12:55:35 RRSAgent has joined #forms 12:55:35 logging to http://www.w3.org/2007/06/15-forms-irc 12:55:40 rrsagent, make log public 12:56:38 wellsk has joined #forms 12:56:50 zakim, I am keith 13:01:53 scribenick: klotz 13:02:32 Steven has joined #forms 13:02:40 Charlie has joined #forms 13:03:01 scribenick, klotz 13:03:14 scribenick: klotz 13:03:34 Chair: John 13:03:53 Meeting: Forms WG Face to Face Meeting, June 15, 2007 13:06:06 http://xformstest.org/2007jun15.html 13:32:21 RESOLUTION: For http://htmlwg.mn.aptest.com/cgi-bin/xforms-issues/Actions?id=19 , the setfocus, toggle, and setindex actions will run the actions indicated by the deferred-update flags (which will clear the flags) and there no degredation in performance. 13:32:38 s/there no/there is no/ 13:33:47 s/and there is no degredation in performance././ 13:34:33 ACTION: For http://htmlwg.mn.aptest.com/cgi-bin/xforms-issues/Actions?id=19 , John Boyer to fix the setfocus, toggle, and setindex actions to run the actions indicated by the deferred-update flags (which will clear the flags). 13:34:54 http://xformstest.org/20070615.html 13:43:17 13:43:17 13:43:17 14:00:04 RESOLUTION: For http://htmlwg.mn.aptest.com/cgi-bin/xforms-issues/Action?id=27 we add the context() function to return the in-scope evaluation context element containing the attribute containing the xpath expression. 14:00:40 s/element containing/for the element containing/ 14:01:32 http://xformstest.org/20070615.html 14:03:46 http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/www-forms-editor/2007May/0007.html 14:15:35 "Full message" bug in issues system is fixed; refresh page 14:15:41 Thanks to Shane 14:24:57 RESOLUTION: http://htmlwg.mn.aptest.com/cgi-bin/xforms-issues/Actions?id=47 number 3, delay="" is the default and means synchronous dispathc with no delay; and delay="0" is asynchronous, and delay as a positive integer is a delay as currently specified. 14:26:09 ACTION: For http://htmlwg.mn.aptest.com/cgi-bin/xforms-issues/Actions?id=47 John Boyer to handle 16 editorial issues. 14:27:16 ACTION: For http://htmlwg.mn.aptest.com/cgi-bin/xforms-issues/Actions?id=47 number 3, John Boyer to change so that delay="" is the default and means synchronous dispatch with no delay; and delay="0" is asynchronous, and delay as a positive integer is a delay as currently specified. 14:27:30 28http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/www-forms-editor/2007May/0007.html 14:27:40 http://xformstest.org/20070615.html 14:28:05 wellsk has joined #forms 14:34:46 RESOLUTION: For http://htmlwg.mn.aptest.com/cgi-bin/xforms-issues/Actions?id=47 issue 16 the in-scop evaluation context is determined statically, by the lexical position of the handler definition. 14:38:59 RESOLUTION: For http://htmlwg.mn.aptest.com/cgi-bin/xforms-issues/Actions?id=47 issue 16 we agree that the in-scope evaluation context is determined statically, by the lexical position of the handler definition, and so the secondModel default submission will be used. 14:41:35 28http://www.w3.org/TR/xforms11/#action-message 14:57:21 RESOLUTION: For http://htmlwg.mn.aptest.com/cgi-bin/xforms-issues/Actions?id=47 issue 19 we decide to mirror message. 15:22:15 This is an explanation of xf:insert in terms of *nodesets*: http://www.formsplayer.com/node/339 15:22:47 My point is simply that it starts to get confusing when you want to think in terms of DOM manipulation more generally. 15:23:26 You lose the idea of nodeset manipulation. 15:24:43 ACTION: In #action-insert "Copying an attribute" example John Boyer to remove references to attribute ordering. 