12:38:10 RRSAgent has joined #dse1 12:38:10 logging to http://www.w3.org/2007/04/13-dse1-irc 12:38:21 rrsagent, set log world-visible 12:38:34 scenario draft: http://esw.w3.org/topic/HCLSIG/Drug_Safety_and_Efficacy/Scenarios/Genetic_Diagnostic_CT#preview 12:39:00 mswietek has joined #DSE1 12:39:10 linkage analysis for colon cancer contributors, would this be a whole genome scan or specific genes 12:40:21 probably do specific genotyping for cyp alleles 12:41:41 I should introduce Mike Swietek. He works at Pfizer and is in the office with me at the moment. 12:41:56 I'm just getting him familiar with the Zakim irc 12:42:26 mswietek has joined #DSE1 12:42:30 says: Hi mike 12:42:43 Hello Eric, my web browser crashed 12:43:02 this should help... http://www.w3.org/2002/01/UsingZakim 12:43:25 Thanks 12:43:52 also if you're a tekkie... http://www.w3.org/2001/12/zakim-irc-bot.html 12:44:59 Thanks again 12:45:06 for the GeneChip, I assumed looking specifically at Cyp alleles rather than whole genome-- should be more practical? 12:45:36 Probably but by the time we get to Phase 11B we're pretty confident we know what metabolises our compound 12:45:55 so we'd go with a specfic genotype test more accurate than the gene chip 12:46:20 we'd use the genechip for exploratory work to look at other possible snps in teh pathway 12:46:44 or to subset populations based on safety information, I expect 12:47:02 I can run this senario past a few of our clinicians to modify it. 12:48:17 What is the name of the Affy-Roche CYP diagnostic chip? 12:48:56 amplichip I think 12:49:08 don't think we've used it 12:49:48 Amplichip CYP 450 12:50:21 thanks... Kerstin is calling me on my phone-- should be interesting! 12:50:43 If it's just Kerstin, you and us I can send out a conference number for us 12:51:58 That's all we need-- Bo can't make it.-- thanks! 12:54:49 Numbers have been mailed to you talk in a minute 13:54:43 Action: add CT data re-use steph #6 13:55:25 action: distinguish geno screening from gene analysis 13:55:40 set up TC with Stan Huff 13:55:54 action: set up TC with Stan Huff 13:56:15 action: put together DSE paper schedule 13:56:24 rrsagent, draft minutes 13:56:24 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2007/04/13-dse1-minutes.html eneumann 13:56:34 bye rrsagent 13:56:39 rrsagent, bye 13:56:39 I see 4 open action items saved in http://www.w3.org/2007/04/13-dse1-actions.rdf : 13:56:39 ACTION: add CT data re-use steph #6 [1] 13:56:39 recorded in http://www.w3.org/2007/04/13-dse1-irc#T13-54-43 13:56:39 ACTION: distinguish geno screening from gene analysis [2] 13:56:39 recorded in http://www.w3.org/2007/04/13-dse1-irc#T13-55-25 13:56:39 ACTION: set up TC with Stan Huff [3] 13:56:39 recorded in http://www.w3.org/2007/04/13-dse1-irc#T13-55-54 13:56:39 ACTION: put together DSE paper schedule [4] 13:56:39 recorded in http://www.w3.org/2007/04/13-dse1-irc#T13-56-15