15:56:39 RRSAgent has joined #hcls 15:56:40 logging to http://www.w3.org/2007/03/08-hcls-irc 15:57:12 rrsagent, set log world-visible 15:59:07 Don has joined #hcls 16:03:19 zakim, this is hcls 16:03:20 ok, eneumann; that matches SW_HCLS()11:00AM 16:03:26 zakim, who is here? 16:03:26 On the phone I see Don_Doherty, John_Barkley, eneumann, Susie, Davide_Zaccagnini 16:03:28 Susie has joined #hcls 16:03:28 On IRC I see Don, RRSAgent, Zakim, eneumann, ericP 16:03:58 helen has joined #hcls 16:04:07 +Olivier_Bodenreider 16:04:20 Davide has joined #hcls 16:04:36 +Tanya_Hongsermeier 16:05:41 +[Agfa] 16:06:02 zakim, [Agfa] is helen 16:06:02 +helen; got it 16:06:13 + +1.617.253.aaaa 16:07:01 Tonya has joined #hcls 16:07:19 alanr has joined #hcls 16:09:11 zakim, aaaa is alanr 16:09:11 +alanr; got it 16:10:13 zakim, pick a victim 16:10:13 Not knowing who is chairing or who scribed recently, I propose Don_Doherty 16:10:38 scribe is Don_Doherty 16:11:54 [EN] Alan give a quick summary of F2F 16:12:18 zakim, scribe is Don_Doherty 16:12:18 sorry, eneumann, I do not recognize a party named 'scribe' 16:12:40 [AR] Start on getting ortholog info 16:12:40 +[IPcaller] 16:13:13 [AR] Work on disease annotations (MeSH, MGD) rat and human 16:13:45 [AR] Talk with Bill Bug and Mariane Maritone ...OWL version of brain atlas 16:13:50 samwaldmatthias has joined #hcls 16:13:55 scribe is Don 16:14:03 [AR] Cell line ontology contact 16:14:28 [AR] Models for Allen Brain Atlas triples 16:14:55 Scribe is Don 16:15:02 [AR] First model a couple of examples...John B. volunteers 16:15:11 scribe: Don 16:15:52 q+ 16:16:26 zakim, IPcaller is samwaldmatthias 16:16:26 +samwaldmatthias; got it 16:16:53 [AR] probably focus on mouse and human 16:17:26 http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-semweb-lifesci/2007Mar/0056.html 16:17:29 [AR] carefully distinguish data from things in the world 16:17:42 ack Susie 16:21:30 [EN] Action: Data conversion team will convene over telephone this week 16:21:32 Action: Demo data team to have TC/meeting this monday for deciding data conversion sets 16:22:57 data team is: AlanR, John Barkely, Matthias S, Susie S, Don D, possibly Gwen and Marko 16:23:12 [AR] Need to get Oracle up and running on a virtual machine 16:26:01 [EN] could we use XSLT? 16:26:47 Action: identify PubChem subset for demo 16:27:08 [AR] Identify subset for demo, if subset looks useful select method for conversion 16:27:40 http://sw.neurocommons.org/2007/annotations.owl 16:27:46 http://sw.neurocommons.org/2007/aba.owl 16:28:18 [AR] Annotatins for Allan Brain Atlas 16:29:00 and NLP 16:30:14 +[MIT528] 16:30:25 Zakim, MIT528 is me 16:30:25 +ericP; got it 16:32:35 [HC] Considered a demo matching synonyms across databases? 16:33:24 [AR] gene "is identified by" may be multiply valued 16:34:07 [AR] orthology information my help...based on triple store ...not synonyms 16:35:16 [AR] uses SameAs and inference 16:38:10 [HC] add layer of mapping that makes the connections 16:38:10 interesting, sounds like it could be a query premise 16:39:07 [EN] Help with the UI? 16:39:21 [AR] extend the Google maps interface 16:40:05 [AR] save annotions to triple store 16:41:42 http://prefuse.org/gallery/ 16:42:21 http://simile.mit.edu/exhibit 16:42:36 http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-semweb-lifesci/2007Jan/0229.html 16:42:43 Perfuse is thick client...Simile is thin client 16:42:57 screenshots i made of ontowiki: http://neuroscientific.net/res/ontowiki-screenshots/ 16:43:13 Ontowiki is also thin client...right? 16:44:40 Is it important if the demo is browser based or not? 16:44:56 e.g http://prefuse.org/gallery/fisheyemenu/ 16:45:10 [EN] Action: Looking at UI...Mattais 16:47:29 -Olivier_Bodenreider 16:48:22 [EN] Anyone look at Perfuse as a possible UI 16:48:27 Action: Matthias to see potential uses of Ontowiki UI, EricN on Exhibit 16:49:56 [AR] Help form what the demo will look like 16:50:19 [EN] Be creative and innovative with the UI 16:51:08 [AR] Network visualization...the reason graphs haven't been useful is due to very literal RDF to graph translations 16:51:35 [AR] among enties what info would you like visualized? 16:52:36 [EN] Meeting Monday on data and UI 16:54:00 Alan, if your case requires using some rules for your mapping, I am happy to help 16:54:24 -Susie 16:54:25 -Tanya_Hongsermeier 16:54:27 -Davide_Zaccagnini 16:54:28 -alanr 16:54:28 -helen 16:54:33 -John_Barkley 16:54:37 -samwaldmatthias 16:54:56 rrsagent, draft minutes 16:54:56 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2007/03/08-hcls-minutes.html eneumann 16:55:23 rrsagent, bye 16:55:23 I see 3 open action items saved in http://www.w3.org/2007/03/08-hcls-actions.rdf : 16:55:23 ACTION: Demo data team to have TC/meeting this monday for deciding data conversion sets [1] 16:55:23 recorded in http://www.w3.org/2007/03/08-hcls-irc#T16-21-32 16:55:23 ACTION: identify PubChem subset for demo [2] 16:55:23 recorded in http://www.w3.org/2007/03/08-hcls-irc#T16-26-47 16:55:23 ACTION: Matthias to see potential uses of Ontowiki UI, EricN on Exhibit [3] 16:55:23 recorded in http://www.w3.org/2007/03/08-hcls-irc#T16-48-27