19:55:03 RRSAgent has joined #au 19:55:03 logging to http://www.w3.org/2007/06/18-au-irc 19:55:10 Zakim, this will be AUWG 19:55:10 ok, JR; I see WAI_AUWG()3:00PM scheduled to start 55 minutes ago 19:55:23 Meeting: WAI AU 19:55:36 Agenda: http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/w3c-wai-au/2007AprJun/0043.html 19:55:46 Scribe: JR 19:56:02 Regrets: Tim Boland 19:58:46 WAI_AUWG()3:00PM has now started 19:58:54 +??P9 19:59:05 zakim, ??P9 is really JR 19:59:05 +JR; got it 20:01:33 +Barry 20:08:21 +Greg_Pisocky 20:16:43 Greg has joined #au 20:16:53 Scribe: Greg 20:17:07 Topic: F2F at Plenary? (5-10 November) 20:17:21 Okay 20:17:40 GP: Possibly unable to attend but Adobe will likely be able to send some one else 20:17:50 Topic: 2. Reviewing WCAG 2.0 20:18:02 Accessing Higher Ground in Boulder 11/6 - 11/09 20:18:06 Back to review 20:18:20 JR: Term robust does not seem quite proper 20:18:37 Guidelines Perceveible, Operable, Understandable, and Robust 20:19:44 ATAG says Authoring Tools must be Perceiveable, Operable, Understandable, and Facilitate Assistive Technology 20:20:32 Question, should ATAG change to Perceivable, Operable, Understandable, and Facilitate User Agents and Assistive Technology 20:21:45 -Barry 20:39:06 Topic: 1. The term "Robust"... 20:39:20 All: Will comment individually 20:39:30 Topic: 2. For the "three levels of conformance" 20:39:31 All: Will comment individually 20:39:48 Topic: 3. Maybe should add to 2.1... 20:39:50 All: Will comment individually 20:40:25 Topic: . 2.2.2 Blinking should go somewhere else 20:41:44 All: Will comment individually 20:42:01 Topic: 5. Maybe "2.4.4 Link Purpose (Context)" should just apply if back button 20:42:01 won't work. 20:44:01 All: Will comment individually 20:44:16 Topic: 6. Error Prevention - 3.3.3 - maybe Checking and confirming should both 20:44:16 be mandatory 20:46:53 Topic: Error Prevention - 3.3.3 - maybe Checking and confirming should both 20:46:57 All: Will comment individually 20:48:53 Def: Mechanism: "The mechanism may be explicitly provided ... 20:48:59 Topic: Def: Mechanism: "The mechanism may be explicitly provided ... 20:49:01 All: Will comment individually 20:50:02 Topic: 8. Def: Technology: 20:50:20 JR, GP: Think this should be persued as a group comment. 20:53:33 Action JR: Write up a way in which ATAG Benchmark can connect with "Accessibility Supported" 20:56:18 -Greg_Pisocky 20:56:20 -JR 20:56:22 WAI_AUWG()3:00PM has ended 20:56:24 Attendees were JR, Barry, Greg_Pisocky 20:56:59 RRSAgent, make minutes 20:56:59 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2007/06/18-au-minutes.html JR 20:57:08 RRSAgent, set logs public 20:57:14 Zakim, bye 20:57:14 Zakim has left #au 20:57:19 RRSAgent, bye 20:57:19 I see 1 open action item saved in http://www.w3.org/2007/06/18-au-actions.rdf : 20:57:19 ACTION: JR to Write up a way in which ATAG Benchmark can connect with "Accessibility Supported" [1] 20:57:19 recorded in http://www.w3.org/2007/06/18-au-irc#T20-53-33