13:51:36 RRSAgent has joined #bpwg 13:51:36 logging to http://www.w3.org/2007/08/21-bpwg-irc 13:51:38 RRSAgent, make logs member 13:51:38 Zakim has joined #bpwg 13:51:40 Zakim, this will be BPWG 13:51:40 ok, trackbot-ng; I see MWI_BPWG()10:00AM scheduled to start in 9 minutes 13:51:42 Meeting: Mobile Web Best Practices Working Group Teleconference 13:51:44 Date: 21 August 2007 13:52:00 RRSAgent, make logs public 13:53:54 zakim, code? 13:53:54 the conference code is 2283 (tel:+1.617.761.6200 tel:+ tel:+44.117.370.6152), jo 13:54:40 Meeting: BPWG Checker Task Force Teleconference 13:54:51 RRSAgent, draft minutes 13:54:51 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2007/08/21-bpwg-minutes.html jo 13:55:37 srowen has joined #bpwg 13:57:24 abel has joined #BPWG 13:57:33 MWI_BPWG()10:00AM has now started 13:57:40 + +020899aaaa 13:57:51 zakim, number? 13:57:51 I don't understand your question, srowen. 13:57:54 zakim, aaaa is me 13:57:54 +jo; got it 13:57:59 zakim, code? 13:57:59 the conference code is 2283 (tel:+1.617.761.6200 tel:+ tel:+44.117.370.6152), jo 13:58:03 (thanks) 13:58:30 Chair: Sean 13:58:30 +Sean_Owen 13:58:39 Present: Sean, Jo 13:59:27 roland has joined #bpwg 13:59:47 ruadhan has joined #bpwg 14:01:03 + +49.221.650.07.aabb 14:01:25 zakim, +49.221.650.07.aabb is roland 14:01:25 +roland; got it 14:01:26 Good morning all. This should be a short but productive call. Key topics are: F2F, status, and then discussion of several particular technical issues 14:01:34 (Or good evening.) 14:01:34 +dom 14:01:55 Present+ Dom, Roland 14:02:07 rrsagent, draft minutes 14:02:07 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2007/08/21-bpwg-minutes.html jo 14:02:43 +luis_polo 14:02:58 -dom 14:03:05 zakim, luis_polo is me 14:03:05 +abel; got it 14:03:13 zakim, luis_polo is really Abel 14:03:13 sorry, jo, I do not recognize a party named 'luis_polo' 14:03:35 Present+ Abel 14:04:20 Topic: Agenda 14:04:27 Scribenick: jo 14:04:50 Sean: topics are F2F, Status and Tech Issues 14:04:54 Topic: F2F 14:05:14 Sean: we are on for sept 4-6 at Nice? 14:05:34 ... has everyone seen the logistics? Any concerns? 14:06:02 Roland: I am only going to be there on the 4th and 5th 14:06:31 Abel: Nacho is on holiday, I think he made the reservation 14:06:50 ... as soon as I have talked to him I'll send mail saying when we are arriving etc. 14:07:14 +Dom 14:07:30 2283 is 14:08:11 ack me 14:08:13 + +03531854aacc 14:08:22 sean: do we have anything to do ref meeting rooms etc. 14:08:35 dom: do we want to have a conference bridge? 14:09:00 sean: think we'll be OK without that, are we OK for the room for the 6th? 14:09:05 dom: yes 14:09:13 zakim, aacc is Rudahan 14:09:13 +Rudahan; got it 14:09:21 Present+ Ruadhan 14:09:42 zakim, who is noisy? 14:09:53 jo, listening for 11 seconds I heard sound from the following: Dom (34%), Sean_Owen (38%) 14:10:01 zakim, mute dom 14:10:01 Dom should now be muted 14:10:13 + +1.212.565.aadd 14:10:28 zakim, aadd is Laura 14:10:28 +Laura; got it 14:10:33 -> http://www.w3.org/2005/MWI/BPWG/Group/track/products/10 list of action items for the checker task force 14:10:38 present+ Laura 14:10:44 Topic: Status 14:11:02 Laura: mainly sorting things out with how we are going to do the CSS 14:11:33 ... trying to figure out how to do the @IMPORT and @MEDIA rules 14:11:49 ... I will try to get the 8 tests done by next Weds which is when I am leaving 14:12:26 Abel: I have been looking at the Saxon parser 14:12:37 ... strange characters 14:13:02 ... I have doubts about the approach we are taking on CSS 