16:47:49 RRSAgent has joined #ua 16:47:49 logging to http://www.w3.org/2007/08/23-ua-irc 16:48:04 zakim, this will be wai-u 16:48:04 I do not see a conference matching that name scheduled within the next hour, AllanJ 16:48:25 zakim, this will be wai_u 16:48:25 ok, AllanJ; I see WAI_UAWG()1:00PM scheduled to start in 12 minutes 16:48:42 Title: UAWG teleconference 16:49:00 rrsagent, set logs public 16:49:18 Chair: Jim Allan 16:50:22 Agenda: http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/w3c-wai-ua/2007JulSep/0068.html 16:50:55 scribe: JR 16:54:25 JR has joined #ua 16:54:57 scribe: JR 16:57:19 WAI_UAWG()1:00PM has now started 16:57:26 +Jim_Allan 16:59:33 +??P1 17:00:57 zakim, ??P1 is really JR 17:00:57 +JR; got it 17:05:51 +[IBM] 17:06:20 cklaws has joined #ua 17:06:51 zakim, [IBM] or really cklaws 17:06:51 I don't understand '[IBM] or really cklaws', JR 17:06:59 zakim, [IBM] is really cklaws 17:06:59 +cklaws; got it 17:08:19 Topic: 2. definition of 'chrome' 17:08:26 JA: IBM has a defn? 17:08:36 CL: Not an official one 17:09:03 Topic: UAAG2 feature wishlist 17:09:24 JA: So far the WCAG wishlist for UA's is already covered. 17:09:32 http://trace.wisc.edu/wcag_wiki/index.php?title=User_Agent_Push 17:09:55 CL: In developing HPR we came up with a list of features for Mozilla 17:11:00 JA: There's also a list of things on a blog... 17:11:04 https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=24413 17:13:32 JA: Tried to get acount on user agent "push" wiki site 17:13:42 JA: Wondering about process 17:14:03 JA: Should we get on the list or just wait till WCAG filters things to us 17:15:29 JA: There's also an old doc "Until user agents do this"...but lots are outdated...like putting placeholder text in form fields 17:15:46 JA: Still might be another source of wishlist items 17:17:28 CL: The bugzilla bug in link includes a number of sub-bugs that detail required behaviour 17:18:22 CL: HPR UAAG gap list was things missing in HPR, not things missing in UAAG 17:19:05 JA: Mainstream developers love some of the AT features such as list of links 17:19:18 CL: Right, same with Where am I that HPR has 17:21:54 CL: I read WCAG Push as being a list of things that are in UAAG1 but still are lacking support in browsers 17:22:35 CL: Their example "navigate by section" is unclear since there are many meanings to "section". 17:23:03 +Gregory_Rosmaita 17:23:10 Web Standards Current browsers and the User Agent Accessibility Guidelines 1.0 http://www.webstandards.org/learn/articles/current-browsers-uaag10/ 17:24:23 comments about article: http://www.webstandards.org/2007/05/20/current-browsers-and-the-user-agent-accessibility-guidelines-10/ 17:25:16 GR: Joins and gives some info on alt/longdesc page + asks some advice on ways of making longdesc cognitive disability side-by-side use case more clear 17:26:14 GR: Two important things to say... 17:26:38 GR: Asked by Dan C to represnt HTML group on WAI-UA and Forms group... 17:26:56 GR: So you can forward any forms issues to me 17:27:15 GR: Forms Group is actually a Forms "taskforce" 17:28:55 JA: Anything more for wishlist? 17:29:02 JA: Maybe HTML will have items? 17:30:24 GR: will add to liasison list of things to do 17:31:06 Topic: 1. review action items 17:31:29 GR: Will work on "GR to Flesh out requirements of text view for 2.2" today 17:32:28 JA: My proposal on 3.4 is to remove to exclusion on plugins 17:34:34 JR: use case, flashing content. turning off execution prevents flashing. 17:35:02 CL: but want the non-executed content replaced with alternative content 17:35:24 GR: Alt in the fallback for rich content... 17:35:37 GR: Also preference sniffing. 17:35:48 GR: discussion in HTML about rich fall back content, content negotiation with user preferences and available fallback content 17:36:02 GR: Object is a catchsall. 