13:36:17 RRSAgent has joined #sweo 13:36:17 logging to http://www.w3.org/2007/05/02-sweo-irc 13:36:26 rrsagent, set log public 13:36:33 Meeting: SWEO Weekly telco 13:36:39 Chair: Susie 13:37:22 Regrets: Dunja, Pasquale, Uldis 13:47:26 martind has joined #SWEO 14:00:06 wing has joined #sweo 14:00:09 iomurchu has joined #sweo 14:00:11 zakim, code 14:00:11 I don't understand 'code', wing 14:00:13 zakim, code? 14:00:13 the conference code is 7936 (tel:+1.617.761.6200 tel:+ tel:+44.117.370.6152), wing 14:00:30 SW_SWEO()10:00AM has now started 14:00:33 +??P8 14:00:37 +[IBMCambridge] 14:00:37 patranja has joined #sweo 14:00:41 zakim, IBMCambridge is wing 14:00:41 +wing; got it 14:01:04 + +1.317.435.aaaa 14:01:07 +??P11 14:01:53 + +49.892.180.aabb 14:02:05 +??P17 14:02:15 +Karen 14:02:23 Zakim, ??P17 is me 14:02:23 +kjetilk; got it 14:02:52 Karen has joined #sweo 14:02:59 zakim, ??p8 is me 14:02:59 +martind; got it 14:03:14 zakim, code? 14:03:15 the conference code is 7936 (tel:+1.617.761.6200 tel:+ tel:+44.117.370.6152), ivan 14:03:56 +Danny 14:04:02 zakim, danny is ivan 14:04:02 +ivan; got it 14:04:05 Zakim, who is here? 14:04:05 On the phone I see wing, martind, +1.317.435.aaaa, ??P11, PaulaP (muted), kjetilk, Karen, ivan 14:04:07 On IRC I see Karen, PaulaP, iomurchu, wing, martind, RRSAgent, Zakim, ivan, kjetilk 14:05:05 Today's Agenda 14:05:09 1. Summary of F2F 14:05:14 2. Community Task actions 14:05:23 ...information gathering 14:05:37 3. Update with use cases 14:05:41 4. Logo update 14:05:44 5. Survey update 14:05:51 + +1.603.897.aacc 14:05:52 6. Progress on SW brochure 14:06:19 F2F last week in Norway, hosted by Norwegian Oil Association 14:06:47 Susie: Started by discussing progress since Nov. 2006 F2F 14:06:55 ...progress in regards to Charter 14:07:01 ...Outreach and Education 14:07:14 ...wonder how we can do more education; talking to universities perhaps 14:07:39 ...Susie to speak with Nigel [?]; spoke with Ian, thought it would be tricky 14:07:42 q+ 14:07:47 ...may not be an easy model 14:08:07 ...Ivan will also contact some people for ideas 14:08:25 ...another area in charter is organizing CIO-CTO type meetings 14:08:38 ...thinking it would be difficult to outreach to companies on our own 14:08:43 ...hard to access these people 14:09:07 ...maybe outreach one level lower, who may be more accessible than CTO-CIO 14:09:16 ...wonders about working with analysts on a meeting 14:09:26 ...for example, Gartner collaboration 14:09:32 ...or others like IDC or Forrester 14:10:01 Action: Karen to investigate analyst relations 14:10:37 Susie: would like to see more materials before we do outreach to new audiences 14:10:44 ...talked about community projects 14:10:59 ...decided to list the community projects on SWEO IG main page, 14:11:02 not just on wiki 14:11:20 ...Kjetikl and Ivan to do 14:12:06 Kjetilk: I have started but not done yet 14:12:50 ...I'll write blog post, status 14:12:58 ...not sure how much to include 14:13:10 Susie: description of community projects should be brief; 2-3 sentences 14:13:16 ...provide context in our wolrd 14:13:22 s/woldr/world 14:13:32 ...also talked about use cases, working on SW brochure 14:13:57 ...logo discussion for all of SW standards 14:14:22 ...small but productive group in Norway 14:14:34 ...second agenda item, Community Project 14:14:50 Kjetilk: no further updates 14:15:57 Susie: Updates on projects 14:16:29 Action: Kjetilk to do outreach 14:16:48 Susie: Use cases is next agenda item 14:17:25 Ivan: I actively solicited use cases 14:17:45 Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation 14:17:45 ...NFK, big Norwegian TV company has a huge archive of digitized material 14:17:56 ...presentation at conference; they said they would provide use case 14:17:59 s/NFK/NRK/ 14:18:02 ...some others I am following up with 14:18:19 ...in Boston I met June from Alzheimer's Research Foundation 14:18:26 ...she may provide use case as well 14:18:33 ...FAO Susie will review 14:18:39 q+ 14:18:45 ...Siemens, and ? 