12:20:35 RRSAgent has joined #dse1 12:20:36 logging to http://www.w3.org/2007/06/29-dse1-irc 12:29:08 rrsagent, set log world-visible 12:29:50 SW_HCLS(DSE)8:30AM has now started 12:29:57 +Eric_Neumann 12:33:30 + + 12:34:12 +Kerstin_Forsberg 12:35:46 dobson_s has joined #DSE1 12:37:05 +Sean_Martin 12:38:35 Proposed HCLS: http://www.w3.org/2007/06/HCLSCharter 12:45:08 kerstin: need to listen to discussions (BioRDF) and keep them on track 12:45:42 Bo: if more focused, can better show benefits 12:53:57 Get informal input from pharma members within 2 weeks, formal response in 1-2 months 12:54:30 Stephen: Overview of DIA Semantic Web panel 13:04:49 +Vipul_Kashyap 13:04:53 vipul has joined #dse1 13:06:37 Does one need polymorphism background info when viewing patient associations? 13:10:30 stephen: would like to see in demo, how URIs to data get exposed, think through governance approaches on how different data gets connected 13:13:27 ... need to walk people through how to merge different data sources and ids together 13:15:00 kerstin: uri for subject and subject records need to be better clarified 13:22:59 kerstin: this could be the topic for the DSE paper 13:23:26 -Vipul_Kashyap 13:24:08 +Vipul_Kashyap 13:27:03 Vipul: HC has a well defined process for creating patient IDs 13:28:32 Also, NLM has a well defined process for creating CUIs or concept identifiers for concepts in the UMLS Metathesaurus 13:29:34 action: Eric to begin DSE paper outline; targeted for completion in Spet 13:32:10 kerstin: coming up with identifiers that work with consent policies and forms 13:33:31 http://www.commonlanguage.com/resources/commonlang/equipment_info/index.html 13:36:33 action: stephen to put together a paragraph on how patient identifiers and consent forms get connected 13:37:05 -Sean_Martin 13:37:07 -Eric_Neumann 13:37:12 -Vipul_Kashyap 13:37:16 rrsagent, draft minutes 13:37:16 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2007/06/29-dse1-minutes.html eneumann 13:37:26 rrsagent, bye 13:37:26 I see 2 open action items saved in http://www.w3.org/2007/06/29-dse1-actions.rdf : 13:37:26 ACTION: Eric to begin DSE paper outline; targeted for completion in Spet [1] 13:37:26 recorded in http://www.w3.org/2007/06/29-dse1-irc#T13-29-34 13:37:26 ACTION: stephen to put together a paragraph on how patient identifiers and consent forms get connected [2] 13:37:26 recorded in http://www.w3.org/2007/06/29-dse1-irc#T13-36-33 13:37:31 - +