17:36:38 JR: So I might set my lang in the properties 17:36:39 JR: in my preferences, can set default language, then the UA sorts through content based on preferences 17:37:09 GR: UA would present a list of options of content available 17:37:25 GR: So it would be a user agent feature to sort through conditional content 17:37:36 GR: Author defined cascade... 17:37:56 GR: With eye towards UA's that don't support the technology being served 17:38:22 JA: Has been a problem for awhile... 17:39:58 JA: A great feature would be if user was on an object and could then see what cond. content was in there 17:40:14 JA: Of course always depends on cond. content being there 17:40:27 JA: ANd nice if that worked without an AT 17:41:23 JR: So back to executable checkpoint... 17:41:23 JR: expands on the toggling of executable content, more techniques and related to conditional content 17:41:48 JR: no flashing use case is the strongest one I see 17:41:56 GR: user preference...what kind of content is preferred, 17:42:27 GR: Object handling has to follow user prefs- I see 3 states - show all, show something specific, let me pick 17:43:08 GR: Lots of talk lately about Object... 17:43:24 GR: If MIME type is XYZ then load 17:43:44 GR: Stuff needed is already in UA's but some Chrome is needed 17:44:14 GR: ARIA live region would greatly support this. 17:44:22 GR: ie. want captions 17:44:43 GR: then system would convey changes in captions to AT directly 17:45:45 JA: So...new 3.4 seems ok...but we need to tie in more with Conditional Content stuff 17:46:04 JA: Some we can expect from DHTML: working group and ARIA best practices 17:46:24 oops JA should be GR 17:46:49 JA: "JA to Write proposal for controlling display of tooltips" done 17:47:16 JA: Tooltips controlled by underlying operating system 17:47:35 JA: Not sure we need to get involved with this 17:47:56 JA: Maybe it's just something we put out as a checkpoint and let UA people decide how to do it 17:48:18 JA: e.g. pull it out of system? 17:48:37 CL: Maybe we should discuss ARIA tooltips 17:48:56 CL: Entire forms inside tooltips 17:49:06 GR: Prefer to call them "context menus" 17:49:17 JA: Will style trickle down? 17:49:30 CL: Generated using javascript 17:50:42 CL: I know Becky et al are working to respect system settings such as high contrast..but not sure about browser settings (or even tooltip system settings) 17:52:37 CL: ARIA adds attributes that will show up in DOM 17:53:43 CL: Firefox on Win uses MSAA an Iaccessible2 17:53:51 CL: On Linux is uses ATK 17:54:32 CL: Becky says browser can't get tooltip styling? 17:56:08 will dojo menus inherit UA user settings 17:56:56 JA: So for tooltips... 17:57:10 CL: Asking Becky what is being respected... 17:57:29 CL: Becky says background and foreground stylesheet colours 17:58:03 JA: So seems like UA colours would override 17:58:11 JA: So with tooltips... 17:58:30 JA: Not sure my propossal is another checkpoint or where it might fit... 17:58:44 GR: Also need to colour temporality of tooltip 17:59:18 JR: But can't control system settings 18:00:08 JA: Nothing in styles that can control tooltips 18:01:04 JA: Some designers found various tricks to get around tooltips 18:01:32 GR: Info from on-focus could just as easily go on status bar 18:01:48 JA: We're overtime... 18:02:11 JA: OK will write something to list for next week 18:02:12 -cklaws 18:02:15 -Gregory_Rosmaita 18:02:23 -Jim_Allan 18:02:31 -JR 18:02:32 WAI_UAWG()1:00PM has ended 18:02:33 Attendees were Jim_Allan, JR, cklaws, Gregory_Rosmaita 18:02:48 RRSAgent, make minutes 18:02:48 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2007/08/23-ua-minutes.html JR 18:02:56 RRSAgent, set logs public 18:03:04 Zakim, bye 18:03:04 Zakim has left #ua 18:03:09 RRSAgent, bye 18:03:09 I see no action items