See also: IRC log
<whenry> Sshhhh don't tell her Chris
<whenry> ;-)
<cferris> scribe: mlittle
<cferris> scribeNick: mlittle
cferris: scribes for f2f. Need scribes for
Tuesday and Wednesday.
... fabian will do Tuesday morning. sergey for Tuesday afternoon. daveo for
Wednesday morning. dale for Wednesday afternoon.
<cferris> scribes for f2f: Fabian (Tues am), Sergey (Tues pm), DaveO (Weds am), Dale (Weds pm)
cferris: no objections to minutes as posted.
<cferris> RESOLUTION: 6/27 minutes approved as posted
<cferris> ACTION: Chris and Paul to add agendum for meeting schedule including possible f2f meetings through November [recorded in]
<trackbot> Created ACTION-329 - And Paul to add agendum for meeting schedule including possible f2f meetings through November [on Christopher Ferris - due 2007-07-18].
<whenry> DART = Dublin Area Rapid Transport
sergey: everything set up for f2f. If any questions about getting to/into Iona offices, then contact sergey. Has details on transportation alternatives if not going by taxi.
<whenry> There is a stop VERY near to IONA office. Lansdown Rd. DART station
<whenry> TAXIs are fairly handy except late at night.
<toufic> clap clap clap
<asir> clap clap clap ...
<Fabian> I plan on taking the aircoach, that is a private bus service that goes to a couple of major hotels from the airport
cferris: S-Policy 1.5 is a PR
cferris: WS-Policy 1.5 is a PR
paul: shortest PR transition call ever! Plus shortest time for group over all!!!!
<toufic> drinks on chris!
cferris: editors report?
nothing new to report.
toufic: one action item pending in my name. Text is already to go as soon as we approve AI.
paulc: if we go to public page, editors draft for primer and guideline docs are the ones people should use to give comments?
toufic: yes
cferris: review of action items.
<cferris> ACTION: Chris and Paul to add ACTION-300 to f2f agenda [recorded in]
<trackbot> Created ACTION-330 - And Paul to add ACTION-300 to f2f agenda [on Christopher Ferris - due 2007-07-18].
cferris: action-304 in hand.
cferris: ACTION-306 also done.
cferris: ACTION-322 Maryann to initiate email thread elaborating on best practice
related to issue
cferris: leave as pending.
paulc: ACTION-323 and ACTION-325 due to maryann. Need to be priority for the f2f.
cferris: ACTION-326 for toufic. Is this done?
maybe the issue number is wrong, because 4672 is closed?
cferris: no sign of toufic on call.
<Fabian> second last in the first line from Zakim...
paulc: has 4566 been done?
general confusion about which issue toufic should have been addressing.
cferris: maybe this is a closed issue after all.
paulc: which issue should be applied to this action item?
<asir> 4566 and it is completed
cferris: discussion was around 4566 which related to samples having syntactic errors in them. Prasad is correct that we fixed it all. Then there's this action on toufic, which doesn't seem to have the right context.
paulc: I believe the action was completed.
Let's assume that the action was done.
... I'll update the action to have the right issue number and mark as
cferris: ACTION-327 done
... ACTION-328 done by monica.
paulc: so that leaves 300 and 330 open along with maryanns issues. 329 to track f2f agenda.
philippe: nothing to report on PR transition.
philippe: this is on agenda of meeting on 19th of July. Let's leave this until later in August because we may have to update it then anyway.
asir: end of PR period might impact calendar.
paulc: agree. let's discuss at f2f.
... philippe and felix will track for us?
philippe: yes, but no guarantees on time. If not 19th July then we should resolve with currently recommended text.
<asir> so the tickler is July 19th
paulc: we want to refer to OASIS WS-Sec and WSDL recommendation?
cferris: yes
... close and leave to editors?
<cferris> RESOLUTION: 4831 closed as proposed by Monica in
4836 open, plus one issue open against test suite: 4582 from IBM. We need to close these as part of the specification.
philippe: both specifications ref rfc 2246
which is about tls 1.0. rfc 4346 updates the first rfc and defines tls 1.1.
Should we upgrade to the latest version of tls? However, the upgrade path is
not clear. Not sure if there are implementations of 1.1 in Java or .NET?
Plus, paul pointed out that WS-Sec talks about tls 1.0, so we probably want
to keep things as they are.
... I would close this without action.
