13:57:18 RRSAgent has joined #sweo 13:57:18 logging to http://www.w3.org/2007/06/13-sweo-irc 13:57:25 rrsagent, set log public 13:57:31 zakim, this will be sweo 13:57:31 ok, ivan; I see SW_SWEO()10:00AM scheduled to start in 3 minutes 13:57:43 Meeting: SWEO Weekly Telco 13:57:46 Chair: Susie 13:57:59 Regrets: Kingsley 13:58:10 patranja has joined #sweo 13:59:11 SW_SWEO()10:00AM has now started 13:59:18 +[IPcaller] 13:59:59 uldis has joined #sweo 13:59:59 zakim, dial ivan-office 13:59:59 ok, ivan; the call is being made 14:00:00 +Ivan 14:00:06 + +1.781.662.aaaa 14:00:11 zakim, IPcaller is me 14:00:11 +bengee; got it 14:00:40 zakim, aaaa is susie 14:00:40 +susie; got it 14:00:41 +??P5 14:00:45 zakim, ??p5 is mdzbor 14:00:45 +mdzbor; got it 14:00:53 +PaulaP 14:01:45 +Dunja 14:02:01 Dunja has joined #SWEO 14:02:03 zakim, who is here? 14:02:03 On the phone I see bengee, Ivan, susie, mdzbor, PaulaP, Dunja 14:02:05 On IRC I see Dunja, uldis, PaulaP, RRSAgent, Zakim, Susie, FrankC, mdzbor, bengee, ivan, kjetilk 14:02:20 +??P10 14:02:30 zakim, ??P10 is uldis 14:02:30 +uldis; got it 14:02:39 Hi All, Sorry I have to send my regrets for this meeting. Have a nice day! 14:03:00 Regrets: Frank, Karen, Kingsley 14:03:00 FrankC has left #SWEO 14:03:05 :) 14:04:02 leobard has joined #sweo 14:04:07 Susie: abstract view on the agenda 14:04:12 hi, will call in in a minute, still in another telco 14:04:50 Susie: Dunja, Paula to give an update on the SW flyer 14:05:16 Dunja: Ian, Ivan, Paula, Dunja had a telecon yesterday 14:05:22 ...talked about the 2nd page 14:05:29 Ivan: and the figures! 14:05:50 Dunja: we try to find a good story that make people to read further the flyer 14:06:14 ...Ivan sent a couple of example stories as input 14:06:29 ...decided to leave the image with the eye out 14:06:36 ...and also the layer cake 14:06:48 ...not sure if this is a good idea 14:07:12 ...also want to make a mockup for next week's call 14:07:19 Susie: good idea to have a mockup 14:07:34 ...it helps identifying how much space we have 14:08:11 Dunja: I try to work on the content too 14:08:44 Ivan: not sure about attending EBRC 2007 14:09:08 Ivan: we should record that we've agreed on the slogan 14:09:23 Susie: 'Data unleashed' as slogan 14:09:30 +1 14:09:58 Susie: next agenda item - Logos 14:10:07 +??P25 14:10:20 leo just joined 14:10:23 ...Bengee sent out an email on a update 14:10:26 zakim, ??P25 is Leo 14:10:26 +Leo; got it 14:10:38 Bengee: not that much news on the logos 14:10:50 ...was not sure about the strategy to follow 14:11:19 ...I added a new version for the logo...a graph-like 14:11:35 Bengee: no news from GRDDL or RDFa groups 14:11:37 q+ 14:11:55 ...waiting at moment for the Comm Team input 14:12:14 ...Ivan proposed to have one version for the Comm Team to review 14:12:23 Ivan: comment on RDFa 14:12:31 ...they have something different in mind 14:12:33 +??P26 14:12:38 Zakim, ??P26 is me 14:12:38 +kjetilk; got it 14:13:07 Ivan: adding RDFa much like the case of HTML 14:13:42 Ivan: for the GRDDL case, we should wait for a reply 14:14:24 Ivan: we'll have a separate call on discussing the logos 14:14:59 Ivan: organize a Comm Team meeting after deciding on one logo proposal 14:15:22 Bengee: imput from a designer to eliminate a couple of them 14:15:36 Susie: for the slogan we had a consensus 14:15:47 Susie: is there a consensus also for the logo? 14:16:18 ...1 and 4 are my preferences 14:16:27 urls please :-) 14:16:28 Bengee: number 7 14:16:42 http://esw.w3.org/topic/SweoIG/TaskForces/Logos 14:17:57 Bengee: 9 is not bad, I like also 2, 6 is too abstract 14:18:22 ...there are at least 3 or 4, which I'd take out 14:18:35 Susie: we could do that and put the ones we like most on top 14:19:11 Ivan: Dunja, do you think you can show to your designer the logos? just for a feedback 14:19:41 Bengee: should we decide now which one we can take out? 14:19:47 Ivan: 2 and 6 14:20:06 Ivan: 5 also 14:20:11 Susie: how about 8? 