15:26:37 s/attribute ordering/attribute ordering and add explanations to what the examples are doing (insert attribute, copy attribute if exists, etc.) 15:26:59 http://xformstest.org/20070615.html 15:47:08 ACTION: For http://htmlwg.mn.aptest.com/cgi-bin/xforms-issues/Actions?id=51 John Boyer and Uli Lissé to create new descriptive example tables for insert and delete using one set of instance data. In general, nodeset is used when you want to pick one of the children of a node and insert before or after that node, and context is used when you want to append or prepend a child inside a node. 16:34:42 http://xformstest.org/20070615.html 17:33:13 Nick has joined #Forms 17:36:44 Charlie has joined #forms 17:47:47 ACTION: Steven Pemberton to write up example of using group to implement modal dialogs that are stylable by CSS and don't use OS windows. 18:07:53 RESOLUTION: We remove the prompt action from XForms 1.1. 18:10:02 ACTION: Steven Pemberton to write document about using parallel action/*[@if] and toggle/case to implement state machine. 18:10:09 RESOLUTION: For http://htmlwg.mn.aptest.com/cgi-bin/xforms-issues/Actions?id=74 we accept and remove prompt. 18:10:13 ACTION: John Boyer to remove prompt. 18:10:34 http://xformstest.org/20070615.html 18:32:26 5:00 local time 18:36:41 Are the dates for this year (and next) linked in to the public page? http://www.w3.org/MarkUp/Forms/ 18:38:27 thanks Leigh 18:48:45 HTML calendar in Google: http://www.google.com/calendar/ical/is1t7cbu00vvd5h1ioft1nl19k%40group.calendar.google.com/public/basic.ics 18:49:19 XForms WG calendar in Google: http://www.google.com/calendar/ical/42pvpv3126jgbjccip85b7hiuk%40group.calendar.google.com/public/basic.ics 18:53:45 You can embed this in the wiki if you like: :) 18:53:49 18:55:00 ACTION: For http://htmlwg.mn.aptest.com/cgi-bin/xforms-issues/Actions?id=84 , John Boyer to change referenced sections. 19:01:35 RESOLUTION: For http://htmlwg.mn.aptest.com/cgi-bin/xforms-issues/Appendices?id=128 we accept. 19:01:35 ACTION: For http://htmlwg.mn.aptest.com/cgi-bin/xforms-issues/Appendices?id=128 we accept, John Boyer. 19:09:15 *ping 19:09:29 RESOLUTION: http://htmlwg.mn.aptest.com/cgi-bin/xforms-issues/Controls?id=72 part 1 we accept that the wording for display:inline should be changed. 19:09:29 ACTION: http://htmlwg.mn.aptest.com/cgi-bin/xforms-issues/Controls?id=72 John Boyer to change the wording output so that display:inline should be changed. 19:09:29 RESOLUTION: http://htmlwg.mn.aptest.com/cgi-bin/xforms-issues/Controls?id=72 part 2 so that there are implementation requirements for MIPs. 19:09:29 ACTION: http://htmlwg.mn.aptest.com/cgi-bin/xforms-issues/Controls?id=72 Steven Pemberton to change the spec so that there are implementation requirements for MIPs. 19:15:30 RESOLUTION: We accept http://htmlwg.mn.aptest.com/cgi-bin/xforms-issues/Controls?id=73 with modifications; we add a value attribute to output/mediatype. 19:15:30 ACTION: For http://htmlwg.mn.aptest.com/cgi-bin/xforms-issues/Controls?id=73 with modifications; Steven Pemberton to write spec text to add a value attribute to output/mediatype. 19:25:41 Form controls must render upon request an explanation of the current state of a form control, including validity and associated model item properties. Control of this behavior should be made available to stylesheets. 19:25:59 markbirbeck 19:28:48 Form controls must provide a default explanation for the above when no user-specified explanation is available. 