<asir> +1 to close without any action
ashok: can we reword to say tls 1.0 and its successor rfcs?
philippe: sure, but it's only mentioned as an example. easiest resolution (on editors) would be no action.
paulc: only go with 1.0.
ashok: ws-policy will live for a long time. so why not 1.1 as well?
philippe: but we don't mandate 1.0 or 1.1.
paulc: do not want 1.1 referred in the spec.
cferris: no objections to closing as no action.
<cferris> RESOLUTION: 4836 closed with no action
cferris: IBM has proposed additions to test cases specifically to address testing intersections in nested policies.
<asir> Doug's updated version of the tests cases are
cferris: believes asir had some minor issues. Vendors have come forward and reported successful testing of those test cases. So we have more than one vendor passing these unit tests. I recommend close as adopting these as part of the test suite and editors to make changes to incorporate them into test suite. Any discussion?
paulc: sent a note to felix to update homepage
with PR items. Wonder whether these tests should be explicitly pointed out on
the home page since they're not on the score-card?
... we want people to know about these tests.
cferris: add them to scorecard?
paulc: a lot of work.
... maybe the scorecard page could point to the additional test page
cferris: either that or update the scorecard.
paulc: let's assign to felix/editors to get these tests into the interop scenarios and make sure the results are reported appropriately.
<cferris> ACTION: Felix and editors to work to incorporate the test cases in as optional round 5 tests and to record somewhere (homepage or scorecard) the successful results [recorded in]
<trackbot> Created ACTION-331 - And editors to work to incorporate the test cases in as optional round 5 tests and to record somewhere (homepage or scorecard) the successful results [on Felix Sasaki - due 2007-07-18].
<cferris> RESOLUTION: 4582 closed by adding tests in as optional round 5 tests
cferris: single issue 4376
... objections to deferring to PR? None. OK.
paulc: what's the date for this?
cferris: sometime in August.
paulc: ok, so will update list.
cferris: no need paul to have primer topic on agenda?
paulc: well we might have comments, so let's leave it in.
cferris: neither monica nor maryann, who are relevant to most of the issues.
fabian: monica will be at f2f.
cferris: let's quickly go through and see if
there's anything we can do without monica or maryann. Need to be careful
around issues that they were involved with.
... toufic, what about Bug 4566
toufic: spoke to interested people and we came
up with resolution that satisfies everyone. split best practice into 2.
... one of the best practices was around assertion authors should only write
policy assertions if they relate to behaviour that is on the wire for
compatibility issues. However, the intent was really that if there are
behaviours that manifest on the wires then that's a good use case for writing
the policy assertions. It came down to SHOULD. This resulted in two best
practices to clarify issues. Listed in link.
cferris: any objections on the proposed
... hearing none, resolution agreed. 4566 resolved with
<cferris> RESOLUTION: 4566 closed with proposal in
cferris: everything else depends on monica and/or maryann. So end of meeting?
<abbie> +abbie
This is scribe.perl Revision: 1.128 of Date: 2007/02/23 21:38:13 Check for newer version at Guessing input format: RRSAgent_Text_Format (score 1.00) Found Scribe: mlittle Found ScribeNick: mlittle WARNING: Replacing previous Present list. (Old list: Fabian, Sergey_Beryozkin, Yakov_Sverdlov, Frederick_Hirsch_(muted), Mark_Little, Chris_Ferris, asir, whenry, Prasad_Yendluri, Toufic_Boubez, Maryann, Tom_Rutt, Paul_Cotton, Ashok, Dan, Dale, GlenD, Philippe) Use 'Present+ ... ' if you meant to add people without replacing the list, such as: <dbooth> Present+ Charlton Present: Fabian Sergey_Beryozkin Yakov_Sverdlov Frederick_Hirsch_(muted) Mark_Little Chris_Ferris asir whenry Prasad_Yendluri Toufic_Boubez Maryann Tom_Rutt Paul_Cotton Ashok Dan Charlton Abbie Philippe GlenD Regrets: Monica Maryann_(partial) Charlton WARNING: No meeting title found! You should specify the meeting title like this: <dbooth> Meeting: Weekly Baking Club Meeting WARNING: No meeting chair found! You should specify the meeting chair like this: <dbooth> Chair: dbooth Got date from IRC log name: 11 Jul 2007 Guessing minutes URL: People with action items: chris editors felix paul WARNING: Input appears to use implicit continuation lines. You may need the "-implicitContinuations" option.[End of scribe.perl diagnostic output]