG and Forms WG [8] 23:07:34 recorded in http://www.w3.org/2007/11/05-forms-irc#T22-03-38