16:41:00 RRSAgent has joined #ua 16:41:00 logging to http://www.w3.org/2007/10/04-ua-irc 16:41:07 Zakim, this will be UAWG 16:41:08 ok, JR; I see WAI_UAWG()1:00PM scheduled to start in 19 minutes 16:41:14 Meeting: WAI UA 16:41:25 Agenda: http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/w3c-wai-ua/2007OctDec/0001.html 16:41:37 Chair: Jim Allan 16:41:41 Scribe: JR 16:41:51 Regrets: Kelly Ford 16:44:54 AllanJ has joined #ua 16:57:38 WAI_UAWG()1:00PM has now started 16:57:45 +??P3 16:58:08 zakim, ??P3 is really JR 16:58:08 +JR; got it 16:58:10 +AllanJ 16:59:16 +[IBM] 16:59:39 zakim, [IBM] is really cklaws 16:59:40 +cklaws; got it 16:59:43 cklaws has joined #ua 17:01:16 +[IBM] 17:02:18 zakim, [IBM} is pperente 17:02:18 sorry, AllanJ, I do not recognize a party named '[IBM}' 17:02:19 zakim, [IBM] is really pparente 17:02:19 +pparente; got it 17:03:16 Agenda+ CSUN paper on UAAG. 17:03:38 Action JA: Putting together a UAAG paper for CSUN 17:04:05 JA: want to talk aobut Web 2.0 and ARIA support etc. 17:04:19 CL: And maybe talk about responses to HTML5 things 17:05:02 Topic: Review accomodation arrangements for the F2F. 17:05:14 JA: Who's going? 17:05:20 JA: JA, JR 17:05:32 CL: Will be there but need to leave on Tuesday night 17:06:02 JR: Meeting just Mon, Tues so more or less ok 17:08:08 JA: There may also be some PF-HTML5 meetings later in the TP week 17:09:43 JA: There will be a phone so Peter P could perhaps join that way for a bit 17:09:48 PP: Will see 17:10:01 Topic: 2. 2.7 Repair Missing Content discussion on Xtech 17:11:42 CL: Want to make sure that UA's do at least something 17:12:26 CL: Would prefer to see image source over "image" 17:13:04 JA: Are we telling browsers or ATs 17:14:23 JR: Complicated by alt pop-up 17:14:39 JA: Maybe this should be a configurable repaire' 17:15:46 JR: Maybe AT option between source name, "image" 17:15:49 JR: perhaps, configure: if no alt, title then render source, "image", or nothing 17:16:02 CL: WOuld also like an "ignore" option for linked image 17:16:10 'OOPS for unlinked image 17:17:36 JR: There's also suggestions around dictionaries used to determine words in file names 17:17:42 JA: Maybe that's a technique 17:17:58 CL: Have heard of various other algorithms 17:18:19 JA: Jaws does some of that 17:18:46 Topic: 3. review action items 17:19:14 Topic: 4. Towards a first Editor's Draft: Review Guideline 1 suggestions 17:19:38 JR: will start putting up internal editors drafts 17:20:19 ...used UAAG 1 guideline text as a start, applied changes we have made in the wiki 17:20:55 ...make updates every other seek or so, to see that we are building momentum 17:23:08 JA: Will set up a more structured plan 17:23:22 JA: JR suggested taking first 4 17:25:44 JR: Almost take a 1.1 approach 17:26:05 Action JR: Try to get first Editor's draft together for next week. 17:26:49 CL: Objectives in Boston? 17:27:18 JA: Good question...thought we'd do more of this stuff...plus made requests to meet with other groups. 17:27:39 JA: Got no requests back howerever. 17:28:10 -cklaws 17:28:12 -pparente 17:33:10 -AllanJ 17:33:12 -JR 17:33:14 WAI_UAWG()1:00PM has ended 17:33:15 Attendees were JR, AllanJ, cklaws, pparente 17:33:31 RRSAgent, make minutes 17:33:31 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2007/10/04-ua-minutes.html JR 17:33:45 RRSAgent, set logs public 17:33:50 Zakim, bye 17:33:50 Zakim has left #ua 17:33:56 RRSAgent, bye 17:33:56 I see 2 open action items saved in http://www.w3.org/2007/10/04-ua-actions.rdf : 17:33:56 ACTION: JA to Putting together a UAAG paper for CSUN [1] 17:33:56 recorded in http://www.w3.org/2007/10/04-ua-irc#T17-03-38 17:33:56 ACTION: JR to Try to get first Editor's draft together for next week. [2] 17:33:56 recorded in http://www.w3.org/2007/10/04-ua-irc#T17-26-05