14:18:54 Renault 14:19:05 ack karen 14:19:15 ack kjetil 14:19:40 Kjetil: possible use case from ? 14:19:45 Ivan: also from Computa 14:19:48 s/Computas 14:20:34 +??P6 14:20:38 Susie: I have action item to review use cases and to email companies to establish new contacts 14:20:54 kidehen has joined #sweo 14:20:54 Susie: I saw Giles Monday 14:21:01 sorry 14:21:03 ...asked about use case from Pfizer 14:21:07 meeting overrun 14:21:21 zakim, ??P6 is Kingsley 14:21:21 +Kingsley; got it 14:21:29 ...company is reorganizing; he probably cannot provide right now 14:21:40 ...Ted Slater in Ann Arbor may be helpful from Pfizer 14:21:46 ...may have more time than Giles 14:22:22 Susie: I'll contact Sun; recent Business Week article referenced Kodak 14:22:57 Melli has joined #SWEO 14:22:58 Action: Karen to send Susie Kodak contact person 14:23:14 Susie: Chen is working on Chinese medicine portal 14:23:27 ...also Nokia for a case study 14:23:47 ...also Audi, GM, and Ford 14:24:02 ...Mary Tomale from McDonald Bradley doing defense work 14:24:20 Ivan: What I hope is after we publish first batch, we'll hear from more companies 14:24:33 ivan: you're hard to hear 14:24:41 Zakim, who is talking? 14:24:52 kjetilk, listening for 10 seconds I heard sound from the following: Kingsley (58%), martind (9%), +1.317.435.aaaa (44%), ??P11 (51%) 14:24:56 Susie: Yes, first round should help attract more 14:25:31 Susie, the Pfizer project from UK is going well, and we might be able to get a use case from them. 14:25:46 Susie: options for logos for Semantic Web 14:25:54 although Benji cannot make call today 14:26:01 ...please look at logos for next time 14:26:16 zakim, who is here? 14:26:16 On the phone I see wing, martind, +1.317.435.aaaa, ??P11, PaulaP (muted), kjetilk, Karen, ivan, +1.603.897.aacc, Kingsley 14:26:18 On IRC I see Melli, kidehen, Karen, PaulaP, iomurchu, wing, martind, RRSAgent, Zakim, ivan, kjetilk 14:26:19 ...Ian Jacobs, head of W3C CommTeam, wants to work with us 14:26:24 ...so that's good 14:26:26 s/Benji/bengee/ 14:26:42 susie hasn't got phone port.... 14:27:18 LeeF has joined #sweo 14:27:50 apologies for being late / not on the phone, everyone 14:28:17 Action: Karen to finalize SW survey summary 14:29:04 Susie: Any progress on SW brochure? 14:29:16 http://www.w3.org/2001/sw/sweo/group/wiki/Collateral_Material 14:29:17 Paula: new version on wiki 14:29:44 ...I incorporated updates based on F2F meeting; please everyone look and give feedback 14:30:00 ...made quite a few changes 14:30:31 Susie: invites everyone to look at new version 14:30:49 ...and send/email URL out to list 14:30:59 Action: Paula will send email and explain changes 14:31:17 Susie: Two sections to SWEO wiki, public and private 14:31:25 ...can you post to both? 14:31:52 Paula: I can, but thought we would only make final version public 14:32:30 Susie: it's ok to post much like the FAQ 14:32:49 Action: Paula to move to public wiki 14:33:03 Susie: Exciting that we finished the FAQ 14:33:15 ...and Ivan arranged to publish it on W3C home page 14:33:34 Karen: also referencing it for outreach 14:33:51 Susie: Wing mentioned his presentation to SiCOP went well 14:33:57 ...a US government organization 14:34:16 ...he had to do it remotely, so hard to gauge audience reaction 14:34:40 Wing: Not sure, but it was straight forward; one question about Cambridge SW gathering 14:34:59 wing: url for slide deck? 14:35:02 Susie: Likes Wing's presentation and suggests pointer 14:35:13 ...SW gathering held last night 14:35:20 ...Kingsley did nice