19:30:27 There is a draft FtF page up for Madrid at http://www.w3.org/MarkUp/Forms/wiki/FtF_2007_09 19:30:28 ACTION: For http://htmlwg.mn.aptest.com/cgi-bin/xforms-issues/Controls?id=117 John Boyer to handle all except #27 as editorial and compose reply to issue. 19:30:43 RESOLUTION: For http://htmlwg.mn.aptest.com/cgi-bin/xforms-issues/Controls?id=117 #27 we remove the two referenced bullet points about "explanation." 19:31:01 ACTION: For http://htmlwg.mn.aptest.com/cgi-bin/xforms-issues/Controls?id=117 #27 John Boyer to remove two bullet points about "explanation" in http://www.w3.org/TR/xforms11/#ui-processing 19:31:16 http://xformstest.org/20070615.html 19:35:46 http://www.w3.org/MarkUp/Forms/specs/XForms1.1/index-diff.html#ui-processing 19:37:08 RESOLUTION: For http://htmlwg.mn.aptest.com/cgi-bin/xforms-issues/Events?id=18 we accept with modifications; instead of the half-detached behavior we propose a parallel event context value listing parents of deleted nodes, with positional correspondence. 19:37:09 ACTION: For http://htmlwg.mn.aptest.com/cgi-bin/xforms-issues/Events?id=18 John Boyer to write text to add we propose context property to xforms-delete listing parents of deleted nodes, with positional correspondence and close issue. 19:45:54 ACTION: For http://htmlwg.mn.aptest.com/cgi-bin/xforms-issues/Events?id=59 John Boyer to move 4.4.20 and 4.4.21 to move to 4.5. 19:53:01 ACTION: For http://htmlwg.mn.aptest.com/cgi-bin/xforms-issues/Events?id=60 John Boyer to fix wording. 19:53:12 s/fix wording/provide proposed new wording/ 19:53:49 RESOLUTION: For http://htmlwg.mn.aptest.com/cgi-bin/xforms-issues/Events?id=60 we accept and will re-word. 19:55:14 ACTION: For http://htmlwg.mn.aptest.com/cgi-bin/xforms-issues/Events?id=61 John Boyer to add text based on text in model and close issue. 19:57:09 RESOLUTION: For http://htmlwg.mn.aptest.com/cgi-bin/xforms-issues/Events?id=95 we agree and have done it. 19:57:16 wellsk, this is for you: http://www.w3.org/MarkUp/Forms/wiki/phone_meetings 19:57:48 hx 19:57:50 thx 19:58:31 ACTION: For http://htmlwg.mn.aptest.com/cgi-bin/xforms-issues/Events?id=115 all except #15 John Boyer to make changes. 20:10:58 RESOLUTION: http://htmlwg.mn.aptest.com/cgi-bin/xforms-issues/Events?id=115 We put src back on instance. 20:10:58 ACTION: For http://htmlwg.mn.aptest.com/cgi-bin/xforms-issues/Events?id=115 John Boyer to put back in src on instance. 20:11:57 s/on instance./on instance with fallback to inline data./ 20:45:25 raman has joined #forms 20:45:50 just dropping by to say Hello before the F2F winds up. 20:49:13 ha! 20:51:25 RESOLUTION: For http://htmlwg.mn.aptest.com/cgi-bin/xforms-issues/MIPs?id=82 we agree to study John Boyer's proposal binding to text instead of first text node but not implement it at this point. 20:51:30 RESOLUTION: We defer http://htmlwg.mn.aptest.com/cgi-bin/xforms-issues/MIPs?id=99 20:51:38 RESOLUTION: We approve http://htmlwg.mn.aptest.com/cgi-bin/xforms-issues/MIPs?id=100 20:51:42 ACTION: For http://htmlwg.mn.aptest.com/cgi-bin/xforms-issues/MIPs?id=100 John Boyer to fix reference. 20:51:57 markbirbeck sorry steven turned off his laptop. 20:52:02 I'm reviewing the fanfare for Steven. 20:52:09 We're pretty much done now. 20:52:14 great. 20:52:21 have good journeys home everyone 20:52:24 bye mark 20:52:31 thank you mark 20:52:44 a useful meeting, I thought. 20:53:01 Luckily Raman stayed away. ;) 20:53:14 http://xformstest.org/20070615.html 20:53:26 See you guys soon. 20:53:39 rrsagent, make minutes 20:53:39 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2007/06/15-forms-minutes.html John_Boyer