14:20:46 Ivan: 8 and 9 are somehow similar 14:20:59 Susie: keep 1, not 2 14:21:05 Susie: how about 3? 14:21:16 Dunja: I can't see anything in 3 14:21:31 Susie: 3 is not in the short list 14:21:42 Susie: keep 4 14:21:56 ...keep 5, 7, 9 14:22:13 Ivan: visually speaking I like 7 14:22:31 Susie: agree with Ivan, but S is not that clear 14:22:45 Ivan: discuss this issue further on the mailinglist 14:23:29 Susie: Bengee, do you think you cand send out an email to start the discussion? 14:23:41 Bengee: should we first rearrange them? 14:23:46 q+ 14:24:03 ack ivan 14:24:06 Susie: feedback just on the short list 14:24:16 q- 14:24:18 Bengee: ok 14:24:59 +Jeff_Schiffel 14:25:00 Susie: next item on the agenda - Use cases 14:25:18 Ivan: I did contact many people to see whether they are interested 14:25:34 ...e.g. Siemens, Dow Jones 14:25:45 Ivan: they might be interested 14:26:04 Ivan: also contacted HP from the Jena group...talked with Jeremy 14:26:18 +LeeF 14:26:22 Ivan: Susie and I contacted the same person at Elsevier 14:26:33 ...might get some input from them too 14:26:52 ...nice addition if we could get som input during the next 3-4 weeks 14:27:26 Susie: next agenda item - Info Gathering task 14:27:43 LeeF has joined #sweo 14:27:47 Leo: the redirect works, graphics work, RSS doesn't work yet 14:27:56 ...we continue to test it 14:28:09 Leo: waiting for designs for the portal 14:28:52 Bengee: I took the SW Activity web page as a guideline for a design proposal 14:29:05 http://esw.w3.org/topic/SweoIG/TaskForces/InfoGathering/PortalPlans/Designs 14:29:05 http://esw.w3.org/topic/SweoIG/TaskForces/InfoGathering/PortalPlans/Designs?action=AttachFile&do=get&target=2007_06_13a.gif 14:29:23 ...based on last week's discussion 14:30:19 looks good, I think we can start with this. 14:30:22 Ivan: the only thing I have is a legal issue...we need to put on the bottom something on the W3C copyright 14:31:11 Ivan: it is not a graphical design problem, but which is the best policy about it 14:31:29 Leo: which problem do you mention? 14:32:26 Ivan: the system is based on the fact that you have CC statements for the data....but it might be the case that this will not work 14:32:34 Ivan gives a concrete example on this 14:32:47 Leo: we have to solve this offline 14:33:31 Ivan: we have a problem and we should probably solve it offline 14:34:01 ...maybe the system should add CC to the data somehow 14:34:20 Ivan: we already had a discussion with the OpenLink group 14:34:37 Leo: we planned not to build a software from scratch 14:35:06 Leo: we should evaluate some systems, as base for our choice 14:35:23 Ivan: the tool should easily generate SPARQL queries 14:35:43 ...and make a suitable output of the queries' results 14:36:02 Leo presents his solution to this 14:36:20 Leo: we should make a couple of suggestions on the wiki 14:36:37 ...I'll send an email for inviting you to comment these suggestions 14:37:24 revyu is from Tom Heath 14:37:35 q+ 14:37:49 revyu's a bit different target 14:37:49 Leo: the system is based on RDF but not finished yet 14:37:58 ack uldis 14:38:02 Uldis: revyu looks quite well developed 14:38:11 ...we can ask Tom 14:38:44 Leo: no more comments 14:38:57 -Leo 14:39:14 Uldis: we have experience w. Drupal. will add information to the wiki where appropriate. 