14:13:29 ... we are using Java objects and XPATH on moki 14:13:45 ... problem with the validator is with imported CSS 14:13:50 ... as discussed on the list 14:14:04 Sean: yes, there are several issues to discuss around that 14:14:49 Roland: last two weeks I have been on holiday and before that playing around with XSLT but I have lost all my changes as a result of a disk crash 14:15:22 ruadhan: I haven' t had much time recently, but I did commit some test cases I will try to put more time in 14:15:52 sean: I haven't been very active, but looking over Laura's shoulders looks generally good 14:16:05 ... I am hoping that the hard parts are over 14:16:24 ... and that it is just a case of finishing up 14:16:33 Topic: CSS handling 14:16:52 Sean: laura implemented the tests outside of the CSS serialization 14:17:18 ... so what should we do with the code and will our proposed approach work? 14:17:52 Laura: we decided to do some pre-processing on the content of the CSS so the validator doesn't do the wrong thing 14:18:17 ... so the approach is that as we go through we will collect the URLs for the included style sheets 14:18:39 ... and then we run the validator on what remains 14:19:09 sean: so the approach is to manually process imports and @media rules 14:20:46 jo: I am worried by this approach but don't have much else to offer 14:21:18 and wonder if the preprocessed stuff ought to appear in moki 14:21:39 sean: I agree but don't think it is as bad as it seems in practice 14:21:55 Topic: CSS serialization in XML 14:22:04 Sean: we have talked about this a lot 14:22:27 ... but we don't necessarily have to have that for this project 14:22:40 ... what do we want to do with this code? 14:23:15 abel_ has joined #BPWG 14:24:36 jo: was wondering if the code in CSS Utils came from somewhere else 14:30:20 sean: let's continue this on the list 14:30:40 Topic: Extraneous attributes in output 14:31:24 sean: this looks as though it has been solved by changing from Saxon to Xerces, except where Saxon is really necessary for line numbers 14:32:05 laura: yup, think Abel and I came to the same conclusion, one of us will fix 14:32:16 Topic: F2F Agenda 14:32:34 sean: use last half day as working together, review code etc. 14:32:53 ... dont' need particular topics on that last day 14:33:17 ... use a whole day to go through state of all tests 14:34:12 ... and another to review all issues that pop up and do a gap analysis and allocate and schedule and target first release 14:34:59 ... I'll draft an agenda and circulate on the list 14:35:17 Topic: AOB 14:35:53 sean: nothing pressing, so next meeting will be in Nice 14:36:07 jo: thanks Laura for everything 14:36:11 -Dom 14:36:19 thanks indeed, laura 14:36:35 -Rudahan 14:36:35 sean: laura's done a great job and thanks! 14:36:37 -Laura 14:36:37 -Sean_Owen 14:36:39 also, thanks laura! 14:36:41 -jo 14:36:41 bye 14:36:49 -roland 14:36:51 bye 14:36:59 zakim, who is here? 14:36:59 On the phone I see abel 14:37:00 On IRC I see abel_, ruadhan, roland, srowen, Zakim, RRSAgent, matt, jo, MikeSmith, dom, trackbot-ng 14:37:03 -abel 14:37:04 MWI_BPWG()10:00AM has ended 14:37:06 Attendees were +020899aaaa, jo, Sean_Owen, roland, dom, abel, +03531854aacc, Rudahan, +1.212.565.aadd, Laura 14:37:22 zakim, bye 14:37:22 Zakim has left #bpwg 14:37:32 rrsagent, draft minutes 14:37:32 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2007/08/21-bpwg-minutes.html jo 14:37:46 Present- Matt 14:38:26 ruadhan has left #bpwg 14:50:53 abel has joined #BPWG 15:41:48 jo has left #bpwg 15:47:38 abel has left #BPWG