16:26:21 RRSAgent has joined #ua 16:26:21 logging to http://www.w3.org/2007/09/06-ua-irc 16:26:34 rrsagent, set logs public 16:26:49 zakim, this will be wai_u 16:26:49 ok, AllanJ; I see WAI_UAWG()1:00PM scheduled to start in 34 minutes 16:44:07 JR has joined #ua 16:48:10 Zakim, this will be UAWG 16:48:10 ok, JR; I see WAI_UAWG()1:00PM scheduled to start in 12 minutes 16:48:18 Meeting: WAI UA 16:48:38 Agenda: http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/w3c-wai-ua/2007JulSep/0079.html 16:48:46 Scribe: JR 16:48:55 Chair: Jim Allan 16:49:07 Regrets: Peter Parente, Kelly Ford 16:58:15 WAI_UAWG()1:00PM has now started 16:58:22 +??P10 16:58:31 zakim, ??P10 is really JR 16:58:31 +JR; got it 16:59:06 zakim, who is making noise? 16:59:17 JR, listening for 10 seconds I could not identify any sounds 16:59:35 +JimA 16:59:38 -JR 16:59:39 +JR 17:00:51 +[IBM] 17:01:15 cklaws has joined #ua 17:01:51 zakim, [IBM] is really cklaws 17:01:51 +cklaws; got it 17:08:59 Topic: 1. review action items 17:09:10 Topic: JR to Write something up regarding other potential system 17:09:10 services impacting display/control 17:11:39 JR: provide access to hidden or system settings 17:12:02 CL: display properties are even more hidden in new OS 17:12:03 JR: Intended to mean ability to bring up OS's preferences 17:12:15 JR: since sometimes hidden 17:12:26 CL: Even more hidden in XP 17:12:40 JA: I was focussed on the UA display 17:17:57 All: Some debate about where tooltips come from...system vs. UA specific vs content 17:18:18 CL: Content tooltips controlled by CSS 17:18:58 JR: Author-controlled tooltips 17:19:14 JA: User doesn't contol alt tooltips 17:19:54 JR: author controlled tool tips, like ajax or css tooltips using span 17:20:27 ...also UI tool tips for @alt and @title, and chrome 17:20:36 CL: So user agent tooltips + UI/Chrome tooltips need to respect OS conventions 17:22:20 JR: mouse over an image, the UA chooses to use the tooltip widget from the OS, or... 17:22:52 JR: So we're saying keep the respect the OS tooltip conventions 17:23:34 CL: In general if something is controlled by system, we want UA's to repect that 17:24:09 JA: So should UA be providing some way to change tooltips 17:24:19 JA: But kind of hate singling out tooltips 17:24:43 JA: Maybe instructions should be provided 17:26:13 JR: Gives save dialog example 17:26:50 JA: So maybe will abandon Tooltip crusade...all User Agent tooltips including chrome should inherit from OS 17:27:19 JA: And user-defined (AJAX) tooltips should be rendered as per user settings 17:28:50 CL, JR: Clarify that rendered tooltips follow browser's rendering settings e.g. zoom 17:30:24 CL: Will ask BG about whether AJAX knows the OS settings for chrome tooltips 17:31:38 AllanJ has joined #ua 17:32:24 JR: Since the point of AJAX is author-customization they may not want to follow system settings - maybe matching the web page's scheme 17:32:42 CL: I know they do respect something to do with high contrast 17:33:38 JA: Imagine AJAX tooltip with an image in it...and it has an alt...and then a mouseover calls a system tooltip 17:34:59 JA: So we've decided to leave tooltips alone 17:35:18 JA: Standard tooltips are already covered. 17:35:32 JA: And so are author-defined 17:37:33 CL: JR's stuff maybe not a requirement but it could be an advisory technique. 17:37:57 Action JR: Rewrite OS settings as an advisory techniques 17:38:53 JA: One or two places in IE....that bring up system things 17:39:30 JA: Or maybe mistaken 17:39:47 JA: Oh...Internet Options in the OS control panel 17:40:14 JA: In Connections... 17:40:29 JA: Setup "Internet Connection" 17:40:43 CL: Yeah but was thinking Mouse cursors etc. 17:41:47 JA: Horse beaten. 17:42:13 Topic: 2. Review Guideline 1 suggestions 17:46:56 Action: JR, JA: Figure out how to store technique suggestions 17:47:48 JA: 1.1 looked ok 17:48:51 JA: 1.1 covers tooltip by keyboard? 17:50:48 All: Yes 17:51:15 CL: OK but in some cases... 17:51:40 CL: Without caret browsing can't get to images anyway 17:52:47 CL: Caret browsing doesn't have multiple selection 17:53:49 JA: Selection, copy, paste also covered 17:55:33 JR: In word: select something, hold ctrl key and select new stuff 17:56:49 JA: Let's stop for today 17:57:02 -cklaws 17:57:04 -JimA 17:57:09 Next meeting Sept 13 17:57:19 -JR 17:57:20 WAI_UAWG()1:00PM has ended 17:57:21 Attendees were JR, JimA, cklaws 17:57:31 RRSAgent, make minutes 17:57:31 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2007/09/06-ua-minutes.html JR 17:57:37 RRSAgent, set logs public 17:57:42 Zakim, bye 17:57:42 Zakim has left #ua 17:57:48 RRSAgent, bye 17:57:48 I see 2 open action items saved in http://www.w3.org/2007/09/06-ua-actions.rdf : 17:57:48 ACTION: JR to Rewrite OS settings as an advisory techniques [1] 17:57:48 recorded in http://www.w3.org/2007/09/06-ua-irc#T17-37-57 17:57:48 ACTION: JR, JA: Figure out how to store technique suggestions [2] 17:57:48 recorded in http://www.w3.org/2007/09/06-ua-irc#T17-46-56