14:39:20 please ask tom, he is cool, btw: i have a revyu account, it works, but its very alpha 14:39:21 Susie: next agenda item - Comunity projects 14:39:44 Kjetilk: I don't really have updates on the projects 14:40:08 leobard: was talking w. Tom recently. what is the exact question(s) we need to ask him? 14:40:29 if his system can be used as an engine for infogathering portal? 14:41:15 Susie: next item - Conferences 14:41:47 Susie: the conference Web site is not up to date anymore 14:42:22 Susie: it would be good to have infos on conferences on the site, such as to be able to submit papers 14:42:56 Susie: unfortunately, our paper was not accepted at VLDB 14:43:27 Susie: SW Strategy as a new (series of) conferences 14:43:36 ...deadline for paper submission is end of this week 14:43:50 -> http://www.snee.com/bobdc.blog/2007/05/chairing_a_new_semantic_web_co.html Bob DuCharme organizing Semantic Web Strategies conference 14:43:52 Susie: next item - Next F2F 14:44:20 Susie: are there suggestions on the location and time of the next F2F? 14:44:45 ...not really a good idea to colocate it with ISWC 14:45:03 ...since it is in Korea and the Tech Plenary is also in November 14:45:27 Susie: would be good to have the meeting in the Boston area 14:47:22 Paula on the next F2F of the W3C RIF WG 14:47:55 it is not clear when it is going to be for the POWDER group 14:48:43 Susie: other meetings might be planned for November 14:48:55 Susie: no need to meet in July 14:49:06 Susie: August is also not that good 14:49:31 Susie: beginning of October would be probably good, in the Boston area 14:51:31 Ivan: workshop on SPARQL on 25-26 of October...we could try to colocate our meeting with this workshop 14:51:44 time sounds good 14:51:55 Susie: I'll send an email on this to see what people think 14:52:09 Dunja: full day meeting or just a couple of hours 14:52:16 Susie: full day meeting 14:52:28 Susie: AOB? 14:52:33 q+ 14:53:19 Kjetilk: Semantic Desktop - desktop environments on Linux KDE - RDF-based requierments for the next version 14:53:39 ...might be one interesting use case 14:53:58 Susie: is this basically a tool? 14:54:18 Kjetilk: yes, it enables KDE to integrate everything with RDF 14:54:37 ...many applications would benefit from it 14:55:15 Susie: who would write such a use case? 14:55:24 Ivan: ideally those who did it 14:55:35 it's a part of the Nepomuk project, i think 14:55:41 Kjetilk: Leo might be involved 14:55:54 ...I could contact them 14:56:11 Susie: I propose to adjourn 14:56:18 Susie: thank you! 14:56:19 -Jeff_Schiffel 14:56:23 -uldis 14:56:24 -LeeF 14:56:25 -kjetilk 14:56:26 -Dunja 14:56:27 -mdzbor 14:56:29 -susie 14:56:30 -bengee 14:56:31 -Ivan 14:56:34 -PaulaP 14:56:35 SW_SWEO()10:00AM has ended 14:56:36 Attendees were Ivan, +1.781.662.aaaa, bengee, susie, mdzbor, PaulaP, Dunja, uldis, Leo, kjetilk, Jeff_Schiffel, LeeF 14:57:08 uldis has left #sweo 15:00:59 bengee has left #sweo 15:02:45 rrsagent, draft minutes 15:02:45 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2007/06/13-sweo-minutes.html ivan 15:03:28 rrsagent, bye 15:03:28 I see no action items