job hosting 14:35:31 ...many extra people from BioIT World attendees 14:35:47 ...we had promoted it and can do more outreach to them 14:35:48 q+ 14:36:04 Susie: Feedback on SW gatherings; suggest that formats vary 14:36:16 ...networking, 2-3 demos, then R&D pub is format 14:36:37 ...maybe do a special gathering one month; or a demo focus another meeting; or panel 14:36:51 Susie: +1 14:36:52 ...invites comments on these ideas 14:37:43 Karen: mentions inquiries from BioIT about other SW gatherings in other cities 14:37:58 Susie: SB Forum meetings quarterly, have experts 14:38:11 ...next meeting coincides with Semantic Technologies conference 14:38:24 ...Susie and Eric Miller on panel, Google, and Booz Allen Hamilton 14:38:39 ...panel being moderated by Jeff Pollack, Oracle 14:38:42 I have a comment 14:39:20 Susie: Bengee and Leo may have participated in Web Mondays in Germany 14:39:25 q+ 14:39:29 ...nice to start a gathering in China 14:40:38 ack karen 14:40:41 ack kidehen 14:40:42 Kingsley: I have a to do item 14:40:59 ...SW Web gatherings; what's happening in Banff? 14:41:06 ...project is part of SWEO 14:41:14 ...should we merge that? 14:41:18 Susie: what is date? 14:41:31 Kingsley: 5:30-7:00pm before main event on Wed., 14:41:40 9 May 14:41:41 +[IBMCambridge] 14:41:44 -wing 14:41:58 zakim, IBMCambridge is wing 14:41:58 +wing; got it 14:41:59 Susie: encourage people to mention SWEO affiliation 14:42:12 Kingsley: we should see good exposure 14:42:32 ...lots of Europeans attending; introduce them to North American participants 14:42:42 Susie: we will skip SWEO call next week 14:42:53 ...encourage people to attend in Banff if you are there 14:43:10 Kingsley: Info-gathering form is done 14:43:16 ...should I put out a demo version? 14:43:28 Ivan: I would wait for Leo for that 14:43:44 Action: Kingsley to review form with Leo 14:43:49 q+ 14:43:55 ack karen 14:45:03 Karen: Is there an opportunity to meet anyone at SW Tech conference to talk about SWEO group in Bay area 14:45:13 Susie: Monday evening may be an open time 14:45:22 ...not sure what we could do 14:45:24 zakim, mute me 14:45:24 wing should now be muted 14:46:41 Karen: suggests possible meeting with company or university contacts about doing gatherings similar to MIT 14:47:16 Susie: SB Forum already does this in Bay area 14:47:34 ...I can send you invite; Jeff Pollack heads those 14:47:38 ...more commercially focused 14:48:14 Kingsley: we don't do too much commercial work on East Coast; 14:48:25 I'd like to get some Venture Capitalists to attend 14:48:37 ...on West Coast they talk about how to commercialize 14:48:45 ...there is an imbalance that we should address 14:48:57 Susie: maybe we do a panel at one of next gatherings with VCs 14:49:03 ...let's talk in Banff next week 14:49:14 about outreach to VC community 14:49:26 Kingsley: I expect some VCs and Angels to attend next time 14:49:34 ...I will extend official invite 14:49:57 Susie: moves to adjourn 14:50:09 ...next week's call is cancelled 14:50:12 bye 14:50:14 -wing 14:50:15 - +1.317.435.aaaa 14:50:16 - +1.603.897.aacc 14:50:17 -kjetilk 14:50:18 -Kingsley 14:50:20 -Karen 14:50:21 -PaulaP 14:50:22 -martind 14:50:22 -ivan 14:50:31 -??P11 14:50:32 SW_SWEO()10:00AM has ended 14:50:34 Attendees were wing, +1.317.435.aaaa, PaulaP, Karen, kjetilk, martind, ivan, +1.603.897.aacc, Kingsley 14:51:30 zakim, bye 14:51:30 Zakim has left #sweo 14:52:04 rrsagent, draft minutes 14:52:04 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2007/05/02-sweo-minutes.html ivan 14:53:27 martind has left #SWEO 14:54:40 wing has left #sweo 15:30:37 kidehen has joined #sweo 15:52:19 LeeF has joined #sweo 15:52:37 LeeF has left #sweo 17:20:26 Karen has left #sweo 19:20:40 ivan has left #sweo 20:16:07 kidehen has joined #sweo